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[ Events ] Great Plates Event [Discussion Thread]


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On 2018-07-27 23:39:49Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello everyone, i would like to invite you all to join in this discussion regarding the "Great Plates" event this cycle .. I know some people still holding on to their Coupons and waiting for other peoples to post their earnings by spending in this event, that's why i thought that it would be great to have a discussion thread where we can post our earnings and update it when we use keys again .. In this way, some people who lurks here in forums that only looks for some ideas will get some infos about what they are looking for ..

So, this is my earnings so far from participating in this event, as of now (07/27; 19:00HK), i only used 40 Free Keys and spent 1000 coupons :

# .UPDATE 1 (07/27; 19:30HK) : I spent another 500 coupons to get 50 keys. (Total Free Keys : 40 | Total Spent Coupons : 1500)

Minato Namikaze [Fourth Hokage] ----- 2 Frags [Update1 : 0 = 2 Frags]

Kakashi [Shonen] --------------------------- 18 Frags [Update1 : +6 = 24 Frags]

Masked Man ---------------------------------- 5 Frags [Update1 : +2 = 7 Frags]

Myoboku Grasp ------------------------------ 124 Pcs [Update1 : +32 = 156 Pcs]

Medium Refine Rune ----------------------- 10 Pcs [Update1 : 0 = 10 Pcs]

Mood Scroll ------------------------------------ 46 Pcs [Update1 : +10 = 56 Pcs]

Seal Scroll ------------------------------------- 10 Pcs [Update1 : +3 = 13 Pcs]

Coins -------------------------------------------- 45 times * 50000 = 2250000 [Update1 : +16 times[800000] = 61 times[3050000]]

Gonna update this information later if i decided to spend more or with the free keys that i will get this next coming days ..

Thanks :)

Note : The numbers of my earnings may not be accurate as i counted it 1 by 1 from System Channel and not from the inventory since some of the items are obtainable also from other features of the game.

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2018-07-27 23:39:49.
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On 2018-07-27 19:10:15Show this Author Only

This shows the event is still pretty good.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-27 19:14:38Show this Author Only

only 80 free keys

Minato Namikaze [Fourth Hokage] ----- 2 Frags

Kakashi [Shonen] --------------------------- 6 Frags

Masked Man --------------------------------- 9 Frags

Myoboku Grasp ------------------------------ 28 Pcs

Medium Refine Rune ----------------------- 6 Pcs

Mood Scroll ------------------------------------ 21 Pcs

Seal Scroll ------------------------------------- 4 Pcs

Coins -------------------------------------------- 21 times

This post was last edited by sahiku on 2018-07-29 20:54:49.
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On 2018-07-27 19:18:21Show this Author Only

Lol last time with only 1k cp i got 42 frags for kushina 28 for masked man, 5 seal , 10 medium , 4 frags for shisui and 100 graps i dont remember how much coins i got or mood scroll sorry , i think its worst now( the event ) or i had luck last time xD i think i will keep my coupons cuz i already have minato hokage and kakashi kid is the only ninja i want from this event but its just too expensive for a usless ninja and you need him only for bond ... merged servers got him free oasis should put him in bond treasure( in my opinion) ...

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On 2018-07-27 19:53:49Show this Author Only
  • san21 On 2018-07-27 19:18:21
  • Lol last time with only 1k cp i got 42 frags for kushina 28 for masked man, 5 seal , 10 medium , 4 frags for shisui and 100 graps i dont remember how much coins i got or mood scroll sorry , i think its worst now( the event ) or i had luck last time xD i think i will keep my coupons cuz i already have minato hokage and kakashi kid is the only ninja i want from this event but its just too expensive for a usless ninja and you need him only for bond ... merged servers got him free oasis should put him in bond treasure( in my opinion) ...

Yeah, i do agree at some point about the Ninja Frags drop, it is much better before than we have this cycle, maybe it's because of the rarity of the available ninjas this week .. But for me, i just want to gain power from this event and so far, i got 1126 power increase from my spending and free key usage .. Plus the Mood Scrolls for my upcoming ninjas and Seal Scrolls, the other items is a bonus for me ..

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On 2018-07-27 20:33:09Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-07-27 19:53:49
  • Yeah, i do agree at some point about the Ninja Frags drop, it is much better before than we have this cycle, maybe it's because of the rarity of the available ninjas this week .. But for me, i just want to gain power from this event and so far, i got 1126 power increase from my spending and free key usage .. Plus the Mood Scrolls for my upcoming ninjas and Seal Scrolls, the other items is a bonus for me ..

