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[ Events ] Clarification about the "Release Schedule"


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On 2018-07-13 03:25:23Show All Posts

1) Oasis doesn't control the content released, tencent does. Oasis can try to push for certain things but can't force them. Oasis mostly just controls weekly events.

2) If they updated everything tomorrow then we would have to wait even LONGER for new features to be added because they can't create them that fast, CN gets new features at a slower pace than we do.

@Mass - As an actual programmer I can tell you it's not as simple or quick as you are making it out to be. Ideally they would take an entire month just to TEST everything if they did one large push. In addition the amount of translations that they need to do isn't a trifling matter.

People have been saying the game was going to die for over a year now, yet somehow we are still here. Yelling about doomsday just for it to not happen again and again just makes you look insane, I would recommend reading "The boy who cried wolf.". The reason they don't listen is partially because so many people just * saying we don't want you to do "X", but they never say what they do want, and then when they do say they want "Y" other people say they don't want "Y", there is no way for a company to appease everyone, so they try to appease the people that they need to and ignore the whiners.

Do I think Oasis could do better? Hell yes, I don't want to see ninjas released in any rng events ever again, I've said as much to them multiple times before, I want a way to buy that ninja outright day one since rng hates me, I want fuku deals to have a ninja in its rebate and the 8 gates shop to be updated cause I want to finish getting my reds and have over 550k points. I don't want gold chakras in events unless they are inits. But asking to be given everything right away because you're bored just means that this isn't the type of game for you, cause you will get bored even with the new features, I would rather have a constant release of features every month instead of 1 huge update then 3 features a year.

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On 2018-07-13 10:15:16Show All Posts
  • Mass On 2018-07-13 08:27:33
  • Sure i understand what you are tring to say but if we dont complain and unite all in one argument whats there to do? just let things rolls as they have been waiting for a better tomorrow? i do wish there was a channel to voice ourselves to the actual ppl in charge of all of this, im not trying to ask for them to update all cus im bored, if i were i would be long gone but i do find annoying how they just update things where they can get money from like ninjas, but besides that i do belive we are both right in our own way.

Uniting with one argument would be great, problem is that's not happening. If we could make polls and get people to vote to show support for an idea that would be great. Hell, if you want to take the initiative, create a google form doc to poll players about what they would like to have done, post the link on the forums and when you get a few thousand responses send the results to the mods in the suggestion section.

If that happens then maybe we can convince them to change, but a dozen people on the forum asking for 1 thing wont change their minds ever, and right now we aren't even doing that, we are arguing 50 different things. So far no-one has taken the reigns and done anything though, we are either too lazy or don't care enough, until that changes oasis won't change.

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On 2018-07-13 23:03:06Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2018-07-13 20:47:59
  • I do definitely understand your frustration especially on the point regarding sometimes not knowing. Do know that your feedback and suggestions have and is in reality making changes whether it is written down or not. As stated above, schedule is not released due to a variety of reasons, which can include potential changes in the future due to either a specific situation (ie. potentially harmful bug), feedback from community, update from the development team, etc.

    It definitely is easy to compare the different versions and only point out the negative aspect. However, the versions are different. There are also quite a number of positive implementations that gets missed.

    We do definitely ask you to please focus on our version and if you do have any issues or concerns, to bring it to our attention with the reason why and suggestions so that we can work together to help in the constant improvement of Naruto Online.


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On 2018-07-16 09:28:48Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-07-16 07:31:56
  • My response to Oasis Games = Tencent Games stays same. I am sorry.

    selyl - Players are being too harsh and biased with Fuku deal. After that special one we had quiet some time ago, players expect it every single time and if it is not like that, it is automatically bad. Previous Fuku event with EDO Deidara was a special Fuku event that MIGHT but also MIGHT NOT happen from time to time. We are aware that players liked it and if there will be a chance to bring such offer again in the future, we will do so.

    Do I care? 2 - I do not think it is fair to say we overprice items or ninjas. Price changes according to in what event item or ninja can be redeemed. Same can be said about whole event cycle. If there are multiple spending rebates, it is normal you might spend a little bit more than last time BUT you get a lot of items in return. Everything has some value. I do agree with you that it is all about planning and how players handle their resources. I do not think it is a best example to compare mobile game with browser game. I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that. I don't understand your last question regarding time of feature development and change implementation. I do remember the Dosu thread. But the thing is - it was not first thread. When author posted it for a very first time, we have informed him that his suggestion will be passed to rest of the team. And that's it. We do not inform players what is current status of their suggestion or if their suggestion was rejected or not. Simply put, if team is even considering such change or implementation, from that point it is internal information and public will not be informed about it (unless it is confirmed and it's near its release date). There is nothing new I could tell you or anyone else about Dosu case. There are other things, more important things, that team should focus on right now. I know there are players who really really really love Dosu and that is completely fine. But in general, Dosu is not one of the most liked or wanted ninjas from the series. So if he will be added to the game, he will be most likely a side character. Side characters do not receive that much attention. I actually wanted to reply to his thread but I was busy and I had to take care of other things at that time and then I forgot about it.

