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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 5th of July


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-04 22:05:40Show All Posts
  • Raizel Di Cadiz On 2018-07-04 21:53:53
  • ohhhh come on Daiske we want new update no cloth no new ninja

Well I've been asking for the missing 3.0 + 4.0 features for a month. Not been answered once.

At this point I'd just be happy with the next 20 ninja exams.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-05 15:24:07Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-07-05 11:03:21
  • That is absolutely incorrect. The only reason why you should focus on our version and not on other versions is because the way how we implement updates, new features and how we release new ninjas might be completely different from other versions. We have our own team and German version for example has it own team.

    I do not see any valid point in discussing their current update here on our forum (especially in event thread) if their team can't even see your opinions or messages. Plus, feedback about their version is not useful to us. But if you feel the need to talk about it, sure. Go ahead but make your own thread in general section. In this thread you should focus on our events.

I understand. In the interest of making your life easier and ending the topic flood of questions could you please let us know who to contact regarding the features we are still missing from last year aka current and last version of the game ??

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-06 16:34:15Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-07-06 08:17:29
  • Again, just to clarify my comment. I believe this is forum for English version of the game. Therefore, most of the time and mainly our updates and in-game activities should be discussed here. You are welcome to check or discuss news from other versions (please do it in General section) but it is something that only you will do because no-one from the team will join this discussion. Reason is pretty simple - our moderators are not required to follow other versions but I am sure most of them do due to curiosity. I do know Germany is getting version 5.0 and now hold yourself, we will get version 5.0 as well. What a surprise, am I right? But I think that is not what you would like to hear. I think you would prefer to know when. BUT, that is a surprise.

    As for the features that some of you claim may benefit players but we purposely skip - that is not correct. There are currently 2 (if I am not mistaken) features missing from version 3.0. We as team are aware of it, trust me, there really is no need to mention it every single time when new thread is available. It will not fasten the process. Then, there are few more features from current version (Skill experiment, Bond System and more Ninja Exams) that are missing but they will be added. They were not skipped, they were not delayed. Everything is going according to the plan. I understand that because Germany has it you think we should have it too. WRONG. Just because other versions have something we do not have (yet), does not mean it has to be added right away.

    This is just my personal opinion - The only reason why I do not like our players following and watching updates from other versions so closely and waiting every single week to check if there is something new, is because it will make you to want it to be added to our version as well (right away, preferably on the same day as another version). That is absolutely okay. I understand you want to be able to enjoy such thing as well. But a lot of people refuse to take into consideration or do not realize release difference between versions. For example, Germany is few months older th*. And that means they get few things before us. I know, it *s but it has to be that way.

    I hope this clears all confusion my comment made.

    Have a nice day everyone.

I understand your frustration. I'd be annoyed if I got asked the same question every single week.

However as a senior in my group I also see the frustration of the player base daily.

That's why I asked who I should contact regarding the missing features. Less stress for you and maybe get some useful information to pass on to my minions.

That being said I must also defend the players on the forums who's concerns appear get ignored constantly. When the versions are announced we are given a list of new features and a link to show us what we have to look forward to. Some players may decide to spend based on said information. To say we are getting those updates but not warning we may have to wait a long time seems a little immoral. I would not pay for a meal but wait a week for half of said meal. So again I ask to please let us know who can answer our concerns.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-07 18:52:41Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-07-07 18:00:25
  • Again. I would like to ask everyone to focus on the main topic (current event cycle).

New features are announced during event cycle topics. Unless they are given a direct line of enquiry to somebody who knows about the information they request people are going to post here. Also deleting posts will not solve any problems. If anything the player base will continue to feel unvalued. By deleting posts you could potentially be driving more players away from the game. As I have said before I understand your frustration but at the same time the player base you are supposed to be helping is feeling neglected.

Quicky Post

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