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[ Fanfiction ] Clothing release celebration


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-10 02:28:06Show this Author Only
  • Tzatziki On 2018-07-10 02:27:27
  • <cont. from above> Putting down her clipboard, she moved to sit next to Hinata. The pale Hyuga sat with a towel d*d over her shoulders, a large floppy hat covering her neck from the sun.

    "Hey. You ok?"

    Hinata nodded.

    "Good. We are up next. Remember the training we did for this and relax. You'll be fine."

    "Umm, okay, if you think so. There's a lot of people here." the pale girl said, tapping the tips of her index fingers together nervously.

    "There is? Didn't notice!" Sanae responds with a wink, whipping off her loose shirt to reveal the bright yellow sports bikini that marked her as team captain and tying her long hair back out of her eyes. Turning to the nearest crowd of spectators, she noticed several young men looking at her. "Stare too long, you'll go blind!" she says, *ing them a kiss and winking. The announcement comes over the tannoy.

    "Match 6 will be Konoha A vs Kumo B! C*l participants please proceed to court number 2!"

    "That's us!" Sanae calls down to Hinata, who still hasn't moved. "Hey! Hinata, you listening? Hello?"

    Hinata just sits there, trying to bury herself further in the towel.

    "Alright, that's it..." she cries, grabbing a small hand-fan and making the sign of the Bird one handed to channel chakra before sending a small swirling gust of wind out the fan, striking Hinata from underneath and sending her flying from the bench into the court, towel flying off. There is a roar of approval from the nearby crowd as Hinata tumbles in the sand a moment before kipping up to her feet nimbly. Her face darts around in shock as she realises everyone can see her in her bikini.

    A volleyball suddenly flies straight at her face with some considerable force, Hinata desperately bringing her hands up to catch it just in time, her eyes wide with shock.

    "Concentrate on the ball! Ignore everyone else." Sanae urges, stepping onto the court beside her, hands on Hinata's shoulders. "You are strong, and kind, a true ninja of the Hidden Leaf. Let them see you are brave too!"

    Hinata gives a weak nod and a small whimper of ascent, eyes not leaving the ball.

    "What's the matter? Afraid to lose?" came the snarky comment from the other side of the net. Sanae turns to look at their opponents, both displaying the tanned skin and pale hair common to this region. The Kumo team captain had chosen to die her hair bright red, fading to pink at the tips. Something about her attitude made Sanae instantly want to beat her so hard it would be a humiliation, not just a defeat. The captain turns to her team-mate, *ing her thumb over her shoulder at Hinata. "Guess they just thought to send the * squad this time? Do they even know how to play?"

    "The other two teams seemed to do ok. Guess they got lucky!"

    "Hah! Sure they did darlin'!" the captain snorts, moving to position for the start. Sanae just stares at her opponents, eyes narrowed, assessing the way they move, the way they walk and hold themselves. The referee calls for the coin flip, Kumogakure winning with 'Heads'. "Time to lose, Leaf-*s!"

    "Ignore them Hinata, focus on the ball. Let’s show 'em what it means to be Konoha kunoichi!"

    The referee *s his whistle. The red-haired Kunoichi sends an easy serve over the net, straight at Hinata. Her hands go up at the last moment, batting the ball away from her face, messily sending it off to the side furthest away from Sanae.

    "A shank?! On that ball?!" Sanae hears the other Kumogakure player cry out in surprise and disgust, giving out a short breathless laugh like a choking hyena. Desperately, Sanae dives to get a hand underneath before it hits the floor, her only saving grace the lightness of the serve already robbed of much of its momentum by Hinata's fumbling. The back of her fingers feel the press of the rubber just enough for her arm to fling up off the floor, sending the ball bouncing back over the net. Quickly switching, the red-haired opponent darts forwards, sending the ball into the sand where Sanae had been standing before, Hinata nowhere near close enough to recover it.

    "First point to Kumogakure!" the referee calls as Sanae pushes herself up off the sand, biting her lip to hold back her frustration.

    "Ya know, there ain't a consolation prize afterwards if you can win a wet tshirt competition here. Cow!" the white-haired member of the opposing team calls through the net to Hinata. Hinata looks distraught, her hands trying to cover herself up from every angle at once.

    "Yeah!" the red-haired captain agrees, "A dumb, white cow! All udder, no *, no brains!"

    Grabbing Hinata's shoulders, Sanae whips her team mate around and pulls her face close to her own.

    "Are you really going to just stand there and let them talk to you like that? You are a Hyuga! A noble woman and one of the most powerful kunoichi I know!"

    "But... but... but..." Hinata stammers, pulling away. The referee *s his whistle, the two Konoha women nowhere near ready, and the Hidden Cloud team send a lazy Ace into the sand behind them.

    Some of the crowd are laughing at the exchange, just enough for the two women to hear it. Sanae feels red heat building within her gut, anger rising.

    "Look at me!" she shouts at Hinata, hoping to snap her out of her reverie. "You are not dumb, you are strong! You are not a Cow, you are a ninja!"

    Another whistle, another soft thud. "Kumogakure leads three to nil!" the referee calls. Sanae defends the next point on her own, Hinata just kneeling down, trying to cover herself up as much as possible. The two Kumogakure nin look shocked as Sanae actually manages to single-handedly score the next point. Noticing her team mate trying to carry on without her, Hinata stands up, and timidly manages to help Sanae score a second point, then a quick third, coming out of her shell a little bit. The Hidden Cloud nin huddle for a moment, then giggle. They start pointing at Hinata's chest, then their own, making rude gestures and swirling their fingers around their temples, mocking Hinata. Several male members of the crowd laugh and holler. Someone wolf-whistles. Sanae feels her cheeks beginning to burn with red hot rage. The whistle goes and Kumogakure send an easy serve straight at Hinata, who barely reacts in time and knocks the ball out of bounds.

    "Ignore them!" Sanae commands Hinata, pointing at the crowd, noticing as she did that Ebisu Sensei has gotten himself front row seats and sure as heck doesn't seem to have noticed his village's team hadn't done anything for two *. Sanae wasn't even sure if he was aware a team sport was actually being played. Was that blood gushing out of his nose? Creep.

    She felt her rage peak at that and growled in disgust. Hinata gave a small, pathetic little wail and seemed to want to disappear under the sand. "Fine, I guess I made a mistake. I thought you'd want to show Naruto how confident you had become!"

    She steps away, returning to the attacker’s position at the net, leaving Hinata to sob alone at the baseline. This time, their opponents serve hard, the ball sailing over Sanae's head and smacking full force into Hinata's chest and face. The Hyuga woman staggers back a few steps in shock, eyes practically glazing over.

    Sanae gives a small gasp of annoyance, raising her hands as the ball tumbles through the air, about to land out of bounds. Her hands whipped through the motions practically on auto. Bird, Ox, Dog, Release!

    Suddenly, a huge wave of sand *s up from the beach behind Hinata, pushing her and the ball back towards the opponent's half. The sand wave travels through the net, straight into their opponents, blinding both as the ball is carried along above it, landing half buried in the sand at the back of the pitch.

    The referee *s his whistle.

    "Chakra Foul! No jutsu allowed to carry the ball further than one half! No score!"

    "What the hell was that?!! Dumbo!" the red-haired captain called, brushing loose sand out of her eyes and hair. Her partner staggers up beside her, shaking sand out of ears and bikini top. There is a brief respite as two earth style Jonin attendants mould the court back into its officially determined shape.

    Hinata starts to walk away. Sanae sighs, chasing up to her.


<cont. from above>

"Look, I'm sorry I shouted. Its just... I want to show everyone that I'm more than just my body, ok? Everyone treats me like a full adult, ‘cause I look the way I do, and sure, I might use that to my advantage all the time, but that's not who I am. I don't want to be remembered as a shameless flirt, the dumb, big-*ed * who covets male attention! I want to show the world, that I am the strongest ninja in my class! I mean, sure, Naruto will one day be hokage, that is his dream, but me, I just want to be known as the Wind Sanin! I don't want to be remembered as an exhibitionist, someone who plays on male expectation all the time and uses my body to get what I want. I know, being here, wearing... this," she tugs the strap of her bikini top, snapping it back for emphasis. "This isn't what I want to be remembered for, that I look good as a ninja pin-up! Neither should you. In fact, I respect you for not wanting to show off your amazing body to the world all the time. Less experienced me could have learnt a lot from that. But, Hinata, you have to see, that if we constantly lower ourselves to their level..." Sanae gestures to the crowd where Ebisu Sensei and a few other men are watching, "and expect that to be the way, then it always will be! You know what Naruto would want you to do? He'd want you to own your own body! You look * hot in this outfit, I'm sure every hot-blooded beach boy out there is trying to pluck up the courage to ask you out right now, but that is NOT what this is about. We are here to win, because we are here to compete. We are athletes, we are ninja and we deserve respect right now for what we are doing. We are representing Konoha! I chose you not because you look great in a bikini, but because I know you are one of the best taijutsu practitioners amongst ALL the Konoha kunoichi! I want your skills and your keen eyes, your body is just the package it comes in, ok? Now I know this was a stitch up for us ahead of time but look at them."

Sanae gestures at their opponents huddled up trying to wash sand out of their mouths, and then at the other courts where girls, women, are playing, having fun competing and showing the crowd what great sport looks like.

"This is why we are here. What we wear is practical for the sport at hand, we are, after all, on a beach right now, but it doesn't define us! Embrace yourself, realise that the gifts you have been given are more than just your appearance. See inside yourself, see the warrior I know you are, the defender of the Hyuga, and of Konoha! For my village, I stand tall and proud... won't you stand with me?"

She holds out her hand, hopeful, a smile of reassurance on her face. Hinata stops shaking, looking down at the hand offered to her.

"Want to know something else? I wanted baseball. You'd have been great at that as well. Next time though. I'll bat, you catch. Deal?"

A brief smile and a short laugh escape Hinata's lips. She takes the hand.


"Now let’s beat these two foul-mouthed tramps!"

The pitch reassembled, the players take their positions. Locking eyes with her opponent, Sanae hears Hinata from behind mutter "For Naruto."

The serve is solid, Hinata feeding it cleanly to Sanae this time who goes for the spike but is blocked at the last second by a smart dodge as the opponent side-steps so fast she almost blurs. Hinata manages to get under the returned ball and sends it high, the red-haired kunoichi leaping high for a chakra assisted spike of her own. Sanae sends a quick gust of wind out to slow the ball, allowing Hinata time to get underneath the ball enough.

"Air Palm!" Hinata shouts, her chakra-assisted * funnelling a wind tunnel of her own, pushing the ball back up over the net. Sanae brings her hand down hard at the apex of its curve, slamming it past the opposing blockers.

"Konoha now trail 3 to 4! Next serve!" the referee calls. Their opponents notice the shift in attitude, and their captain gives her team mate a slight nod before serving the ball slow and high. Sanae predicted the side-step from the team-mate as Hinata sends it back equally high and slow, a small ball of rapidly spinning chakra forming in the palm of her hand. She just about manages to supress the urge to yell 'Rasengan!' at the top of her voice before driving the ball down hard for their second point.

No longer doubting their opponent's aptitude, the Kumogakure pair up their game, pressuring Sanae and Hinata in their comeback. Each team fights hard and more earnestly, the points climbing up in Kumogakure's favour, Konoha managing each time to pull it back and tie only to be one-upped again. The game goes to time, the crowd on its feet.

"Kumogakure match point! Konoha to serve!" the referee calls. Sanae takes up position, readying to serve the ball hard and low into the weak-side gap. Willing up a little chakra, she guidess the wind currents around the court to carry the ball straight to her target, spinning the air inside the ball to turn the volleyball itself into a weak form of the Rasengan, judging her training to get it to the point where it would become harder than normal but not over-pressure and burst, planning to have it hurtle through the air like a bullet. Ready, she heaves the now heavy with chakra ball towards her opponent's half. The extra spin causes it to loop around behind their defence. Sanae smiles, guiding it into a perfect ace with last minute chakra control.

"Lightning Style, Searing Pain Cacophony!"

The light on the other side of the court suddenly blazes into intense whiteness that is painful to the eyes. Sanae gasps in pain as her vision flashes white, then red, then yellow then green then back to white, over and over. She hears the thud of the ball hitting the sand before the sound is magnified a hundred thousand times, over and over.

Hinata shouts out in pain as she too is blinded, adding to the rolling noise in a deafening crescendo just as the score equalises. Sanae staggers back, trying to shake the stars out of her eyes and raise her voice to protest the referee, or bring up her own justsu but even the sound of her own breath in her throat sends daggers of pain stabbing into her tortured ear drums. Its their serve. She tries to signal to the referee to pause the match, seemingly unable to even speak more than a whisper without blinding pain. The echoing sound of a fist hitting rubber sends new waves of pounding sensation through her mind. The flashes in her eyes roll into blurry vision, tears stinging. Even the sound of the wind howling as the ball passes through it is enough to nearly make Sanae double over. "Help..." she manages to croak.


Sanae screamed out in pain and agony as her mind pounded with the overload. A meaty slap across her face sent her spiralling to the ground

"RELEASE! LEASE-LEase-Lease-lease-ease-es-es-es...."

The echoes in her ears fade away. Tears streamed down her face, her mouth tasted blood from her Hinata's slap had caused her to bite her own tongue. Images coalesced out of the flashing multi-coloured fog, the genjutsu broken by her partner's careful timing.

Hinata stood in the middle of the pitch, her steps flowing like water, arms fully extended. Each time the ball came back towards their half, she literally flowed to intercept it, sending it back hard and high, yet unable to jump up in time to spike it. An impenetrable defence, testing the offence of the two Kumogakure nin as they swore and struggled to land a shot. One of them paused to charge chakra and lightning began to criss-cross the sand of the pitch, walking towards Hinata like some sort of living, crackling electrical net. Another hard shot returned. Hinata, veins bulging about her eyes as she used chakra-sight to see passed her own blindness, turned to see the approaching problem, unable to do much more than dance over it, trying to avoid the trap. The ball came down again hard, Sanae realising Hinata was tracing the residual chakra left by her inner-ball rasengan to find her target in their blinded state. Hinata's left foot caught the lightning net, just as her left fist bounded the ball back high. The net raced to cover Hinata, stopping her in mid kata.

One chance.

Sanae made the sign of the bird, pulling her hand sign close to her face, willing the pain and the disorientation to go away.

"Wind Style. Dance of Impetus!" she breathed. Wind rushed past her ears and inside of her, cleansing her body, her tiredness and fatigue melting away, taking all the pain and disorientation with it. The lightning cage crackling around Hinata immediately abated, dispelled by the sudden surge of wind chakra. Freed, Hinata leapt, meeting the other team's return in mid-air. The resulting joust saw Hinata the victor, her renewed energy smashing both the ball and her opponent into the ground. The referee seemed to take a moment to deliberate before awarding the point to Konoha.

Hinata looked at Sanae, all shyness and embarrassment from earlier gone. Determination and resolve burned bright in her eyes. Sanae smiled back, wolfishly. No one beats Konoha kunoichi when they are in that mind set. Their opponents stood shaken, unsure how their perfectly timed combination attack had gone so wrong. They had nothing left in the tank.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 121
On 2018-07-10 02:33:42Show this Author Only
  • Tzatziki On 2018-07-10 02:28:06
  • <cont. from above>

    "Look, I'm sorry I shouted. Its just... I want to show everyone that I'm more than just my body, ok? Everyone treats me like a full adult, ‘cause I look the way I do, and sure, I might use that to my advantage all the time, but that's not who I am. I don't want to be remembered as a shameless flirt, the dumb, big-*ed * who covets male attention! I want to show the world, that I am the strongest ninja in my class! I mean, sure, Naruto will one day be hokage, that is his dream, but me, I just want to be known as the Wind Sanin! I don't want to be remembered as an exhibitionist, someone who plays on male expectation all the time and uses my body to get what I want. I know, being here, wearing... this," she tugs the strap of her bikini top, snapping it back for emphasis. "This isn't what I want to be remembered for, that I look good as a ninja pin-up! Neither should you. In fact, I respect you for not wanting to show off your amazing body to the world all the time. Less experienced me could have learnt a lot from that. But, Hinata, you have to see, that if we constantly lower ourselves to their level..." Sanae gestures to the crowd where Ebisu Sensei and a few other men are watching, "and expect that to be the way, then it always will be! You know what Naruto would want you to do? He'd want you to own your own body! You look * hot in this outfit, I'm sure every hot-blooded beach boy out there is trying to pluck up the courage to ask you out right now, but that is NOT what this is about. We are here to win, because we are here to compete. We are athletes, we are ninja and we deserve respect right now for what we are doing. We are representing Konoha! I chose you not because you look great in a bikini, but because I know you are one of the best taijutsu practitioners amongst ALL the Konoha kunoichi! I want your skills and your keen eyes, your body is just the package it comes in, ok? Now I know this was a stitch up for us ahead of time but look at them."

    Sanae gestures at their opponents huddled up trying to wash sand out of their mouths, and then at the other courts where girls, women, are playing, having fun competing and showing the crowd what great sport looks like.

    "This is why we are here. What we wear is practical for the sport at hand, we are, after all, on a beach right now, but it doesn't define us! Embrace yourself, realise that the gifts you have been given are more than just your appearance. See inside yourself, see the warrior I know you are, the defender of the Hyuga, and of Konoha! For my village, I stand tall and proud... won't you stand with me?"

    She holds out her hand, hopeful, a smile of reassurance on her face. Hinata stops shaking, looking down at the hand offered to her.

    "Want to know something else? I wanted baseball. You'd have been great at that as well. Next time though. I'll bat, you catch. Deal?"

    A brief smile and a short laugh escape Hinata's lips. She takes the hand.


    "Now let’s beat these two foul-mouthed tramps!"

    The pitch reassembled, the players take their positions. Locking eyes with her opponent, Sanae hears Hinata from behind mutter "For Naruto."

    The serve is solid, Hinata feeding it cleanly to Sanae this time who goes for the spike but is blocked at the last second by a smart dodge as the opponent side-steps so fast she almost blurs. Hinata manages to get under the returned ball and sends it high, the red-haired kunoichi leaping high for a chakra assisted spike of her own. Sanae sends a quick gust of wind out to slow the ball, allowing Hinata time to get underneath the ball enough.

    "Air Palm!" Hinata shouts, her chakra-assisted * funnelling a wind tunnel of her own, pushing the ball back up over the net. Sanae brings her hand down hard at the apex of its curve, slamming it past the opposing blockers.

    "Konoha now trail 3 to 4! Next serve!" the referee calls. Their opponents notice the shift in attitude, and their captain gives her team mate a slight nod before serving the ball slow and high. Sanae predicted the side-step from the team-mate as Hinata sends it back equally high and slow, a small ball of rapidly spinning chakra forming in the palm of her hand. She just about manages to supress the urge to yell 'Rasengan!' at the top of her voice before driving the ball down hard for their second point.

    No longer doubting their opponent's aptitude, the Kumogakure pair up their game, pressuring Sanae and Hinata in their comeback. Each team fights hard and more earnestly, the points climbing up in Kumogakure's favour, Konoha managing each time to pull it back and tie only to be one-upped again. The game goes to time, the crowd on its feet.

    "Kumogakure match point! Konoha to serve!" the referee calls. Sanae takes up position, readying to serve the ball hard and low into the weak-side gap. Willing up a little chakra, she guidess the wind currents around the court to carry the ball straight to her target, spinning the air inside the ball to turn the volleyball itself into a weak form of the Rasengan, judging her training to get it to the point where it would become harder than normal but not over-pressure and burst, planning to have it hurtle through the air like a bullet. Ready, she heaves the now heavy with chakra ball towards her opponent's half. The extra spin causes it to loop around behind their defence. Sanae smiles, guiding it into a perfect ace with last minute chakra control.

    "Lightning Style, Searing Pain Cacophony!"

    The light on the other side of the court suddenly blazes into intense whiteness that is painful to the eyes. Sanae gasps in pain as her vision flashes white, then red, then yellow then green then back to white, over and over. She hears the thud of the ball hitting the sand before the sound is magnified a hundred thousand times, over and over.

    Hinata shouts out in pain as she too is blinded, adding to the rolling noise in a deafening crescendo just as the score equalises. Sanae staggers back, trying to shake the stars out of her eyes and raise her voice to protest the referee, or bring up her own justsu but even the sound of her own breath in her throat sends daggers of pain stabbing into her tortured ear drums. Its their serve. She tries to signal to the referee to pause the match, seemingly unable to even speak more than a whisper without blinding pain. The echoing sound of a fist hitting rubber sends new waves of pounding sensation through her mind. The flashes in her eyes roll into blurry vision, tears stinging. Even the sound of the wind howling as the ball passes through it is enough to nearly make Sanae double over. "Help..." she manages to croak.


    Sanae screamed out in pain and agony as her mind pounded with the overload. A meaty slap across her face sent her spiralling to the ground

    "RELEASE! LEASE-LEase-Lease-lease-ease-es-es-es...."

    The echoes in her ears fade away. Tears streamed down her face, her mouth tasted blood from her Hinata's slap had caused her to bite her own tongue. Images coalesced out of the flashing multi-coloured fog, the genjutsu broken by her partner's careful timing.

