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On 2018-07-20 00:00:54Show All Posts

Hard Working Genius

There is a beautiful green planet In the edge of Nova galaxy. This planet is vary special, you can say it is an magical planet. There are many special people which amazing powers and abilities live and people is very fond and passionate about all kind sports.

There lives an legendary sportsman, his name is Naruto Uzumaki, he has five children, although they have good names but they are mainly known by their nick name which they got during their amazing career which is still ongoing.

His first son is known by Crimson fist, he is a skillfull basketball player, he got his nickname because his hand is like earth, strong and reliable, his skills with his hand is just unbelievable. He can singlehandedly win a game for his team.

Naruto's second born is his first daughter, she is known as Breeze Dancer, she is like wind, her ball moves so fast and with so much force that it looks like a mini tornedo after she hit ir with her hand.

Scarlet blaze is Naruto's 2nd son. he is a world famous baseball player. Most of the time the fielders don't even dare to catch the ball after Scarlet hit it. The ball become so hot that it burns fielders hand because of its speed.

Then there is Midnight Blade, perhaps the best sportsman of the century after Naruto. He is a football player, he is fast like lightning, probably the best footballer ever lived and still in the early stages of his career.

The last child of Naruto is still very young, only 17 years old and probably most beautifull girl in the world and she is also very sweet in nature. She is known as Azure Fang, her body is so agile and flexible that people say she is like water.

Today's story is about Midnight Blade.

Midnight Blade is a young boy of 19 years old who loved football with all his heart and soul. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. At all the games, this athlete play whole 90 minutes. Opponents were afraid of him. He lived with his sister Azure fang and his father in a beautiful three storied house at the outskirts of the city, which is surrounded by greenery. Their mother is passed away when Azure fang was only one year old. His other brothers and sister lived elsewhere pursuing their career.

He and his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. In eavery match his son play, his father was always in the stands cheering. naruto never missed a game.

But it was not the case always, this young man was still not the best of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn’t want to. But the young man loved football and decided to hang in there. He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he’d get to play when he became a senior. All through junior school he never missed a practice or a game but remained a bench-warmer for most of the time. His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him.

And all those hard works pays off for him at the end, People also called is genius of hard work now, like his father was before. His father was like wind, but he move like lightning and in a blink of an eye the ball was inside the goal.

Today is world cup final match and Midnight is playing for this country Konoha and at such a young age too, He is the first player who got chance to play at this young age for Konoha because of his exceptional skills. Today in the stands his full family is present for him.

Today's match is against the defending champions Cloud Country. Cloud has some of the best players of history. Their Captain Ay is a formidable player most the goalkeeper can't even see his shot, it is that fast for naked eye. Their goalkeeper is Killer Bee, Ay's brother who is the best golkeeper at the present time.

Midnight play in this match exceptionally, his shot goes to goal like a thunder, it got a name, Blazing Kirin, Bee tried to stop it but behind the ball had so much power that it went inside the goal along with bee. Konoha win this match by 5-3, Midnight scored 3 goals in this match.

He got a gloden boot for highest goal scorer.

Later at night he with his family went to a big resturant to dine with his family and to celebrate his first world cup win.

Midnight Blade prooved that there is no alternative to hard work. So in his speech after game he told young players to become the genius of Hard work.

This post was last edited by Goku07 on 2018-07-20 00:24:15.
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