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[ PVP ] My arena team gets all sort of interesting reactions :)


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On 2018-08-08 17:58:43Show All PostsDescending Order
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Let's start with, this is my team on arena- build long time ago to beat OP meta of 1010/Mei/Mabui. Was working magic then- is working magic now. 6 paths every month without much issues.


I'm taking pride in this, I may say :D As I'm pretty sure I was first in this version of game to run it (don't know about others, never saw this team as proposition).

And now I'm getting accused of simply COPYING this team- because like opp said: "I saw some water main running similar team!". By a dude running wind main with Minato/Iruka/Kurenai.

I would post screenshots from fights but don't wanna bring bad name to that person :) I usually don't care so much about haters, unless laughing from them- but this one was very talkative :P

Also- the same dude- talking that arena messes up init- but tries to stop my Han with Iruka from P2 smh.

So- discussion- how "copied" is this team? Opinions? Han is annoying and work so well with all Middy-chan bois and immuned Brezzies around- prove me wrong ;P


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On 2018-08-08 18:10:56Show All Posts
  • Renya1-2-3 On 2018-08-08 18:06:06
  • Nice team :D On arena i use Kushina/ Roshi..with azure but i lost with edo dei or shisui shot. Can i try your team on arena? :D

Sure thing :D It's fun to play- but gotta use brain! xD Mostly about which ninja to copy with Yagura~~ But I won't make it too easy- find out about skills/summon on your own ;)

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On 2018-08-08 18:21:26Show All Posts
  • Renya1-2-3 On 2018-08-08 18:13:55
  • Oh thank you!

    Ah one question, with this team you defact shisui or edo dei/jinpachi cambo?

Yh, defeated a lot of Shisui teams- with good skillset you will have enough chakra to use yagura R1, in case you want Shisui's barrier ;). DeiDei/jinpachi is beatable too. Kurama/roshi/earth main is bit problematic sometimes.

And ofc it helps a lot if you have higher init P1- but I am winning with lower one too. Not promising 100% win, as it's a matter of how you will use team too. And some opponents counters this one heavy. But most of fights should be easier :)

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On 2018-08-08 18:34:53Show All Posts
  • ⛧Akuma⛧ On 2018-08-08 18:31:42
  • If I only had Han :(

When all people rushed to get Roshi when Jinchu treasures landed in game- I was aiming for Han from very start. I had idea of team since getting to know skills of jinchu's

Set a goal and follow it

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On 2018-08-08 18:37:13Show All Posts
  • Renya1-2-3 On 2018-08-08 18:30:30
  • You're genius!

    As for people, there is nothing to worry about. Often people are called out there, especially when they see af or expensive team. I just ignore battle chat.

    Shisui team or edo dei is my nightmare, this team always make a lot dg and poison is not enough for this (i know i playning nooby style xD)

    But thanks for advice i check this on creazy arena! :D

Usually I just respond with " ok :) " or something like this for hate. Arena is stresfull place- gotta forgive some people

Btw- untill I got other ninjas, I was also running this team on Sage and was quite fine too ;D

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On 2018-08-08 19:36:03Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-08-08 18:49:36
  • Sorry if i say this but... Who deals damage in that team?

    Every decent kisame samehada team and every decent kushina habanero team sees at you as free food, to not talk about teams involving kurama naruto or itachi susano'o + madara or edo hiruzen. Yes, works fine against minato kurenai or shisui itachi anbu root teams and you have 50% to beat kushimaru meta, but... Imho you are lucky in your matching system.

    The reason why you are able to beat kurama roshi bee is because they place kurama in the middle line and roshi in top line but after they lost once against you and they meet you again they just put kurama in bottom line.

Yep, I must be godly lucky then 'cause rockin' that team for long time now xD As for dmg- it all depends on situation- but in most cases- removing immune with Han grants me a chance for ignite from main and also poison from Mei if my barrier is up- and many people don't use barrier ninjas now~~ And if something- I choose to copy either barrier or ninja that is best in certain situation. That for round 1 + combo is quite nice, deals good dmg and can be started from every position.

Round 2- Han and then Mei as finishing * (with kiss :P ) and again ignite +poison if everything goes good + a bit of control too~~

And it's that- I don't say it's most awesome team and not winning 100%- but it's hella lot of fun to play too, that's why i love it the most ofc there are teams that see this one as food but as long as I get to my goal with it- it's perfect for me :D

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On 2018-08-08 19:37:53Show All Posts
  • sinoaburai On 2018-08-08 19:23:41
  • hmmm,can i use that team?waiting for my free han others got him already.but back in time when gnw 1010 mabui mei ruled,that team would be a blast

Well since I post it here- then no need to ask? xD

Just i don't want to hear again that it was me who COPIED it from someone else, huff puff...

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On 2018-08-08 19:38:44Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2018-08-08 19:28:29
  • Why would we roast your team when it's already STEAMING HOT?

    I'll let myself out.

    So glad Puffin doesn't display chat

You got that right "finger guns"

Mei is love and it's pure epic when fight finish with her "kiss"

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On 2018-08-08 20:10:25Show All Posts
  • CHROLLOLUCILFER On 2018-08-08 20:06:38
  • Tiami my man everyone can get six paths as long as he has a decent team and the most important HIGH INITIATIVE !!! if u lose on ini u get rapped in arena for sure

Like I said- I am winning even with lower init. All depends on situation and use of my team- copying right ninja etc. And many times- opponents not knowing what this team can do and how it works: "looks like ninjas put on random, haha" ;)

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On 2018-08-08 21:45:06Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-08-08 21:34:57
  • the general problem of that team is full immune ninjas and heavy healing teams but... they are just not much used in ranked arena (in the sense, what do you do against a kushina habanero/han + water main, sailor sakura, tsunade sannin war full broken? Not much, but they just do not exist in ranked arena because they are weak to shisui and shisui is too common there...)