    Fiyuri - Everything you suggest or request (of course if it is reasonable request) is discussed with rest of the team, that also includes developers. We are not the only version of the game so the process of processing information is a bit longer and sometimes it must be put aside if there are plans to release bigger updates or new big updates/features/ninjas are in development. You as players are able to make changes (to features, ninjas etc .. you might suggest changes but it does not mean it will be implemented). In the past we did polls but it was a failure and we learned our lesson. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. So no more polls in near future. Team is working on many features and updates. Mentioning them will make our community believe that it is close to its release date but reality is different (you might not see it for months). That's why we try to avoid such situations.

    Scarlettblue - There are indeed features that are only for players that buy ingots. But it is like that for a reason. It helps the game to survive and develop. Free to play players have the chance to obtain items from such features as well. But it will take them some time.

Daiske I would argue that you guys never really had any polls. I remember what you're talking about, but at best those "polls" were made in bad faith, you didn't give polls that we could truly influence, you gave polls that were basically asking "how excited are you for this feature?" and tried to disguise them as giving us a choice in whether or not we even got that feature.

We complained about that fact even before the XSWB poll that the community said no to. We were talking about it in the poll threads themselves asking if what we voted for would change anything, and as we found out the answer was, no.

We don't need polls that say what do you want next week. We would like polls that would give us options of what redeemable are in weekly events, what new ninjas will come out(people want a say in when their favorite ninjas come out, it doesnt need to be a fill in the blank, get the team to give us a dozen options of which ninjas they will give us and let us choose the order they get released in, hell hold back 5 ninjas after they are done and give us those 5 as the options and release them on a regular basis based on our poll results while working on more to put in the polls), what ninja is available for the monthly sign in, things like that.

The event feedback forms aren't good for this for a number of reasons, including: the results are not public so we can't see if Oasis is doing what we ask for, the threads don't give all of the options we want/need(ex, it asks as a multiple choice to pick your favorite reward but i might not like any and there is no way to skip it), it only asks about the weekly events which is a small part of the game, it doesn't ask about pricing which for some items is just too high. Also a lot of people are just disillusioned with it all and don't want to bother when it seems like there concerns aren't being listened to.

Giving us a poll for something simple and relatively quick like the monthly sign in ninja would go a long way toward showing the community that Oasis does listen. Again it doesn't have to be a fill in the blank give us a dozen options and let us choose, not everyone will be happy with it but it will likely have less people unhappy than the current system.

This post was last edited by Shadoblaze on 2018-07-16 09:32:46.
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On 2018-07-17 04:43:46Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-07-16 22:02:40
  • yes, you are indeed right, but there were ways and ways to implement the x-server version of the feature and they simply asked us if we wanted it or not, they never gave us the choice to talk in depth about how it would be implemented if we said yes.

    Just look at the actual situation. If the number of partecipants per field instead of being 90 was 36-45, for example, x-server swb would be 100 times fairer, the number of rewards per person would be decent and a lot of people would enjoy it way more and many of the people that quitted the feature, would come back playing it.

    So at the time i replied 'no' because i knew the situation would have been the one we have right now if they didn't decrease the cap and because my server was (and would still be even right now) perfectly able to make swb start by itself.

    I would have replied 'yes', instead, if they gave us, for example, the choice to talk about the cap of people per field or if they gave us the simple option that one server would be added to the x-server version of the feature if and only if it the number of partecipants from that server was lower than the 21 minimum required to make it start by itself.

    Since they didn't do nor the 1st neither the 2nd then was normal that we thought they simply wanted to make whales face eachothers while, at the same time, they would have reduced the total number of free refinements available to other players instead of actually caring for their playerbase to gave them something they would have enjoyed.

my swb has 2 brackets, one has 12-13 people per land so 36-39 people total the other has about 22-26 people per land.

the 36 person total swb is boring since us strong people just farm the weaker people till they get knocked out and get 0 rewards, but we don't have much of a choice since we want to get 1st on our lands and for most of us its a risk to fight each other so we dont risk it until there are no weak people left, ive seen it go down to 5 people on a land still able to get rewards, so i don't know how thats fair.

the 66 person swb we at least have more options to attack so most people have a chance of getting a win here and there so they wont get knocked out and lose their possibility of rewards.

trust me no1 enjoys the 36 person swb more. not us strong people or the weak people. if they made xswb a 2ndary option like you sugested i would have voted for that as well, but right now my server can start a swb on its own so i would rather the weaker people on my server get more rewards instead of splitting them with other servers.