How much did you spend for 1,1k power? i have at the moment 2375coupons

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On 2018-07-27 20:35:25Show this Author Only
  • san21 On 2018-07-27 20:33:09
  • How much did you spend for 1,1k power? i have at the moment 2375coupons

I spent 2000 coupons and used 40 free keys .. I only did Myoboku Oil Cultivation and got 1.1k power ..

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On 2018-07-27 20:42:17Show this Author Only

Hmm sounds intresting i really wanted kushina frags :(( i have 47/80 and masked man 32/80 but now its only 1 frag for masked man :( but 1,1kpower from 2k cp its nice hmm im not sure what should i do =))

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On 2018-07-27 20:51:53Show this Author Only
  • san21 On 2018-07-27 20:42:17
  • Hmm sounds intresting i really wanted kushina frags :(( i have 47/80 and masked man 32/80 but now its only 1 frag for masked man :( but 1,1kpower from 2k cp its nice hmm im not sure what should i do =))

I really don't know if 1.1k power for 2k coupons is worth it since this is my first time to participate or spend coupons on Great Plates since this event has been always together with Lucky Star Wheel this past months and i've been spending all my coupons on Lucky Star for Angel Konan frags .. But i'm happy and satisfied for what i am getting from the event, and planning to spend more or buy the last cloth that i don't have which is Kimono ..

If you plan on getting power then you may consider spending in this event but if you wanted to finish your ninja Kushina or Masked Man, this is not the best option for you .. But at least, if you go for power in this event, you will able to get at least a few fragments of Masked Man .. For 2k cps and 40 free keys, i already got 7 frags of Masked Man tho i know this is very low considering his price in Treasure of Sage is around 110cps+, but at least the power gain is always good and never been bad ..

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On 2018-07-27 20:58:03Show this Author Only

I have a plan xD i think i will save 25k cp and wait for a week when we will have grate plates and fukurukamaru deal , cuz i will get the ninja from grates plates ( this week is tobirama) and some stuffs from fukurukamaru deal xD

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On 2018-07-28 07:42:30Show this Author Only

talking from my standing as f2p and high level 2k cps for 1,1 k power is definetely worth it i spent as well and got a good amount of power from myoboku oil since is a new function for us and its now the best way to get some power.... also to get so much oil from an event , it will be definitely rare in the future to have such a chance!!!P2w have better chance to get it because of the rebates where they can get it but for us doesnt go that well :'D

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On 2018-07-28 08:48:52Show this Author Only

100 keys for now

Update (1) 27\7 / Update (2) 28\7 / Update (3) 29\7 / Update (4) 30\7 /

Minato Namikaze [Fourth Hokage] ----- 1 Frags [4] +1

Kakashi [Shonen] --------------------------- 2 Frags [4] +1

Masked Man --------------------------------- 5 Frags [2] +1 / [3] +2 / [4] +2

Myoboku Grasp ------------------------------ 12 Pcs [2] +10 / [3] +4 / [4] + 5

Medium Refine Rune ----------------------- 3 Pcs [3] +1 / [4] +1

Mood Scroll ------------------------------------ 6 Pcs [3] +8 / [4] + 2

Seal Scroll ------------------------------------- 1 Pcs [2] +2 / [3] +2 / [4] +2

Coins -------------------------------------------- 12 times [2] +11 / [3] +4 / [4] +6 -__-

and let see tomorrow :|

This post was last edited by Raizel Di Cadiz on 2018-07-30 13:04:50.
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On 2018-07-28 09:08:54Show this Author Only

Did 180 keys (1800 cpns); got 2 seals, 48 mood, 74 oil, 10 med refine, 3M coins, 28 kakashi frags, 4 Masked Man, 5 Hokage Minato

All in all it'll cost you around 2k cpns for kakashi if u don't have him yet. But otherwise its not as great as last month's event, considering kakashi is nowhere near as useful as habenaro kushina, and edo tobirama is rather limited in use compared to Ay

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On 2018-07-28 12:55:24Show this Author Only

Sad to say, because i'm so sleepy last night, i forgot to save the notepad where i listed all my earnings .. I end up spending another 3k coupons last night too so all in all, i already used 40 Free Keys and 5k coupons from the start of the Great Plates event .. My coupons are all drained out so this will be the last update i'm gonna do for me .. Tho still have around 100 Free Keys that i might get till the last day of the event .. Here's my rough estimation of all my earnings (not accurate but close, checked from the numbers of the items/frags from inventory) ..

