Views: 7421 | Replies: 19
Wow, great plates is amazing.


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On 2018-06-27 11:23:57Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-06-26 16:48:14
  • I do not see why should they 'nerf' it. Also this time, if you had all level 7+ refinements and you just recruited masked man, shisui and kushina, like i did, this event would be slightly decent just because is the first way we had to gather decent amounts of myoboku grasps, but the same exact event next month for example for me would be relatively 'bad'.

    And beware they made it this good exactly because is together with lucky stars and many people were in garv's situation. Next time they will do it with edo hiruzen, so that you are compelled to choose regardless unless you pay.

    P.S. great plates was this good also last month and the previous month, we had similar threads also at those times, following your logic this time great plates should be horrible.

It's not really about what they should do but what have they have done in the past which can repeat itself. He might be suggesting reasons if the next time great plates come back with the original rates and quality of items/ninjas and people begin to flame.

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