@Zathroth - a lot of people on my server stopped doing the event because they just get farmed by people they have no chance against, which leads to the problem of those 50% u said didnt care not using the event and then the remaining 50% get split because there arent enough people to fight and so we farm the bottom remaining 50% until they get knocked out which then repeats the cycle.

i personaly got helped from xswb since i can win the team point rewards more often since i can get a decent 2nd strongest on my land now where b4 i was the strongest and got the 6th strongest as my lands 2nd best(aka me vs every1 else and they farmed my whole land besides me), but most of m server was hurt by it and is still being hurt.

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On 2018-07-17 21:49:38Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-07-17 16:45:30
  • If in your server bracket there are two battlefields only and one has 36 people while the other has 66 then the feature is not working at all as they told us it should have worked in distributing the people, because if worked as they claimed when they showed us the x-server feature then you should have two fields with 51 people each one, the simple fact this does not happen means the way people is selected to go in a field IS NOT THE WAY THEY TOLD US.

    Anyways no, you are wrong. The issue you talk about would exist only in your field that is the top level 100 field, all the other fields would not experience that issue at all and still your field is experiencing that situation because the 19th-36th strongest person in your bracket, evidently, is not strong enough to be able to let you reach round 5+, thing that is more or less true only in your specifoc bracket and region and what you are not considering is the fact that right now the number of people that in a 90 field do not get any rewards is 60, in a 36 field is 6. If you are the 40-60th strongest in a bracket is the difference between getting 0 advanced refinements and getting 3-4 per time. The difference is huge.

The way they described the distribution is wrong, extremely wrong in fact. I'm the 2nd strongest in our spacetime group which makes up the people in our xswb, and yet I have been in both brackets fighting people who may have less than 5k power when i have almost 230k now on my main team. my servers top 10 randomly go into the lower bracket which we all hope for cause then we don't farm the weaklings until they get kicked. our top 10 are all lvl 100 btw.

the 6th-36th people in my bracket arent strong enough to go past 3 rounds against me, and thats a trend that continues down the list for a while. at least with larger brackets 1 team gets the team win rewards even if they get no individual rewards, when we have no choice but to farm some1 until they get kicked they get nothing at all and when we do that to 20+ people it becomes an issue that makes smaller swb less valuable to them, and the reason i care is because my group makes up those 20+ people as the majority

you say im wrong but you have yet to see what its like with small swb.

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On 2018-07-18 00:57:09Show All Posts
  • Luminai On 2018-07-18 00:10:59
  • It better be an amazing anniversary to make up for how poorly you have treated the players in the past year. I want to feel spoiled once while playing this game.


    Scarlettblue - The are indeed features that are only for players that buy ingots. But it is like that for a reason. it helps the game to survive and develop. Free to play players have the chance to obtain items from such features as well. But it will take them some time.

    Survive? Free to play are what keep this game going. We are the majority, we keep the game active for your "pay to win" players. If every single Free to Play member were to quit right now, this game would be a ghost town. Yet a majority of the features that HELP FREE TO PLAY are "bugged?" Yet it's weird how not a single event ninja has ever been bugged? Or none of the pay to win content has ever been bugged? It's always the free to play content that has some miraculous "bug" that is so game breaking it gets put on hold.

    We are missing so many breakthrough ninjas it's insane. Currently we get ONE breakthrough ninja a month. Really?

    We got Sanin Oro Breakthrough, Sanin Jir breakthrough and SaninTsu....oh wait she was skipped because she helps out free to play.

    Oasis needs to step up and stop being greedy. Yes, we know you are a business, but that doesn't mean you get to treat your players like garbage.

    EDIT: A mod deleted my original post (As I suspected) because I mentioned the CN version. So I am reposting with that section removed. So now I am not breaking the rules and thus can't have my post deleted.

if the pay to play all quit you free to play dont even have a single server left open to play on. free to play need pay to play a lot more than pay to play need free to play, oasis could always just merge everyone into a couple servers if only p2p were left and we would fight on in a highly competitive game.

oasis needs money to incentivize them to keep the game open and f2p dont give them that, my server would look very similar to me if all f2p left, so get off your high horse.

