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[ Lineup ] Fighting Fires as Lightning


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-03 12:21:07Show All PostsDescending Order
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Okay, I never had problems with anyone specifically until 55. However, the combination of a fire's ability to have reflect, cure 2 ails for +20 Chakra and sleep on standard seems so unbalanced. They c*so take ignite or seal, which are two great moves.

If anyone has some general tips, that'd be great. I feel like I have to take Naruto to even handle, because my clone talent will die in 3 turns and prevent me from actually taking a useful skill, or puppets die in a turn and that unit is useless for the next few turns.

How the heck are you supposed to beat them if they're remotely close to you? The CC is crazy.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-03 13:13:41Show All Posts
  • BlackDrakeX On 2016-09-03 12:38:09
  • I hesitate to answer being that I'm a fire main but here goes.

    The reflect only reflects one ailment per turn. If you inflict more than one say with the AOE paralysis skill only one character will be unaffected.

    Kurenai has the same reflect skill. It will bounce back even the reflected status. Unfortunately who it lands on is random.

    Fire Mains using control skill sets tend to have weak offensive output as a character. Instead that team will most likely have another character that either the fulcrum of a long combo or a damage dealer in the form of Multi Ignition or Poison skills. This character is most likely soft. Find it and kill it asap the skill for targeting low hp targets with multiple basic attacks should greatly help this.

    That's enough treachery from me. There should be enough info to be able to make me regret doing this.
I have Kurenai. The problem is turn 1 you're sleeped unless you use a puppet, or clone.

Which greatly limits ninja choice, and the puppet or clone dies in one turn and the hurt is already back on next round. Naruto and Kurenai seem almost mandatory. Also, you can't have Naruto in slot one, so you're guaranteed to be outsped.
The info about targeting the combo characters helps, I guess that's the only remedy.

It's just frustrating to see how hard fires counter lightning. I imagine the clone spam of winds have it much easier. This post was last edited by Akamu at 2016-9-3 13:14
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-03 17:00:11Show All Posts
  • ElectrickX On 2016-09-03 14:13:20
  • Well fire is a good main but its not just the main. Its your team, when your a lightning main the hardest thing for a f2p player is to find a NEW team. If you * with hinata your gonna lose alot to other mains. Because most people seem to put there main in the first move and put it down to speed. Pretty much any main can beat you at this point if they play smart. Put kankuro in the team and put him in the back. Make sure the puppet isn't a meat shield. A lot of people think its good to hit hinata on the first round with him but hes also very good for hitting that main in the first move spot. If that main gets hit instant combo on him in round 1. If your a lightning main fighting a fire main now your spec is gonna finish him problem solved. The only reason there OP is because your probably fighting with the trended characters. Its there way of countering you in the first place. So change it up.

    This game isn't meant to be 1 team wins all. You c*ways counter them some how but is changing your team to beat that 1 guy worth it?
I know how the priority positioning works. My point was that if I'm across from a fire main, I'll be put to sleep round 1. Anywhere in the front row runs this risk, but somewhere the fire main is putting SOMEBODY to sleep.

And yes, you can combo with the remaining three units who aren't asleep, but you won't kill them with only three right off the bat. He still has full use of all four units. Round one ends and the mysteries come up; if you're in first priority, odds are you've been slept. If you're not, you're going to be outsped because of placement and you're going to get hammered hard with likely two of your units burning, meaning round 3, somebody is incredibly crippled and you're still fighting with 3 units.

If you try to CC him, you can't do it reliably because before he acts he'll rid himself of 2 debuffs and he's still sleeping you.
The only ways I've seen to even be competitive is to take clones or puppets and bring Kurenai as she's practically mandatory, or you'll just be paralyzing yourself and further breaking combos to just two units.

So my question: would it be recommended to bring a unit that can cure 2-debuffs a turn as well? It feels like we're incredibly limited with units because if you don't bring Naruto you're going to be down a unit. Is Kabuto great for this? I haven't gotten him yet, but I can see how clones would be helpful while he cures 2 debuffs... but still, it's incredibly unbalanced as a lightning main. At least from what I can tell.
Quicky Post

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