Views: 16760 | Replies: 22
[ PVP ] Re: Edo Hiruzen isn't good


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On 2018-06-17 02:00:26Show All Posts
  • Loaf On 2018-06-16 15:12:02
  • I still have 30k ingots... the fact that players get rare ninjas by chance is just a flaw of the game.

    By my opinion they should give every player fragments for a reasonable rate/value off wheels, I disagree with 80x to 1-2 random participants but its nothing new, it's what they do.

    I'd rather recharge $600 than spend $1000 and not get it in a "fair rng wheel"

" the fact that players get rare ninjas by chance is just a flaw of the game." yeah those people who got lucky for once in a lifetime. While people like you buy everything they want there's no shame in getting a ninja from lucky ninja packs or lucky stars wheel for once. I got Hokage Minato from Lucky Stars Wheel at s.881 and ruled with it pretty much until someone took out their wallet. It's not about which ninja you have or not it's about how much money you can throw into the game

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2018-06-17 09:22:06.
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