Views: 1968 | Replies: 4
[ Events ] Cave Rebate Jackpot spin counter reset question


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 46
On 2018-06-28 04:35:35Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello there, I have a question:

Does the Jackpot counter on cave key rebate reset daily or will it stack up during the time of the event? E.g. If I were to use 900 keys on the event start (thrusday), use the 18 pulls on Jackpot prize and then use another 150 keys for the last 3 spins on, let's say, monday, will I still get the guaranteed 21-spins-Golden Essence?

I want to know because I want to get some power boost before finishing the 1050 keys, which I don't have at the moment, but will have at the beginning of next week :)

Thanks in advance for the answer.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 46
On 2018-06-28 13:11:42Show All Posts

Thank you both for the answer! :)

Quicky Post

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