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[ Events ] Happy 2nd anniversary - Event cycle 19th of July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-18 23:36:46Show All Posts

Assuming "Skill Trial" is what allows altering the kits of Super Rare ninja, etc.?
Good to know that's starting now.

Not psyched for this "Assist" feature though.
Many servers(legacy ones at that) have yet to be merged and thus have no way of unlocking Shonen Kakashi who is a REQUIREMENT for unlocking the "Assist" skill for Jonin Minato. So when cross-server events occur between servers who have access to this versus ones who don't... It's like giving a clear advantage to more populated/merged servers and telling the dead servers to jump off a bridge. This should have been on hold until all legacy servers have been successfully merged, but oh well.

As for this weeks events...nothing special. Not bad, but not amazing either. Just kinda down the middle.

This post was last edited by RakaMikazuki on 2018-07-19 00:08:27.
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