    Hinata stood in the middle of the pitch, her steps flowing like water, arms fully extended. Each time the ball came back towards their half, she literally flowed to intercept it, sending it back hard and high, yet unable to jump up in time to spike it. An impenetrable defence, testing the offence of the two Kumogakure nin as they swore and struggled to land a shot. One of them paused to charge chakra and lightning began to criss-cross the sand of the pitch, walking towards Hinata like some sort of living, crackling electrical net. Another hard shot returned. Hinata, veins bulging about her eyes as she used chakra-sight to see passed her own blindness, turned to see the approaching problem, unable to do much more than dance over it, trying to avoid the trap. The ball came down again hard, Sanae realising Hinata was tracing the residual chakra left by her inner-ball rasengan to find her target in their blinded state. Hinata's left foot caught the lightning net, just as her left fist bounded the ball back high. The net raced to cover Hinata, stopping her in mid kata.

    One chance.

    Sanae made the sign of the bird, pulling her hand sign close to her face, willing the pain and the disorientation to go away.

    "Wind Style. Dance of Impetus!" she breathed. Wind rushed past her ears and inside of her, cleansing her body, her tiredness and fatigue melting away, taking all the pain and disorientation with it. The lightning cage crackling around Hinata immediately abated, dispelled by the sudden surge of wind chakra. Freed, Hinata leapt, meeting the other team's return in mid-air. The resulting joust saw Hinata the victor, her renewed energy smashing both the ball and her opponent into the ground. The referee seemed to take a moment to deliberate before awarding the point to Konoha.

    Hinata looked at Sanae, all shyness and embarrassment from earlier gone. Determination and resolve burned bright in her eyes. Sanae smiled back, wolfishly. No one beats Konoha kunoichi when they are in that mind set. Their opponents stood shaken, unsure how their perfectly timed combination attack had gone so wrong. They had nothing left in the tank.


<cont. from above>

The final serve. Sanae had been waiting all match for this moment, sure that her trump card would be a one-shot advantage, a move easily second guessed if used again. Hinata stepped back, suddenly three extra Sanae's appearing in front her before the net, ready to aid. They heaved, hurling Hinata up, much higher into the air. Sanae's original body neatly passes the ball up high. Twin lion heads of burning chakra spring up around Hinata's hands.

The final air palm sends the ball down so hard and so fast it buries it deep into the sand more than a metre beneath the Cloud Captain's feet. Konoha wins, 2 sets to 1, final set score 15-13.

The crowd erupts in cheers. The Kumogakure kunoichi just stare in disbelief for a moment. There is an audible '*' as Sanae dismisses her clones. The red-haired captain of Kunogakure steps forwards to the net, hand outstretched.

"Not bad Konoha. Can't touch the ball with Shadow Clones, nothing in the rules says you can't touch your team mate. Respect. Sorry about what we said earlier, you guys really can play."

Sanae smiles as she takes her opponent's hand and gives it a shake.

"Apology accepted."

"That was nice." Hinata adds as she sidles up next to her. Sanae gives her a congratulatory hug, squeezing her tight. The difference in her attitude speaks volumes, happily standing tall without a care in the world.

"I knew you'd come through. For Konoha."

"For Naruto." she replies with a smile. Sanae just laughs, loud and proud.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
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On 2018-07-13 10:53:05Show this Author Only

It's time." The masked man said nonchalantly while viewing Wind through his orb. "It's time to launch the Limited Tsukuyomi!"

The Limited Serve.

Wind was the classiest of her five elemental friends, she had her ideals straight. Yet there was one weakness that she bore, and it wasn't even her good pal Earth. She's even worse than a dog when it comes to playing Volleyball; and she isn't even trying to offend Pakkun when she said this. It's a secret she wished none of her friends ever found about.

While she was on an outing with her friends, something unordinary occurred.

"Fire! Try these dumplings!" Earth said while devouring several in one-shot. "Too tasty bro!"

"Nah I'll pass. But instead-"

"Shut up for a moment. It's him." Lightning swiftly covered Fire's mouth. "It's Madara."

"I think he has the shots for Wind." Water winked at Wind, while she cooed away her wink in disgust.

"Silence!" Madara volleyed the orb which Wind surprisingly caught. "Now perish from my sight fools." And with that, *most horrifying flash occurred; yet it felt as if nothing happened to the five.

"What was..." Wind cut herself off after looking at her friends and herself. The dumpling restaurant suddenly turned into a beach house, and the five were now wearing beach attire. "Where in the world are we?"

"Who knows, but lets check the area out." Lightning was about to bolt out of the beach house if it wasn't for the waitress who stopped him.

"Guests how about you sign up for our Volleyball tournament? It's about to start! And it's co-ed!"

Wind did not want to join, but it seemed this was their only option in finding out where they were. "Volleyball? We're only six."

"Don't worry! Memma needs a group to join him as well!" The waitress said before bringing in Menma, a man who's resemblance looked strikingly similar to Naruto's.

"Naruto?" Fire asked.

Menma raised an eyebrow towards the five. He felt as if something was off, though he assumed the five must've been tired from a mission. "It's Menma. Uzumaki Menma. Anyways let's enter the competition."

The five glanced at each other before deciding to act as if this was normal; that is until Wind had a realization. Wind whispered to Water mumbling, "We have to win the Volleyball match to return to our world," with Water passing on the message to the rest.

Wind did not want to play, but this was their only way in escaping this warped universe.

The six reached the playing grounds, and it seemed as if they were the first ones to play against a group that's acting much weirder th*ual.

"Now we'll commence our first and final match with Menma, Breeze, Azure, Midnight, Crimson, and Scarlet Blaze versing..." The announcer paused which startled Wind for two reasons. First, is Breeze suppose to be her? And second, her opponents. "And they'll be against our favourite merchants! Pain, Konan, Itachi, Deidara, Sasori, and Tobi!"

"They... They're merchants?!" Wind gasped and luckily none of them heard her.

"I guess that's how they are in this world. Forget about it Wind, lets win." Fire gave Wind two thumbs-up before going into position.

The positioning from top left followed as: Lightning, Wind, Menma; With the bottom following: Fire, Earth, and Water. For the opposing team it followed as: Deidara, Tobi, Sasori; then with the bottom having Pain, Itachi, Konan.

"Deidara-senpai lets win!" Tobi cheered with Deidara only sighing and pleading his good friend Itachi to switch with him.

"The rules are simple. The first team to three points are the winner." While the referee was announcing the rules, Wind was panicking and wondering if it was better for the five to just live in this world; but then again she was the one who suggested them to win the competition. Before she could say anything, the referee blew his whistle and said: "Let's start this hot-blooded competition! Team Anbu vs The Akatsuki!"

She couldn't do anything now except win.

Wind's team started the match with Water serving the ball, and much to Wind's dismay Tobi was able to successfully spike it over Wind's block. That was one point for the

Akatsuki. The Akatsuki rotated with Deidara in center position, and Sasori serving. "Let's keep them waiting for the ball," the red-head snicked. Sasori took his time in serving the ball, which caused it to be a high, yet slow serve.

Wind had a chance. The blonde jumped as high as she could before spiking the ball; yet Deidara was able to bump the ball back over to Wind's side. "Chance ball!" Menma volleyed the ball back to Wind, and this time the spike was a success. It's now at 1:1.

"Rotate!" Menma was now in serving position. Unexpectedly, the Naruto look-alike did a jump ball; which was a deadly serve. "Don't feel pain! Feel peace ball!" somehow Pain was able to grasp the ball before it hit the ground, and Konan volleyed the ball over to Wind's side. Earth lightly bumped it to Lightning who did a backwards volley. It was now hovering over onto the Akatsuki's side, and the genius Itachi was the only member who could hit it.

"Itachi you got this! We believe in you!" Pain cheered, and on contrary to popular belief the ball hit Itachi's forehead. Wind almost forgot that they were in *ternate world playing with the Akatsuki. Of course Itachi had some weakness right? Wrong. Itachi sent the ball flying over to Deidara who one-shot the ball with his fist over to Wind's team. Before Fire could hit the ball, the ball went out of bounds. It's 2:1.

Menma was still up to serve, and he did another jump ball. This time, Itachi volleyed the ball to Deidara who was able to successfully volley it; twice. Deidara played a foul shot, thus the referee giving Wind's team a free serve. "Deidara-senpai why?!"

Wind's team once again rotated with her serving. If Wind messed up then the two teams would be in a deuce, and she did not want that. But she knew she'd miss.

"Wind, if you lose Earth will read you Makeout Tactics." Fire suddenly spoke up which caused Earth to become flustered. "Right Earth?"

"Yeah totally!"

Despite being the *iest member of the group, she despised Jiraya's books. "Wait, *y?" She had a plan. She brought her members into a huddle to discuss her plan, and they didn't hesitate to commence the plan. "Let's go!" She smirked before serving the ball.

"*y no Jutsu!" The six said in unison with all of them, exception of Water and Wind, turning into girls with swimsuits. The Akatsuki couldn't resist, not even Itachi could.

Except for Konan.

"I'm a girl!" Konan said ready to defend the ball. "Guys snap out of it!"

The men couldn't be bothered to respond, they were all in love with what they were seeing. Wind took the opportunity to lightly serve the ball, with it barely hitting over to the Akatsuki's side. She won. Her weakness was solved. She can finally play Volleyball.

"And the winner is... Those six cute girls over there! Team Anb-" The referee was cut off by another massive earthquake that erupted. The five were back to their regular world, and in their regular gear.

"That. Was. Embarrassing." Fire blushed to himself with Lightning slightly smirking at the sight. Water and Earth were busy laughing at the pair, with Wind gushing to herself like a maniac. Wind was never so glad to know the *y no Jutsu, and she could only thank Naruto himself for the jutsu.

Her feminine appeal gave her team a win, and she guessed she could thank Madara himself for helping her overcome her weakness.

She'd figure she would thank him by killing him at war.

The Great Volleyball War, that is.

This post was last edited by ungjae on 2018-07-13 10:58:18.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-16 00:29:31Show this Author Only

Hot Blooded Sports in the Shifting Sands

In the desert-like Land of Wind, a caravan of travelers made their way slowly through the shifting sands underneath the baking heat. A group of shinobi guarded the perimeter of the fleet of hooded carts, a sight that was rather common for the country. With a large portion of the country being a harsh desert, many of the missions that were given out to Sunagakure (the Village Hidden in the Sands), the local ninja village, ended up being convoy and * missions for various merchants and other such individuals.

While it seemed a bit counter-intuitive, there were actually many bandits and missing-nin that frequented the sands of the country. Most civilians and traders going through the deserts had enough to worry about with the natural hazards that the climate itself had to offer, but it was specifically for this reason that bandits took the opportunity to plunder these troubled travelers.

Regardless of how well-trained any bandits might be, they would have to be * to attack the caravan that was currently making its way across the sands. That was because the insignias of Sunagakure and Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves) were imprinted on the canvas-sides of the wagons.

Yes, in fact, every member of the caravan at hand was a shinobi of one of the two villages.

After the Invasion of Konoha spear-headed by Orochimaru, the traitorous snake Sannin, Sunagakure was put under heavy pressure to make up for their role in the attack. Once the dust settled, the advisory council of Sunagakure made the decision to nurture the stabilizing Gaara as the next Kazekage, as tradition dictated, and acceded to a treaty and trade agreement, amongst other terms that would be discussed more completely in the coming months once they established better communications.

For the time being however, the caravan of shinobi was actually travelling to Sunagakure to participate in a volleyball competition, as unexpected as it may be.

In order to lighten up the mood and better the relations between the two shinobi villages, Konoha sent along a pair of Jonin and a number of their talented younger generation members to participate in a friendly competition of one of Sunagakure’s specialty sports.

The Sand Siblings of Konoha along with their Jonin teacher, Baki, were part of the Suna forces returned to their village. The previously-antisocial and psychotic Gaara was currently chatting pleasantly with the boy who catalyzed his change into a more-stable individual, Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha.

“Man, is it always this windy here?” the blond-haired boy complained. “I don’t know how you manage to live here! Hey Gaara, how much of the desert do you think you could fit in your gourd?”

The red-haired boy looked between his new ‘friend’ and the sand underneath slowly before seriously contemplating the question.

Sakura, Naruto’s pink-haired teammate of Team Seven, palmed her face. Kakashi, their Jonin teacher, let out a little snort before returning his focus to the latest edition of Jiraiya-sama’s Make-out Paradise series. Sasuke, the last of their four-man squad, was brooding quietly in the shade of the wagon, though he directed a momentary glance at the goings-on before going back to sulking.

“Naruto, you know what I said about asking * questions,” a young woman laughed from the other wagon, wielding her fan menacingly.

The blond-haired boy flinched before rubbing his head sheepishly. “Aw, come on sis! It’s an honest question, ok? You saw how much he pulled out during the Exams and afterwards…”

“Yeah, just let him go this time,” another girl giggled placatingly. “You were curious too, weren’t you?”

The individuals talking were a group of four Chunins that recently surged to the spotlight in Konohagakure. All four were only known by codenames corresponding to the elemental affinities that they specialized in just like their Jonin leader, even to those close to them.

“Do we all have to participate in the event, Crimson?” a boy with white hair sighed. “I’m really not feeling up for it.”

“No, you’re free to abstain Midnight,” the brawny Jonin responded with a grin. “But if we don’t have enough members from our side, I’ll be forcing you to join in.”

“Hey, leave Nighty alone,” the last boy with brown-haired said, his hands locked behind his head. “You know he wilts a bit under the sun. I can’t imagine what being in the Land of Wind is like for him right now.”

The boy dodged his head to the side as a tanto lodged itself into the wood where his forehead just was.

“Screw off, Scarlet.”

“This volleyball thing sounds pretty interesting,” the first girl mentioned. “I’ll take part at least, though I don’t know how many people we’ll need.”

“I’ll back you up if we need anymore, Breezy,” the other said with a wink.

“Aw, I c*ways count on you Azure.”

Crimson just laughed wryly at the largely-contrasting relationships between his four subordinates. On the bright side, it looked like all four were relaxing to some degree. They earned it after the work they put in during the Invasion.

He looked off into the distance. They were nearly there now.


Once they arrived in the village, the Jonin teachers went off for a meeting with Sunagakure’s advisory council. The Konoha diplomatic shinobi and straggling Suna forces followed them.

Meanwhile, Team Seven, the four Chunin, and the Sand Siblings headed off to a nearby oasis for the first round of the competition. After some briefing by one of the locals on the basic rules of the sport, Naruto, Breeze, and Azure took one side of the court opposing Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara himself.

Scarlet was sipping a coconut from the shade of a nearby tree and waving a small flag that said Konoha it. Midnight was holding a battery-powered fan to cool himself down, his normally spiky white-hair drooping slightly. Both were in beach shorts.

Breeze was dressed in a yellow two-piece swimsuit that had Wind written across her chest-piece. An orange and white bandana * her long, blond hair into a ponytail, paired with a small cap. Azure wore a white and blue one piece and had her hair done into a small ponytail with a scrunchie.

Naruto was rocking a pair of beach shorts, bright orange as he always preferred. No one knew where he got it from though. Temari was also wearing a swimsuit, while Gaara didn’t see a need to change given his particular talents. The weird thing was seeing how surprisingly fit Kankuro was underneath his usual get-up, though he was comically pasty for a guy who lived in the Land of Wind.

Naruto looked curiously at the large size of their court in comparison to some of the other courts across the oasis that some civilians were playing volleyball in.

“Why’s our court so much bigger than theirs? And why’re we so far away form the rest of them too?”

Temari spoke up with a grin. “That’s because they’re playing civilian volleyball. We play just a tad differently than them, so the extra space is necessary. It’s also why we only play with three people.”

“Since you’re the newbies coming in, you get first serve,” Kankuro smirked. “We’ll try to take it easy on you.”

“All right, you asked for it,” Breeze returned, competitive spirit now lit. “Azure, Naruto, you better bring your A-game!”

The two saluted comically as Breeze served the ball, leaping as high as she could and smacking the orb into the other court. Temari whistled as she hopped to the side, passing the ball up into the air with her arms.

“Not a bad serve for a rookie, but you’ll need to do better than that. Kankuro!”

“Roger that.”

The puppeteer set the ball by jumping up and patting the ball high into the air.

Breeze watched in confusion. “How are you going to –“

Her words were cut off by the sight of Temari leaping sky-high, wind bursting underneath her and boosting the girl five meters into the air. She grinned as she spiked the ball accurately towards the corner of the court where Naruto was standing.

“Don’t worry, I got this sis!” he called out.

In a surprising show of good judgement and reflex, Naruto bounded over to the landing zone accurately, arms pulled tautly and ready to pass the heavy spike. He beamed a wide smile over to his newly-found sister figure, which promptly changed into shock as the sand underneath his feet suddenly rippled into waves.

With his balance thrown off, the incoming volleyball made it through his guard easily, plummeting into the sand and forming an imprint. The referee off at the side blew her whistle and flipped the score-board to indicate the Sand Siblings’ point-gain.

“Sorry, Naruto,” Gaara said as his siblings high-fived in the background. He moved his hand and the sand flattened back to normal underneath his feet.

“All right, I see how it is,” Breeze pouted, stomping the ground. “Let’s show them some Konoha pride then!”

She grabbed the volleyball and tossed it high into the air before leaping upwards with a boost of air, just like Temari’s trick. Once she leveled with the ball, Breeze activated a seal on her arm and her fan popped out, ready for action.

Azure spat out a screen of water in the meantime so their opponents couldn’t throw any interference their way. Breeze did a full spin in the air and swung her fan full-force, slamming a Hurricane Jutsu into the volleyball.

“You’ll need to try harder than that!” Kankuro shouted as he activated his chakra strings. “Crow!”

His puppet rose out of the sands swiftly, traveling across the ground and receiving the jutsu-powered volleyball with its body. Crow crumpled into the ground, but the ball was successfully passed. Temari moved into position to set the ball this time around.

“Gaara, it’s up to you this time!”

Temari punched the ball high above the net as Gaara nodded in affirmation, rising above the ground atop a column of sand. The cork on his gourd popped open as sand flowed out plentifully, forming into a giant fist of sand.

The Konoha team wasn’t staying idle, however.

“You’re not gonna get us that easily!” Naruto replied. “Shadow Clone Barrage, go!”

A small army of shadow clones appeared on the field and got to work, one group of clones throwing the others further into the sky. The second wave of airborne clones sacrificed themselves as stepping stones for the last wave of clones, who stepped on their predecessors’ heads and finally made it to Gaara’s altitude.

“Tough luck!” “You won’t get through us!” “Dattebayo!”

Gaara smiled slightly at the energy of the clones, but it was futile. He swung his sand fist heavily into the volleyball, sending it rocketing through the clones who dispersed. They did manage to change the trajectory just enough, however, to send it towards the middle of their court.

“Leave this one up to me, but it’s up to you to fini* off,” Azure giggled, cracking her fists. “Let’s trying out my new technique! Skewering!”

The blue-haired girl gathered an orb of water around her right fist before swinging upwards heavily, parting some of the sand underneath as her fist passed by. The orb of water exploded as her fist made contact with the ball, reducing some of the ball’s downwards momentum, while transferring all of hers into it.

Like a game of ping-pong, the ball flew back upwards into the sky. Breeze made a hand-sign and formed three shadow clones. Two worked together to toss her upwards, while the other followed. Together, they channeled a large amount of chakra between their palms until a giant, shrieking blue orb formed.

“I didn’t train under the Toad Sage himself for nothing!” she yelled.

The Big Ball Rasengan made contact with the ball in a brief moment of tranquility before it was sent plummeting downwards like a meteor towards the Sand Siblings’ courtside. Despite it being directly in the middle, they quickly *tered out of the way in the face of the hazardous projectile.

A fountain of sand exploded upwards and outwards at contact, splattering the referee and even Midnight and Scarlet with sand particles. The ball was surprisingly still intact.

“Good thing we made those volley* super durable.”


After a long, competitive match where an exhausted Azure and Naruto had to sub themselves out for Scarlet, Sakura, and Midnight (who joined begrudgingly), the sun began to set and the Konoha detachment bid farewell to the Sand Siblings.

Crimson and Kakashi led the way back while the others, excluding Sasuke and Breeze, all lay slumped in the wagon. Azure weakly lifted her head up to look at Breeze, who was sitting on the back of the caravan and thoughtfully looking back at Sunagakure.

“What’re you thinking about, Breezy?” the blue-haired girl asked.

“Oh, nothing!” the blond-haired young lady remarked, snapping out of her daze. “I was just thinking about starting up a volleyball club in Konoha. I think I’d know a good spot for it…I’d just need to ship in a bit of sand.”

Azure t*ed her head against the floor of the wagon.

“Please, don’t say it.”

“Do you want to – “

The blue-haired girl sighed.

“Fine, I’ll help you with the club. Don’t forget that I still have my gymnastics things to do though…”

Breeze smiled sweetly at the girl before leaning against the wagon’s side and whistling a little tune. She figured Tenten would be interested and she could always get Scarlet and Midnight to join in for a bit until more members came along. Even though the others tried their best to find her a sport to enjoy as well, it never felt right.

She had a good feeling about this one though.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-17 01:51:08Show this Author Only

Crimson, believe it!

“Since we came here in Russia the good weather has been following us, aren’t we lucky? “ Crimson Fist was commenting while putting on his sneakers that he recently bought. Bright green Jordans went well with the rest of his basketball uniform. Green and yellow combinations always suited his dark tan. He stood up finally and turned to face his friends throwing a big shadow over them as he was blocking the sunlight that came through the window behind him.

