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[ Events ] Happy 2nd anniversary - Event cycle 19th of July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-19 03:35:11Show All Posts

Seriously why do people keep complaining that ninja like Edo Deidara and Hokage Minato aren't in the events? They are in the events constantly. Yes I understand that people want to continue collecting them but people are acting like Deidara hasn't been in events for 3 months.

Meanwhile other players are looking for ninja that haven't appeared in a long time and they never appear. People need to start realizing that the ninja you want isn't going to be there every single week and by hammering on getting certain ninjas in events you are potentially preventing other ninja that haven't appeared from appearing.

EDIT: Also, when we get a set of really good events its probably not a good idea to get in here and complain about what is NOT in the events. Like seriously Lee skill books? Am I missing something, OG lee is terrible and I highly doubt his books are going to change much.

By the way, the events look quite good but I'll reserve judgement for after I see them in action.

This post was last edited by Empheezie on 2018-07-19 03:38:45.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
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On 2018-07-19 04:24:22Show All Posts

Let me voice a contrasting opinion and say, please no DON'T add contracting scrolls back, power items are 10x better. Contracting scrolls give no power and its a waste of a redeemable.

Quicky Post

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