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[ Player Guide ] Strong Approaching - Fire


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On 2016-09-02 21:34:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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Strong Approaching fire guide

I'm a fire main and as many people in my group have had a hard time with Strong Approaching I decided to write a guide!If it's too hard for you to solo just find a few friends to help out as SA is very easy with a team.

Solo DifficultThe team I use for solo

Wave one: Start by sealing the giant in the top or bottom lane. Your main with sleep the middle giant so only one of them can posion you this turn. After the third giant poison's your team use Sai to summon his beasts(do it before Sai attacks.) by end of the turn the Giant should be dead or die from Ignition.

for round two your main will sleep the top Giant the the last one will poison your team one last time. After he posions your team use Sakura's heal so none of your beasts die.

You should finish on round three, what you need to do on this turn is charge Sasuke's ability and summon more beasts.

Wave two: Before Shizune can poison you seal her, let Sai start the combo save sasuke for round two.

For round two just use Sasuke's mystery to finish her.

Wave three: You have no way to stop Shizunes poison so all of your beasts will die, after she poisons you summon more beasts heal with Sakura and charge Sasuke's ability for round two. Sai will start the combo just like with Shizune.

Round two is when you seal Karin, do it before she can poison/heal and finish her off with a Sasuke combo.

Wave four: summon beasts and attack Jiraiya, don't bother was sasuke's mystery.

On round two he will hit you will his mystery and it will hurt, nothing you can do about it sadly.

Heal up on round three and get ready to seal Jiraiya on round four if he survives this round.

Wave five: If you made it too round five with all of your ninja you won! Just summon beasts,heal when you can and seal Hanzo on round three before his mystery kills you.

Team Difficult

There are two teams I use when I play with others, one is if I'm the guy interrupting and the other is for combo's.

My interrupt team


Normal team


Wave one: If you have the interrupt team use Neji to interrupt the giant in your lane and summon zombies, with the normal team just summon zombies and wait for the wave to end.Wave two: If one of the other players has a ninja such as Hinata that can interrupt with a combo use Neji to stop the Poison one round one. Use Kakashi to start your combo after she heals.For round two if you still have your interrupt now is the time to use it. Start your combo with your mains ability to finish the wave.
Wave three: Same as wave two, if your friends can interrupt the poison on round two you will interrupt it now and start your combo with Kakashi after she heals. (don't forget if she casts her poison she will heal.)Just like in wave two interrupt if you have it and finish her with your mains ability.
Wave four: You can interrupt him anytime as he can be debuffed, just use everything you have to kill him.
Wave five: Hanzo's mystery is cast round three as long as that's interrupted it's your win.

This post was last edited by Arawn345 at 2016-9-18 05:05
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-02 23:53:58Show All Posts
  • Bloodraven On 2016-09-02 23:40:29
  • Nah... you cant do the difficult lvl with this team. You barely survive first stage, poision do way more dmg than you can heal. The longer fight lasts the less chance to win u have.
You can, I did it with another fire main (same team) and a wind main that took an interrupt. the first wave won't even get a poison off before they die. Shizune and Karin will die quickly too if everyone times it properly. If you would like I can take a screenshot if we do it again tonight.

It definitely can't solo difficult and it dies soon as you get to the Hanzo fight on Normal. I'm currently looking for a team of the more common ninja to beat normal solo but I don't think that will happen.
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On 2016-09-03 00:43:34Show All Posts
  • Bloodraven On 2016-09-03 00:14:30
  • My bad... Didnt noticed this is team strong app. Well... I beat solo normal lvl with kisame, fire main, kabuto and sasuke.
np, thanks to you reminding me about Sasuke I found a team of common ninja that can beat Normal mode solo. :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-06 12:59:32Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-06 03:43:15
  • whats your new team for normal arawn
Sorry that I have not updated I was waiting for the reset. I made a new team by replacing Hinata for Neji and he is great for team difficult if you need an interrupt.
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On 2016-09-06 13:06:02Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-06 13:02:32
  • Do you have difficult SOLO?
Nope, I only spent $5 for Garra and have had bad luck getting good ninja I c*e for this so I don't stand a chance.

These teams work great in easy and can beat Normal but it's best to have a team for Normal and Difficult.
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On 2016-09-18 05:06:53Show All Posts
I updated the guide if you have any questions just ask! :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-29 00:41:13Show All Posts
  • DarkSiderSZ On 2016-09-27 23:13:39
  • well bro can i ask u something , how much score did u get after winning with any of those teams
2581 (I need to upgrade / level Sai,Sakura. When I was a lower level and they were more'up to date' I was getting 2750+ each time but they were still not upgraded properly at the time.
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On 2016-09-30 00:46:05Show All Posts
While my Sai is still 2* and Sakura is at 3* I managed to get 2925 points in my most recent run. If you have them upgraded and have good power for your level It should be easy getting more than 3000 points.
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