“ I agree, and Crimson, i have to admit, your sportswear looks good on you. You will have fun in that basketball club for sure. All girls like a good looking basketball player” Breeze Dancer’s line made Crimson uneasy, he was not good with girls and Breeze never had mercy when teasing him. Breeze was running around the house, trying to find her beach volleyball cap. She was in love with her yellow volleyball costume that she got from the local club, and she remembered that she had a perfect cap that would go well with it. Azure Fang was sitting by the table eating snacks and laughing at how fast Breeze was running through the apartment they rented during the time when world cup took place. Azure was already prepared, she didn’t need much time to put on her gymnastic uniform, she was hyped because she got the chance to practice with famous Russian gymnastics, but no one could see that on her face. She loved her new uniform, blue clothing always fascinated her, and that morning, when Midnight Blade said to her that the uniform matches her well, she was in heaven. That is why she ignored him the rest of the day, eating snacks and looking at other direction while he was packing his new soccer shoes in his backpack. He preferred to bring his clothes to the stadium and change in the dress room, and he felt the best when he could take a shower right after the game, even though the apartment was 2 minutes of walk away from the stadium.

“Midnight, if you’re ready, let’s head to the stadium, my baseball team is gathering there. “ Scarlet Blaze didn’t think he would enjoy his time here. But when he saw people playing baseball in his neighborhood he couldn’t resist his urge to join them. He is a hyperactive type of a person, the red uniform that baseball team had, made him run right onto the captain and asking him if he could join them for the time he is staying in Russia. The captain was a nice person, and when he saw Scarlet’s skill on the field, he was more than glad to take him in for that short period of time.

Midnight Blade didn’t respond verbally, he stood up, put his backpack on and went to the door waving at the rest of the group. Scarlet didn’t need any word to understand, so he rushed after Midnight saying goodbye to the rest of the group.

“Girls, i will be leaving you now. Have a nice time” Crimson knew that if he would wait for Breeze, he would never get out of the apartment. Breeze was mumbling something that resembled as goodbye, and Azure just waved as her mouth were full with snacks.

While he was walking down the street he was wondering if Breeze will really come later that day to watch his big game as she promised to him the night before.

He just started to blush at the thought of her cheering for him from the bench when he reached the big building. He wasn’t feeling nervous, he was preparing for the big game for a long time. His home town basketball team was well known through the world, and thanks to it, he traveled throughout the world and he was able to take his friends on every and each of those travels. This year the big basketball game aligned with the fifa world cup, and that fact made his friend Midnight really happy, at least Crimson would like to think like that, since Midnight is always silent.

Crimson went straight to the changing room to meet the rest of his team. The first one to meet him at the door was Hiruzen Sarutobi, the coach. Hiruzen put his hand on Crimsons shoulder, well better say tried to do so, there is a bit much of a height difference. Hiruzen looked into Crimsons eyes and Crimson knew that he is accepted in this team, he feel certain and knows everyone is counting on him. He will give his best on the field.

Until the game start there is few hours, so everyone is sitting on benches and going through the tactics. Crimson went ahead and took the place next to Minato Namikaze, the fastest player basketball ever had. They did their famous bro fist and continued with paying attention to Hiruzen’s words.

‘’ All right, now that everyone is here, we should go through the tactic once more.’’ Hiruzen was serious while talking about the game, while off the field he was a big jokester. That is how everyone knew to respect his words and his coaching. Crimson knew that his position is the power forward. He is using his height to win every game he have been playing. Hiruzen already gave him the instructions, and Crimson understood them perfectly. Minato Namikaze’s position is small forward, using his speed, size and strength he can guard multiple positions. After giving him the instruction Hiruzen went next to Kakashi, the on field captain. Kakashi as the point guard is making sure that Hiruzen’s coaching don’t go in vain. That is why he is remembering every word and every move Hiruzen shows on the blackboard in front of him. The position of a shooting guard is taken by the youngest member, Neji Hyuga. The most precise ball handler. He has a good sight and sense of environment. His ball always ends up at the right player at the right spot, always knows of which position he can make the best use of and his head is cool during the most intense moments. The center position is taken by Ay. The big boy of the Shinobi basketball team. His strength, size and speed are admirable and with them this is the position for him. The substitution members were Shisui, player with great ball possession sense, Lee, agile player, Kisame, player with unlimited source of energy, and the famous brothers, Hashirama and Tobirama, that work perfectly together in the forward positions.

The team after listening to an hour of Hiruzen’s talking went to the court. They started warming up by running, jumping, tossing the ball. As the time was passing they became more conscious about the upcoming game. They were up against the Otsutsuki team. They never played against them before. Crimson have rewatched their play countless times on various sites on internet. He made sure to notice their weakness in their defence. So as long as they get to the ball possession they will have a chance against that unbeatable team.

The time is closing up and the crowd is getting bigger. Crimson got called from the crowd, he turned and he saw all 4 of his best friends. He rushed to them.

‘’I am glad to see you all made it here’’ Crimson went through his hair with his hand trying not to show how nervous he got. He wanted to make them proud.

‘’Like hell i would ever miss this chance to see you beating those uptight freaks.’’ Scarlet never knew what words he shouldn’t utter, but even like that he always managed to cheer up everyone, and this made Crimson feel better. He turned his head toward Breeze, as she seemed like she had something to say. She stepped out, and stood right in front of him. Took something out of her bag and told him to lean a bit. He leaned toward her while jittering. She have placed the black headband on his head.

‘’Good luck big boy’’, that was enough to make him blush. He stepped away from his friends and told them to go to the bench next to Hiruzen the fastest he could. Once everyone was seated he went back to his teammates.

There is 10 minutes until the game starts. Players are introducing themselves and the referee is approaching holding the ball in his hands. He is making a visual contact with all the players and tossing the ball when he made sure everything is fine. At that moment all the players shutted down and the only thing that existed to them is the ball and the game. Ay jumped at the same time Otsutsuki’s center jumped, they both managed to get to the ball, but Ay was stronger on this point, he managed to hit the ball in the direction of Crimson. Crimson knew that as they got the ball now there is no way he can let down his team and friends. He will win this game. He started to dribble the ball, rushed forward, and all of his team mates followed his steps. He was feeling secure, he knew his teammates are keeping themselves open for a pass, and he dodges the opponent team with ease. As he approached the hoop the crowd around him became tight, Kakashi screamed out ‘’ Rasengan!’’, Crimson understood him, saw the opening to Minato and passed him the ball. Minato caught it, rushed forward, jumped and scored. First score from Shinobi in under one minute of the game. There was not much time to celebrate, this was only the start and no one will rest during this game.

Next 10 minutes was tough, once the Otsutsuki got the ball in their hands it was hard for Shinobi to recover it. Shinobi’s defensive play was remarkable, but Otsutsuki managed to get in lead. Their play style was harsh, and their offensive was good. The result after the first quarter was 30 vs 29 for Otsutsuki. Close call, but that wasn’t making Shinobi happy. They wanted a win. The break was loud on the bench. Hiruzen was making sure everyone got their part once again. And he decided to replace Ay with Kisame.

The 2nd quarter started off with Otsutsuki in ball possession. Kisame unleashed his inner rage. He was overflowing with energy and no one could stop him, he took the ball. He went for the other side of court, to the opponents hoop, He got blocked by Otsutsuki’s Shooting guard and Point guard, Kakashi made sure Kisame would hear his voice when he shouted ‘’Byakugan!’’ On that word Kisame launched the ball towards neji that stood behind him, the word that Kakashi shouted was followed up by ‘’ Stone Fist’’ and Neji shortly after he got the ball passed to Crimson, the pass was perfect, no one could stop it, and with that Crimson scored.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-17 01:52:07Show this Author Only
  • Theia罪 On 2018-07-17 01:51:08
  • Crimson, believe it!

    “Since we came here in Russia the good weather has been following us, aren’t we lucky? “ Crimson Fist was commenting while putting on his sneakers that he recently bought. Bright green Jordans went well with the rest of his basketball uniform. Green and yellow combinations always suited his dark tan. He stood up finally and turned to face his friends throwing a big shadow over them as he was blocking the sunlight that came through the window behind him.

    “ I agree, and Crimson, i have to admit, your sportswear looks good on you. You will have fun in that basketball club for sure. All girls like a good looking basketball player” Breeze Dancer’s line made Crimson uneasy, he was not good with girls and Breeze never had mercy when teasing him. Breeze was running around the house, trying to find her beach volleyball cap. She was in love with her yellow volleyball costume that she got from the local club, and she remembered that she had a perfect cap that would go well with it. Azure Fang was sitting by the table eating snacks and laughing at how fast Breeze was running through the apartment they rented during the time when world cup took place. Azure was already prepared, she didn’t need much time to put on her gymnastic uniform, she was hyped because she got the chance to practice with famous Russian gymnastics, but no one could see that on her face. She loved her new uniform, blue clothing always fascinated her, and that morning, when Midnight Blade said to her that the uniform matches her well, she was in heaven. That is why she ignored him the rest of the day, eating snacks and looking at other direction while he was packing his new soccer shoes in his backpack. He preferred to bring his clothes to the stadium and change in the dress room, and he felt the best when he could take a shower right after the game, even though the apartment was 2 minutes of walk away from the stadium.

    “Midnight, if you’re ready, let’s head to the stadium, my baseball team is gathering there. “ Scarlet Blaze didn’t think he would enjoy his time here. But when he saw people playing baseball in his neighborhood he couldn’t resist his urge to join them. He is a hyperactive type of a person, the red uniform that baseball team had, made him run right onto the captain and asking him if he could join them for the time he is staying in Russia. The captain was a nice person, and when he saw Scarlet’s skill on the field, he was more than glad to take him in for that short period of time.

    Midnight Blade didn’t respond verbally, he stood up, put his backpack on and went to the door waving at the rest of the group. Scarlet didn’t need any word to understand, so he rushed after Midnight saying goodbye to the rest of the group.

    “Girls, i will be leaving you now. Have a nice time” Crimson knew that if he would wait for Breeze, he would never get out of the apartment. Breeze was mumbling something that resembled as goodbye, and Azure just waved as her mouth were full with snacks.

    While he was walking down the street he was wondering if Breeze will really come later that day to watch his big game as she promised to him the night before.

    He just started to blush at the thought of her cheering for him from the bench when he reached the big building. He wasn’t feeling nervous, he was preparing for the big game for a long time. His home town basketball team was well known through the world, and thanks to it, he traveled throughout the world and he was able to take his friends on every and each of those travels. This year the big basketball game aligned with the fifa world cup, and that fact made his friend Midnight really happy, at least Crimson would like to think like that, since Midnight is always silent.

    Crimson went straight to the changing room to meet the rest of his team. The first one to meet him at the door was Hiruzen Sarutobi, the coach. Hiruzen put his hand on Crimsons shoulder, well better say tried to do so, there is a bit much of a height difference. Hiruzen looked into Crimsons eyes and Crimson knew that he is accepted in this team, he feel certain and knows everyone is counting on him. He will give his best on the field.

    Until the game start there is few hours, so everyone is sitting on benches and going through the tactics. Crimson went ahead and took the place next to Minato Namikaze, the fastest player basketball ever had. They did their famous bro fist and continued with paying attention to Hiruzen’s words.

    ‘’ All right, now that everyone is here, we should go through the tactic once more.’’ Hiruzen was serious while talking about the game, while off the field he was a big jokester. That is how everyone knew to respect his words and his coaching. Crimson knew that his position is the power forward. He is using his height to win every game he have been playing. Hiruzen already gave him the instructions, and Crimson understood them perfectly. Minato Namikaze’s position is small forward, using his speed, size and strength he can guard multiple positions. After giving him the instruction Hiruzen went next to Kakashi, the on field captain. Kakashi as the point guard is making sure that Hiruzen’s coaching don’t go in vain. That is why he is remembering every word and every move Hiruzen shows on the blackboard in front of him. The position of a shooting guard is taken by the youngest member, Neji Hyuga. The most precise ball handler. He has a good sight and sense of environment. His ball always ends up at the right player at the right spot, always knows of which position he can make the best use of and his head is cool during the most intense moments. The center position is taken by Ay. The big boy of the Shinobi basketball team. His strength, size and speed are admirable and with them this is the position for him. The substitution members were Shisui, player with great ball possession sense, Lee, agile player, Kisame, player with unlimited source of energy, and the famous brothers, Hashirama and Tobirama, that work perfectly together in the forward positions.

    The team after listening to an hour of Hiruzen’s talking went to the court. They started warming up by running, jumping, tossing the ball. As the time was passing they became more conscious about the upcoming game. They were up against the Otsutsuki team. They never played against them before. Crimson have rewatched their play countless times on various sites on internet. He made sure to notice their weakness in their defence. So as long as they get to the ball possession they will have a chance against that unbeatable team.

    The time is closing up and the crowd is getting bigger. Crimson got called from the crowd, he turned and he saw all 4 of his best friends. He rushed to them.

    ‘’I am glad to see you all made it here’’ Crimson went through his hair with his hand trying not to show how nervous he got. He wanted to make them proud.

    ‘’Like hell i would ever miss this chance to see you beating those uptight freaks.’’ Scarlet never knew what words he shouldn’t utter, but even like that he always managed to cheer up everyone, and this made Crimson feel better. He turned his head toward Breeze, as she seemed like she had something to say. She stepped out, and stood right in front of him. Took something out of her bag and told him to lean a bit. He leaned toward her while jittering. She have placed the black headband on his head.

    ‘’Good luck big boy’’, that was enough to make him blush. He stepped away from his friends and told them to go to the bench next to Hiruzen the fastest he could. Once everyone was seated he went back to his teammates.

    There is 10 minutes until the game starts. Players are introducing themselves and the referee is approaching holding the ball in his hands. He is making a visual contact with all the players and tossing the ball when he made sure everything is fine. At that moment all the players shutted down and the only thing that existed to them is the ball and the game. Ay jumped at the same time Otsutsuki’s center jumped, they both managed to get to the ball, but Ay was stronger on this point, he managed to hit the ball in the direction of Crimson. Crimson knew that as they got the ball now there is no way he can let down his team and friends. He will win this game. He started to dribble the ball, rushed forward, and all of his team mates followed his steps. He was feeling secure, he knew his teammates are keeping themselves open for a pass, and he dodges the opponent team with ease. As he approached the hoop the crowd around him became tight, Kakashi screamed out ‘’ Rasengan!’’, Crimson understood him, saw the opening to Minato and passed him the ball. Minato caught it, rushed forward, jumped and scored. First score from Shinobi in under one minute of the game. There was not much time to celebrate, this was only the start and no one will rest during this game.

    Next 10 minutes was tough, once the Otsutsuki got the ball in their hands it was hard for Shinobi to recover it. Shinobi’s defensive play was remarkable, but Otsutsuki managed to get in lead. Their play style was harsh, and their offensive was good. The result after the first quarter was 30 vs 29 for Otsutsuki. Close call, but that wasn’t making Shinobi happy. They wanted a win. The break was loud on the bench. Hiruzen was making sure everyone got their part once again. And he decided to replace Ay with Kisame.

    The 2nd quarter started off with Otsutsuki in ball possession. Kisame unleashed his inner rage. He was overflowing with energy and no one could stop him, he took the ball. He went for the other side of court, to the opponents hoop, He got blocked by Otsutsuki’s Shooting guard and Point guard, Kakashi made sure Kisame would hear his voice when he shouted ‘’Byakugan!’’ On that word Kisame launched the ball towards neji that stood behind him, the word that Kakashi shouted was followed up by ‘’ Stone Fist’’ and Neji shortly after he got the ball passed to Crimson, the pass was perfect, no one could stop it, and with that Crimson scored.


This quarter was tough as the first one, but this time Shinobi were more in the * possession. The Kisame addition to the game was a good one, as they needed a harsher approach. Half time came, at the end of the 2nd quarter the results were 56:62 in favor of Shinobi. They were still not happy with the result, the battle is close and Otsutsuki team is agitated. Crimson gets nervous but in a brief second he hears a sweat voice he already knows. It was Breeze cheering for him from the bottom of her lungs. Her screaming Crimson’s name could be heard even the music from the cheerleading performance is too loud. He felt an adrenaline rush inside of him. He remembered for who he is playing and giving his best.

The break is over, everyone is back on field. Shinobi’s are starting the game. This quarter is fast paced. Full of passing, ball stealing, fouls, chargings. Otsutsuki decided to put everything they had on court. They didn’t have mercy. While one of the Otsutsuki’s team member was in ball possession Minato rushed to him and managed to take the ball. Minato was so fast, he saw a clear opening to the hoop and went for it. Just at the moment when ball should’ve entered the hoop referee was whistling. Minato was charged with traveling. Minato knew that wasn’t the real case, he was careful throughout the whole game, so he went to the referee to clear that misunderstanding. The referee didn’t have patience for him and threatened him with an expel from the field in this season.

Everyone came to Minato and calmed him. The 2nd quarter was tied. 95 points on both sides. This match was intense. Crimson heard the cheering of his friends. Even Midnight was loud. After a harsh and loud talk from Hiruzen they went back to the field. None of them felt tired, they feel fresh, the game still isn’t over, and they need to make sure to do the best they can.

Game went with no changes in the player’s pace. It was as fast as it was, as harsh as they played from the start. The time was clicking, the heartbeat of everyone watching the game raised, the match was intense, and the results was close. When the referee whistled the end the crowd went loud, players than turned to see the scoreboard. Shinobi won, the difference in the result was by only 3 points. Scarlet was standing firm on ground not sure what he should do next, he still thinks the game is on. Every team member rushed to him, jumping, yelling, hugging. Hiruzen was beyond happy, he was standing on the bench and yelling with his hands raised. And while in that group hug he caught a glimpse of Breeze, Midnight, Scarlet and Azure, they were all looking in his direction with brightest smiles on their face. He went out of the crowd made by his fellow players and went straight to his friends. The first one to great him was Scarlet, rushing to him and punching his biceps.

‘’Bro, you were great! You made sure for them to know who’s the boss!’’ Crimson was speechless, he was hugging Azure, and s* hands with Midnight but he didn’t take his eyes from Breeze. Scarlet, Azure and Midnight saw that and they moved on the side, letting Crimson pass and go to Breeze.

‘’We won’’ He said while awkwardly scratching the back oh his head. She stood close to him, and while looking in his eyes she whispered in a tone she knew he would hear, ‘’You won, but not only the game’’ And landed a light kiss on his lips.

  • Registered: 2018-01-05
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On 2018-07-17 13:19:25Show this Author Only

Konoha High’s Hotblooded Sports Festival: U Can Do It!

Serve it, set it, spike it.

For years this was what Fuuka lived for. First year she was the team’s rookie of the year, and now in her third year, she captained Konoha High’s very own volleyball team. Somewhere along the way, she picked up the moniker “Breeze Dancer.” It was like she danced on air around the court when she played.


The sound echoed through the empty gymnasium as the blue-eyed blonde started another set of drills. Her focus was solely on the ball, determined to prove herself and her team as the best. As the captain, she had to work hard. There was no letting down her teammates, and so there was no time for a break until she was satisfied with her results.

The ball bounced from the wall back towards the blonde, who was ready to return it. What she was not ready for, was a petite hand stopping the ball halfway. She blinked in confusion for a moment as her mind caught up with what just occurred. Pretty blue eyes followed the ball as it was pulled to the chest of another girl. Blue hair and dark cobalt blue eyes set into a familiar face. Oh, it was her cousin, Aoi, or as she was known on the gymnastics team, “Azure Fang.”

The blue haired cousin smiled patiently as she kept a firm hold of the volleyball. “Everyone’s already gone home. You should too, before you wear yourself out.”

Painted lips pouted as Fuuka crossed her arms. “You’re still here.”

“My team was having a meeting about the sports festival,” Aoi explained as she moved to return the stolen ball to it’s rightful place with the rest of the equipment.

The blonde cousin followed, eyeing the ball. “And I’m here because of the sport festival too.”

The Interscholastic Sports Festival. It occurred twice a year and involved the participation of multiple neighboring schools. They would all come together to compete against each other. Officially, it was to improve relations between the schools, but everyone knew it was really a way for the schools to one-up each other. With so many different sports, the events had to be separated into two days, once at the beginning of the school year, and again in the middle of the year. This time around it was taking place at Konoha and the volleyball, gymnastics, baseball, football, and basketball teams would be competing. It was only a few days away, starting early Monday morning.

After returning the ball, Aoi positioned her body to block Fuuka. “Don’t try to make it seem like it isn’t different.”

“You don’t understand! Your team wants to win, but my team has to win,” The blonde childishly whined.

There was something about the situation that made Aoi not want to ask, but she did it anyway. “And why does your team have to win?”

A manic glint appeared in those pretty blue eyes as the taller cousin giggled. “If we win, we get new uniforms! I already have it designed and they’ll be so cute! We just need to win!”

Aoi deadpanned and then sighed in defeat. Her cousin, the fashionista. The blonde never worried about her clothing, because she always had it planned out from the get-go; all the way down to the accessories. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the thing to motivate Fuuka so thoroughly about be a promise of new custom clothing.