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On 2018-07-18 12:06:29Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-07-18 11:05:11
  • Garv - Features like Battle Armor were never supposed to be focused on F2P. Indeed, this feature is strongly focused on paying customers. But F2P players have chance to take advantage and participate in this feature as well. They can buy or receive items for this feature from shops or SA. It will take them a lot of time, indeed, but it is not completely out of their league. We don't feel there is any reason or need to change or update this specific feature. There is no explanation I could or should give you. It is up to you and your decision if you invest this feature or not. It is your choice.

    Shadoblaze - I've explained in my previous comment our polls from past and also what we were able to learn from that experience. We promised something and we were not able to keep our promise. Due to this reason, we don't plan on releasing or re-introducing polls. We strongly believe that feedback we receive from you every week helps us and gives us an idea what you would like to see next week or in near future. But of course, not everything you suggest or request can be fulfilled.

    Poring - You will find out later today.

    Empheezie - What Tobei said is absolutely correct. If our moderators are not sure about something or they are not informed yet about specific things, they usually come to me or someone else from the team. Missing features from 3.0 were delayed/cancelled due to serious technical issue we had to take care of. It took some time but game had to move on. Few months passed (including testing) and the decision was not still made. We were not able to come to a conclusion so all missing features from 3.0 are cancelled until developers decide to add them to the game. Will we add them? Are they cancelled forever? There is no straight answer I could give you to those questions. All I can say - everything is possible. But what I can tell you is that there is no plan to add them at the moment and we are currently planning to move to new version of the game.

    Serenade - Actually, yes we can. We reserve the right to change our plans or release schedule. (that is also one of the reasons why we don't share our plans and schedule with you). We have informed our community why missing features from 3.0 are still not here. Our plan was to release them but we were not able to serious technical problems we had at that time. It took quiet some time and game had to move on. We updated version of the game, we added new features. For this reason, missing features from that version were cancelled and it is now up to developers to decide if and when they will be added.

    But it does not change the fact that we (publishers and developers) can decide anytime if and what will change. We manage the game.

    Regarding your private message. I am really sorry if you feel ignored, that is not the case. I am not replying to private messages I get from players. Reason is very simple - I do not have time for that. I get a lot of messages daily and most of them (from what I was able to see) are questions about updates or new events. Answers to other questions can be found here on forum. If you still feel the need to communicate with someone, you are more than welcome to contact one of the moderators. They are aware I am not replying to messages and they will assist you for sure. If I were to reply to all messages I get I wouldn't be able to take care of other things.

    I have seen few comments that claim we are lying to you or you not trusting us. I am really sorry to hear that. But if that is the case, I don't find this thread or any future threads helpful since you will not believe us and in the end it will cause only more trouble. I believe that if you will trust us little bit more, it will create more space for us to be transparent with you. After all, we are here for you and you are here for us. You are the reason why this game exists.

I don't want polls like the old ones either, offering things that you can't 100% give is a bad idea because if you don't give it to us after offering it it will cause animosity.

The type of polls I want would be for the small things that you have full control over and are easy to change/consistently changing like the monthly sign in ninja.

Also I reiterate, the current format from the event feedback is incomplete to get a complete understanding for how players feel, it only asks about events for that week not other aspects of the game, and since the results aren't public we can't know if what we ask for is ever done. For all we know most people are asking for something and it's getting done but the people asking are being quiet on the forums because they are getting what they want and see no need to post(or people have given up because they don't feel like there is progress).

At the very least I would like to see a public result list for the simple questions(non fill in the blank) that are in the event feedback and another feedback form for basic things about the game outside of the weekly events.

When people have been talking about battle armor being too expensive they are saying that it is so expensive that any new person joining the game and spending $10k would be better off ignoring it because it isn't worth as much stats as other features that you can spend all of that money on. To be quite honest unless they are spending $50k+ on this game(just in power no ninjas) i would suggest they ignore battle armor because its worth that little that something else will always beat it in terms of gains. Even at 40% off with the buying thread event and the rank up rebate and an ingot spending event battle armor is still not worth the current price compared to summon cultivation or mt myoboku, and I'm at map 14 in mt myoboku where it costs 281 gifts per land.

Our trust shouldn't impact your transparency in anyway. The main reason most people don't trust you guys is because of the LACK of transparency after all. The more transparent you are with us the more reason we would have to trust you, we might not like what you are saying, but most would accept it anyway, like when you said you couldn't use pictures on the event thread because of permission issues with whoever( i forget exactly what you said it was a while ago after all, feel free to specify the exact reason if you like), people who didn't see your response still question it(should have *ied it) and most of us thought "that *s, oh well, next issue" and moved on.

Quicky Post

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