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[ Plot ] Tiny bit of plot flaws


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  • Registered: 2018-07-19
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On 2018-07-31 16:01:25Show All PostsDescending Order
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Did none of you fans of naruto series wondering these several simple questions:

1. why Naruto last name used his mother family name thats "uzumaki", while his father last name is "namikaze"... even if "uzumaki" clan are superrior but on easter culture last name should taken from father bloodline. same like 1st hokage married with member of "uzumaki" but yet still using his last name. and this bring to another questions:

2. if naruto is legit the son of 4th hokage. then why its like the entire village doesnt seem to remember "the hero" that save em have a son, its not like kushina just get birth to naruto like 1 mnts, she still get pregnent for 9 months and we can see her belly is big. so its an absurd thing if they have respects for the persons who safe em and make their orphan son being bullied and keep him far away. even if they are scared about 9th tails. from that many people on that village even jonins or genins seem hateful to naruto for no reasons at all like iruka sensei etc. if the sole reason are 9th tails then this village moral are on the pit of hell.

3. the incoming of edo-tenset all hokages on battle field obito saga. well, they have like 60 foots of their face on solid rock dude. yet none of the rest of shinoby known them already. minato have to explain his self to sakura that he's 4th hokage.

4. why karin c*e "uzumaki" skill chains. but no 1 wonder why nagato never use it on edo tensei to lock 8th and 9th tails why bother use ningendo and other 6th path skills, that chain is much better to use vs tails beast, and why naruto never develop this skill?, "looks like karin just awakening his uzumaki jutsu" as orochimaru said while karin destroying yamoto wood 100 hands statue, so by general idea, every member of uzumaki clan c*e this.

5. why obito and madara c*e "uzumaki" chains to bind tail beasts? to be noted "1st hokage" are not "uzumaki" he is a "senju" same thing as "byakugan/hyuga" and "sharigan/uchiha" they can't cross over their eyes, neither the body power of "senju" and "uzumaki".

6. a. timeline. from kaguya era to hagoromo. its 1 generation. from there its take ages to the point where asura and indra reborn as "madara" and "hashirama", and only need 3 generations timeline to reborn again, since 1st hokage and 2st life on same era, 3th hokage is the 2nd generation so on and so forth. and yet there are 2 indra's and 2 asuha's on final arc even if thats an edo tensei, then why the spirit of real "indra" and asura" never came up since "madara" and "hashirama" seem seperated entity with "naruto" and sasuke".

6.b. since hagoromo era till naruto era, its seem no 1 can manage merged "senju" dna with "uciha" dna. since danzo and orochimaru fail zillion times, and many test subject are dead, only "yamato" survives. so that telling us not every 1 can survive using this method to gain "senju" power, and yet its not that hard to implant it into danzo, kabuto, sasuke, obito and madara, oh yeah put that tons of white zetsu on the list too, since they all use hashirama dna. without any trouble whatsoever they all sync well without side effects or die on process.if "tech" is the answers then why on boruto this method seem fade away? naruto arm? well hes a uzumaki dude, even on naruto part 1 he can heal his own wounds like on 6 tails transformation peel his skins.even without hashirama dna which still the same share blood line "the body" power its not a big deal for kurama.

7.a. edo tensei. so its can make fake renningan with 99% same as the real thing. unlimited cakras. cant be killed except with light and darkness element like that 6th path naruto b4lls. and its re-alive at their peak when they are alive. several question arise: why edo-tensei 3rd hokage is old? and yet edo-minato never alive to working together with kurama yet known his name, since its never reveal to him, its only reveal to naruto. if the answer is " he been training on afterlife" well this is afterlife we are talking about.if any ninja can training on afterlife why madara,hashirama and all of other edo-seem never been in training on hell? not to mention his sage mode, his kurama mode. etc. and why nobody use edo-tensei again to make a renningan copy/clone obito and give his kamui to 7th hokage? or just edo-tensei madara and give it to naruto. since he has the power to do so and its not like any of em will reject this idea, after all hes hokage bro... he need the power to protect konoha.and i think any kages like gara,etc doesnt mind at all since they all life on harmony and they are naruto close friends too.

7.b. did u remember when orochimaru do edo-tensei 1st and 3nd hokage on naruto part 1 vs 3rd hokage? why hasirama never use his sage mode, or his 1000 hands statue, or tobirama zillion bombs like on vs obito junchuriki. and did u recall orochimaru said "hashirama is different, he can undo edo tensei / the mind control/ the resrict at any time as he please" when orochimaru edo-tensei em when sasuke ask orochimaru at GNW.

7.c. did u recall when jubito was born and 3rd hokage test him out and get 1 shot with his "6th path ball"? and destroy half of his upper body? then why he's still alive? why minato hands have different result? or tobirama get 1 shot by jubito and afterward use paper bombs.