With a shake of her head, Aoi snapped her fingers to return her cousin—likely from her fashion fantasies—back to reality. “Listen, no matter how much you want those new uniforms, you can’t carry the entire team by yourself. Drilling for hours after practice on your own won’t help.”

Another pout appeared on the blonde bombshell’s pretty face. With arms crossed, she tried to argue, “Volleyball’s a team sport. I know that, but what if that little bit of practice makes a difference? I can’t risk that!”

“And what if that little bit of practice is too much? Burning out won’t help your team win.” Her cousin was stubborn, that much was common knowledge. That was why Aoi had to be the voice of reason.

Tense shoulders drooped, and the blue-haired cousin knew that she had won this round. Fuuka nodded after finding that she couldn’t argue with her cousin’s logic. Despite the fact that the blonde wanted to keep practicing and it would make her feel better to do so, she didn’t have an excuse to continue. Why did Aoi have to be so smart?

Knowing that the blonde needed a distraction, she pushed her towards the locker room. “Girl’s night at my house?” Luckily it was the beginning of the weekend.

“Yes!” Fuuka giddily skipped into the locker room. Aoi was such a tomboy at times that any opportunity to have quality girl time with her was a call to drop anything and everything.

With that solved, the rest of the day and even the weekend, passed easily. Before Fuuka realized it, Monday had arrived, and she was gathered with her team to greet the visiting volleyball teams. Suna High was the first to arrive, lead by their captain Temari. Sparks flew as Temari and Fuuka made eye contact. Since first year, the two had been rivals. Off the court they were surprisingly great friends, but on it? That rivalry was up there with the likes of Naruto and Sasuke from the Konoha baseball team. It was truly terrifying to some, to watch the two strong-willed teens face off against each other. Shikamaru, as Temari’s boyfriend, certainly knew he’d be hearing about it, win or loss notwithstanding.

The atmosphere seemed to tense once the two rivals moved to the court. What started out as a quiet match soon turned loud as the competition heated up. The spectators—students who weren’t involved in the participating sports teams—cheered for their school or their friends. Fuuka had no problems raising her voice to call commands to her teammates. Confident. Light on her feet. Powerful. She was in her element directing her team to one score after the next. Her teammates trusted her judgement full stop. It was just the sort of person she was. A true leader on the court.

One win and then another. Soon they had reached the finals of the tournament. Suna versus Konoha. Photography and media clubs had set up everywhere they could to record what they believed would be the zenith of that sports festival. It was just so perfect. The only tournament to have ended up with the top two teams facing each other in the finals and not a moment earlier.

Fuuka and Temari stepped up to shake hands before the start of the match. Unlike boys, those two had the self-control to refrain from white-knuckled grips.

Temari smirked, confidence, perhaps even overconfidence, dripping from her words as she spoke. “May the best team win.”

Pretty blue eyes narrowed but her easy confidence never wavered, “Let’s both remember that when this is over.” Fuuka was a people person, and she knew her rival captain inside and out. Temari worked on countering her opponents, but there was one problem with that.

With a single wave of her hand, Fuuka’s entire team switched out. Gone were the usual players and in their places were the B team. A team was for the big competitions, but that didn’t mean B team was allowed to slack. They did just as many. Not that anyone really paid attention.

Temari’s eyes widened at the sight. Fuuka’s counter for Temari’s strategy? Unpredictability.

B team had a completely different dynamic than A team. Most importantly? Fuuka didn’t lead, her vice-captain did.

Having thrown Suna’s team for a loop, Konoha was able to take a large lead at the beginning. Temari’s plans didn’t leave much for the unexpected, but once she figured out what she was up against, she called for a timeout to regroup with her team. Knowing that Temari’s team was going to make a comeback, Fuuka switched out the teams again. B team gave them the lead they needed. No need to waste that by being stubborn.

Suna began to quickly gain points as they used their original strategy. When Fuuka noticed the closing gap, she put her team on the defensive. They had the lead, they just needed to keep it until time ran out.

As the last seconds of the clocked ticked down, there as a single point difference in favor of Konoha. They had to prevent an evening out. If they were to go into overtime, Suna would surely get that one last point needed to win.

Five seconds.

A Suna player spiked the ball sharply into Konoha’s court.


“Got it!” Fuuka called.


She dove, arms outstretched to stop contact between the ball and the floor.


She made it.


A teammate sent it over the net.



Cheers erupted from the stands. Konoha had won by two points.

As the adrenaline began to wear off, a grin stretched itself across Fuuka’s face. Before she could pick herself up off the ground, her teammates did it for her. Squeals of delight and rang in the blonde’s ears as the girls did their best to include all of the team in a group hug, with their captain in the center. Unable to move to express her excitement, the blonde instead laughed and cheered loudly along with them.

Two weeks later, their new uniforms arrived and Fuuka couldn’t be happier. Her team on the other hand…

“Captain?” Sakura’s eyes stayed locked on her new uniform as she called for Fuuka’s attention.

The blonde captain was currently on cloud nine and replied dreamily, “Yes?”

“Tell me this is a joke,” Sakura urged, her eye beginning to twitch the longer she stared at the—could it even be called clothing? It barely covered anything! It was basically a sports bra and underwear.

“Aren’t our new uniforms cute? I got to design them you know, and even got to add these adorable visors!” Fuuka squealed and her eyes sparkled as she looked towards her teammate, waiting for approval.

Instead, Sakura only got angrier. In a fit, she threw the new uniform at her captain, “We aren’t a beach volleyball team! We play inside!” Sometimes the blonde was harder to deal with than Naruto!

Fuuka pouted prettily with crossed arms, “But they’re cute!”

Fed up with their air headed captain, the majority of the team followed Sakura’s example and launched their new uniforms at the blonde. Time to rally together against their captain’s bad idea… Again.

This post was last edited by K42 on 2018-07-17 13:21:01.
  • Registered: 2018-02-01
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On 2018-07-19 07:43:44Show this Author Only

Not sure if I made it before the deadline. I’m posting this anyway since the thread isn’t closed.

The only one who can win

Midnight couldn’t understand why he was picked for the football team.

He had only played football a few times during his academy years. So when he was chosen as one of the new players, he figured that they only needed him as a substitute. To his surprise Kakashi Hatake, the couch, placed him in the main lineup.

He sat on a stool at Ichiraku’s ramen, contemplating about that day’s training session. As usual he was the one who messed up. The one who dragged the whole team down. The others said that he’ll do better in the real match, but he knew it was not going to be the case.

“This is,” he said, “I am a ninja. I’m supposed to be training and going on missions, not playing games!”

“The football tournament is a way to maintain a peaceful relationship with the other villages. You can consider it a mission.”

Midnight turned around and saw that it was Kakashi. Kakashi sat on the stool next to him and ordered a large bowl of ramen.

“If it is to maintain relationships, then winning is unnecessary,” said Midnight.

Kakashi merely smiled and said nothing. It was as though he didn’t think the question worth answering. After all, no self respecting ninja would go to a battle—or a game—without intending to win.

It was not like Midnight didn’t care for winning. But if he had the choice, he wouldn’t be part of the game at all.

“Kakashi-sensei, can I ask you something?” he said, “why did you pick me for the football team? I’m not as skilled as Lee. I can’t anticipate the opponent’s movements like Sasuke. I can’t even trick and deceive them like Naruto.”

Kakashi put down the bowl of soup he was drinking and said, “I did not choose you to do what someone else can do. I need you to do what you are best at.”

“Something I am best at? What is it? What could it be?”

“Who knows? Only you would know.”

“Err,” Midnight was a little disappointed. “I don’t.”

Kakashi stood up, put his hands on Midnight’s shoulders and said with a very serious tone, “Tomorrow’s the final. The Hidden Cloud are strong. Your team needs you, Midnight, so don’t let them down.”

His team needed him? Why would they need somebody who was about as useful as excess baggage? Kakashi must have been messing with him—that would not be so unusual of the copy ninja. Then again, if Kakashi did not see him worthy, would he actually put him on the main lineup?

“Sensei, what am I supposed to do at the match tomorrow… uh“

Kakashi was not there. He was always as fast at running away as he was at copying techniques.


The final was a nightmare.

The first half ended with the Hidden Cloud scoring three goals to nothing. They were a powerful team and also incredibly fast. The Leaf could barely keep the ball for seconds, let alone attempting to score. To top it off two of the Leaf’s best players, Rock Lee and Hyuga Neji, were absent due to injury. The second half started off equally bad.

“Crap, even my ultimate technique isn’t working on them,“ said Naruto, now transformed into a hot girl in bikini. The Cloud players merely stared at him for half a second then moved on.

“You’ve used it too many times,” said Midnight, “only amateurs will fall for it now.”

“Nothing is working against them,” said Kiba, curling his fist in frustration, “this is bad. We have no way of stopping them. Are we going to lose like this? It is embarrassing.”

Midnight did not want to lose. He did not care much about the tournament, but seeing how the Cloud players were looking down on the Leaf made him pissed. He wanted to show them the true spirit of the Leaf’s ninja.

Why did Kakashi say that the team needed him? He still couldn’t figure it out. Right then there was only one thing left for him to try. He put his hands together, rapidly forming three seals.

“Lightning cloak!”

Lightning sparks surrounded him. This was an old technique passed down in his clan. A technique that granted the user an unusual speed at the cost of extreme exhaustion afterwards. It was impractical for both missions and wars, that’s why it had become a lost technique that Midnight had only read about in a book. But who’s to say that what’s useless for missions can’t be used in a football match?

He ran toward the ball and *ed it, feeling excited at how fast he had become. With swift movements he made his way to the opponent’s goal, easily bypassing the defenders. He shot the ball infused with lightning chakra and-


The whole stadium cheered. A new hope was born for the Leaf.

“Awesome,” said Naruto, “when did you learn such a technique?”

Midnight grinned, “I’ll tell you after we win.”

The match continued. In the remaining twenty minutes the Leaf scored three more goals and brought home victory.

After the match Midnight ran over to Kakashi and said, “sensei, you knew that the lightning cloak was the key to victory from the start, right?”

“Nope, I was merely curious to see what you’ll come up with, “said Kakashi nonchalantly as he was reading his favourite novel. “You surprised me. Well done.”

So the copy ninja was messing with him after all.

Midnight never took part in another football tournament. That year he was promoted to jonin and no longer had time to play. However, for many years to come people still remembered the boy who once sped through the pitch like a bolt of lightning.

This post was last edited by SomeoneRandom on 2018-07-19 07:47:47.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-19 10:05:03Show this Author Only

Moonlit Field

Midnight of the Blade Clan was returning from a month long solo mission from the Land of Iron, a neutral country right above the Land of Snow. It was a simple convoy mission which involved aiding a retired samurai who was visiting Konoha to check up on his son who was successful merchant in the Land of Fire. The mission, however, turned quite tedious when some Homeless Shinobi, very powerful ones, plundered them. Midnight had a hard time dealing with them, but he was able to take the plunderers out and the target remained safe. The old man, being a samurai, wanted to repay Midnight and agreed to teach him a special technique he had developed in his old days serving the army. It was a simple chakra technique, or Ki as Samurai called it. It involved circulating the chakra rapidly throughout the body to strengthen it, have your cells absorb that chakra in excess carefully and then cultivate it. After the cultivation, you had to simply release the excess chakra with a burst and leaving the remaining chakra to continue to circulate the body. The main purpose of this technique was to simply act a boost that would push the body to the limits, but it had its risks and it would require the body to undergo a long cooldown. Midnight spent a few weeks with the old man to perfect the technique, but he refused to use it in battle unless he put his own unique twist to it. He, of course, thanked the retired Samurai and was heading back to Konoha. He was really exhausted and he was so ready to cash in on those vacation days he had put out in case of an emergency. With the Village Gates of Konoha in his sights, Midnight muttered softly with a smile, “I’m home”.

Hokage Tower

Midnight immediately made his way to the Hokage Tower to give a detailed report to Tsunade-sama. When he entered the Hokage Office, he was utterly confused at the extremely somber atmosphere in the room. His friends and squad, the Five Elements, was also present there with stressed out faces. Midnight became a bit anxious and said, “Hokage-sama, Midnight from the Blade Clan is reporting from mission no. 3857”, to his surprise, Tsunade’s face lit up almost instantly and she said excitedly, “O, Blade, we’ve been waiting for you….I have important news for you, I have assigned your squad an SS Rank mission that only you 5 can complete. There is absolutely no room for failure, since the pride and reputation of the Village Hidden in the Leaves is on the line”. A SS ranked mission?!! SS means this is a mission concerning the entire NATION, just what happened while I was gone?!, Midnight thought. “Um, Hokage-sama, did I hear correctly? SS rank? Just what exactly is going on? Please don’t tell me it involves the abduction of a Jinchuriki, assassination of Daimyo or maybe….Did something happen to Naruto?”. Suddenly a voice perked up from behind him, “Nothing happened to me, ‘ttebyo. It’s just another one of Baa-Chan’s antics that led to this”, Midnight relaxed and said, “Well, that settles one of my worries, also...Tsunade-sama did something again?” Tsunade shouted, “What do you mean “again” , you brat? It’s that Raikage’s fault for messing with Konoha, I’ll show that * what it means to challenge my Shinobi!”. Azure-chan, being the rational one, said, “Let’s calm down, Tsunade-sensei… you see, Midnight, the Raikage challenged Tsunade-sama in a drunken rampage. He wants to prove his Shinobi are better and more powerful, and unfortunately...Tsunade-sama not only accepted the challenge, she also bet the First Hokage’s legendary armor as a prize for the winning team”. Midnight finally understood the situation and the gravity of it, he exclaimed, “Nani!? She challenged Kumo to a war over a drunken bet? What is wrong with this * old hag” while pointing towards Tsunade, but he immediately regretted his words as he saw the Hokage’s face forming into her dangerously angry demeanor.

Midnight Blade was officially dead.

Tsunade softly whispered, “* old hag, you said? Now tell me... How do you want me to kill, you brat? By Ripping you a new one or crushing your spine in half? Choose...before I do”, she smiled innocently. Seeing the situation turning sour, Scarlet tried to change the subject by saying, “Well, it’s not like she declared war or anything, it’s something more simple actually”, Midnight realizing his chance to change the subject swiftly said, “Simple?”. Breeze replied cheerfully, “Yep, it’s just a simple Soccer match”, “And you’re the captain, Blade-kun! Don’t you dare disappoint me” Tsunade added. “Me! Why me? I don’t even play sports, it’s impossible… Please let Crimson be the captain, he can do so much better than me, can’t you now buff boy?” Crimson turned his face away and said, “Um, Nope.”. Tsunade said without emotion, “Oh you don’t have a choice, brat. You back off or lose the match and I’ll have you commit seppuku.”, Breeze added nervously, “I thought it was only taking our vacation days away?”, “I could but….I Refuse!” Tsunade huffed, “At least for gloomy boy here” she pointed at Midnight.

With nowhere to run, Midnight Blade accepted reality and pronounced himself dead.

At Midnight’s House

“You really drove yourself into a corner with this one, Midnight!”, Scarlet laughed.

“Don’t forget you’re in this with me, Trap-Chan”, Midnight rolled his eyes, “What am I supposed to do, I don’t even know how to play soccer”, Midnight slammed his head into his pillow. “Don’t worry Midnight…I’ll can help you out with the game, but you’ll need to come up a plan by yourself, Tsunade-sama ordered me so…” Crimson said enthusiastically, “Stop it, you traitor, I was supposed to come home and rest but I got stuck with this!” Midnight exclaimed. Breeze laughed, “The game is easy, didn’t you play the game in the Academy?” Midnight softly sighed, “No…” he said while remembering the old Academy days, when he was isolated for being an “outsider” and he didn’t have any friends to actually play together with during lunch, it was those days that made him realize the importance of friends. Midnight looked up from his pillow and looked his only friends, his best friends, his comrades, the people he would die for without batting an eye and the light that saved him. His friends. Midnight smiled and said, “Can’t do anything about it now, let’s just try our best and win. I don’t know about Kumo, but there’s no way the best Lightning master is going to lose some nobodies”. Everybody smiled in relieve, Breeze said, “Never mind that, the game isn’t something to worry about. What we really need to worry about is what we’re going to wear to the game. There’s no way I am going to wear something that was quarantined in the the 20th century. Hey ‘Zure chan! Let’s go shopping!!” Azure replied cheerfully, “Yeah, Let’s go...but Bree’chan… please don’t pick out something too provocative”, “You’ll be surprised!” Breeze retorted deviously. “Well, that’s all good and all, but did you read over the rules ‘Night?” Crimson asked. Midnight replied by shaking his head, “Well, the rules are pretty similar to traditional Ninpo Soccer, but apparently the limit is set to 3 jutsu per game. Also, sharp objects and weapons are forbidden. Also, it’s a knockout system, if you get hit by the ball you are automatically disqualified”. Midnight didn’t know how to feel about this...on one hand he was extremely relieved about his ability to use ninjutsu but most of his powerful techniques were Kenjutsu based, which was a huge handicap for him. Midnight shrugged his worries off and stated, “Got it. I bet I can come up with something, but for now let’s start practice Crimson, we don’t have time”. And therefore, they began preparing for the game. Midnight didn’t want to admit it but he was actually really happy to play a game with his friends for the first time, it was always something he was always envious of, but now he wanted to enjoy the feeling of being on the field with his squad and represent his nation.

Midnight Blade, for the first time in his life, was hyped for a game.

Night before the game

“It’s ready guys!!!” Azure and Breeze shouted in excitement while waving around five white shopping bags. A weak “What’s ready?” came from the exhausted boys who were training and practicing for the game tomorrow. “Our outfits for the game, they’re super special. They’re apparently embedded with chakra strings therefore they give extra defense and resistance to us. Tsunade-sama was extra generous this time wasn’t she!” said an enthusiastic Breeze. “She even let us pick out the design, so ta-da!” Azure happily exclaimed as she took out a pair of black shirt and shorts with Golden stripes on them. It was just like how Midnight would’ve liked it, he really liked the design. “It’s really nice”, Midnight replied, followed by a thumbs up from Crimson and Scarlet. “I wanted to make this special for you, since you’re the captain and all, so I made the outfits were your favorite colors: black and gold” Breeze said shyly. Midnight and the others smiled at this. Scarlet added, “Yeh, you deserve this, captain~! Look Breeze even made an extra effort for you, you better give it your all tomorrow~ ^^”,

“Ofcourse I will, trap-chan” Midnight said with a tint of red of his cheeks, “I told you to stop calling me that, Darkness my old friend” Scarlet whined. Everybody shared a heartfelt laugh after that.

A few hours later

Midnight couldn’t sleep. He was just way too excited and worried for tomorrow. He knew that the punishment set by Tsunade-sama was just a joke, but still, he was a little scared. Midnight made his way outside to his lawn to catch some fresh air. While gazing at the stars, he couldn’t help but think of what he had lost. As a fresh genin, after Midnight was exposed to the ugly world of Shinobi, he often questioned his loyalty to Konoha. He would always think after what was he fighting for, what did he have to protect, barely scavenging for any reasoning to love Konoha…

But he couldn’t. Due to the darkness and loneliness in his heart, the final survivor of the Blade Clan lost his way. Midnight wanted to escape this darkness, he wanted to run free from loyalty and live for himself. Even if being a rogue was his fate, he was willing to accept it. However, just before he was beyond redemption, he was saved by group of four people. People just like him, people who took him in and accepted him. Midnight was lost in his thoughts when he heard Breeze walk up to him from behind and sit down next to him. She asked, “can’t sleep?”. Blade nodded, “You must be excited for tomorrow”, The white haired boy nodded again. “So, What’s wrong ‘Night?” Midnight looked down and said softly, “I’m worried...I don’t want to fail as a Captain”, Breeze slowly leaned onto Midnights shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, we believe in you. You’ve been working really hard, we’ll win for sure. Even if we lose, we can look back to this day and still be proud” Midnight blushed and slowly looked at Breeze. She really was beautiful, in the soft moonlight, her flowing yellow locks and reflecting eyes...Breeze was the most beautiful girl Midnight had ever seen. Embarrassed, he looked away, and said, “Thanks a lot, Breeze. I mean it. Thank you. I promise I will never ever let you guys down”. Breeze smiled, “I know. Get some rest, ‘Night Night” she stood up and went back to her and Azure’s room. Midnight was left alone in his thoughts, with a red face, a t* heart and a calm mind.

Day of the Match

Today was the day and the squad was assembled with them facing against the opponent team, five Shinobi from Kumogakure. The opponent team consisted of Killer Bee, Darui, Samui, Omoi and Karui. All of them were at least Jonin level. With Bee being the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi.

