Dear players,
according to your feedback, it has come to our attention that some of current titles in achievement system are not suitable for game environment. We have decided to open this thread in order to collect specific words or phrases that you, our community, consider not suitable or insulting.
Report format:
Screenshot of word/phrase:
Reason why you are reporting this word/phrase:
Should we edit or completely remove this word/phrase?:
We ask our players to keep this thread clean and reply to this thread only with reports. This thread is not open for discussions.
Players who will abuse this chance and report non-insulting words or phrases will suffer consequences according to the forum rules.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Naruto Online Operation Team
I think this should be the first to go. I think it should be removed, it's too easy to manipulate to makes jokes out of it.
Reason for attention: ''A lol.ita'' (forum censors the word) should have A removed, because it ruins many cool title combinations, for example it sounds dumb: Cool A lol.ita, Collector A lol.ita.
Actually I think the holocaust thing was referring to it's original definition "destruction/slaughter on mass scale" instead of the historic event from WW2.... wouldn't mind if it got changed out though. But that's just the point, most of these titles are thought up individually and then permitted to be combined, resulting in unintended combo's that can be misinterpreted by overly sensitive people or actually offensive like the "Africa" + "So Hungry" making fun of starvation . If somebody uses "Professional Babysitter" + "Hit Me" it'd be offensive to some and a troll level joke to others, depends on the person. This type of thing needed to be *yzed before launching those titles through a listing of all possible combinations and removal of those considered offensive through staff votes or polls to the general public if it was meant to take censoring content for the common good seriously.
I say the whole list of all possible combinations be put up to vote on what should be taken off or modified via poll instead of just randomly hearing posts about one or another being offensive.
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