Minato Namikaze [Fourth Hokage] ----- 7 Frags (i only had 2 frags when the event was started)

Kakashi [Shonen] --------------------------- 46 Frags (this is the number of frags i have now, i don't know if i have some of it before the event started but sure 30~40 is from GP)

Masked Man ---------------------------------- 10 Frags (this i'm sure)

Myoboku Grasp ------------------------------ 320+ Pcs (i got 2261 power increase just from the Myoboku Oil Cultivation from map 4 or 5 to map 7)

Medium Refine Rune ----------------------- 15 Pcs (this i'm sure too because i'm keeping tabs of my refines for rebate)

Mood Scroll ------------------------------------ 130+ Pcs (not sure but close to that number, i have 156 moods now, i remember only having 8 to 12 moods before event started)

Seal Scroll ------------------------------------- 39 Pcs (this i'm sure too, i'm keeping tabs of my seal scrolls since i'm excited for hitting 1k in GNW)

Coins -------------------------------------------- 90+ times (-_-*)


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On 2018-07-28 16:27:47Show this Author Only

good effort bro, if you're going for power and seals i think this event is still great, but i dont get why reduce masked man frags to 1 when we had 2 before. hokage minato i have no problems with 1, but it just looks like they're nerfing good events

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On 2018-07-28 18:23:49Show this Author Only

The nerfed to ninja frags are because this week you only need 25k instead 35k for a rare ninja. It's seem no one really pay attention to that. I think 25k for an event ninja is much better than 35k for a super rare treasure ninja.
Overall the amount of seal scrolls and mood scrolls you gain from it is enough to cover the cost of what you paid. Everything else are extra bonus. What important that players need to keep in mind is the event was mean to gain seal/mood scroll. So if the ninja frags are not someone you are interested doesn't mean it bad, save and wait for another cycle later.

This post was last edited by ZWen on 2018-07-28 18:28:14.
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On 2018-07-28 19:02:38Show this Author Only
  • ZWen On 2018-07-28 18:23:49
  • The nerfed to ninja frags are because this week you only need 25k instead 35k for a rare ninja. It's seem no one really pay attention to that. I think 25k for an event ninja is much better than 35k for a super rare treasure ninja.
    Overall the amount of seal scrolls and mood scrolls you gain from it is enough to cover the cost of what you paid. Everything else are extra bonus. What important that players need to keep in mind is the event was mean to gain seal/mood scroll. So if the ninja frags are not someone you are interested doesn't mean it bad, save and wait for another cycle later.

Not only for Mood Scrolls and Seal Scrolls but also for Myoboku Grasp where players can get good power increase ..

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On 2018-07-28 19:06:29Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-07-28 19:02:38
  • Not only for Mood Scrolls and Seal Scrolls but also for Myoboku Grasp where players can get good power increase ..

Yea for one or two cycles, after you reach map 10 it's not your main goal anymore but seal and mood are.

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On 2018-07-28 19:22:59Show this Author Only
  • ZWen On 2018-07-28 18:23:49
  • The nerfed to ninja frags are because this week you only need 25k instead 35k for a rare ninja. It's seem no one really pay attention to that. I think 25k for an event ninja is much better than 35k for a super rare treasure ninja.
    Overall the amount of seal scrolls and mood scrolls you gain from it is enough to cover the cost of what you paid. Everything else are extra bonus. What important that players need to keep in mind is the event was mean to gain seal/mood scroll. So if the ninja frags are not someone you are interested doesn't mean it bad, save and wait for another cycle later.

While you are right about the reason why it is nerfed, I think this kind of change makes the event more aimed for the P2W, since very few f2p are going to have 20k to spend. So for us f2p we are only losing fragments and not gaining anything in return. The event as it was before was not bad, and it was good for p2w and f2p alike. But I guess Oasis thought the event was better than what the f2p deserve. By the way, before Ay 4th spending coupons would give you Hokage Tsunade fragments. So it was not always a treasure rare.

Where do you get that the event was meant to gain seals/mood scrolls? The event is meant to gain everything on the wheel. In fact, most players I know go for the great plates for the ninja or the grasps. If anything, the mood and seal scrolls are the bonus, not the other way around. This event was a good way to get free ninja fragments with some power items as a bonus, which helps those who can't buy a full ninja and need to collect fragments over time. Not anymore. The only reason to spend on it now would be if you need the grasp, otherwise it is not worth seeing the amount of coins it drops.

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On 2018-07-28 19:32:43Show this Author Only

well previous great plates were much much better than this,higher drops of better ninja definetely going to save and probably hit 5k this week,hope they will put shisui next week

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