“The Raikage didn’t hesitate in bringing out his best”, Scarlet said nervously. “Don’t worry about it guys, let’s just have fun, we’ll win this for sure” Midnight said. “Today we’re here to play the game for fame, it’s supposed to be 5v5 but it’s 6v5, Hachan and Yours truly is the true duo, Fool ya fool” Bee said in his usual way. Midnight smiled, “It’s nice to see you again Bee, I see you haven’t gave up on rapping yet”, he remarked. “Of course he hasn’t”, Karui declared. “Unfortunately”, Omoi added, “Why are we here again”, Darui followed and Samui finished with, “You guys need to be cool about this” calming Karui down. Shortly after, the Raikage entered the audience, anyone could see him glaring daggers at Tsunade and Tsunade being overly confident about the situation. Midnight sighed as the referees, Hatake Kakashi and Cee, stated the rules and the game began.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 13
  • Posts: 26
On 2018-07-19 10:06:21Show this Author Only
  • Iaigiri On 2018-07-19 10:05:03
  • Moonlit Field

    Midnight of the Blade Clan was returning from a month long solo mission from the Land of Iron, a neutral country right above the Land of Snow. It was a simple convoy mission which involved aiding a retired samurai who was visiting Konoha to check up on his son who was successful merchant in the Land of Fire. The mission, however, turned quite tedious when some Homeless Shinobi, very powerful ones, plundered them. Midnight had a hard time dealing with them, but he was able to take the plunderers out and the target remained safe. The old man, being a samurai, wanted to repay Midnight and agreed to teach him a special technique he had developed in his old days serving the army. It was a simple chakra technique, or Ki as Samurai called it. It involved circulating the chakra rapidly throughout the body to strengthen it, have your cells absorb that chakra in excess carefully and then cultivate it. After the cultivation, you had to simply release the excess chakra with a burst and leaving the remaining chakra to continue to circulate the body. The main purpose of this technique was to simply act a boost that would push the body to the limits, but it had its risks and it would require the body to undergo a long cooldown. Midnight spent a few weeks with the old man to perfect the technique, but he refused to use it in battle unless he put his own unique twist to it. He, of course, thanked the retired Samurai and was heading back to Konoha. He was really exhausted and he was so ready to cash in on those vacation days he had put out in case of an emergency. With the Village Gates of Konoha in his sights, Midnight muttered softly with a smile, “I’m home”.

    Hokage Tower

    Midnight immediately made his way to the Hokage Tower to give a detailed report to Tsunade-sama. When he entered the Hokage Office, he was utterly confused at the extremely somber atmosphere in the room. His friends and squad, the Five Elements, was also present there with stressed out faces. Midnight became a bit anxious and said, “Hokage-sama, Midnight from the Blade Clan is reporting from mission no. 3857”, to his surprise, Tsunade’s face lit up almost instantly and she said excitedly, “O, Blade, we’ve been waiting for you….I have important news for you, I have assigned your squad an SS Rank mission that only you 5 can complete. There is absolutely no room for failure, since the pride and reputation of the Village Hidden in the Leaves is on the line”. A SS ranked mission?!! SS means this is a mission concerning the entire NATION, just what happened while I was gone?!, Midnight thought. “Um, Hokage-sama, did I hear correctly? SS rank? Just what exactly is going on? Please don’t tell me it involves the abduction of a Jinchuriki, assassination of Daimyo or maybe….Did something happen to Naruto?”. Suddenly a voice perked up from behind him, “Nothing happened to me, ‘ttebyo. It’s just another one of Baa-Chan’s antics that led to this”, Midnight relaxed and said, “Well, that settles one of my worries, also...Tsunade-sama did something again?” Tsunade shouted, “What do you mean “again” , you brat? It’s that Raikage’s fault for messing with Konoha, I’ll show that * what it means to challenge my Shinobi!”. Azure-chan, being the rational one, said, “Let’s calm down, Tsunade-sensei… you see, Midnight, the Raikage challenged Tsunade-sama in a drunken rampage. He wants to prove his Shinobi are better and more powerful, and unfortunately...Tsunade-sama not only accepted the challenge, she also bet the First Hokage’s legendary armor as a prize for the winning team”. Midnight finally understood the situation and the gravity of it, he exclaimed, “Nani!? She challenged Kumo to a war over a drunken bet? What is wrong with this * old hag” while pointing towards Tsunade, but he immediately regretted his words as he saw the Hokage’s face forming into her dangerously angry demeanor.

    Midnight Blade was officially dead.

    Tsunade softly whispered, “* old hag, you said? Now tell me... How do you want me to kill, you brat? By Ripping you a new one or crushing your spine in half? Choose...before I do”, she smiled innocently. Seeing the situation turning sour, Scarlet tried to change the subject by saying, “Well, it’s not like she declared war or anything, it’s something more simple actually”, Midnight realizing his chance to change the subject swiftly said, “Simple?”. Breeze replied cheerfully, “Yep, it’s just a simple Soccer match”, “And you’re the captain, Blade-kun! Don’t you dare disappoint me” Tsunade added. “Me! Why me? I don’t even play sports, it’s impossible… Please let Crimson be the captain, he can do so much better than me, can’t you now buff boy?” Crimson turned his face away and said, “Um, Nope.”. Tsunade said without emotion, “Oh you don’t have a choice, brat. You back off or lose the match and I’ll have you commit seppuku.”, Breeze added nervously, “I thought it was only taking our vacation days away?”, “I could but….I Refuse!” Tsunade huffed, “At least for gloomy boy here” she pointed at Midnight.

    With nowhere to run, Midnight Blade accepted reality and pronounced himself dead.

    At Midnight’s House

    “You really drove yourself into a corner with this one, Midnight!”, Scarlet laughed.

    “Don’t forget you’re in this with me, Trap-Chan”, Midnight rolled his eyes, “What am I supposed to do, I don’t even know how to play soccer”, Midnight slammed his head into his pillow. “Don’t worry Midnight…I’ll can help you out with the game, but you’ll need to come up a plan by yourself, Tsunade-sama ordered me so…” Crimson said enthusiastically, “Stop it, you traitor, I was supposed to come home and rest but I got stuck with this!” Midnight exclaimed. Breeze laughed, “The game is easy, didn’t you play the game in the Academy?” Midnight softly sighed, “No…” he said while remembering the old Academy days, when he was isolated for being an “outsider” and he didn’t have any friends to actually play together with during lunch, it was those days that made him realize the importance of friends. Midnight looked up from his pillow and looked his only friends, his best friends, his comrades, the people he would die for without batting an eye and the light that saved him. His friends. Midnight smiled and said, “Can’t do anything about it now, let’s just try our best and win. I don’t know about Kumo, but there’s no way the best Lightning master is going to lose some nobodies”. Everybody smiled in relieve, Breeze said, “Never mind that, the game isn’t something to worry about. What we really need to worry about is what we’re going to wear to the game. There’s no way I am going to wear something that was quarantined in the the 20th century. Hey ‘Zure chan! Let’s go shopping!!” Azure replied cheerfully, “Yeah, Let’s go...but Bree’chan… please don’t pick out something too provocative”, “You’ll be surprised!” Breeze retorted deviously. “Well, that’s all good and all, but did you read over the rules ‘Night?” Crimson asked. Midnight replied by shaking his head, “Well, the rules are pretty similar to traditional Ninpo Soccer, but apparently the limit is set to 3 jutsu per game. Also, sharp objects and weapons are forbidden. Also, it’s a knockout system, if you get hit by the ball you are automatically disqualified”. Midnight didn’t know how to feel about this...on one hand he was extremely relieved about his ability to use ninjutsu but most of his powerful techniques were Kenjutsu based, which was a huge handicap for him. Midnight shrugged his worries off and stated, “Got it. I bet I can come up with something, but for now let’s start practice Crimson, we don’t have time”. And therefore, they began preparing for the game. Midnight didn’t want to admit it but he was actually really happy to play a game with his friends for the first time, it was always something he was always envious of, but now he wanted to enjoy the feeling of being on the field with his squad and represent his nation.

    Midnight Blade, for the first time in his life, was hyped for a game.

    Night before the game

    “It’s ready guys!!!” Azure and Breeze shouted in excitement while waving around five white shopping bags. A weak “What’s ready?” came from the exhausted boys who were training and practicing for the game tomorrow. “Our outfits for the game, they’re super special. They’re apparently embedded with chakra strings therefore they give extra defense and resistance to us. Tsunade-sama was extra generous this time wasn’t she!” said an enthusiastic Breeze. “She even let us pick out the design, so ta-da!” Azure happily exclaimed as she took out a pair of black shirt and shorts with Golden stripes on them. It was just like how Midnight would’ve liked it, he really liked the design. “It’s really nice”, Midnight replied, followed by a thumbs up from Crimson and Scarlet. “I wanted to make this special for you, since you’re the captain and all, so I made the outfits were your favorite colors: black and gold” Breeze said shyly. Midnight and the others smiled at this. Scarlet added, “Yeh, you deserve this, captain~! Look Breeze even made an extra effort for you, you better give it your all tomorrow~ ^^”,

    “Ofcourse I will, trap-chan” Midnight said with a tint of red of his cheeks, “I told you to stop calling me that, Darkness my old friend” Scarlet whined. Everybody shared a heartfelt laugh after that.

    A few hours later

    Midnight couldn’t sleep. He was just way too excited and worried for tomorrow. He knew that the punishment set by Tsunade-sama was just a joke, but still, he was a little scared. Midnight made his way outside to his lawn to catch some fresh air. While gazing at the stars, he couldn’t help but think of what he had lost. As a fresh genin, after Midnight was exposed to the ugly world of Shinobi, he often questioned his loyalty to Konoha. He would always think after what was he fighting for, what did he have to protect, barely scavenging for any reasoning to love Konoha…

    But he couldn’t. Due to the darkness and loneliness in his heart, the final survivor of the Blade Clan lost his way. Midnight wanted to escape this darkness, he wanted to run free from loyalty and live for himself. Even if being a rogue was his fate, he was willing to accept it. However, just before he was beyond redemption, he was saved by group of four people. People just like him, people who took him in and accepted him. Midnight was lost in his thoughts when he heard Breeze walk up to him from behind and sit down next to him. She asked, “can’t sleep?”. Blade nodded, “You must be excited for tomorrow”, The white haired boy nodded again. “So, What’s wrong ‘Night?” Midnight looked down and said softly, “I’m worried...I don’t want to fail as a Captain”, Breeze slowly leaned onto Midnights shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, we believe in you. You’ve been working really hard, we’ll win for sure. Even if we lose, we can look back to this day and still be proud” Midnight blushed and slowly looked at Breeze. She really was beautiful, in the soft moonlight, her flowing yellow locks and reflecting eyes...Breeze was the most beautiful girl Midnight had ever seen. Embarrassed, he looked away, and said, “Thanks a lot, Breeze. I mean it. Thank you. I promise I will never ever let you guys down”. Breeze smiled, “I know. Get some rest, ‘Night Night” she stood up and went back to her and Azure’s room. Midnight was left alone in his thoughts, with a red face, a t* heart and a calm mind.

    Day of the Match

    Today was the day and the squad was assembled with them facing against the opponent team, five Shinobi from Kumogakure. The opponent team consisted of Killer Bee, Darui, Samui, Omoi and Karui. All of them were at least Jonin level. With Bee being the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi.

    “The Raikage didn’t hesitate in bringing out his best”, Scarlet said nervously. “Don’t worry about it guys, let’s just have fun, we’ll win this for sure” Midnight said. “Today we’re here to play the game for fame, it’s supposed to be 5v5 but it’s 6v5, Hachan and Yours truly is the true duo, Fool ya fool” Bee said in his usual way. Midnight smiled, “It’s nice to see you again Bee, I see you haven’t gave up on rapping yet”, he remarked. “Of course he hasn’t”, Karui declared. “Unfortunately”, Omoi added, “Why are we here again”, Darui followed and Samui finished with, “You guys need to be cool about this” calming Karui down. Shortly after, the Raikage entered the audience, anyone could see him glaring daggers at Tsunade and Tsunade being overly confident about the situation. Midnight sighed as the referees, Hatake Kakashi and Cee, stated the rules and the game began.


The Game Begins

The game began with Team Konoha getting the ball, and Team Kumo on the defense. Team Konoha had organized themselves as Crimson as the goalie, Breeze and Azure were the support and defending members of the team, and lastly, Midnight and Scarlet were handling the offensive.

“Our team’s alignment is really strong, and perfectly plays on to each members strengths”, Shikaku, Tsunade’s aid and advisor, contemplated loudly.

“Looks like they’re really serious about this… Remember this Raikage, the squad you see here is the best functioning squad in Konoha, when they’re working together, nothing can take them down” Tsunade said proudly. Ay just grunted loudly and responded, “let me see them take down my Shinobi, especially when they’re facing against Bee. Tsunade let me tell you this: Bee’s someone I myself trained and he can perfectly control his Bijuu, there is absolutely no chance for your naive brats”. Tsunade smiled, “How about we raise the bet then Raikage? If we win, you’ll have to buy me drinks for a whole year”. Ay grinned in response, “Accepted. However, if we win, I’ll have you do the same for me”. Thus, it was decided.

The referee signaled the game to began and Midnight swiftly handled the ball towards the opponent team. He marched a considerable distance when he was halted by Kumo’s sole defense, Omoi. Kumo had placed their members into the format of having 3 offensive players, 1 defense and 1 goalie. “Yo, Midnight. We’re in quite a pinch aren’t we? We both are sword users and yet we can’t use weapons. What are we gonna do…. With this handicap we won’t be of any use and our Kages will punish us” Omoi said with a shiver. “Useless, you said? You, maybe, but me? Not in your dreams!” He exclaimed as he shifted the ball to his right and passed Omoi swiftly. Suddenly he was pushed back by a brutal force, but he used his right leg to push the ball upwards as he fell back to avoid an unknown enemy attack. He immediately stood back up, gathered the ball back, only to see Omoi in front of him with a blue chakra blade. “Swordless sword style: Front slash”, Omoi chanted, “Same for me, Midnight. I won’t let you pass my defense!”. “Heh, using shadow clones huh?” Midnight grunted, as Omoi used to cross hand seal to bring out 5 more clones to surround him. Midnight realizing his predicament, passed the ball to Scarlet who was lagging a few feet behind him. Scarlet received the ball, but was immediately countered by Darui who was already weaving hand seals for a powerful Jutsu. “Like I’ll let you! Water Style: Water Wall” , Darui said as a huge wave of water crashed upon Scarlet. Scarlet shirked upon contact and Darui *ed the flying ball. “Hmph”, he said. As he made his way towards the goal, suddenly the ball disappeared. Surprise everyone turned their heads back to see Scarlet rearing for the goal with the ball. “Hehehe, Genjutsu: Mirroring Vision”. “Go, Scarlet!”, cheered Tsunade. Suddenly a spark of lightning swiped past Scarlet, with a blunt hint of brown. Instantly, Scarlet fell on the ground, with the ball nowhere near him. “Yo!”, a white clothed figure covered with brown tentacles shouted. Immediately everyone realized what had happened. Bee had *ed the ball away and Scarlet was out of the game. Bee said with a cold glare at the surprised players, “Brother said if I didn’t take this seriously I’ll be banned from performing my raps for the next year. I cannot afford that to happen, Fool ya fool”. The referees, Hatake Kakashi of the Sharingan and Cee of the Cloud, declared with a shared nod, “Scarlet of the Blaze Clan is disqualified for being hit by the prime target”. After a pause, Kakashi spoke up once more with a hint of nervousness in his voice, “In order to clarify the rules, using Bijuu forms does count as Ninjutsu, thus Killer Bee has used 2 out of 3 of his chances”.

“Oh……” Bee said nervously and turned back to see a furious Ay. “Bee, you idiot. The ace isn’t supposed to use 2 of his chance instantly!”. “Sorry Brother…..It will only take one more chance to take them out” Bee said with a cold, confident tone. For Midnight, this was a tough situation. Bee was just way too powerful, and they had lost one of their offensive players. Bee was rushing with the ball and he was heading towards Team Konoha’s defense. Azure was on guard, running through Breeze’s defense layout once more. “I need to stop Bee-san’s movements right now!”, Azure thought frantically as she saw Bee rushing towards her. Honestly, Azure was quite happy that she was facing Bee right now, she could extract revenge for her dear Scarlet. She ran through the hand seals, puffed her chest and let out a huge purple fog that continued to spread the field, “Poison Mist!”, she cried. This sent a huge shock towards the enemy team, this was really bad. Darui said, “The mist will obstruct our vision and if we get too close it will knock us out, stay away... Bee, Karui!”. “But won’t they be affected too? Bee can make it!”, Karui responded as she jumped back from the approaching fog. “Most likely not. They are a team, they must already have an immunity to the poison”, Darui speculated. Bee withdrew a bit, and for a while he blankly stared at the fog. Suddenly he smiled, and began rushing towards the fog once again. Midnight knew what that meant, he screamed into the fog, “Watch out Azure!”. But there was no reply except a loud thud on the field wall with a bloody Azure grasping on to her abdomen in pain. Bee had gotten to her! “Azure!”, Team Konoha exclaimed with worry. Consequently there was an referee announcement, Azure of the Fang Clan was disqualified from the match. The remaining members were angry...this was no longer a match to see who was better, meant war.

The Lightning had ignited flames within the leaves.

Breeze was furious, she was having no longer of this, her best friend had gotten hurt. Breeze bought her hands together and a huge ball of Blue appeared among them. She rushed towards Bee in amazing speeds and destroyed the ground in front of his feet. “Giant Rasengan!”, she shouted. A huge cloud of dust and debris flew off. Bee was pushed away from the recoil pressure. Breeze had the ball now. She immediately contracted back and with a determined glare said, “This ends now! Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu!”. Hundreds of copies of Breeze appeared onto the field, all having a copy of their own ball. “Ora!!!!!” She cried as hundreds and hundreds of * were kicked towards the Kumo Team. Omoi, Karui and Darui were violently hit by them successfully. Samui, surprised said, “This is clearly against the rules! Fake copies of the ball don't count towards disqualification”. Kakashi said with a smile, “if only that was the case… my sharingan saw it, Breeze circulated the ball among her clones, therefore all three of them were hit by the ball at least once. Omoi, Karui, and Darui of the Lightning are all disqualified”. Midnight smiled proudly, “Breeze....”. But he turned around to see a exhausted breeze on the ground gasping for breath with the original barely within her feet. “Here Midnight!” She cried as she kicked the ball towards Midnight. Midnight received it and said, “I’ll definitely win this!” Only to be alarmed by another referee announcement. But he knew what it meant, we only charged forward with a determined demeanor. “Cover me, bronze boy”, he said, asking Crimson to protect him from Bee. The goalie was a special player in Ninja Football as the disqualification rule did not apply to him. However, the goalie could still be disqualified if he was physically hit by the opponent team. Therefore, Crimson, who was great at defensive skills was perfect for the job. But now the tables had turned Bee was going to disqualify the goalie next. However, Bee was just standing there. Quietly, but Midnight knew he was quite displeased at the fact his teammates had been disqualified. He said, “Samui, retreat. I’m ending this game right now…..”. Samui nodded and drew back off the field. Showing that she was no longer in the game. Midnight and Crimson were shocked, confused and utterly terrified right now.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!”, Bee shouted as he transformed into a brown being growing in size to become a giant Octopus. Bee had transformed into his perfect Bijuu Mode. Midnight looked up and just said exhaustively, “Yare yare daze...can this game turn even more ridiculous?”. Bee punched his humongous tentacles towards Crimson and Midnight. Crimson exclaimed, “Earth Style: Great Earth Wall” as he shielded them with a huge block of mud rising from the ground. “I can restrain him for a while, Midnight hurry up and goal. Wood Style: Universe!”. Suddenly vines of solid wood started wrapping around Bee. “Don’t underestimate me! Fool ya fool”. Bee started moving in a twister and blew all of the vines away. With that twister Crimson was also hit by Bees tentacle and was disqualified. “Everything’s up to you now, Midnight!”, Crimson stated in pain as he was teleported out of the field. “Thanks Crimson, Thanks everyone. I’ll be sure to win. I have enough chakra now!Lightning Style: Ultimate Lightning Armor”, he whispered as a blue aura enshrouded him. A deep lightning blue with crackling sounds of flowing electric chakra. “It’s over now, Bee. You can’t catch up to me now.”, he said before instantly disappearing. There was a heavy silence, until there was a slight sound of the ball hitting the goal net and Midnight with his blue chakra cloak standing before it. The referee called out the goal, and Bee, with everyone else, was left in surprise . “What happened?!” He exclaimed as he turned back to his humanoid form. “The Jutsu you saw just now was something a humble samurai taught me, but I added my lightning chakra to it. It’s a lot like the Raikage’s Jutsu but it’s a bit different”. After the shock settled everyone in The Five Elements rushed towards Midnight with a victory cry. They had won.

For the first time in his life, Midnight Blade had won a game with his friends.


  • Registered: 2017-09-19
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 6
On 2018-07-19 15:43:26Show this Author Only

Lingering Phantom

Summary: I’m still haunted by your voice, your phantom lingering near by, always. I will never ever be free of you.

My feet slams against the mattress, as I flip around landing on my hands. I propel myself using my hands as leverage my feet slam against the soft mattress. I use the speed to flip myself over, vaulting over the object.

I land on the other side, panting heavily.

“Well done Azure,” my coach shouts. “We’ll win the championship for sure! Good luck tomorrow.”

I head to the locker room. I open my locker, taking out my water bottle and opening it with a quick turn of my hands. I raise it to my lips, letting a trickle of water seep out, quenching my thirst.

“Great job out there, Azure,” Breeze Dancer smiles.

The rest of the girls’ nod, casting me their bright smiles. “You did great Azure.”

I nod, smiling appreciatively. “You did well too.” I wrap my arms around Breeze, allowing her warmth to pour into me, wiping away a bit of my darkness. My eyes dart around the room, a pale blue flicker in the edge of my vision.

