Lol last time with only 1k cp i got 42 frags for kushina 28 for masked man, 5 seal , 10 medium , 4 frags for shisui and 100 graps i dont remember how much coins i got or mood scroll sorry , i think its worst now( the event ) or i had luck last time xD i think i will keep my coupons cuz i already have minato hokage and kakashi kid is the only ninja i want from this event but its just too expensive for a usless ninja and you need him only for bond ... merged servers got him free oasis should put him in bond treasure( in my opinion) ...
Yeah, i do agree at some point about the Ninja Frags drop, it is much better before than we have this cycle, maybe it's because of the rarity of the available ninjas this week .. But for me, i just want to gain power from this event and so far, i got 1126 power increase from my spending and free key usage .. Plus the Mood Scrolls for my upcoming ninjas and Seal Scrolls, the other items is a bonus for me ..
How much did you spend for 1,1k power? i have at the moment 2375coupons
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