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[ Events ] Event Cycle - 9th of August


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On 2018-08-09 07:14:52Show this Author Only

Guess i'm saving again...just want Kushina...

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On 2018-08-09 07:28:07Show this Author Only

3th saving week

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On 2018-08-09 07:55:53Show this Author Only

this game needs 5.0

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On 2018-08-09 08:18:28Show this Author Only
  • Mad_King On 2018-08-09 05:09:42
  • Calling this flash game an MMO is really reaching though. While yes, multiple people are on this game at the same time, its hardly MMO classic. People finish dailies in about 40 minutes. The timed daily events are repetitive and monotonous....and also done in a matter of minutes. Also, most people do these not because they look forward to them or because they want to....but from FEAR OF FALLING BEHIND in progress with others. I wouldn't call this stellar (or true) MMO game play if the motivating factor is that.

    Also, as I have mentioned before, people asking for content that we should have had already (or was promised us) is not unreasonable. Complaints are just one of the many factors that can light a fire under a companies arse.

    Another thing, this is literally a flash game where people are standing around for most of the day or are afk 80% of the time. Do you really think that if everything that we should have had by now suddenly got released tomorrow....would that really change/kill the game as you think it would? I don't think so in the slightest. The p2w will stay because of the money/time they invested and the f2p that are * will stay even more due to the factor that I mentioned above.....they are afraid to fall behind and lose progress.

Going to make this short since you assumed LucianX is another account of mine just because I agree to some of his points. I don't need another account to voice my opinions as you can check out my previous posts. I don't why you assumed of such a thing. Hopefully, you don't use that same tactic.

People can make complaints all they want but majority of the complaints I've seen aren't even constructive and lack of awareness of what is current happening. Like I said before, this week is expected since the past events has made a pattern to that at least one week will be like this in the event cycle. I rather know this fact than being * and get blindsided every time this type of week comes up. Saying only stuff like "bad week, boring, or even the use of emoji which weakens their argument", etc. doesn't provide constructive feedback.

I do agree browser games aren't in the same league as other mmo games but they are considered mmo. Browser games are known to have daily events to be repetitive. I've gotten used to playing browser games in the past so before coming in playing this game, I knew what to do as a f2p to avoid the beginner mistakes. If some aren't used to this, they have to considering either playing more browser games to get adjusted or choose not play since I have not seen any variation in this game model. However, the way Oasis manages is terrible. The game would have been good if they did almost exactly like Tencent. For example, what they did with giving certain ninjas a price in comparison to Tencent giving it through freely.

There are examples of p2ws (Memo and Samuel from China - people thought he left because he stopped paying for a while) who left because they have practically maxed out everything and left so this is why I think why o2ws would eventually leave if they have the opportunity to get content much quickly. If they are willing to pay that much on a game, they are capable of not caring about the time they spent playing. Wealthy people have a different sense of money compared to others. For f2ps, if content gets released too fast, the gap between p2w and us gets larger because we only have a finite amount of coupons we can spend within a certain amount of time. The more time we have the better for us to build but not a lot of time before people leave. I managed to piece jonin minato and masked man (half his coupons) freely because I had time and willing to wait. Unfortunately, when I said this on a post, there was someone who did not understand how even after me and others explaining the steps of doing such a thing. We are still under the estimated time frame of updates between Germany (even though the English server has released stuff much earlier than that) so there shouldn't be no rush.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-08-09 08:23:17.
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On 2018-08-09 08:52:17Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-08-08 22:12:23
  • Cheer up Guys . See the positive side , u can save ur coupons for next and better event , i hope next will be good



    And Hope

    Hope sooo

    And Hope again .

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-09 09:25:02Show this Author Only

the worst event cycle ever for F2P another saving week hopefully we get something worth nor worse in the next week T-T

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On 2018-08-09 09:32:24Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-08-09 07:10:17
  • Yet , this the worst MMO game i ever played . the game is good but the Management is not , the workers should be more open bout players opinion and also stop deleted what its true and dont hide what Wrong , some other MMO i played always admit and said "were sorry , we will try our best in the future for better gameplay" but this Meh . Delete this delete that .

Too true the game's enjoyable but it's oasis that's really pushed me away from the game twice now, hope things change otherwise it'll probably be the third strike and i'll be out for good. Having said that i'm a F2P on a dying sever so its not like they'll care.

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On 2018-08-09 09:44:24Show this Author Only
  • Quila1125 On 2018-08-09 04:20:13
  • I hope the jonin renewal returns before my 88 days r up. I cant afford to recharge for it right now. anything think it will return before my 88 days r up? i havent seen it return in months

There was a time when it was around dor 3 consecutive months.. then it was gonw until now if i remember correctly thats 2 months and a half.

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On 2018-08-09 10:25:41Show this Author Only
  • Quila1125 On 2018-08-09 04:20:13
  • I hope the jonin renewal returns before my 88 days r up. I cant afford to recharge for it right now. anything think it will return before my 88 days r up? i havent seen it return in months

Generally they show up like every 2 months or so. But even if they don't, I think as long as you already had a medal, it doesn't matter if is active or not when the event happens IIRC. You only need have bought it once before to be eligible for the rebate event.