I wait until the rest of the girls file out the locker room before I slouch heavily against the wall, letting my mask fall. You appear, the pale blue phantom, an unwanted remnant from my past.

You smile, leaning across from me. What’s wrong Azzy? You say, smiling coldly. You, my mother, the person who was supposed to protect me, to hug me and kiss me.

Not you, never you. We had a special relationship. You would smile and crack your whip. I shiver in fear as I hear that loud sound again and again, reverberating around in my skull. Ten lashes, twenty lashes scored in my back, a permanent touch from you, a magical scar blessed by you. Your hand, landing on my back, forming bruises in the shape of a fist on my skin.

You’re exactly where you belong right now, trapped behind bars. You won’t stay there though. I know you well, very well in fact. You’ll escape soon, it’s not a matter of how, it’s a matter of when.

You walk towards me, tilting my chin up. How cute you sneer, gazing at me with hatred and contempt in your blue eyes. You have a friend, but friends are tools. Dispose of her when you’re finished with her.

I shake my head, trying to quench my fear. “She’s a great friend.”

You smile warmly, another mask. You pick your masks like girls pick their clothes. A mask for every occasion, a smile to match every mask. A thousand brilliant facades.

You lean in, your lips beside my ear. You’re worthless, you glare at me before you simply vanish like a phantom.

I gulp, glancing around waiting for you to appear again. Pathetic, worthless, useless. Your insults work their way into my brain. I blink my tears away as I lean on the row of lockers. I can’t be weak, I have to be strong. Weakness is abhorred by you. Weakness means I’ll get whipped again, that I'll get beat again.

I close my eyes, breathing in the clean air not tainted by your presence. You are like poison, every step, every move, every whisper, insidious and venomous.

I quickly peel off my gym uniform, putting on my pair of jeans and a bright green tank top. I reach into the back pocket of my jeans, my hand wrapping around the handle of your knife, your favourite knife. I glance at the scars at my hand, tracing each one carefully. A mixture of your marks and mine. Your love and mine entwining like two halves made whole.

I take out your knife, a small pocketknife which you used to call Poison Tai. I remember the violent screams, the sobs that would follow, and the blissful silence afterwards. I flip the blade open, holding the metal portion up.

I watch as the light gleams on every part of the metal surface. It looks beautiful, stunning. I walk over to the sink. I bring the knife down violently, a sharp pain like the flicker of your warm smiles shoots up my wound. Warm red drips cascade down my arm splattering in the sink. I’ll paint the whole town red Mommy. I’m doing it, I’m doing exactly what you wanted me to do.

I exhale, allowing physical pain to dull emotional pain. Time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t heal scars. The many scars layered in my back, and on my arm. The scars I bear on my heart, invisible to all but myself.

I’m flawed, imperfect, serving your bidding. I was your slave, am, am your slave. You still control me. I can hear you now Mommy, your voice chittering excitedly, your hand stained, a familiar stain. You killed again.

I bring the knife down again and again, opening fresh and old wounds, the old and new mixing together, blood seeping down my arm.

Occasionally I would bring the knife to my wrist, wondering if I should just end it all. A simple cut to my ulnar artery. A final cut.

Coward, you sneer.

I slowly put your knife away. I could never defy you, your whip would crack again if I thought about defiance. Your hands clenching into fists, slamming punch after punch into me.

This knife, your knife took many lives. Ten in fact. Ten years, ten victims, ten lives destroyed permanently.

I wonder if they would come after me, the parents of the children you took from them. They trusted you, a surgeon. You would smile and nod. You would start, making precision cuts, to fix the damage. You liked your victims in perfect shape after all.

You would inject them with beta blockers, slowing their heart rate and fake their deaths. You were also a coroner, so you could just take the body with no question. You would report that there were significant problems with the investigation and that the body was destroyed in the process. You would report postoperative problems and apologize fruitlessly.

I clench my hands tightly, forcing you out of my mind for now. I must focus on the competition tomorrow. I had to focus. Victory at any cost, failure means I get whipped. Failure is unacceptable.

Leaving the locker room, I bump into Breeze. I plaster a smile. “What are you doing here? I thought you went home?”

“I wanted to wait for you,” Breeze wraps her arms around me. “I was worried about you.”

Breeze’s hug was different from yours. Breeze’s hug was unfamiliar, but warm and comforting.

My lips curl into a genuine smile as I hear the concern in Breeze’s voice. It was nice having someone to care about me for once, it was nice being loved.

“I’m fine,” I say softly.

Breeze frowns as she grabs my arm, staring at it in dismay. “Azure are you cutting again?”

My smile turns tight. I yank my blood-soaked arm backwards. “You’ve gone too far. I’m perfectly fine.”

Breeze nods, looking at me sorrowfully. “I hope you’re alright.”

“What are you doing here?”

I turn, noticing Midnight Blade’s arrival. His sneer ever so present.

“Midnight,” I glare, I still haven’t forgotten his betrayal. “We just came back from the gymnastics competition. Now leave us alone.”

Midnight smirks, his cold blue eyes flashing furiously. “I don’t think so Azure. You still haven’t learned have you?”

“I don’t talk to traitors,” I sneer, my heart pounding painfully. Memories flicker in my mind of happier times, when there were five of us. Now I only had Breeze left.

Midnight’s eyes widen in disbelief. “I’m the traitor? That’s rich, coming from you.”

“You left me,” I shout. “You abandoned me.”

“You’re dangerous Azure,” Midnight sighs, narrowing his eyes at me. “I noticed things, how you would sometimes glance at us, your friends with wild eyes. Something dark lies in there. You aren’t sane at all, you’re sick and twisted.”

I blink my eyes, feeling tears pricking my eyes.

“You’ve gone too far Midnight,” Breeze glares at him.

I glance at Midnight. My depraved fantasies return. I envision stabbing Midnight again and again, watching him choke on his own blood, the life leaving his eyes which turn glassy. I recoil in horror. He’s right, he’s so right. Something heavy presses down on my chest, a darkness churning violently, pulling me downwards, down into your arms.

“Come on Breeze,” Midnight scoffs. “Look at her,” Midnight jabs a finger in my direction. “She’s doing it again, she’s insane. She’s a monster. Why can’t you see it?”

“She’s my friend,” Breeze sneers. “She’s not a monster, how dare you say that?”

The heavy feeling disappears, my darkness recedes as I glance at Breeze. She’s actually defending me, she actually cares about me.

“I’m very disappointed in you Breeze,” Midnight shakes his head. “I thought that you could see reason. If you ever change your mind and stop hanging with this monster then you can join Scarlet, Crimson, and I again.”

“I can, I just don’t see it as you would. Also, I will never join with you guys again,” Breeze glares at Midnight.

Midnight shoots me one last glare as he walks away.

Breeze turns towards me, glancing at me in concern. “Are you okay?”

I nod, smiling gratefully at Breeze. “Thanks for,” I gesture at the spot where Midnight was standing.

Breeze shrugs, smiling brightly. “What are friends for?”

A bitter taste enters my mouth. Would I have defended Breeze like that? Would I have helped her like she helped me? I want to say I would, that I would do the same thing. Inwardly I know however. I know that I wouldn’t because for the first time it wasn’t me being picked on.

This post was last edited by YamikoTheShadow on 2018-07-19 20:21:02.
  • Registered: 2017-09-19
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On 2018-07-19 15:57:45Show this Author Only
  • YamikoTheShadow On 2018-07-19 15:43:26
  • Lingering Phantom

    Summary: I’m still haunted by your voice, your phantom lingering near by, always. I will never ever be free of you.

    My feet slams against the mattress, as I flip around landing on my hands. I propel myself using my hands as leverage my feet slam against the soft mattress. I use the speed to flip myself over, vaulting over the object.

    I land on the other side, panting heavily.

    “Well done Azure,” my coach shouts. “We’ll win the championship for sure! Good luck tomorrow.”

    I head to the locker room. I open my locker, taking out my water bottle and opening it with a quick turn of my hands. I raise it to my lips, letting a trickle of water seep out, quenching my thirst.

    “Great job out there, Azure,” Breeze Dancer smiles.

    The rest of the girls’ nod, casting me their bright smiles. “You did great Azure.”

    I nod, smiling appreciatively. “You did well too.” I wrap my arms around Breeze, allowing her warmth to pour into me, wiping away a bit of my darkness. My eyes dart around the room, a pale blue flicker in the edge of my vision.

    I wait until the rest of the girls file out the locker room before I slouch heavily against the wall, letting my mask fall. You appear, the pale blue phantom, an unwanted remnant from my past.

    You smile, leaning across from me. What’s wrong Azzy? You say, smiling coldly. You, my mother, the person who was supposed to protect me, to hug me and kiss me.

    Not you, never you. We had a special relationship. You would smile and crack your whip. I shiver in fear as I hear that loud sound again and again, reverberating around in my skull. Ten lashes, twenty lashes scored in my back, a permanent touch from you, a magical scar blessed by you. Your hand, landing on my back, forming bruises in the shape of a fist on my skin.

    You’re exactly where you belong right now, trapped behind bars. You won’t stay there though. I know you well, very well in fact. You’ll escape soon, it’s not a matter of how, it’s a matter of when.

    You walk towards me, tilting my chin up. How cute you sneer, gazing at me with hatred and contempt in your blue eyes. You have a friend, but friends are tools. Dispose of her when you’re finished with her.

    I shake my head, trying to quench my fear. “She’s a great friend.”

    You smile warmly, another mask. You pick your masks like girls pick their clothes. A mask for every occasion, a smile to match every mask. A thousand brilliant facades.

    You lean in, your lips beside my ear. You’re worthless, you glare at me before you simply vanish like a phantom.

    I gulp, glancing around waiting for you to appear again. Pathetic, worthless, useless. Your insults work their way into my brain. I blink my tears away as I lean on the row of lockers. I can’t be weak, I have to be strong. Weakness is abhorred by you. Weakness means I’ll get whipped again, that I'll get beat again.

    I close my eyes, breathing in the clean air not tainted by your presence. You are like poison, every step, every move, every whisper, insidious and venomous.

    I quickly peel off my gym uniform, putting on my pair of jeans and a bright green tank top. I reach into the back pocket of my jeans, my hand wrapping around the handle of your knife, your favourite knife. I glance at the scars at my hand, tracing each one carefully. A mixture of your marks and mine. Your love and mine entwining like two halves made whole.

    I take out your knife, a small pocketknife which you used to call Poison Tai. I remember the violent screams, the sobs that would follow, and the blissful silence afterwards. I flip the blade open, holding the metal portion up.

    I watch as the light gleams on every part of the metal surface. It looks beautiful, stunning. I walk over to the sink. I bring the knife down violently, a sharp pain like the flicker of your warm smiles shoots up my wound. Warm red drips cascade down my arm splattering in the sink. I’ll paint the whole town red Mommy. I’m doing it, I’m doing exactly what you wanted me to do.

    I exhale, allowing physical pain to dull emotional pain. Time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t heal scars. The many scars layered in my back, and on my arm. The scars I bear on my heart, invisible to all but myself.

    I’m flawed, imperfect, serving your bidding. I was your slave, am, am your slave. You still control me. I can hear you now Mommy, your voice chittering excitedly, your hand stained, a familiar stain. You killed again.

    I bring the knife down again and again, opening fresh and old wounds, the old and new mixing together, blood seeping down my arm.

    Occasionally I would bring the knife to my wrist, wondering if I should just end it all. A simple cut to my ulnar artery. A final cut.

    Coward, you sneer.

    I slowly put your knife away. I could never defy you, your whip would crack again if I thought about defiance. Your hands clenching into fists, slamming punch after punch into me.

    This knife, your knife took many lives. Ten in fact. Ten years, ten victims, ten lives destroyed permanently.

    I wonder if they would come after me, the parents of the children you took from them. They trusted you, a surgeon. You would smile and nod. You would start, making precision cuts, to fix the damage. You liked your victims in perfect shape after all.

    You would inject them with beta blockers, slowing their heart rate and fake their deaths. You were also a coroner, so you could just take the body with no question. You would report that there were significant problems with the investigation and that the body was destroyed in the process. You would report postoperative problems and apologize fruitlessly.

    I clench my hands tightly, forcing you out of my mind for now. I must focus on the competition tomorrow. I had to focus. Victory at any cost, failure means I get whipped. Failure is unacceptable.

    Leaving the locker room, I bump into Breeze. I plaster a smile. “What are you doing here? I thought you went home?”

    “I wanted to wait for you,” Breeze wraps her arms around me. “I was worried about you.”

    Breeze’s hug was different from yours. Breeze’s hug was unfamiliar, but warm and comforting.

    My lips curl into a genuine smile as I hear the concern in Breeze’s voice. It was nice having someone to care about me for once, it was nice being loved.

    “I’m fine,” I say softly.

    Breeze frowns as she grabs my arm, staring at it in dismay. “Azure are you cutting again?”

    My smile turns tight. I yank my blood-soaked arm backwards. “You’ve gone too far. I’m perfectly fine.”

    Breeze nods, looking at me sorrowfully. “I hope you’re alright.”

    “What are you doing here?”

    I turn, noticing Midnight Blade’s arrival. His sneer ever so present.

    “Midnight,” I glare, I still haven’t forgotten his betrayal. “We just came back from the gymnastics competition. Now leave us alone.”

    Midnight smirks, his cold blue eyes flashing furiously. “I don’t think so Azure. You still haven’t learned have you?”

    “I don’t talk to traitors,” I sneer, my heart pounding painfully. Memories flicker in my mind of happier times, when there were five of us. Now I only had Breeze left.

    Midnight’s eyes widen in disbelief. “I’m the traitor? That’s rich, coming from you.”

    “You left me,” I shout. “You abandoned me.”

    “You’re dangerous Azure,” Midnight sighs, narrowing his eyes at me. “I noticed things, how you would sometimes glance at us, your friends with wild eyes. Something dark lies in there. You aren’t sane at all, you’re sick and twisted.”

    I blink my eyes, feeling tears pricking my eyes.

    “You’ve gone too far Midnight,” Breeze glares at him.

    I glance at Midnight. My depraved fantasies return. I envision stabbing Midnight again and again, watching him choke on his own blood, the life leaving his eyes which turn glassy. I recoil in horror. He’s right, he’s so right. Something heavy presses down on my chest, a darkness churning violently, pulling me downwards, down into your arms.

    “Come on Breeze,” Midnight scoffs. “Look at her,” Midnight jabs a finger in my direction. “She’s doing it again, she’s insane. She’s a monster. Why can’t you see it?”

    “She’s my friend,” Breeze sneers. “She’s not a monster, how dare you say that?”

    The heavy feeling disappears, my darkness recedes as I glance at Breeze. She’s actually defending me, she actually cares about me.

    “I’m very disappointed in you Breeze,” Midnight shakes his head. “I thought that you could see reason. If you ever change your mind and stop hanging with this monster then you can join Scarlet, Crimson, and I again.”

    “I can, I just don’t see it as you would. Also, I will never join with you guys again,” Breeze glares at Midnight.

    Midnight shoots me one last glare as he walks away.

    Breeze turns towards me, glancing at me in concern. “Are you okay?”

    I nod, smiling gratefully at Breeze. “Thanks for,” I gesture at the spot where Midnight was standing.

    Breeze shrugs, smiling brightly. “What are friends for?”

    A bitter taste enters my mouth. Would I have defended Breeze like that? Would I have helped her like she helped me? I want to say I would, that I would do the same thing. Inwardly I know however. I know that I wouldn’t because for the first time it wasn’t me being picked on.

Lingering Phantom Part 2

“Let’s go,” Breeze’s fingers seek my hand, holding it up, showing our bond, united as one.

We share a smile, before I shake my head sadly.

“I want to walk home alone today,” I mumble, praying that Breeze wouldn’t hate me. “I just have a lot of stuff to think about.”

“Don’t listen to anything Midnight said,” Breeze smiles, kissing me on the cheek. “He’s wrong, I know he is.”

“But what if,” I hesitate, unable to divulge my innermost fantasies, my dark desires that I always kept in control, unwilling to release them.

“Trust me okay? We’re best friends after all,” Breeze wraps her arms around me, bringing me into her embrace.

I lean in, inhaling her scent which always seems to calm me. That flowery fragrant smell that was distinctly my friend. Breeze was my best friend, my only true friend left. The only one who hasn’t abandoned me, who never called me names behind my back. I had others, but they would always whisper behind my back.

“Okay,” I nod, as my darkness recedes a little bit more.

I wave at Breeze as I head to the front door.

“See you tomorrow,” Breeze shouts, beaming at me.

I push open the front door and leave the school behind. I brush my locks out of my face, heading to my new house.

It was a house, not a home. It didn’t have your touch. It missed your cold and clinical precision, your hatred, your cruelty branded into the walls of the house forever, marking it as yours. It was like the scars I bear, I guess I wasn’t the only one you branded.

I slip into my house quietly. I didn’t want to deal with my foster parents right now. They were weird, different from you. Where you greet me with a cold smile, twirling a knife. They would greet me with warm smiles, wrapping their arms around me softly, embracing me tightly.

“Hello Azure.”

I wince, turning to my foster father. “Mark.”

Mark smiles brightly. “How was school honey?”

“Fine,” I say, my voice clipped. I need to get away from him now. He’s unnatural or maybe I’m unnatural. It was nice being loved for once, but it was different. My foster father just wasn’t you, and for some strange reason I want you. I still love you Mommy.

“Don’t forget to take your medication,” he holds out three pills to me.

I glare at it, taking the medication from his hands. Risperidone. Apparently, everyone thinks I’m mentally ill or something. A doctor I saw said I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, some sort of mental illness that makes me weird to society apparently. That I couldn’t understand reality.

It was a lie I know it. I wasn’t schizophrenic, I couldn’t be. You made sure of that. Every time I was sick or ill you beat it out of me, never allowing me medication. You would whip and whip me again until I beat the illness with my own willpower. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger after all.

If you found out that I was mentally ill, you would certainly beat me over and over until it broke. Mental illnesses can’t even be broken. I did not have one, only weaklings had one. I have to be strong, not weak.

I shove the pills in my mouth, making a swallowing sound while hiding them under my tongue. I run up the stairs, spitting out the pills in a wad of tissue paper. I crumple the paper, throwing it in the garbage can.

I wasn’t schizophrenic, I had no need for the medication. I sigh, lying on the bed. It was pointless to convince them.

Love is painful you whisper. Love causes nothing but pain. You get a brief flash of euphoria but in the end, you get hurt, you always get hurt. Nothing else could change that.

You appear once more, a pale ghostly blue, or perhaps that was my imagination. What’s wrong Azzy? You whisper, plopping yourself on my bed.

“Nothing’s wrong Mommy,” I sigh.

You’re lying, you sneer. You remember what happens if you lie to me don’t you?

I wince painfully, of course I remember. We played a game that day. Another one of your twisted games. You love to thrust a knife between each of my fingers, twirling it around and slicing open the back of my hand. You love to watch the red fluid gushing out of my wound. You whipped me afterwards, whispering to me soothingly. I love you so much Azzy.

“They’re lying to me, all of them. My foster parents keep on telling me I’m schizophrenic. It’s not true, I do not have a mental illness. They have it out for me. The rest of my friends, except for Breeze, are all lying too.”

You know what we do to those who dare to lie to us don’t we? You murmur.

I do remember, we dispose of them of course, but I could only reply “I remember.”

Good little Azzy you coo. Friends are only tools of course, but do you remember why?

Why? Why? I shut my eyes painfully flicking through memory after memory. I had gotten so used to you telling me what to do that I forgot the most important thing: the reason.

Why should friends be only tools? Why are they all disposable? My head throbs as I try to remember, try to picture you, your cold blue eyes staring at me. Our special method of communication.

Sometimes you would merely look at me, you would smile warmly, beckoning me closer. You would tell me something with your eyes and I had to guess what it was. It was one of the only games we played that I didn’t get hurt.

You would look at me, a thousand things you wanted to say but you could never bring yourself to say. It was much too painful you would whisper with your lips quivering, your eyes glossy with tears. It was rare to see you cry, you almost never broke. You would sniffle resting your head atop mine, seeking comfort.

I liked it when you were sad, I know this makes me seem cruel and heartless but when you were sad I wasn’t hurt. You would seek comfort from me instead of wanting to show me more of your love.

You did tell me eventually, with our method of communication. We had a bond, a strong bond, a string tied to each of us. I knew what you were thinking, when you were lying. Only I ever knew you, your motives, your twisted sense of logic.

Friends were tools because then they can’t hurt you when they die or rescind their friendship and leave you. It hurts so much you told me in our secret communication. Love is painful, if you never love any of your friends if you don’t allow yourself to get close then it won’t hurt when they leave. It won’t hurt when they die.

You do remember Azzy, you do remember you murmur.

You fade away again, vanishing without a trace. I squeeze my eyes shut, inhaling and exhaling, trying to get my fear under control.

I should try to get some sleep, I need to get ready for tomorrow after all. I shut my eyes, feeling the gentle lull of sleep calling to me.

I glance around, gulping nervously at the familiar house. A child was tied on the bed screaming as you played another one of your games with him.

You made me watch as you performed your art on him, slicing off each of his ten fingers, counting them slowly. Your voice mocking but playful. The Game Room you called it, many games, many children, one woman.

One victim every year to not arouse the attention of the authorities.

You silence the child forever, turning towards me. You smile coldly leaning in and whispering. What did you see Azzy? What did you see?

