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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 14th of June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 13
  • Posts: 126
On 2018-06-14 20:52:47Show All Posts

Worst events in like forever. Literally NOTHING for F2P. Sakura flowers event? Don't make me laugh. It's the worst event currently in the game. Overpriced rewards and little to no point gain from the flowers. You should've at least thrown in Great Plates event so people would have something to do. You keep pushing all those new characters and completely forgot about the older ones. Bring back Kushina Habanero and Hinata Dreamworld fragments in events. And what about War Era Sannins and Orochimaru Akatsuki? They showed up once and disappeared. Either put more rewards available in events, put more events per week with different rewards or cycle the ninjas more evenly. And is Fukurokumaru outfit only available for coupons now? Why won't it show up in events? It's only ever being put in the Outlet Store.

Quicky Post

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