    It also has some issues in dealing with gnw super rares, but i suppose you didn't meet many teams with kurama naruto or with madara and most of the people that use kurama naruto just use that bee roshi meta with CF and put kurama always in the middle (so was a good choice your one to place han there).

Yes- of course there are ninjas/certain lineups that are problematic- and overused everywhere too, like Kurama Naruto one. But there always will be ones to beat you, no matter what team you run, right?

Met some Madara teams too- some are easy to defeat. Many of them run with root passive- Han's swoosh and it's gone. Shisui is popular with Madara- plop! And now I have Shisui~~

There's also that thing- people who run certain teams but have not the best idea on how to, what to do and when- and what their opponent is capable to do with his team- especially when it's not some commonly used one.

Maybe I will find some another interesting team to counter Kurama meta one?~~ Gotta work on it :P

This post was last edited by Tiami on 2018-08-08 21:46:15.
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On 2018-08-08 22:17:17Show All Posts
  • I❤U , Rinrin On 2018-08-08 22:15:00
  • what's your fire main talents?

Na-ah, I won't make it so easy for anyone Use combo calculator and take some time thinking what that team needs the most- the way i did it, hahaha

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On 2018-08-08 23:19:34Show All Posts
  • sinoaburai On 2018-08-08 23:09:56
  • so here we go,hmm 4th standard for dmg would be good but that 3rd sandard would make is cancerous,but it wont be carried til next round so im with 4th maybe?

    genjutsu rerutn all day-everyday,since youre with han youll destroy any kind of buffs so its the only choice from first passives

    you might be using bani chakra,to be able to use yaguras mystery round 1 and you also mentioned right chakra thingie above as well

    as summon mystery katsuyu or shiba.

    simulator says DOH and 4th chase 8 combo.

    but gamaken and imprison 7 combo.

    personally i would go with 7 combo one.because of added damage of imprison which you can apply after cleaning up with han.

    now tell me how i did?

    im bit nervous but i hope i got them (well most of them) right?

Standard good :)

As for summon- it's funny thing because yes- Doggy of hell is better one- but since I created that team before I got it- and it was the one summon I was missing for loooong time xD - I was always running it with Shark and with same naicu effects- you get ignite from main in chase too- while with doggy- blindness.

Gamaken combo is also a nice version! it's quite flexible team when it comes to this, I would say :D

Mirror return is your friend~~ but when you meet aother mirroring ninjas- then think about Yagura, to create some nice reflections "combo" ;D

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On 2018-08-09 00:36:17Show All Posts

And well- Shisui? Higher init? Meeeeh, not so scary~~

A fight from moment ago (opponent had higher init both overally and P1):


Although that team of his is quite new to me, hmmm~~ Always nice to see some new ideas and creative teams :P

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On 2018-08-09 00:44:31Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2018-08-09 00:38:38
  • I don't understand all this hate from "copying" teams. CN has probably used all the teams we have at our disposition. So even those running "new" teams are probably copypasting some chinese guy's team.

    As far as i care, i'm using this team in arena.


    And yes, it's copypasted from CN. And yes, i've won my place with the 6 paths in like 30 minutes without losing a match (yet...). And i couldn't care less for those who try to mock me in arena... winning is more than enough.

Haters gonna hate~~ best is to not look at chat while arena, I know

And copied teams are problem to some- but I don't see why people shouldn't use tested and working lineups if they can. But also that- I'm all in when it comes to building some new and more creative teams- but since Cn version gets everything faster- then most of good combinations were already used, tested and will be copied or not in our version.

Anyway- everyone should fight with whatever they find good and comfy, right? And whatever it takes to get the goal :D

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On 2018-08-09 15:16:20Show All Posts
  • 19meatballs On 2018-08-09 13:23:52
  • can this teathreat shisui or the kushimaru-jinpachi combo tho ?

Kushi-Jin teams are not so hard to beat once you Han them down- 'cause they usually run with root/shields from Sasori etc. And if your opponent is faster, wait for him to go with Kushimaru- mirror debuff- continue fight~~

Shisui- I've seen quite a lot teams with him- when opponent is faster with barrier- you can copy it. Your team can reflect debuffs- if opponent is not smart enough, he can chaos own team. Rest depends of what exact lineup he run. Main standard triggers dodges even if Shisui or other dodgy boi is hidden in middle of lineup~~ It's very situational when it comes to certain teams- but if your opponent lineup rely on temporal buffs/auto barrier- you can get upper hand easily.

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On 2018-08-11 17:16:35Show All Posts
  • Exvius On 2018-08-11 17:13:37
  • I fought someone today who was* using the same lineup as yours and I was like,


    but it was not you . my bad

Hahahaha xD Nah I'm all done with ranked arena for this month, if that was there I'm from server 318 too, if someone wanna catch me

I guess that team might get more popular now, hehe

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On 2018-08-11 20:54:41Show All Posts
  • I❤U , Rinrin On 2018-08-11 20:28:24
  • thank you for sharing, i love this formation :), figured all necessary talent from other user comment here

You're welcome :D


Have fun and good luck on arena!

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On 2018-08-12 03:58:19Show All Posts
  • ☪Anderム☪ On 2018-08-12 03:50:33
  • Talent

    4 4 4 2 2 Dog of hell


Yep this can work too, but I prefer other option, with different summon and chase ;P

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