This post was last edited by YamikoTheShadow on 2018-07-19 20:21:21.
  • Registered: 2017-09-19
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On 2018-07-19 16:07:59Show this Author Only
Lingering Phantom Part 3

“Honey get up, it’s your big day today!”

I bolt out of bed, pressing a hand against my chest, breathing heavily. “Get out of my mind,” I groan, my hand twitching slightly.

“Who are you talking to?”

“No one,” I shout, climbing out of bed.

I crawl to the mirror, frowning at my reflection. The dark circles under my eyes looks ugly. My pores seem a bit big, and my hairline was so weird. My eyebrows were disgustingly thick.

I stood there, preening myself carefully, hiding all my imperfections under dashes of makeup, plucking my eyebrows, and trying to smooth out my hair.

Beauty blinds you used to say. No one ever suspected you, you were a mother. What kind of mother would perform such atrocious acts to children? I was part of your disguise, I blended you in with everyone else, psychopaths had to look normal after all.

I use beauty to hide what really lurks inside of me, a malevolent storm that churns every day, my light blending in with your shadow. My sinister urges to stab those liars again and again, watching their pitiful body collapse, their faces turning paler and paler as they collapse in a puddle of her own blood. It was invigorating, sensual.

It’s wrong. I breathe in, folding up my darkness in many layers, trapping it in the darkest regions of my heart. I breathe out as the darkness recedes in the darkest corners of my brain.

I hope I don’t fail the competition, I really hope I’m not pathetic, not weak like you always told me.

I don my usual apparel, a tank top and a short skirt. I strut out of my house, ignoring my foster parents, heading to school. My palms were sweaty, and I was feeling slightly nauseous even though I skipped breakfast.

I enter the school, which was quiet, eerily quiet. There was a type of tranquility and serenity in the school hallways, which only made me more nervous. It was like if the school was lying to me, the calm before the storm, a trap that I willingly walked into.

It was time. Victory at any cost. I enter the locker room, changing into my leotard. I smooth down the wrinkles, feeling your shadow creeping in again, deadly and silent.

I glance at the lockers, knowing that I had to achieve victory at any cost, failure is unacceptable.

You know what to do don’t you Azzy?

I nod, taking out the bottle of pills I brought with me. There were a few worthy competitors I had to flush out first.

I glance at the bottle, knowing that there were people that would say that this was sabotage, that it was cheating and dishonest. Cheaters never prosper. They’re all wrong.

You always make the best of every situation, you do whatever you can to seize victory, victory is power, and power gives you protection. I’m not cheating, I’m simply making the best of a worrisome situation.

It’s underhanded, it’s what you would do. I’m afraid of you, of what you could potentially do to me even though you were in prison. I question myself constantly. What if I became like you? I don’t want to kill anyone. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m ashamed of you.

I fantasize about grabbing your pocketknife and slicing every other contestant’s throat open. Wouldn’t that be beautiful? That would be art, your type of art, a twisted version that was beautiful but cruel. There’s a type of beauty in cruelty, a forbidden pleasure that society abhors.

I take out a few pills, a collection of red, blue, and pink. I crush them up, grinding them with the flat side of your knife. There were a few people that were good. I need to ensure that they lose no matter what. Good thing that they think that we’re friends. Pathetic weaklings.

It’s not the first time I used these pills. I must be careful though, I don’t want to get caught and disqualified. I hope I can win the competition. It’s time to poison a few students that have talent.

I walk over surreptitiously, standing in front of the locker of gymnastics star Sakura Haruno. She was a feisty one and had natural talent. It’s better that I dispose of her quickly.

I thumb her combination lock, entering the combination I saw her enter many times before. There would be no reason why she would suspect me, we were friends.

I open Sakura’s locker, taking out her water bottle which was filled to the brim. I unscrew the cap, sliding in a few crushed pills, counting the small shards as they slid in. I mix the shards with the water bottle. I must make sure that I didn’t accidentally give Sakura an overdose.

As a surgeon you knew quite a bit about drugs. You lectured me on the usage of them, you were grooming me for my future, to become exactly like you. Family first Azzy you always said, smiling. You found them quite helpful as you dragged drugged children into your Game Room to begin your fun. Subjugation and control, two vital aspects that I would need to know. Overdosing was dangerous, it was unsafe, and you always liked the children to be safe and fed before you began to work on your art. You liked them fully alert as you tear off their skin, rip their fingers off from their hands. The familiar stain of red that always appeared on the children's' chest afterwards.

I screw the cap back on the water bottle, shoving it in the locker. I place the lock back in place, clicking it shut as I turn my attention to the next contestant.

My palms are sweaty as walk to Tenten’s locker. I wasn’t good enough, I can’t do this competition. I gulp nervously as you appear again, glaring at me, a vengeful spirit.

You’re entirely worthless you sneer.

I wince at the harshness of your voice, trembling slightly. I can’t be weak, I have to be strong. I must be strong.

Somehow you always knew how to prey on my insecurities, opening old wounds again.

I stand in front of Tenten’s locker. I unlock it, sliding three small shards in. I mix the shards with the water. She would require a slightly smaller dosage then what I gave Sakura.

I shut Tenten’s locker closed, closing my eyes. I have to win.

You appear again, frowning. Azzy, you warn.

I gulp, nodding furiously. I don’t want you mad at me. I breathe in, and in the next moment my nervousness was gone, replaced by a cruel smile. It was astonishing how fast I could switch personalities, adopting your mindset with ease. It was necessary, I need your cruelty to win.

This was going to be so much fun.

I leave the locker room, entering the gymnasium. I was the last one to enter, and the spokesman starts to speak.

“Welcome to the fourth annual gymnastics competition,” the spokesman starts to speak before he seems to shift.

I narrow my eyes as his skin turns paler and paler, he turns more translucent, his eyes shifting from the warm brown to familiar cold blue eyes.

“It’s time to kill them all Azzy,” you smile, taking the place of the spokesman effortlessly. “You remember what we talked about don’t you?”

I nod, hating you and loving you at the same time. I love your thousand façades, the way you manipulate so cleanly. I pause, slightly puzzled, don’t I hate you?

There’s a secret to manipulation you used to say. People see only what they want to see. Show them exactly what they want to see and let their imagination do the rest. Show them a little bit of kindness, or perhaps a little bit of warmth and they’ll think that you’re a good person. Even if you act cruelly later they will never suspect you. People are so easy to fool, society as a whole is pathetic.

“Azure did you see that?” Breeze shakes my shoulder.

I blink my eyes and you vanish, the spokesman reappears. The teams were labelled on the scoreboard and Sakura’s team was already ahead of us. She lands on the mat effortlessly smiling brightly.

I smile reassuringly at Breeze. “Don’t worry, there’s no way that they can win.”

Especially when the break starts for the finals, there’s no way that they can win. I was lucky I suppose, for the break. There never used to be one, it was a newly instated rule. During the third annual gymnastics competition someone fainted from dehydration, it was unfortunate for them but fortunate for me.

My eyes flicker to Breeze Dancer, frowning. She was the only inept gymnast on my team, talented only in volleyball. It was rather unfortunate that she was assigned to us at the last second.

She’s your friend, I shake my head, trying to dispel my thoughts about Breeze. It shouldn’t matter if she was good did it?

“An excellent flip by Tenten!”

I glance at the scoreboard watching as the score for Tenten’s team increases again, a whole ten points for her flips and tricks.

“Next we have Azure Fang.”

I plaster a smile on my face, my eyebrows creasing in concentration. I position myself on the mat, sliding my left leg behind my right one.

My palms are sweaty, and I feel nausea churn in my stomach. What if I fail? What if I screw up again?

You appear, tutting at me. Azzy, you smile coldly. Crush them all.

For some strange reason your presence was comforting this time. You were familiar, and familiarity was something I could handle, it was calming to me. I nod, breathing in the cold air again.

I run forward, feeling the same addictive euphoria you felt when you were killing. There was a type of liberation, a type of freedom I felt as my blood starts to circulate and my heart beat increases. This was the reason I chose gymnastics, to experience this type of freedom. The freedom that I would never ever truly experience. It was a fantasy, but for now I’m grateful. I breathe in deeply, inhaling the sweet cold air. I leap forwards, landing effortlessly on my hands. I flip myself on the mattress and flip backwards, resting one hand on the obstacle and propelling myself off, landing on the other end seamlessly.

I glance at the scoreboard, uneasy. I gain ten points. I smile, feeling reassured.

Lub dub, lub dub. My ears twitch as I glance around warily. I walk away, sitting down on the bench. Lub dub, lub dub. I clutch my head as that same incessant noise fills my head again. Where is it coming from?

You lean on the wall smiling at me. Where do you think Azzy? You should recognize it, don’t you remember my favourite sound?

I remember. I remember how you would beckon me over, pressing my head firmly against the child’s chest.

Do you hear it Azzy? The beautiful sound of a heart beating? It’s ventricles contracting. The tricuspid and bicuspid forming what we hear as the lub sound, while the closure of the semilunar valves causes the dub sound. Isn’t it so beautiful?

You smile wickedly at me as you insert a knife slowly into the child’s throat. The heart beating it’s last beat, it was addictive to you. It was like euphoria to you. You long to hear the final beat of a heart, that gigantic pause after the heart finishes beating.

It was delicious, it made you shudder with excitement. Your eyes wild and dark as you look at me, a permanent fixture of your insanity. Wasn’t it wonderful?

I run a hand through my blue locks, struggling to control my urges. I close my eyes, struggling to calm myself down. I wanted to grab your knife and stab everyone here, a single stab to the heart. It’s final beat. That luxurious pause after the kill.

I understand you now Mommy. It would be so much fun. The euphoria coursing through my veins after a kill, addictive and sweet. I recoil in horror, yet the pleasure still courses throughout me. I can’t stop it, I can’t stop this fantasy.

It was sick, yet there’s something pleasuring about doing something forbidden, something I shouldn’t do.

Not yet, it’s much too early, I chant to myself, my body trembling as I inhale and exhale. I start to relax, the heady pleasure I felt starts to dissolve.

This post was last edited by YamikoTheShadow on 2018-07-19 21:01:31.
  • Registered: 2017-09-19
  • Topics: 1
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On 2018-07-19 16:18:06Show this Author Only

Lingering Phantom Part 4

My eyes flicker open and I glance at the scoreboard, amazed that my team was now up to fifty points. We were still trailing behind Sakura and Tenten’s team unfortunately.

I watch as Breeze prepares herself, her body tenses like a coil, it was much too tightly wound. She would lose some of her flexibility like this.

“Relax,” I shout from the benches, my lips curling into a small smile.

Breeze glances at me, gulping before returning to what she thinks is a daunting task. She starts to run, her feet bouncing on the mattress with every step, approaching the vaulting obstacle.

Breeze tries to flip but stumbles and collides with the obstacle, crashing headfirst into it.

I sigh, shaking my head. She isn’t very good, is she?

Breeze glances at me, her face flushed.

I shoot her a reassuring smile.

I’m sorry Breeze mouths, shaking her head at her own ineptness.

“It’s halftime and only teams one to three will proceed to the finals,” the spokesman says.

I smile as I walk to the locker room, watching Sakura and Tenten surreptitiously. I open my own locker, taking a swig from my water bottle.

My eyes stay fixated on Sakura as she takes huge gulps of water, her face pales slightly as she drinks a bit more.

Sakura glances at the bottle of water, before shrugging and placing it back in her locker.

I glance at Tenten, watching as she drinks heavily from her bottle, wiping at the sweat on her forehead. Tenten sighs in relief as she places her bottle back in her locker.

I smile, as Sakura and Tenten leave the locker room. Perfect, it’ll be an easy victory now.

“I’m sorry,” Breeze whispers, tapping me on the shoulder.

I glance at Breeze, nodding. “It’s all right,” I smile. “No one is good at everything.”

“I can’t help but feel that I let you down.”

You did. I push the thought away as soon as it came. “You didn’t,” I say, trying to make it the truth. I clap Breeze on the shoulder.

I leave the locker room, taking my position as leader of my team.

“Let the finals of the competition commence!”

I watch stoically, as Sakura walks sluggishly to the mat. She squints at the uneven bars in front of her. She moves forward with lethargic efficiency, she starts to sweat as she jumps up, her fingers clasping the uneven bars.

She sways forward gently, struggling to lift herself before she releases the bars and plummets to the mattress below.

My lips curls into a small smile. One somewhat worthy competitor down, one to go.

I focus on Tenten who walks up to the mat with the same lethargic efficiency. She leaps up to the bar, managing to do one full flip before plummeting to the mat below.

I scrunch up my eyebrows in concern. “Are you all right?”

Tenten nods. “Fine,” she murmurs, her voice sounding weak, terribly weak.

I nod, resisting the urge to smile at her unfortunate routine. I walk up to the mat, glancing at the mat. It’s easy, I reassure myself, glancing at the bar in apprehension. I won’t fail, I can’t fail.

Your voice appears, reassuring me. Very good Azzy, failure must not be allowed. I leap upwards, trusting in your guidance.

My fingers clasp around the bar and I make one swing, grabbing the bar with my legs as I push upwards with my hands. I flip all the way around, releasing my arms allowing my legs to sustain my weight. I flip upwards one more time, releasing the bars with my legs as I stay suspended in midair for a brief second before grabbing onto the same bar with my hands, facing backwards.

I flip backwards, grabbing on the bar with my legs. I flip all the way around two times. I use the momentum to propel myself off the bar, flipping one more time in the air before landing on the mattress.

I hold my arms up as I smile, seeing my score go up by ten more points. I bow once, before rushing over to the bench, joining Sakura and Tenten who were both dazed.

I watch as competitor after competitor goes, most of them from Sakura and Tenten’s team getting eights or sevens to make up for their leaders’ blunder.

I plaster a warm smile, seething inwardly at my team’s poor performance. “You guys can do it,” I cheer, my fingernails digging into the palm of my hand, leaving tiny indentations.

My fake smile turns to a genuine one as they start to improve. From sevens and sixes to eight and sevens.

I glance at the scoreboard, frowning. We’re in third place still, and it’s all up to Breeze. I pray that Breeze could pull it off, that she could actually do it. Make me proud please.

I try to smile as Breeze looks at me, looking incredibly nervous.

I pull at the scab on my lip, allowing a small trickle of blood to seep into my mouth. I gnaw on my lips nervously as the metallic tang on blood, of iron fills my mouth. The taste of blood was relaxing.

She better not fail.

Breeze rushes up and tries to cling to the bar. She slips and plummets to the mattress below.

I freeze, trembling with rage. Hatred wells up inside of me and my darkness starts to leak out, filling my head with vengeful thoughts, whispers of you.

“The competition is now officially over. Team Haruno is the winner!” The spokesman smiles.

I force myself to calm down, battering your thoughts aside. Breeze is my friend, it’s okay. It has to be okay. I can’t believe that she failed, no she’s my friend.

You know what we do with failures Azzy you smile at me, approaching me.

I envision briefly about stabbing Breeze, your knife plunging down in three vicious strikes, beautiful red blossoming across the front of her uniform, staining it permanently.

It’s wrong, I shudder, forcing the fantasy out of my head. I start to curl up, rocking side to side, trying to ignore your beautiful yet deadly voice.

You rest your hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. Azzy, why is it wrong?

I glance at you, and your blue eyes stare back at me in warmth. Your translucent blue skin feels soft and warm, it’s another one of your facades.

“It’s wrong, of course it is,” I murmur. “It’s wrong because killing someone is bad, it’s evil. It’s murder.”

You press a finger across my lips, frowning. Is it wrong Azzy? What’s so bad about killing?

“You strip them from the life they deserve, it’s unfair.”

Life isn’t fair, you whisper wrapping your arms around me gently. It’s not fair that everyone I loved left me, that no one was ever there for me. But you’re there aren’t you Azzy? You’ll always be there for me.

I force myself to nod, trying my hardest not to be afraid of you. “I will,” I force myself to say, knowing that you always liked my voice, you thought it was beautiful.

Killing is not wrong, it’s justifiable. I call it justifiable homicide, it’s self defense actually, you smile wickedly leaning in and whispering everything you ever wanted to say.

Somehow your words twist your way into my mind until they make sense. You were always afraid of getting hurt, everyone has the potential to harm you after all. You strike first, always. You were defending yourself from the possibility that they can hurt you.

You told me once in our secret communication but somehow it seems different now, more real. “I think I’m ashamed of you.”

Why should you be ashamed of me? Is it because of the regulations society put in place? That killing was bad? What gives them the right to decide right from wrong? Why should they be allowed to control us? Do exactly what you want Azzy, ignore what everyone else said. Is it wrong to want to know your mother? Do exactly what you think is right,

I gulp nervously, inhaling your beautiful scent, the scent of sweet sickly blood, the permanent stain on your hands.

You were like a drug and I was the addict. I couldn’t get enough of you. Your kindness, your coldness. Your love, your hatred. They were all you, different aspects of you, different aspects of your personality clashing.

Kill Breeze you hiss, your eyes turning red, a demon, a wicked ghost.

“I can’t kill her I won’t,” I murmur. I remember how Breeze was always there for me, her arms warm, wrapping around my waist. She was there when no one else was, she never abandoned me when all my other friends left.

Do you think that she would actually accept you for who you are? You smile.

“She will, she has to.”

What about your other friends? Crimson, Scarlet and Midnight? Did they accept you when they found out? When they saw the way your mind works? They called you a monster, they rejected that part of you. Your darkness, our darkness coursing through your veins. They rejected you for who you were. Do you think Breeze would ever accept that? Your darkness?

I think back to my depraved fantasies, of slitting their throats, slitting Breeze’s throat. I imagine the disgusted look on Breeze’s face as I confess my fantasies. I imagine Breeze glaring at me, insulting me. “We’re no longer friends. Midnight was right, you are twisted, you are a monster,” Breeze sneers.

I want to tell myself that Breeze would accept me for who I was, for just being myself. But no one wants you to be yourself. Everyone wants you to be the version of you that they like. I want to tell myself that Breeze would accept me, but deep down I know, I think I know what she would say.

“She would never accept me if I was truly myself,” I whisper, my lips quivering. “What is wrong with me? Why do I always have these twisted fantasies? It’s just so wrong, it’s so wrong.”

It’s who you are Azzy, you shouldn’t be ashamed of who you are. Why shouldn’t you be proud of who you are? Why should you be so ashamed? Is it because of the constraints society has placed?

You lean in, wrapping your arms tightly around me. No matter what happens, no matter what you choose I’ll accept you, always and always.

A strange feeling settles in my chest, weighing me down heavily. I was happy, strangely. I’ve never felt this type of joy before. I felt accepted, I knew I would always be accepted by you no matter what anyone else ever thought. In a world of lies you would always reveal the truth. You would be my darkness in a world of light. I was an extension of you, part of you. Like mother like daughter.

I gaze deep into your warm blue eyes. Your eyes never waver, and I knew that no matter my choices you would be my only constant. It doesn’t matter if you used to beat me if you used to whip me. You love me, and I finally believe it now.

I lean into your hug, realizing only now how much I miss you. I once turned you in, wanted you away from me, I feared you. I still fear you, but it was a different kind of fear. I fear what you would do without me, and I can sense your fear too.

You didn’t want me to leave you, I would be your constant, your tie to this world, the only reason you live.

I feel my connection to you strengthen, the string that ties us together tightens. I breathe in, sensing a renewed sense of purpose.

What is the point of being good? Why shouldn’t I kill? Why shouldn’t it bring me pleasure? Why can’t I love it?

Very good Azzy you murmur, your voice burns deep within me, calling my darkness to the forefront of my mind, calling my darkness out of my heart. You are my daughter, accept it, remember it always. Accept your fate.

Your blood runs in my veins. I’m your daughter. I feel the darkness of you snaking around me like armor, wrapping tightly around my heart as I accept that simple fact. It was delicious, it was powerful. I didn’t need anyone else but you. The darkness spreads to every crevice of my body, tainting my insides like ink. No one else would enter my heart. Why should I be the one who gets hurt? Why should I be the one to suffer? Why should I be the one whose friends betray her?

It’s my turn, it’s my turn to hurt, my turn to kill.

This post was last edited by YamikoTheShadow on 2018-07-19 20:22:01.
  • Registered: 2017-09-19
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On 2018-07-19 16:29:40Show this Author Only
  • YamikoTheShadow On 2018-07-19 16:18:06
  • Lingering Phantom Part 4

    My eyes flicker open and I glance at the scoreboard, amazed that my team was now up to fifty points. We were still trailing behind Sakura and Tenten’s team unfortunately.

    I watch as Breeze prepares herself, her body tenses like a coil, it was much too tightly wound. She would lose some of her flexibility like this.

    “Relax,” I shout from the benches, my lips curling into a small smile.

    Breeze glances at me, gulping before returning to what she thinks is a daunting task. She starts to run, her feet bouncing on the mattress with every step, approaching the vaulting obstacle.

    Breeze tries to flip but stumbles and collides with the obstacle, crashing headfirst into it.

    I sigh, shaking my head. She isn’t very good, is she?

    Breeze glances at me, her face flushed.

    I shoot her a reassuring smile.

    I’m sorry Breeze mouths, shaking her head at her own ineptness.

    “It’s halftime and only teams one to three will proceed to the finals,” the spokesman says.

