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[ Strategy Share ] Strong Approaching Guide


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-02 07:14:41Show All PostsDescending Order
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Strong Approaching GuideSo, Strong Approaching has finally arrived. You decide to try it out because you want the goodies, and lo and behold you get taken out fast. It seems impossible, I know, but fear not I am here to help. Hopefully. We'll see. It's not impossible though. There are so many strategies out there but here is what me and bois have come up with that worked for us. Also, I should note that we only completed the easy mode and haven't tried normal or hard mode as of me writing this.

Important ThingsEasy Mode - Shizune and Hanzo only take 1 damage per attack. - They can recover with healing ninjutsu. - Poison can be repelled.
Normal Mode - Shizune and Karin only take 1 damage per attack. - They can recover with healing ninjutsu. - Poison cannot be dispersed.
Hard Mode - Shizune and Karin only take 1 damage per attack. - They can recover with healing ninjutsu. - Shizune and Karin have a high level of health. - Poison cannot be dispersed. - Jiraiya c*e ignition ninjutsu.

StrategyEasy Mode - It is not about how much damage you do per attack. - Combos are extremely important. Like so so important. Focus your team on doing as many combos as possible in one round. - Acupuncture is your friend. - Complete in a team of 3. Soloing is really difficult, maybe near impossible for many. - Do not hesitate to retreat if you are going to be defeated. You will not consume stamina if you do. - Now with all of this in mind, let's begin.
Me and my bois are all the lightning (Midnight Blade) main so we have the benefit of having our mystery skill be set to cause acupuncture. Seriously, acupuncture is important. It will interrupt the enemy from doing their mystery skill, and with everyone trying to poison you, you will need it. If you are not playing as a lightning main, you should definitely have Neji in your lineup. Each person you're running it with should have the ability to interrupt because it will come in handy later.

Wave 1 is not as important in terms of how you attack. Just try to get all three enemies taken out as quickly as possible. It took us about two rounds to complete.
Wave 2 is where you have to start paying attention to what you do. Each round you will need to have someone interrupt Shizune so she doesn't poison everyone in one swoop. Talk with your team to figure out what order you guys are going to do things. Once you have it planned out, * to it. Seriously. If something doesn't happen that should have, don't try to fix it by going in their place.
After you have interrupted Shizune's mystery skill, just focus your lineup on doing as many combos to her as possible. If you are lucky, you can continue the combos from the previous round before she has a chance to heal herself. If she does heal herself (she most likely will at least once or twice), she will be back at max health so you will have to start your combo grind over again. Also having characters that can create clones that attack (ex: Kabuto and Sai) will help you out a lot here. They don't do combos but they help knock away at her health till you make it to the next round. It took us about three or four rounds to complete.
Wave 3 is where things get real intense. You will immediately need someone to interrupt Karin right after you defeat Shizune because she will try to sneak in a poison shot at everyone. Keep up with your acupuncture order because you will really need to here. In about the third round, Hanzo will try to do an attack with his salamander that will most definitely wipe out most, if not everyone, if he is able to pull it off.
Karin will be the easier of the two to take out, so have at least one person in your team work on her. The other two can help, but would probably be better suited in trying to focus on Hanzo. Thankfully Karin doesn't take only 1 damage per attack, so should be able to take her with little trouble. Once she's gone, Hanzo can't regenerate health. Now it's just a free-for-all and hopefully you guys shouldn't have too much trouble finishing him. It took us about three or four rounds to complete the final wave.

I know this is vague, but I'm trying not to be too specific in terms of who you should have in your lineup and things like that since it won't be the same for everyone. However, if you are curious as to the lineups we used: MB - Hinata - Tobi - Kurenai MB - Neji - Sai - Sasuke MB - Sasuke - Kakashi - KabutoI can give talent specifics if it is really desired. But I'm hoping this vague guide will be of some help to you guys. I will update this if we develop any new strategies. Definitely will update for normal and hard mode once we finally decide to tackle that.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 9
On 2016-09-02 08:45:13Show All Posts
  • Yhwach On 2016-09-02 08:16:14
  • Having a fire main, do you think it is better to run an extra clone for the attack, or the debuff cancel which will remove 2 poisonings?

    Soloing is hard but i have heard Azure ninjas having success solo by being able to outheal the poisons/damage. Azure with kabuto, sai and either neji or hinata have been able to fini* solo on easy.
I would say the debuff, because I think the clone only lasts about five rounds? After that you're stuck without that clone. With the debuff, you also gain chakra too, right? That ultimately seems more beneficial in my opinion. But I haven't done a run personally (or had someone on my team) as a fire main so I can't tell you which worked or not. Hope this helped some?
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