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[ Events ] Event Cycle - 9th of August


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-09 10:49:33Show All Posts


4. "Naruto's Froggy" added. Get an immediate rebate in Coupons after making a deposit! Claim other rewards every day for 6 days! A total of 7 days of fortune!

Period: August 9th - August 15th


a) During July 10th - July 18th, use ingots to make a deposit can get coupons rebate immediately and after the first day player can claim Item Packs during 7 days!

b) Players can make deposits into different Froggies! The higher ingots you deposit the higher rewards you can obtain.

c) If players don’t claim the rewards in time, they will expire!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-09 11:05:09Show All Posts

+1 to Danzo.

I do agree, game is going to fast. No way some f2p, who they claimed to be, constantly had enough coupons to get whatever they wanted everytime something was out. The timeframe is too narrow to earn that much coupons as f2p.

I get monthly card and enough to plunder 3x daily per month, thus I don't even have enough to get something I need when something is out. I still needed at least 2-3 months to actually spend large lump sump under fukuromaru's deal.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-09 12:06:33Show All Posts

@Mad_King : I understood now why you chose this name.

First, you really need to stop assuming things that ain't. I am not Oasis Cheerleader. Their management is quite poor and I never liked it.

"...and you seriously think that we are going too fast on ACTUAL CONTENT that would greatly benefit F2P players? You can't have it both ways bro." If you can't see the contracdiction here in your own statement. The one who is blind, is probably you.

Second, I never said anything about addressing issues. I only agreed that game has gone too fast. I guess you're blind, again?

3rd, so far in this thread, not a single word I have complained about other's comments. Another blind?

4th, I never actually praised and kiss Oasis. You can go through all my threads and comments and find those for me.

5th, "AND when they are rushing out the money makers." See the point why game has gone too fast? Now go back to first thing that I quote.

6th, Never once said "it's a saving week for me." I always saved and spent on what I needed.


P.s. You can get mad all you need to keep up with your name. Peace ^_^\/

This post was last edited by Broken Screen on 2018-08-09 12:07:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-10 08:10:44Show All Posts


You still don't see it that game is going to fast?

If they slow it down. You would get FEATURE UPDATES. That's the point. But whatever you seemed to overlook it.

No matter what people said you're not going to listen and THINK THROUGH anyway.

That's ok. #Byefelicia.

Quicky Post

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