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[ Help ] How to get King of Hell summon???


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-30 09:14:40Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello all,

I wanna know that if "Can King of Hell be get through normal drawing in summon treasure?" or it can only be exchanged in the summon shop (fragments)?

Thanks everyone!

P/s: if we can get it from normal drawing then how many draws to get him?

  • Registered: 2017-10-24
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On 2018-06-30 09:33:33Show this Author Only

Super rare summon drop at 2000 draw , super rares are the kirin and king of hell so we have 50% to get one of them. Other option to buy in the shop by fragments. Very rare time it shown up in events. Yes there is a slithly chance to get before 2k draw like 0.1% or 0.01% but here im just speculating by mean the percentage.

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On 2018-06-30 10:17:50Show this Author Only

Just wondering, why is kirin considered super rare? Golds all do some status to another 2x, kirin does low float to knockdown 2x., but golds cost 60 pulls more or less and kirin is 2k...... I can get king of hell or event types like guy's tortoise, their effects are quite special, but kirin is one I never understood why it's super rare.

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On 2018-06-30 11:21:44Show this Author Only
  • Generic Troll On 2018-06-30 10:17:50
  • Just wondering, why is kirin considered super rare? Golds all do some status to another 2x, kirin does low float to knockdown 2x., but golds cost 60 pulls more or less and kirin is 2k...... I can get king of hell or event types like guy's tortoise, their effects are quite special, but kirin is one I never understood why it's super rare.

maybe it related to the anime? if that so i would agree why they do that way .

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On 2018-06-30 11:49:54Show this Author Only
  • Generic Troll On 2018-06-30 10:17:50
  • Just wondering, why is kirin considered super rare? Golds all do some status to another 2x, kirin does low float to knockdown 2x., but golds cost 60 pulls more or less and kirin is 2k...... I can get king of hell or event types like guy's tortoise, their effects are quite special, but kirin is one I never understood why it's super rare.

Simple. Animation. Done.

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On 2018-06-30 12:23:31Show this Author Only

trust don't wait for koh just buy him as soon as u can probs after all ur runes 6 or 7

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On 2018-06-30 15:19:58Show this Author Only

when you get KIRIN, you know why it cost so much :)

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On 2018-06-30 16:03:07Show this Author Only
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-06-30 12:23:31
  • trust don't wait for koh just buy him as soon as u can probs after all ur runes 6 or 7

i got level 7 runes the power loss worth it for me to get KOH? im at 78k bp or should i wait till i get 90-100k ish bp before i get him?

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On 2018-06-30 19:37:21Show this Author Only

Koh is worth it's price. Once i got him thats my most used summon. However pulling duplicate koh hurts, really badly. You buy him for 288k and by pulling dupe you get 4k coins, same as regular summon. Your best bet is to wait until you pull one super rare and then buy the other one.

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On 2018-06-30 21:57:11Show this Author Only

So.. suppose i have level 7 runes equipped on one of my summons, can i sell em.If so how can i coz I've never been able to drag runes to empty slots

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On 2018-07-01 01:22:41Show this Author Only
  • nutshasa@gmail. On 2018-06-30 16:03:07
  • i got level 7 runes the power loss worth it for me to get KOH? im at 78k bp or should i wait till i get 90-100k ish bp before i get him?

I sold my runes when I was around 100k, if you c*e him especially for 30 chases definitely worth it. Runes only provide primary stats, so a loss of 3-4K power worth of them shouldn’t be that bad.

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On 2018-07-01 03:13:40Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-06-30 19:37:21
  • Koh is worth it's price. Once i got him thats my most used summon. However pulling duplicate koh hurts, really badly. You buy him for 288k and by pulling dupe you get 4k coins, same as regular summon. Your best bet is to wait until you pull one super rare and then buy the other one.

It would be too long I think. i have played for about a year now and got no super rare in Summon treausure so i think I should just buy it straight up when i have the chance

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On 2018-07-01 22:57:18Show this Author Only
  • Shiro1 On 2018-07-01 03:13:40
  • It would be too long I think. i have played for about a year now and got no super rare in Summon treausure so i think I should just buy it straight up when i have the chance

i played for almost 2 years to be able to get kirin

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On 2018-07-02 00:48:00Show this Author Only

king of hell

i think this is enough as a reply :-)

p.s. got it at 1800.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-07-02 00:48:31.
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On 2018-07-03 07:01:02Show this Author Only

Been playing almost 6 months and I'm about 360 draws for summons... it'd take about 2 years to get him going at that rate (unless the random frags I get along the way build up) so I'd say just buy KOH if you need him that much.

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On 2018-07-03 07:10:12Show this Author Only
  • Generic Troll On 2018-06-30 10:17:50
  • Just wondering, why is kirin considered super rare? Golds all do some status to another 2x, kirin does low float to knockdown 2x., but golds cost 60 pulls more or less and kirin is 2k...... I can get king of hell or event types like guy's tortoise, their effects are quite special, but kirin is one I never understood why it's super rare.

Same here, no explanation can actually give a legit answer, it's the same like the rest, anime or no anime, he has no effects, he only has slightly cooler chase because he is big mofo that hits with his knee (weird hit imo), but no paralyze or whatsoever, so lightning element, nothing...pure bs, same gold summon.

OG, like Who had this dumb idea? Better allow us to get all the normal chase variation summons and just ask Tencent to create more premium/super rare summons.

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On 2018-07-03 07:36:30Show this Author Only

Kirin is a super rare because the low float to knock down chase was extremely rare and highly desired at the time of release.

The pre-kage meta back then is focused on long chase chains. Powerful ninjas for the time (the pains) combo'd exceptionally well with kirin.

The animation has nothing to do with the super rare status.

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On 2018-07-03 08:59:02Show this Author Only

Hi! To answer the question, both super rares can be drawn normally. There is no exact number needed to get it, but I have seen and heard of players who got it before the player data threshold (a number based on community gathered data).


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