8.uchihas: simply broken. its said to use chidori limited 3x a day since its burn so many cakra, so with that being said, we all known uchiha body is not the best, but "senju" or " uzumaki" is the best. since its can hold so many cakra or born with huge cakras like hashirama. so the cakra holder on sasuke for example from naruto part 1 - the end of shippuden. its rapidly grow like zillion times even naruto with natural born as uzumaki and with kurama on it doesn't have this grow. unlimited susanoo, even itachi use susanoo on short period of time like on battle with sasuke, kabuto, and when he sealing nagato. so its mean its drain cakra alot. and yet no problem with sasuke, and over use amaterasu too, pre-obito, madara-kaguya and vs naruto. or another example rine jutsu on obito, man.. for a jutsu exchange life force to bring other to life.... he's simply doesn't die... its take like a lot manga chapter/anime series, since marada gain his true body till obito finally die and he still can give kakashi a freakin susanoo too. the rules are u die by doing this jutsu instantly like nagato or chiyo(similar). and 2nd u die if tail beast extract from u like on naruto, gara, and all other jinchurikies. why's this dude wont die? even the great madara is dying and cant even standing when his power taken by kaguya.

this is for fun only bois, dont blast me. ps: english is not my 1st language. sorry its the grammer lame...xd

This post was last edited by BObox on 2018-07-31 16:01:25.
  • Registered: 2018-07-19
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On 2018-07-31 16:06:03Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2018-07-31 15:55:58
  • I can answer the Orochimaru Edo Tensei question. If I remember correctly, it was a flawed and not complete technique, I think? Can't remember lol

if its a flaws or incomplete jutsu,then even tobirama as the founder of this jutsu can break very easy or without a sweat.not even have to mention this jutsu from hasirama perspective. maybe its a kids play?lol

  • Registered: 2018-07-19
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On 2018-07-31 16:52:44Show All Posts
  • Raiden Asakura On 2018-07-31 16:17:48
  • 1. As much as I am aware, Kushina didn't change her name after the wedding, kinda-sorta very opened marriage. Probably Hiruzen just left Naruto with his mother's name (just a theory) to protect baby Naruto from people, looking for the son of Namikaze, the Yellow Flash. But it's just a plot hole.

    2. Despite the sacrifice of Minato, people were afraid of Naruto, believing that the chaotic evil chakra of the Nine-tails will simply devour his own and turn him into evil entity. Pretty much they believed the boy is pretty much dead and it's just a shell for the 9tails. This is (possibly) symbolic of how people are blinded by hatred.

    3. I believe that people did not recognize the hokages, mostly because very small part of them remember them alive and I hardly believe that the faces on the hills above Konoha are really that accurate representation. Also most of the shinobi on the field are not from Konoha and dont recognize other's villages kages. (DESPITE ON THE BACK OF MINATO LITERALLY WAS SPELLED FORTH HOKAGE!!!!!!!!!)

    4.Karin probably either had affinity toward that skill, or was taught to it before meeting Orochimaru, or most likely - PLOT DEVICE and LAZY WRITING.

    5. Plot device and lazy writing

    6. Same from no one

1. to be fair, on easter culture the wife will keep their last name, and this anime influnce by this easter theme and its fortified by other character on the series they all use their father last name. but i cant agree more its a plot hole.

2. an "evil entity" that scream alot and willingly to share his "will" in the open and quite alot too and loud too.XD, this is a broken logic... i mean hiruzen are crap and failed on so many aspect. he cant make a statement and clear his name from blindful hates?or anybody that involved with 9th tail attack that still alive defending this lord..... this people has no moral.why do naruto even bother to protect em from mugen tsukoyomi....LOL.. its a joke my friend.

3. dude, these guys are like "president"s or "king"s.. for an example in real life even i never meet first hand the president or a king,but i do know how their face looks like.1 known as the "god of shinobi", 1 known as "the founder of konoha militer, the other 1 known as "yellow flash", and the last 1 known for his ablitity to used all 5 element... i mean they all have books right? and none seem to have a picture of kages, or a hand drawing ... dude they only learn ninjutsu/tai and yet failed to mention those heroes, and other village make jonin/genin trial on konoha like with "gara" on naruto part 1. and their faces are on 60 feets rock!!!! u dont even have to be on konoha to see their faces, its crystal clear from 15km by naked eyes...LOL

4, i think it was mention by back story about hashirama and uzumaki clans. they are known by their sealing jutsu, even the elder that are male can perform sealing justu, so its not exclusive for female, yes kushina was training to be jinchuriki but she is the choosen 1 that are fit to contain kyubi.but she was born with those power, its a jutsu exclusive for this clan cant be perform by other clans.

8, nah, it never been reveal to get a chunk of cakra pool except u have "senju" dna or any kind of "the body power of 6th path". look at kakashi when he train naruto to gain "wind shuriken jutsu", its been explain that he dont have that much cakras. i mean he's 1 of genius ninja and yet even hes awere his limitation but fail to increase his cakras pool, i just think there are no other ways since the story telling us that, well for the case ginkaku or kinkaku... they are not gaining more cakras pool but more like stealing kyubi cakra/natural enegry that contain light and darkness which are superior than other 5 basic elements.... and its never justifed by any characters that they c*e less cakra to perform susanoo,amaterasu or any those lines unlike rasengan variants that can be mini or planet size.

maybe all of this number are tiny plot holes and plot devices, and yeah why they dont use those kinkaku and ginkaku tools to sealing those OP ninjas. XD

This post was last edited by BObox on 2018-07-31 17:06:32.
  • Registered: 2018-07-19
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On 2018-08-01 14:44:29Show All Posts

@arkoz : yes indeed, but as far how the story goes back and forward that tiny details seem bugging. i think as a whole story, naruto was doing pretty a good job, with minor adjustments, well hey even the legendary dbz have plot holes too, but some what still justified by plot device. and i think the way naruto shippuden end might the near awesome ending if not boruto came out and destroy all of that. its push kaguya clan broken even further. maybe similar to "bleach" after aizen saga....

@taimi : nah.. hidan is near broken for a story telling as it related to orochimaru ego to gain eternal life (even if he was on akatsuki). but i think most of u already know that.

get some ice cream bro... this is a lil chat. don't over thinking it... xp

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