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[ Events ] Event Cycle - 9th of August


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-09 00:08:03Show this Author Only

I dont understand US version, really.

If you're looking to CN too,

They every week getting new ninja, new update or new function.

But Why our server just getting like 1 ninja, 1 function or 1 update in 1 month?

Please OASIS...

Do something.

If you can't, give permissions to Moderator(s) for make it fast.

Thanks for read.

This post was last edited by ☪Anderム☪ on 2018-08-09 00:09:06.
  • Registered: 2017-11-24
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On 2018-08-09 00:27:04Show this Author Only

last week was * but it seems like this week is the real *
*, thats total meh events except for ur beloved p2w

nd where da hell is naruto 5.0, * ..

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On 2018-08-09 00:29:04Show this Author Only

Thank you for this. I don't have to worry about spending my coupons. Another saving week :D

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On 2018-08-09 00:52:23Show this Author Only

thank you for letting us save our cps for one more week :)

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On 2018-08-09 01:04:02Show this Author Only
  • LucianX On 2018-08-09 00:02:00
  • All these people with "Ah, another saving week" are the same people that spend half or more of their coupons on "RNG" events (like this week's Wheel of Fortune - Masked man x80 frags) and then, when other, better events are announced, you complain on the forum "* man, I wish I didn't spend my coupons last week.. Now I only need 3 more frags for X item / Y ninja, PLS OASIS BRING BACK X or Y Item/Ninja!!"

    You guys disgust me.

    As a player of MMO's for over a decade, from experience, I can tell you that you can't expect a company to bring in new stuff every single week. Give it time ffs, be patient. People been playing MMO's for years and the company that publishes said games take their time with whatever they publish, like new updates, items, characters, features etc.

    Yes, some regions got 5.0 update, and by no means I try to defend Oasis, as everyone knows they like milking a character / feature as much as they can before they implement new things, I am well aware of that, but as a player, F2P or P2W, you have to be patient with a MMO. This game just hit its 2 years anniversary, give them time for crying out loud. Nobody forces you to play this game every single day, but if you want to keep up with the power rankings, you do have to spend at least an hour or so on the game to keep up with the rankings, it's how a game built like this is meant to function.


Usually the people who lack experience in playing MMOs would be acting like this. They need also remember that this game is based on an anime that has already finished so there is a expiry date. Too fast of releases is dangerous for f2p gameplay and too slow drives p2ws being bored and quit. Our server is nowhere that slow and if some think otherwise, they need to be patient.

Some also should know this type of week is expected since it is part of the event cycle.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-08-09 01:05:38.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-09 01:08:02Show this Author Only

If you're expecting something new every week you're *ed. China went through a long period of new things not happening regularly - it's only recently they have started releasing a new weekly 'swimsuit' aka pointless ninja =L.

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On 2018-08-09 01:31:45Show this Author Only

Oasis payday next week?

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On 2018-08-09 01:51:34Show this Author Only

What is this oasis?

Empty event?

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On 2018-08-09 02:05:10Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-08-08 22:12:23
  • Cheer up Guys . See the positive side , u can save ur coupons for next and better event , i hope next will be good



    And Hope

    Hope sooo

    And Hope again .

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On 2018-08-09 02:15:38Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-08-09 01:04:02
  • +1

    Usually the people who lack experience in playing MMOs would be acting like this. They need also remember that this game is based on an anime that has already finished so there is a expiry date. Too fast of releases is dangerous for f2p gameplay and too slow drives p2ws being bored and quit. Our server is nowhere that slow and if some think otherwise, they need to be patient.

    Some also should know this type of week is expected since it is part of the event cycle.

Hmmm quite reasonable ^ ^

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On 2018-08-09 03:00:00Show this Author Only

its real tough cuz every single week I'm thinking...hmmmm they'll do better next week smh :(

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On 2018-08-09 03:55:50Show this Author Only

Losing hope here, not even one f2p event. Nice way to keep the players playing.

