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[ Events ] Rush of things...


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On 2018-07-16 22:58:15Show All Posts
  • darzan On 2018-07-14 20:08:48
  • You guys seems to not understand that when this new op ninjas gets released it means you may start peicing them up so its not a bad Idea, If you planned better from the start, all your coupons and event resources must go all go to POWER. In every event you should check all the redeemables and plan what to go for. Missions mobilization, Luckyboard and Timelimited shop etc.. if you see charms, cave keys adv refines you must go for it, dont go for ninja fragments unless you really need that ninja and he/she must be usefull end game. All coupons you earn must go for power aswell use it to fill all your lacking resources when it comes to rebates.

    All your seal scrolls must be used wisely, this is the only way you could get a ninja. If you played for atleast one year you are eligible to get one super rare from kage treasure or GNW treasure. I suggest you go for Kage since it gives usefull rares and if you get lucky to pull Ay you will be fine on 1v1 but if you get Sasuke he is also good. You will also get the rares and try to make do on what you have and make a team that works.

    And the most important thing you have to stack one ninja, the ninja that does the damage, your carry ninja. We F2p's have a very limited resources and it takes us a very long time to be able to max out every power options on each ninja, so the best thing we can do is make a team that has one Carry ninja, the rest are supports. An example of a good carry ninja is Roshi, most of you would say go for watermain roshi poison cancer but unfortunately that doesnt work anymore on this era and what really works is pairing him with lightmain to get the lifesteal.

    Lastly, you have to level freeze, reach 69-71 and you must hold that for long thats the only way you could get adv runes fast if you dont win your sage battles you will never get a lvl10 refined equipment. You must get atleast 1st or 2nd, 3rd is ok.

I just wanted to mention, we are no longer in the era of Naruto Online where you can focus all about power and do well. We are now basically in an event ninja meta where 1 or 2 ninjas are required to even compete. It took me 10 months to get Jonin Minato, and when I got him, people stopped using him cause he fell out of the meta. After I finish off my Kushina [Mad Momma] I'll be saving coupons for a ninja that won't come out for a year or more.

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On 2018-07-17 00:49:56Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2018-07-17 00:20:47
  • You need to understand whether things are rushed or not, the gap between players will stay. Quick example, both players started playing at the same time: our fellow ftp does everything everyday, plunders, convoys. He manages to get 4k cp during a month. Our friendly ptw does the same thing, but also recharged for monthly card, has jonin medal and buys naruto froggy once during a month. Our ptw gets additional 16k coupons. Ftp got 4k, while ptw got 20k. It's an example, dont argue with me "how can i get that much". The point is, just this little thing allows paying players be 5 months ahead of ftp players. You will never be able to compete with those players, if you both keep playing with same efficiency. Just deal with it.

    Now whether new content is rushed or not, it doesnt change the fact, that ftp cant afford anything. While adding new raw power functions like 2nd stage of myoboku allows paying players to get that power faster, ftp can get it too. Both parties need to spend exactly the same ammount of resources, which obviously favours paying players, because they have more coupons. The thing that is happening right now, namely releases of non impactful ninjas (edo jinchuurikis) actually favours ftp, since those 16k coupons that could be spent towards power are "wasted". Although, the more ninjas are released, the more likely we are to receive another meta changer, which leads to first conclusion- you cant compete with p2w.

    Now from game's perspective, rushing content doesnt make sense at all. It should be steadily implemented, yes, but neither rushed or delayed. You need to find that sweet balance, where players get new stuff but dont get bored, because there's one minor update every 1.5 months. Adding things faster will result in initial happiness of the playerbase, but will quickly disappear when the game will run out of content (and it will).

    The only feature (in my opinion) that should be rushed is implementation of Y skills and adding all basic ninjas(sannins, konoha gennins, basic akatsuki), since that both provides just a few viable ninja substitutions, as well as a reason and a goal to work towards (pokemon-skillbook collection). As long as it doesnt include ones that make top meta ninjas (looking at you susanoo sasuke, danzo & ay) this is the only feature that benefits ftp first and foremost. Updated shop would be a nice addition too, but thats 5.0 feature (if we receive same stuff as Germany), but those will benefit paying players more, because they can get more coins.

    Authors of those ftp threads seriously need to understand this- you cant compete with paying players. The same way as casual spenders cant compete with heavy spenders. If you want to be competitive, you need a certain bracket of people- compete with your other ftp fellows or find something else that makes you enjoy the game. Trust me, finding such thing makes the game a lot more pleasant :-)

You also need to understand, there is also a limit that a P2W player can get and that a F2P can get. And that gap will eventually close.

Refines, Charms, Purifies, magatama, Myoboku stuff, Battle Armor are all limited to a set amount of power they can give. Which F2P can eventually max out on while P2W can max out sooner.

Ninjas however, some are Ingot only either on release or Ingot only period.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-17 03:45:14Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2018-07-17 02:05:55
  • Limit? Please.

    But if you consider mathematics- you are right. If the time goes to infinity, the gap will close.

    In reality- it wont. A random ftp (4 ref/swb) would need to farm swb for 50 years to finish refining.

>Implying that is the only way to get adv refines.

Also I'm f2p and I average around 9-13 Adv Refines each sage.

This post was last edited by RenjiAsuka on 2018-07-17 03:45:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-18 02:18:45Show All Posts
  • GenjiGenjuro On 2018-07-17 18:27:21
  • 30k to 50k power gap, no ninja will save you from the power gap, that is he truth mate. Lets say I have a basic blitz team , Iruka, WB asuma, earthmain, Susano Sasuke(assuming I hoarded my seals for this ninja) lets say I have 90k power and I stacked my position one, all my runes and mags and refined and charmed equips is on my Susano sasuke, the rest are just supports. Then there you are you have 60k power (as you said above that -30k-50k power) with strategic ninjas with a balanced power build, no stacked ninja. The outcome is pretty legit, you will get nuked, Susano Sasuke will hit any unit infront of your team, you get repulsed dmg and the mystrery dmg that is a crit.

    Going all-in for power is not enough as you said and that is true but you are a F2p you got limited resources, let the seal scrolls do the job for getting ninjas and the rest for power in that way you wont get left behind.

Fact, in SWB I lost to people who were 70k while I was 110k.

Running Kakashi Anbu Blitz with Darui, and Kurenai, LM (Kurenai being needed for some guaranteed CC) vs Kushina, Kurenai, Sailor Sakura, Water Main.

So yes, event ninjas do make a different.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-19 01:02:43Show All Posts
  • GenjiGenjuro On 2018-07-18 15:18:32
  • Because your power build is balanced, you didnt put all your power on the carry ninja that does that damage, if your build is balanced then better go cancer teams then

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