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On 2018-08-09 10:27:11Show this Author Only

how to getrewards from 2nd anniversary i not log in everyday

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On 2018-08-09 10:49:33Show this Author Only


4. "Naruto's Froggy" added. Get an immediate rebate in Coupons after making a deposit! Claim other rewards every day for 6 days! A total of 7 days of fortune!

Period: August 9th - August 15th


a) During July 10th - July 18th, use ingots to make a deposit can get coupons rebate immediately and after the first day player can claim Item Packs during 7 days!

b) Players can make deposits into different Froggies! The higher ingots you deposit the higher rewards you can obtain.

c) If players don’t claim the rewards in time, they will expire!

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On 2018-08-09 11:05:09Show this Author Only

+1 to Danzo.

I do agree, game is going to fast. No way some f2p, who they claimed to be, constantly had enough coupons to get whatever they wanted everytime something was out. The timeframe is too narrow to earn that much coupons as f2p.

I get monthly card and enough to plunder 3x daily per month, thus I don't even have enough to get something I need when something is out. I still needed at least 2-3 months to actually spend large lump sump under fukuromaru's deal.

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On 2018-08-09 11:35:20Show this Author Only
  • Got_rekt On 2018-08-08 21:48:55
  • no events for f2p players lol

yeah SAd for F2p player

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On 2018-08-09 11:38:12Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2018-08-09 11:05:09
  • +1 to Danzo.

    I do agree, game is going to fast. No way some f2p, who they claimed to be, constantly had enough coupons to get whatever they wanted everytime something was out. The timeframe is too narrow to earn that much coupons as f2p.

    I get monthly card and enough to plunder 3x daily per month, thus I don't even have enough to get something I need when something is out. I still needed at least 2-3 months to actually spend large lump sump under fukuromaru's deal.

Whoa there Oasis Cheerleader.....

Many of you who hang on the sack of Oasis keep chanting the, "Things are coming out way too fast" keep forgetting one fact.....the only thing that is actually getting pushed out Read RUSHED OUT at a rapid pace are the items/ninja that COST MONEY!!

How do you overlook this? Are you just turning a blind eye to this?? Or are you really this naive? The fact that this is being done, Oasis can be the one to shoulder the reason that the P2W players are leaping ahead in power and ninjas......and you seriously think that we are going too fast on ACTUAL CONTENT that would greatly benefit F2P players? You can't have it both ways bro.

I think you are a little shortsighted when it comes to addressing this issue. You constantly complain about the people that complain, then on the same had, you praise and kiss the behind of Oasis for doing the things that you say are the problem with this game.

Also, as I have said previously, players asking for content that SHOULD HAVE BEEN OUT ALREADY (not talking about 5.0 or other nonsense) is completely justified. There is no excuse to not release these features when they should have been released already....AND when they are rushing out the money makers.

Lastly....I honestly don't understand why people like you get all bent out of shape when players declare, "Well, this is a saving week for me..." It is just their small way of saying that there is not much to offer in the way of free players, so they will save. I would continue, but I'm certain you will just find a backwards way to justify it.

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On 2018-08-09 11:47:43Show this Author Only
  • Got_rekt On 2018-08-08 21:48:55
  • no events for f2p players lol

did you think there would be?

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On 2018-08-09 12:06:33Show this Author Only

@Mad_King : I understood now why you chose this name.

First, you really need to stop assuming things that ain't. I am not Oasis Cheerleader. Their management is quite poor and I never liked it.

"...and you seriously think that we are going too fast on ACTUAL CONTENT that would greatly benefit F2P players? You can't have it both ways bro." If you can't see the contracdiction here in your own statement. The one who is blind, is probably you.

Second, I never said anything about addressing issues. I only agreed that game has gone too fast. I guess you're blind, again?

3rd, so far in this thread, not a single word I have complained about other's comments. Another blind?

4th, I never actually praised and kiss Oasis. You can go through all my threads and comments and find those for me.

5th, "AND when they are rushing out the money makers." See the point why game has gone too fast? Now go back to first thing that I quote.

6th, Never once said "it's a saving week for me." I always saved and spent on what I needed.


P.s. You can get mad all you need to keep up with your name. Peace ^_^\/

This post was last edited by Broken Screen on 2018-08-09 12:07:31.
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On 2018-08-09 12:09:35Show this Author Only

F this week we need new stuff to do like if you give us 5.0 I know a lot of people are going to stay longer and will probably be using money to lvl up their power and i know it will be good for you guy, but no you want us to leave this game,

BTW when is kushina coming back so i can get her frag i need 28 more i have 52 frag


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On 2018-08-09 12:11:00Show this Author Only

F this week we need new stuff to do like if you give us 5.0 I know a lot of people are going to stay longer and will probably be using money to lvl up their power and i know it will be good for you guy, but no you want us to leave this game,

BTW when is kushina coming back so i can get her frag i need 28 more i have 52 frag


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On 2018-08-09 13:14:17Show this Author Only

lol saving week

all ingot spending events

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On 2018-08-09 13:18:06Show this Author Only
  • KayaIminha On 2018-08-08 22:02:02
  • Lol! Colourful Balloons, Sakuras Gift, Charm Rebate and Activity Lucky Bag are all F2P Events.

theyre f2p events and they're fking useless

if you think otherwise, then you're not playing this game right or you spend huge amount of money on this

Quicky Post

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