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On 2018-08-09 04:20:13Show this Author Only

I hope the jonin renewal returns before my 88 days r up. I cant afford to recharge for it right now. anything think it will return before my 88 days r up? i havent seen it return in months

  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-08-09 04:55:21Show this Author Only
  • LucianX On 2018-08-09 00:02:00
  • All these people with "Ah, another saving week" are the same people that spend half or more of their coupons on "RNG" events (like this week's Wheel of Fortune - Masked man x80 frags) and then, when other, better events are announced, you complain on the forum "* man, I wish I didn't spend my coupons last week.. Now I only need 3 more frags for X item / Y ninja, PLS OASIS BRING BACK X or Y Item/Ninja!!"

    You guys disgust me.

    As a player of MMO's for over a decade, from experience, I can tell you that you can't expect a company to bring in new stuff every single week. Give it time ffs, be patient. People been playing MMO's for years and the company that publishes said games take their time with whatever they publish, like new updates, items, characters, features etc.

    Yes, some regions got 5.0 update, and by no means I try to defend Oasis, as everyone knows they like milking a character / feature as much as they can before they implement new things, I am well aware of that, but as a player, F2P or P2W, you have to be patient with a MMO. This game just hit its 2 years anniversary, give them time for crying out loud. Nobody forces you to play this game every single day, but if you want to keep up with the power rankings, you do have to spend at least an hour or so on the game to keep up with the rankings, it's how a game built like this is meant to function.

And it is players like YOU that disgust me. Jury is still out on Danzo unless this is his Sock Puppet account. And are clearly a sock pup....try venting on your main account if you are that brave.

For someone that advocates patience and claims that they are a longtime MMO player, people voicing their displeasure "disgusts" you? Some patience you have. I am betting that your prime example of MMO is a range from CoD to others such as LoL or Fortenite. Maybe give FFXI a try, or even FFXIV. Those are real MMOs.

Their complaints are NOT UNREASONABLE by any stretch of the imagination. They aren't unrealistic or in my view, considered whinny. Should they have learned by now the antics of Oasis? Perhaps.....but as the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If they never EVER complain, then things would probably get done at an even SLOWER pace than they are now.

Also, this "new stuff" that these so called disgusting people are wanting are features that have since been left in the dust. Stuff that was promised long ago that we should have had before we even considered 5.0.

And consider this....the last major redeem shop update and the shop update that gave us Konan was possible BECAUSE OF PEOPLE COMPLAINING.

As a company, they can look at complaints in 1 or 2 ways:

1) An insight to what the players want and which direction they should go in.

2) Feedback due to player cultivation.

A prime example of this is from the MMO FFXI which Oasis should take notes of. Throughout the history of that game, the community took a class (Ninja) which was meant to be a damage dealer nuker with ninjutsu spells. The playerbase devised a little ingenuity of game play and created a a TANK out of it due to it's spell that created shadows which would absorb damage. The players were the ones that cultivated the change.

What was the developer response when they saw that their original intent was altered by the playerbase? They EMBRACED IT COMPLETELY and from that point forward started updating based on player feedback. Oasis could learn a thing or two.

The absolute worst thing players can do for this game is listen to people like you....that try and discourage them from voicing their concerns or gripes about this game. You should be ashamed of yourself for that.

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On 2018-08-09 05:00:52Show this Author Only
  • Mad_King On 2018-08-09 04:55:21
  • And it is players like YOU that disgust me. Jury is still out on Danzo unless this is his Sock Puppet account. And are clearly a sock pup....try venting on your main account if you are that brave.

    For someone that advocates patience and claims that they are a longtime MMO player, people voicing their displeasure "disgusts" you? Some patience you have. I am betting that your prime example of MMO is a range from CoD to others such as LoL or Fortenite. Maybe give FFXI a try, or even FFXIV. Those are real MMOs.

    Their complaints are NOT UNREASONABLE by any stretch of the imagination. They aren't unrealistic or in my view, considered whinny. Should they have learned by now the antics of Oasis? Perhaps.....but as the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If they never EVER complain, then things would probably get done at an even SLOWER pace than they are now.

    Also, this "new stuff" that these so called disgusting people are wanting are features that have since been left in the dust. Stuff that was promised long ago that we should have had before we even considered 5.0.

    And consider this....the last major redeem shop update and the shop update that gave us Konan was possible BECAUSE OF PEOPLE COMPLAINING.

