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[ Lineup ] Yagura [Edo Tensei] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-03 19:23:59Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

First of let me start by saying that he isn't such a versatile ninja at the moment, it's not easy to fit him into teams and especially hard to get all 3 chases unless you use Kinkaku, Wind Main.

So I will suggest few interesting teams to have fun with down below, and you guys c*so comment if you stumbled upon some other good teams

But before that let's talk a bit about him


The synergy with his mystery and passive is his main purpose, removing super armor and being able to do his mystery every single round.

-The mystery itself can deal heavy damage due to his atk/nin scaling from passive also however it's a shame that it's a single-target mystery only.

-Standard attack is nothing special.

-Chase is great with doing acupuncture, it's a good debuff however it's quite awkward being knockdown to low float for 3 times making it hard to synergize in team.

-Passives are both great and useful.

Overall he is a decent ninja, can be a good counter vs pos1 super armor ninjas especially if you have more initiative.

I personally like his passive the most with the scaling and cooldown reduction, however I do not like the mystery being single-target which makes him mostly only suitable for Space Time/Arena and maybe Matsuri fights.

I wouldn't recommend using this ninja in SWB, Bond Arena, GNW

1. Water Main



Utilizing the immunity break + super armor break, you could go after ninjas such as Susano Itachi or Flower guarded Konan and poison them to death.

This team is highly vulnarable vs nuke/buff teams.

2. Wind Main



Same here you can remove the immunity such as root and flower guard on round 1 , and nuke ninjas on round 2, also the chakra gain is very high therefore you can do more mysteries easily.

3. Wind Main 2



A bit of a different variation, also can work quite good except the lack of immunity removal.

4. Earth Main



Full shield team, can have insane amount of shields on Yagura.

With decent damage buffs also and chases work very well due to Kinkaku and Kirin

Unfortunately a lot teams required Kirin summon for utilizing Yagura chases

Hope you guys enjoyed my small talk about this new ninja !

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-03 19:59:41Show All Posts
  • Raizel Di Cadiz On 2018-07-03 19:57:01
  • sadly he really bad with his mystery that shot one ninja , but the best "edo jinchuriki" to me is Utakata his mystery are great , but thank you for those lineups and to your hard work as always

I like Edo Han , blitz power

And thanks ^^

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-04 02:17:52Show All Posts

True true I definitely could've used more Water style damage teams , I like the full buff one haha :D

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-05 20:55:33Show All Posts

Yes that is true, Lightning Main is probably the worst main to use with Edo Yagura, not very viable

Quicky Post

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