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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-13 00:34:02Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Reposted in two places because I want to see players' opinions on this as well as mods. Mods, if there's anything here that's worth deleting this thread over, please let me know and I'll change it asap. I don't want this thread to get deleted – I'll be checking the forums every few hours just to see if there's an issue.

It’s that time of year again… if Dosu were still alive he’d be a year older today.

Which also means that it’s been a year since I released my first Case. (Original link here; archive link with fixed images here.)

… and 658 days since the original suggestion of adding Team Dosu. That’s a year, nine months, and 20 days ago, back when even Kage Treasure wasn’t out yet. That’s basically ancient history.

Four months after, I released my second case on the writing and script of the plot instances. And two months ago came Case #3, on Team Dosu’s art.

Now there’s been something that’s really been bothering me now, and that’s the issue of transparency. Every time I’ve sent an argument, it’s been kinda brushed off and forgotten about for weeks and even a year now. Literally the only visible effect I’ve seen is this Facebook post here, which was posted soon after my Second Case.

This is cool and all, but also leaves out a lot of the important details. Plus it was ultimately impermanent - I was waiting for the Facebook page to release something about Dosu’s birthday today, and they haven’t yet - which makes me kind of worried.

At the same time, these arguments have given me and my cause reputation. I’m glad I’ve gotten a bit of notoriety as “the Dosu guy”; it’s good to hear that my cause is being spread, but Dosu, Zaku, and Kin are still not playable in the game. Yes, I know Zaku’s available in China. And again, it’s completely bizarre why Dosu and Kin aren’t.

Other People

Now I’m not the only person who’s brought up the topic of transparency.

Some of you guys might know Scarbucks Coffee, a close friend of mine who often would try to think about how to improve the game in the past. He doesn’t come around much anymore, so idk how many people remember him. Anyways, a while back he did a topic about transparency here; one of the replies sums up the situation well.

"The real problem is that often times, the inquiry goes nowhere and not a word is heard after weeks. And even if we open a new thread about it and ask about the progress, there would be no answer. That's not a mechanics problem of the forum, but a problem of the process."

I think it’s funny how Tobei’s reply was deleted. I guess the mods aren’t allowed to talk about things like this, which is kind of concerning in my opinion.

I also think it’s funny that at this point, “weeks” is now an understatement. It’s been almost 1 and 3/4s of a year and there’s no sign of Dosu or even Zaku, even though Zaku’s in the Germany version of the game now if I’m not mistaken.

My Experiences

As time went on, as I continued to vouch and vouch some more, the replies started to get a little… different, as if they were trying to brush me off and shut me up so I wouldn’t stir up a ruckus.

The first reply I got here was from Qolem, who answered my First Case very shortly after I posted it. He was quite pleasant about it, and likewise I was pleasantly surprised:


I must say I'm overjoyed to see such a detailed suggestion with cons and pros explained in such a nice manner :) It was nice to read ^^

I will forward this suggestion to our team, thank you for your feedback :D"

But then, when my second Case was ignored for a week by the mods, and I went to the Naruto Online Discord to ask about it, Daiske answered me.

Transcript of the Dialogue, in case the image doesn’t show up:

Daiske: Ohhh, you are that Dosu guy.

Daiske: Your suggestion was passed to developers, now it is up to them if they will add him to the game as obtainable character or no. What reply or answer did you expect ?

Dosu (Me): This thread is somewhat different than that - it’s about editing Dosu’s lines in the Plot Instances to better reflect his manga/anime personality.

Daiske: I have replied to your thread. At the moment there are no plans to make any changes as I said. I hope you understand this.

Daiske’s first statement seemed kind of condescending. It implies that he didn’t even read my Second Case and made an assumption about it, until I prompted him to read the full thing. From the looks of it, he just saw the first part about adding Dosu as playable, stopped reading, assumed it was a direct follow-up with more points about why Dosu should be playable, and replied to me.

If you actually read my Second Case, only the introduction is directly about adding Dosu, and the rest is about changing his lines in the Plot Instances. It annoyed me that my case was getting glossed over like that, but I tried to brush 1t off and get business done. But it still concerns me. Is Daiske taking me seriously? Is he just skimming over and not really reading what I’m saying?

I showed this reply to my groupmates, and several of them commented that they didn’t like Daiske’s tone – they felt like he was kind of looking down on me and not taking me seriously.

Anyways, Daiske’s official reply to the thread was this:

"Impressive work. We have passed your suggestion to developers. Now it is up to them if they will add Dosu as obtainable ninja or no.

