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[ Events ] Clarification about the "Release Schedule"


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-17 06:59:28Show All Posts

TLDR and all the good ****

I just want to say that this is still a game. My definition of game= something that is fun...

wait... did you hear that?... FUN

What is this? A GAME! And what is my definition of a game? FUN

Don't get me wrong, I totally get the competitive part to. And the business aspect of it. But when its all said and done, why are we playing this? Whats the whole point of this? fun. So to everyone out there, just enjoy the ride. It doesn't matter what they do. For all they care, they could shut down the game right here right now any second or make any changes that could change the entire face of the game from strategy to a FPS game. So, back to the schedule part of it , it doesn't matter what time or when they release stuff. And they have the full right to do whatever the actual fork they want to do with the game. They can reveal what type of schedule they have or when things are released or not. And at the end of the day, IT DOESN'T MATTER. It doesn't matter. Even if they revealed it and showed it to us, it won't change when they are releasing stuff of not. Plus, they could change it at any point. Heck, for all we know, the release of 5.0 could be scheduled for tomorrow, pushed back till 2019 and we wouldn't be able to change anything.

*gasps for air

so in conclusion, just don't worry about it. Oasis will do whatever they want to do with the game when they want to. If you want to play it, play it. If not, and you are still worried about the the schedule aspect of it, go watch world cup reruns or something, I don't know.

I'm not going to reread or edit this before i post, so if there are tangents or mistakes in here, i sincerely apologize.

Don't hate, and peace

This post was last edited by fallingsky on 2018-07-17 07:02:33.
Quicky Post

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