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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 14th of June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-14 17:09:41Show All Posts

I'd say even with a six figure income, this game is difficult to keep up with in terms of being activley participating in weekly rebates and new updates.

Perhaps irrelevant, the Chinese player base is at least 10x+ ours, seeing their 9 tails fox HP at 1B + is a good indicator of how big their server size is.

Many of the spenders over in China are living on parent's wealth (real estate, family businsses etc). There's a much larger population of players who can actually keep up with these sort of spending and not be drained out.

However here in NA, perhaps your team should review what sort of players are playing your game. People here are working class, many of those younger aged are still in school and typically working minumum wage jobs. You guys are really making these guys sell their organs and their soul to keep up with the updates. Frankly imho the game will not last long at the rate this is going. Spenders tap out eventually, we're all regular folks with a threshold limit on what's affordable what's not in the long run.

Making people pay $500 for not even half of a new ninja is just a big FU to the entire community. Perhaps you have people spending into these events. HOWEVER it is NOT a clear indication that this is the right approach to the NA version. Instead of those weekly surveys on event feedback perhaps you guys should run a poll on people's wage and disposable income. Sell your events based on that or you'll see your community quit right and left.

Kira ~ ex-spender

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 14
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On 2018-06-14 20:07:55Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-06-14 19:12:25
  • Just do like me and do not buy edo hiruzen now. This event is extremely good if you planned to recharge 30k ingots and to spend a 5-10k of them and is as much as good if you planned to recharge 500-2000 ingots and spend 100-800 of them. Is not good only if you care only about getting a full edo hiruzen asap, but is not even that bad considering you actually buy it for 12-15k ingots, it's just that goes together with other things.

Maybe someone can justify spending $600 for one meta ninja that will be washed out eventually, however this sort of spending is unhealthy.

Back in 1.0 with those Hokages across the spending/recharge rebates were very similar, pretty much all you got out of a 30-40k recharge/spend was just 80 frags of a ninja.

All of those "big" spenders back then (in my server + merged server) quit eventually. Perhaps OAS business model is not to retain players, but instead cater to new players across new servers.

As for me, i'm enjoying this game as a free to play now. The endless spending drained me out, there's no end to it, but mostly when you have any issues with your spending, don't count on support to back you out and do the right thing. This is the main reason why i chose not to support this company ever again.

This post was last edited by s177 Kira on 2018-06-14 20:12:22.
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