    I smile as I walk to the locker room, watching Sakura and Tenten surreptitiously. I open my own locker, taking a swig from my water bottle.

    My eyes stay fixated on Sakura as she takes huge gulps of water, her face pales slightly as she drinks a bit more.

    Sakura glances at the bottle of water, before shrugging and placing it back in her locker.

    I glance at Tenten, watching as she drinks heavily from her bottle, wiping at the sweat on her forehead. Tenten sighs in relief as she places her bottle back in her locker.

    I smile, as Sakura and Tenten leave the locker room. Perfect, it’ll be an easy victory now.

    “I’m sorry,” Breeze whispers, tapping me on the shoulder.

    I glance at Breeze, nodding. “It’s all right,” I smile. “No one is good at everything.”

    “I can’t help but feel that I let you down.”

    You did. I push the thought away as soon as it came. “You didn’t,” I say, trying to make it the truth. I clap Breeze on the shoulder.

    I leave the locker room, taking my position as leader of my team.

    “Let the finals of the competition commence!”

    I watch stoically, as Sakura walks sluggishly to the mat. She squints at the uneven bars in front of her. She moves forward with lethargic efficiency, she starts to sweat as she jumps up, her fingers clasping the uneven bars.

    She sways forward gently, struggling to lift herself before she releases the bars and plummets to the mattress below.

    My lips curls into a small smile. One somewhat worthy competitor down, one to go.

    I focus on Tenten who walks up to the mat with the same lethargic efficiency. She leaps up to the bar, managing to do one full flip before plummeting to the mat below.

    I scrunch up my eyebrows in concern. “Are you all right?”

    Tenten nods. “Fine,” she murmurs, her voice sounding weak, terribly weak.

    I nod, resisting the urge to smile at her unfortunate routine. I walk up to the mat, glancing at the mat. It’s easy, I reassure myself, glancing at the bar in apprehension. I won’t fail, I can’t fail.

    Your voice appears, reassuring me. Very good Azzy, failure must not be allowed. I leap upwards, trusting in your guidance.

    My fingers clasp around the bar and I make one swing, grabbing the bar with my legs as I push upwards with my hands. I flip all the way around, releasing my arms allowing my legs to sustain my weight. I flip upwards one more time, releasing the bars with my legs as I stay suspended in midair for a brief second before grabbing onto the same bar with my hands, facing backwards.

    I flip backwards, grabbing on the bar with my legs. I flip all the way around two times. I use the momentum to propel myself off the bar, flipping one more time in the air before landing on the mattress.

    I hold my arms up as I smile, seeing my score go up by ten more points. I bow once, before rushing over to the bench, joining Sakura and Tenten who were both dazed.

    I watch as competitor after competitor goes, most of them from Sakura and Tenten’s team getting eights or sevens to make up for their leaders’ blunder.

    I plaster a warm smile, seething inwardly at my team’s poor performance. “You guys can do it,” I cheer, my fingernails digging into the palm of my hand, leaving tiny indentations.

    My fake smile turns to a genuine one as they start to improve. From sevens and sixes to eight and sevens.

    I glance at the scoreboard, frowning. We’re in third place still, and it’s all up to Breeze. I pray that Breeze could pull it off, that she could actually do it. Make me proud please.

    I try to smile as Breeze looks at me, looking incredibly nervous.

    I pull at the scab on my lip, allowing a small trickle of blood to seep into my mouth. I gnaw on my lips nervously as the metallic tang on blood, of iron fills my mouth. The taste of blood was relaxing.

    She better not fail.

    Breeze rushes up and tries to cling to the bar. She slips and plummets to the mattress below.

    I freeze, trembling with rage. Hatred wells up inside of me and my darkness starts to leak out, filling my head with vengeful thoughts, whispers of you.

    “The competition is now officially over. Team Haruno is the winner!” The spokesman smiles.

    I force myself to calm down, battering your thoughts aside. Breeze is my friend, it’s okay. It has to be okay. I can’t believe that she failed, no she’s my friend.

    You know what we do with failures Azzy you smile at me, approaching me.

    I envision briefly about stabbing Breeze, your knife plunging down in three vicious strikes, beautiful red blossoming across the front of her uniform, staining it permanently.

    It’s wrong, I shudder, forcing the fantasy out of my head. I start to curl up, rocking side to side, trying to ignore your beautiful yet deadly voice.

    You rest your hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently. Azzy, why is it wrong?

    I glance at you, and your blue eyes stare back at me in warmth. Your translucent blue skin feels soft and warm, it’s another one of your facades.

    “It’s wrong, of course it is,” I murmur. “It’s wrong because killing someone is bad, it’s evil. It’s murder.”

    You press a finger across my lips, frowning. Is it wrong Azzy? What’s so bad about killing?

    “You strip them from the life they deserve, it’s unfair.”

    Life isn’t fair, you whisper wrapping your arms around me gently. It’s not fair that everyone I loved left me, that no one was ever there for me. But you’re there aren’t you Azzy? You’ll always be there for me.

    I force myself to nod, trying my hardest not to be afraid of you. “I will,” I force myself to say, knowing that you always liked my voice, you thought it was beautiful.

    Killing is not wrong, it’s justifiable. I call it justifiable homicide, it’s self defense actually, you smile wickedly leaning in and whispering everything you ever wanted to say.

    Somehow your words twist your way into my mind until they make sense. You were always afraid of getting hurt, everyone has the potential to harm you after all. You strike first, always. You were defending yourself from the possibility that they can hurt you.

    You told me once in our secret communication but somehow it seems different now, more real. “I think I’m ashamed of you.”

    Why should you be ashamed of me? Is it because of the regulations society put in place? That killing was bad? What gives them the right to decide right from wrong? Why should they be allowed to control us? Do exactly what you want Azzy, ignore what everyone else said. Is it wrong to want to know your mother? Do exactly what you think is right,

    I gulp nervously, inhaling your beautiful scent, the scent of sweet sickly blood, the permanent stain on your hands.

    You were like a drug and I was the addict. I couldn’t get enough of you. Your kindness, your coldness. Your love, your hatred. They were all you, different aspects of you, different aspects of your personality clashing.

    Kill Breeze you hiss, your eyes turning red, a demon, a wicked ghost.

    “I can’t kill her I won’t,” I murmur. I remember how Breeze was always there for me, her arms warm, wrapping around my waist. She was there when no one else was, she never abandoned me when all my other friends left.

    Do you think that she would actually accept you for who you are? You smile.

    “She will, she has to.”

    What about your other friends? Crimson, Scarlet and Midnight? Did they accept you when they found out? When they saw the way your mind works? They called you a monster, they rejected that part of you. Your darkness, our darkness coursing through your veins. They rejected you for who you were. Do you think Breeze would ever accept that? Your darkness?

    I think back to my depraved fantasies, of slitting their throats, slitting Breeze’s throat. I imagine the disgusted look on Breeze’s face as I confess my fantasies. I imagine Breeze glaring at me, insulting me. “We’re no longer friends. Midnight was right, you are twisted, you are a monster,” Breeze sneers.

    I want to tell myself that Breeze would accept me for who I was, for just being myself. But no one wants you to be yourself. Everyone wants you to be the version of you that they like. I want to tell myself that Breeze would accept me, but deep down I know, I think I know what she would say.

    “She would never accept me if I was truly myself,” I whisper, my lips quivering. “What is wrong with me? Why do I always have these twisted fantasies? It’s just so wrong, it’s so wrong.”

    It’s who you are Azzy, you shouldn’t be ashamed of who you are. Why shouldn’t you be proud of who you are? Why should you be so ashamed? Is it because of the constraints society has placed?

    You lean in, wrapping your arms tightly around me. No matter what happens, no matter what you choose I’ll accept you, always and always.

    A strange feeling settles in my chest, weighing me down heavily. I was happy, strangely. I’ve never felt this type of joy before. I felt accepted, I knew I would always be accepted by you no matter what anyone else ever thought. In a world of lies you would always reveal the truth. You would be my darkness in a world of light. I was an extension of you, part of you. Like mother like daughter.

    I gaze deep into your warm blue eyes. Your eyes never waver, and I knew that no matter my choices you would be my only constant. It doesn’t matter if you used to beat me if you used to whip me. You love me, and I finally believe it now.

    I lean into your hug, realizing only now how much I miss you. I once turned you in, wanted you away from me, I feared you. I still fear you, but it was a different kind of fear. I fear what you would do without me, and I can sense your fear too.

    You didn’t want me to leave you, I would be your constant, your tie to this world, the only reason you live.

    I feel my connection to you strengthen, the string that ties us together tightens. I breathe in, sensing a renewed sense of purpose.

    What is the point of being good? Why shouldn’t I kill? Why shouldn’t it bring me pleasure? Why can’t I love it?

    Very good Azzy you murmur, your voice burns deep within me, calling my darkness to the forefront of my mind, calling my darkness out of my heart. You are my daughter, accept it, remember it always. Accept your fate.

    Your blood runs in my veins. I’m your daughter. I feel the darkness of you snaking around me like armor, wrapping tightly around my heart as I accept that simple fact. It was delicious, it was powerful. I didn’t need anyone else but you. The darkness spreads to every crevice of my body, tainting my insides like ink. No one else would enter my heart. Why should I be the one who gets hurt? Why should I be the one to suffer? Why should I be the one whose friends betray her?

    It’s my turn, it’s my turn to hurt, my turn to kill.

Lingering Phantom Part 5

I could feel the light inside me waning, a candle flickering. There’s just one more person I need to take care of first to fully embrace your teachings.

Breeze’s face flashes in my head. Failure is unacceptable, victory must be attained at any cost. I steel myself for what I was about to do, your voice filling my head. I swallow, clenching and unclenching my hands. I have to do this, I have to do it to please you. My old urge returns, hammering itself into my mind. A desire to please you, to make you proud of me. I strike first now, always.

That’s right Azzy you coo.

I stand up, walking to the locker room. I plaster a smile on my face as I see Breeze. I tap her on the shoulder.

“Do you have a moment, I need to talk to you.”

Breeze glances at me, fidgeting. “Sure,” she mumbles. “Listen I’m really sorry about the competition. I won’t do that again.”

My smile turns more frigid. “No, you won’t,” I agree, glancing around the locker room. It was just us now.

I walk to my locker, changing out of my gym uniform. “Let’s find somewhere to talk,” I smile, trying to reassure Breeze.

I grab Breeze’s hand, walking out of the locker room. I walk up the nearest flight of stairs, my steps rhythmic, pounding on the cold marble. I walk monotonously, with a sense of finality up the next few flights, pausing outside a door.

I remember something you once said when I called you insane. Do you know the definition of insanity? I told you that you were mad, that something was seriously wrong with you. You look at me disappointed. How do you decide who is insane? Is it the so called sane people?

You leaned in and whispered to me. Insanity doesn’t exist, it’s a figment of your imagination. You don’t know if someone is insane. I could be the sane one and everyone else could be insane. Tear apart the constraints of society Azzy, and you will become so much more than one of their puppets.

I push open the door, leading us to the roof.

“Why are we here?” Breeze whispers timidly, almost afraid of me.

I glance at Breeze, finding myself softening slightly. Focus, I glance at the broken railing, already filling in the details of Breeze’s rather unfortunate accident.

She’s your friend, a voice whispers, the remaining light inside of me struggling to break your hold on me, to push through the layers of darkness and try to make me change my mind.

Your darkness pushes back, encapsulating the light. Do it Azzy, you murmur, your phantom showing up briefly, smiling warmly at me.

“I have to talk to you,” I drag Breeze closer to the center, taking a step backwards so that I was behind her.

I grasp the handle of your knife, taking it out slowly.

Breeze observes the roof, before turning around to face me. “I don’t see,” she falters as she sees the knife in my hand. “Why do you have a knife?”

I glance at your knife, caressing the metal slowly. “This?” I smile coldly. “Why do you think?” I take a step forward, knowing not to rush forward. That would be much too quick. I want to enjoy this. I want to invoke fear. Still a part of me reaches out to Breeze, wanting to wrap my arms around her and never let go. I want to apologize, say a thousand things I never could say. I love you so much. I push that part of me aside, envisioning Breeze as a blank slate, someone unimportant. She wasn’t a person, she was no one, she was a target.

Breeze takes a step backwards, raising her hands up in a gesture meant to placate me. “Azure?” She takes another step backwards.

“Yes?” I purr, taking another step forward. It was intoxicating the amount of control I had in this moment. I decide if Breeze lives or dies. I had power, I was in control this time. It took a huge amount of control to not rush over and comfort her.

“What are you doing?” Breeze shouts panicked.

I simply offer her a cold smile. “I’m doing what I should have done a long time ago.”

What are you doing? The voice shouts again, and strangely it sounds like my own. You can’t do this, she’s your friend.

You appear again, smiling encouragingly. That’s it Azzy, you murmur squashing the other voice with such ease.

I nod, listening to your voice. You would be my constant companion now. When everyone else leaves I knew I will always have you.

“Don’t take this too personal,” I shrug. “It’s just business,” my voice sounds clipped, anger and hatred evident but below that a layer of grief.

I slash at the air in front of Breeze Dancer causing her to tumble off the roof.

Somehow, miraculously she manages to hold on to the edge of the roof.

It doesn’t make a difference, she doesn’t have the strength to pull herself up.

“I thought we were friends,” Breeze whispers, her voice sounds painstakingly frail.

I force myself to look stoic, but some part of me wants to reassure her, to gather her up in my arms, hugging her tightly, to never let her go again. My best and only friend.

“We are,” I say, remaining stoic.

“Azure, please,” Breeze begs, she sounds confused, sadness evident. Strangely there was no anger, it was as if she still loves me.

No, you whisper, your voice harsh and cold. Only I can love you Azzy, don’t you remember?

“Azure,” Breeze whispers.

I try to not listen to her pleas of help, but still her voice starts to crack a little bit of my darkness surrounding my heart.

She’s your friend, the voice murmurs. You can’t let her fall, you can’t. Don’t you love her too?

I glance at Breeze as something warm trickles down my cheek. Do I?

Don’t listen to her Azzy you murmur, but your voice sounds so distant now. As if you were truly a phantom that had no control over me.

For a brief second, my light starts to eradicate your darkness. You push back, struggling to control me, to use me. A push and pull, Newton’s third law.

“Azure help!”

I lunge towards Breeze as her hand starts to slip. I grab Breeze’s hand, struggling.

“I got you,” I whisper.

“Don’t let me go,” Breeze sobs, looking down at the ground far below her.

Pull her up, the voice murmurs.

You appear now, looking livid, your gaze bores into mine. Your eyes cold and sharp. You were furious. No, your voice is calm, deadly calm. Azzy remember everything we have; do you really want to lose it all because of your insolent friend?

“She’s my friend though,” I murmur. “I can’t just kill her.”

You lean in, wrapping your arms around me. I’m trying to protect you, you murmur. She will only hurt you Azzy, aren’t you done with suffering? With being hurt?

I am, I don’t want to be hurt anymore.

If you love someone let her go you murmur.

“I can’t,” I whisper. “I love her too much.”

“Pull me up Azure, please,” Breeze murmurs.

That’s why you should let her go you whisper.

I gaze at Breeze, slipping into your mindset. A great well of hatred rises inside of me. We lost the competition because of her, she’s a fool.

Let her go, you smile at me.

I struggle, your darkness overpowering what little light I have left. The last lingering remnants of my light were vanishing, struggling to push through your darkness. Cold and suffocating, yet it guarantees protection, a type of protection I wish I had before.

I lean in, listening to her heart beat. The gentle lub dub sound, ventricles contracting.

I shake my head sadly at Breeze. “Midnight was right, he was so right.”

“No, he’s not, you’re better than this,” Breeze looks at me so earnestly that I shut my eyes, unable to bear the guilt welling up inside of me.

“No, I’m not.”

As I hold onto Breeze’s hand one last time I feel the pulse of our bond, our history, our love gushing out of this simple gesture like a torrent of water. It felt right, it felt of something meant to be. I love you so much Breeze, and therefore I must do this.

If you love someone let her go.

And I do. I’m so sorry. I release Breeze, watching as she plummets downward. She was utterly silent, gazing back at me with those warm blue eyes.

I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to see the moment of impact, her skull shattering, her heart beating one last time. That pause afterwards sounds loud and deafening, it holds a type of finality. I open them looking down at Breeze. Her hair stained a new color, her arms twisted at odd angles. She looks angelic, almost as if she was at peace.

I rest on the roof, as tears gush out of my eyes, a never-ending torrent of my grief, my misery, of everything I’ve ever suffered from. The dam has finally broke. I envision Breeze’s soft smile, the secrets we shared. Her warmth, her comfort, her arms wrapping around me gently, snuggling with me. The way her eyes would linger on me, softening. I remember the lingering glances we shared. Our bond is broken forever, the string snapped suddenly leaving me all alone, dangling on the side consumed with darkness. Breeze was my light. I start to cry, knowing that I would never ever see Breeze again. I would never feel her arms again, feel the warmth from her, the way her eyes would steady me. I will always love you Breeze, I won’t ever forget you.

You wrap your arms around me, allowing me to snuggle with you. It’s okay you whisper. You did the right thing Azzy.

I sob furiously, feeling the last remnants of my light fading away, sparkling like a dying star. Your darkness, cold and hungry, seeps in, filling every crack, every portion of my heart. It wraps around me like armor, a black armor.

I’ll protect you, you smile lovingly at me.

I nod, knowing that I will love no one else, my heart is sealed off forever. I will only have you. For the rest of my life you’ll be my only companion.

You murmur your condolences, soothing me, comforting me. You don’t need her, you’re better off without Breeze. She was just getting in your way.

I nod, finding solace in your words, a strange comfort in them. I scoot backwards until my back hits the wall. I wipe the tears from my cheeks, staring upwards. Family first, always.

I don’t need Breeze, I’m so much better then her. I don’t need her, I don’t need her.

I sit there and wait. I wait for the feeling of triumph, that feeling of victory to grasp me tightly. I wait, and wait, and wait.

But it doesn’t come.

This post was last edited by YamikoTheShadow on 2018-07-19 20:22:18.
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On 2018-07-20 00:00:54Show this Author Only

Hard Working Genius

There is a beautiful green planet In the edge of Nova galaxy. This planet is vary special, you can say it is an magical planet. There are many special people which amazing powers and abilities live and people is very fond and passionate about all kind sports.

There lives an legendary sportsman, his name is Naruto Uzumaki, he has five children, although they have good names but they are mainly known by their nick name which they got during their amazing career which is still ongoing.

His first son is known by Crimson fist, he is a skillfull basketball player, he got his nickname because his hand is like earth, strong and reliable, his skills with his hand is just unbelievable. He can singlehandedly win a game for his team.

Naruto's second born is his first daughter, she is known as Breeze Dancer, she is like wind, her ball moves so fast and with so much force that it looks like a mini tornedo after she hit ir with her hand.

Scarlet blaze is Naruto's 2nd son. he is a world famous baseball player. Most of the time the fielders don't even dare to catch the ball after Scarlet hit it. The ball become so hot that it burns fielders hand because of its speed.

Then there is Midnight Blade, perhaps the best sportsman of the century after Naruto. He is a football player, he is fast like lightning, probably the best footballer ever lived and still in the early stages of his career.

The last child of Naruto is still very young, only 17 years old and probably most beautifull girl in the world and she is also very sweet in nature. She is known as Azure Fang, her body is so agile and flexible that people say she is like water.

Today's story is about Midnight Blade.

Midnight Blade is a young boy of 19 years old who loved football with all his heart and soul. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. At all the games, this athlete play whole 90 minutes. Opponents were afraid of him. He lived with his sister Azure fang and his father in a beautiful three storied house at the outskirts of the city, which is surrounded by greenery. Their mother is passed away when Azure fang was only one year old. His other brothers and sister lived elsewhere pursuing their career.

He and his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. In eavery match his son play, his father was always in the stands cheering. naruto never missed a game.

But it was not the case always, this young man was still not the best of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn’t want to. But the young man loved football and decided to hang in there. He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he’d get to play when he became a senior. All through junior school he never missed a practice or a game but remained a bench-warmer for most of the time. His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him.

And all those hard works pays off for him at the end, People also called is genius of hard work now, like his father was before. His father was like wind, but he move like lightning and in a blink of an eye the ball was inside the goal.

Today is world cup final match and Midnight is playing for this country Konoha and at such a young age too, He is the first player who got chance to play at this young age for Konoha because of his exceptional skills. Today in the stands his full family is present for him.

Today's match is against the defending champions Cloud Country. Cloud has some of the best players of history. Their Captain Ay is a formidable player most the goalkeeper can't even see his shot, it is that fast for naked eye. Their goalkeeper is Killer Bee, Ay's brother who is the best golkeeper at the present time.

Midnight play in this match exceptionally, his shot goes to goal like a thunder, it got a name, Blazing Kirin, Bee tried to stop it but behind the ball had so much power that it went inside the goal along with bee. Konoha win this match by 5-3, Midnight scored 3 goals in this match.

He got a gloden boot for highest goal scorer.

Later at night he with his family went to a big resturant to dine with his family and to celebrate his first world cup win.

Midnight Blade prooved that there is no alternative to hard work. So in his speech after game he told young players to become the genius of Hard work.

This post was last edited by Goku07 on 2018-07-20 00:24:15.
Quicky Post

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