Views: 7442 | Replies: 19
Wow, great plates is amazing.


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  • Registered: 2018-01-28
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On 2018-06-27 05:57:23Show All Posts
  • McDonald's On 2018-06-26 12:34:20
  • Posts like these are the reason that I will not be surprised if they nerf great plates. If you guys get something good keep it on yourselves. No need to low key gloat here in forums and when they end up nerfing that event you are the guys to blame.

This makes no sense, 140 keys is what you get for free and even though you can get good rewards from just that I haven't seen anybody here say that all they did was free draws, all posted "X coupons + free draws got me Y". That "low key gloat" isn't really true since it's unimaginable to get the 1500 reward mark (1360 keys + free keys= 13600 coupons spent) or higher unless you were to pair plates with a spending rebate, reason why most just spent until they reached the 500 reward mark I assume.

It also wouldn't matter if they posted or not their gains since Oasis can see if the number of people buying ingots/ amount of ingots bought per person increased or not this week regardless (and if Oasis is are a serious company about making money it always will).

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