    As a company, they can look at complaints in 1 or 2 ways:

    1) An insight to what the players want and which direction they should go in.

    2) Feedback due to player cultivation.

    A prime example of this is from the MMO FFXI which Oasis should take notes of. Throughout the history of that game, the community took a class (Ninja) which was meant to be a damage dealer nuker with ninjutsu spells. The playerbase devised a little ingenuity of game play and created a a TANK out of it due to it's spell that created shadows which would absorb damage. The players were the ones that cultivated the change.

    What was the developer response when they saw that their original intent was altered by the playerbase? They EMBRACED IT COMPLETELY and from that point forward started updating based on player feedback. Oasis could learn a thing or two.

    The absolute worst thing players can do for this game is listen to people like you....that try and discourage them from voicing their concerns or gripes about this game. You should be ashamed of yourself for that.

UFFF boy that was lit

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On 2018-08-09 05:09:42Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-08-09 01:04:02
  • +1

    Usually the people who lack experience in playing MMOs would be acting like this. They need also remember that this game is based on an anime that has already finished so there is a expiry date. Too fast of releases is dangerous for f2p gameplay and too slow drives p2ws being bored and quit. Our server is nowhere that slow and if some think otherwise, they need to be patient.

    Some also should know this type of week is expected since it is part of the event cycle.

Calling this flash game an MMO is really reaching though. While yes, multiple people are on this game at the same time, its hardly MMO classic. People finish dailies in about 40 minutes. The timed daily events are repetitive and monotonous....and also done in a matter of minutes. Also, most people do these not because they look forward to them or because they want to....but from FEAR OF FALLING BEHIND in progress with others. I wouldn't call this stellar (or true) MMO game play if the motivating factor is that.

Also, as I have mentioned before, people asking for content that we should have had already (or was promised us) is not unreasonable. Complaints are just one of the many factors that can light a fire under a companies arse.

Another thing, this is literally a flash game where people are standing around for most of the day or are afk 80% of the time. Do you really think that if everything that we should have had by now suddenly got released tomorrow....would that really change/kill the game as you think it would? I don't think so in the slightest. The p2w will stay because of the money/time they invested and the f2p that are * will stay even more due to the factor that I mentioned above.....they are afraid to fall behind and lose progress.

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On 2018-08-09 05:29:49Show this Author Only

Finally the medal renewal is back and the froggy! Hope the coupons continue.

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On 2018-08-09 06:40:04Show this Author Only

u use event the tommorow drees speed of light

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On 2018-08-09 06:48:44Show this Author Only

5.0 pls

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On 2018-08-09 07:10:17Show this Author Only
  • LucianX On 2018-08-09 00:02:00
  • All these people with "Ah, another saving week" are the same people that spend half or more of their coupons on "RNG" events (like this week's Wheel of Fortune - Masked man x80 frags) and then, when other, better events are announced, you complain on the forum "* man, I wish I didn't spend my coupons last week.. Now I only need 3 more frags for X item / Y ninja, PLS OASIS BRING BACK X or Y Item/Ninja!!"

    You guys disgust me.

    As a player of MMO's for over a decade, from experience, I can tell you that you can't expect a company to bring in new stuff every single week. Give it time ffs, be patient. People been playing MMO's for years and the company that publishes said games take their time with whatever they publish, like new updates, items, characters, features etc.

    Yes, some regions got 5.0 update, and by no means I try to defend Oasis, as everyone knows they like milking a character / feature as much as they can before they implement new things, I am well aware of that, but as a player, F2P or P2W, you have to be patient with a MMO. This game just hit its 2 years anniversary, give them time for crying out loud. Nobody forces you to play this game every single day, but if you want to keep up with the power rankings, you do have to spend at least an hour or so on the game to keep up with the rankings, it's how a game built like this is meant to function.

Yet , this the worst MMO game i ever played . the game is good but the Management is not , the workers should be more open bout players opinion and also stop deleted what its true and dont hide what Wrong , some other MMO i played always admit and said "were sorry , we will try our best in the future for better gameplay" but this Meh . Delete this delete that .

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2018-08-09 07:21:26.
Quicky Post

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