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hashirama ego rebate worth it


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-08 10:38:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello Everyone,

The current seal scroll rebate gives 2 Hashirama edo tense frags to do 500 seal scroll pulls during the event.

If my goal was specifically to get Hashirama, would it be worth it to do the 500 pull, or just do 300's to get the maximum amount of scrolls?

Also, do you think this will be the 500 pull prize for a while or just for this event?

Thank you!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-08 12:21:55Show this Author Only

Actually, that Edo Hashirama Fragments from doing 500 Seal Scroll Rebate has been there since last month .. Check this thread that i made when i found out about this new rebate reward, someone replied and explained it and you'll find your answer for your question ..


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-08 13:02:34Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-08-08 12:21:55
  • Actually, that Edo Hashirama Fragments from doing 500 Seal Scroll Rebate has been there since last month .. Check this thread that i made when i found out about this new rebate reward, someone replied and explained it and you'll find your answer for your question ..


Thank you very much, this answered it perfectly!

I'm not going to do the 500 rebate. I am going to naruto kurama mode as well as Hashi.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-08 20:44:05Show this Author Only

Allow me to elaborate further for those that are interested (read below).....for those that are impatient: the short answer is no.

This particular rebate is currently no longer worth it if you are going for GNW treasure (which you should be, no matter what you want....the three super rares are just forever endgame ninjas). I say this rebate isn't worth it because you are sacrificing everything for virtually no gain whatsoever. Why? Because twofold: they replaced 10 seal scrolls (temp scrolls) to make way for 2 edo hashi frags. So you get a rebate of 44 seal scrolls and 2 hashi frags. Now one may argue that getting a guarenteed 2 frags over 10 seal scrolls is better.....but you had to go an extra 200 seal scrolls to get there.

In the other rebate, (that is still 300 seal scrolls) you gain a total of 66 seal scrolls (Permanent, not temporary). You also get 36 seal scrolls for up to the 200 rebate. So if you were to do this rebate twice with your 500 scrolls, you would get a total rebate of 102 seal scrolls. This is progress towards your second super rare AND you really have a better shot of pulling Edo Hashi frags twice....which will already give you a minimum of 2...but a max of 4.

Also, lets be really honest here, most people will save an extra 64 seal scrolls by the time they are waiting for the next rebate around, so therefore you will get max rebate twice over vs the 500 rebate.

Mathematically, it doesn't make sense to pull from here at all......unless in the very rare cir*stance that you have already completed every pull from GNW treasure and you are going after ninja in other treasures that the good rebate doesn't cover. That really is about it. This treasure gives less rewards and requires MORE seal scrolls. Not really viable, especially to F2Ps.

Now if they made it so you got 10 Edo Hashi fragments, then I could make a case for it, but just a measly two is bait if ya ask me.

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On 2018-08-08 21:45:26Show this Author Only

its not worth. 2 fragment is the worst bait ever. This event only for big whales. End of story

Quicky Post

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