As for the plot part of your thread, at the moment there are no plans to make any changes to story line or what is Dosu saying. Writers made it like this, it was approved by developers and it is like this for quiet some time. I am aware that you are big fan of Dosu. I am sure that when writers will have some time and developers will feel like there is need to re-do some parts of the story, they will do it.

Thank you for your nice suggestion and hard work.

Have a nice day."

There’s a lot of frustrating implications on this reply. First of all, his initial statement makes it sound like he just kinda reminded the developers “hey this guy on the forum wants dosu playable” and that was it – as if he didn’t even report my suggestion of editing the plot.

Second of all, how he says “it was approved by developers” bothers me. The developers are Tencent, right? Tencent is primarily located in China, if I’m not mistaken. I don’t know how well Tencent understands English, and it’s really not my place to judge since English is hard. But at the same time, I don’t see how else countless spelling issues, grammar errors, and awkward dialogue gets approved by a developer team who wants to make a high quality game. Janky grammar/spelling errors are a sure-fire sign of a game made by a foreign company who chose not to spend the time and effort to find a good translator.

Want an example? Here’s one of Dosu’s lines.

"Huh? I thought you’d be a master after taking the exam four times. Hello, we are ninjas from the Hidden Sound Village. Please remember that!"

That’s ridiculously awkward and weird. Why does Dosu randomly say “hello” and introduce himself when it has nothing to do with him talking about Kabuto taking the exam four times? What’s with the “Please remember that!”? It’s just odd and plain absurd. As a writer myself, I can’t see how that gets the approval the dev team.

Thirdly, Daiske says “I am sure that when writers will have some time and developers will feel like there is need to re-do some parts of the story, they will do it.” Wait a minute, isn’t writing and editing the script the writers’ jobs? Why do they need “some time” to do that when it’s their main job? What else could they possibly be writing – other Plot Instances? The dialogue on this stuff is so short that it shouldn’t take that long to finish those, and they’re spread out apart enough that they should have plenty of time in between.

What else could they be writing? Events? Again, those are like 3-5 lines of text per event, and you guys rarely add new events these days.

Daiske said that he hoped I understand this decision, but again – the lack of will to enact change is just absurd. It just doesn’t make sense on my part.

And then came Daiske’s reply to the Third Case…

"Hello Dosu!

All graphics designs in the game (this includes character profile cards/images) are official images done by artists either in Tencent Games or Namco Bandai Entertainment. We understand you might not be fan of this type of art or drawings but it is not right to call it unofficial.

Also, please keep in mind promoting other games or posting links to other non Naruto Online (official) websites is forbidden.

Have a nice day."

My argument of “the characters’ art don’t feel accurate enough to the story, and it doesn’t really feel like them” was basically warped into “I don’t like the character art, so I’m going to call it unofficial and say they should change it”.

And when I tried to ask again about the exact specifications of what made the art “official”, my reply got ignored despite Daiske directly reading over it.

Another Perspective

Another forum-goer even provided a pretty daring argument asking Daiske about a lot of things and giving him some flak for making me remove mentions of other games.

"Also...if I read it all was only mentioned of how the art had differences between THIS game and ANOTHER.

A good employee would instead take this as FEEDBACK and let the higher ups know of this so that MAYBE we can update NARUTO ONLINE and make it 100times better. Instead...I basically hear you saying "quiet peasant! we like our unofficial looking artwork!"

Like i seriously don't get it....where are your people skills?

and like I said above...yes you could say to limit the use of other game names or something but the way you seem to go about it is WAAAAY off.

It's basically showing how you just seem to post because you MAY have to...and not because you really want to.

I for one want to say that the artwork SHOULD get updated.

I see many other things change...except the basic stuff.

Some people would probably say they preferred most of the old things about Naruto Online before most of the MASSIVE changes.

Yet the few things we have ASKED to be CHANGED....yeah you just tell people they can't have it or that you aren't allowed to comment on it.

Sometimes you just try to QUIET EVERYONE DOWN and so on."

I understand not being allowed to comment on things. A while back, one of my Internet friends went to an anime convention and met one of my favorite Voice Actors of all time, Kaiji Tang, who voices a popular character named Owain in another game series. Someone asked him when Owain would be added into a gacha game of this series and he said “I… have a good feeling. I’m not allowed to say more than that.”

Yeah, I completely understand about not being allowed to say much – but aren’t you allowed to at least give a hint like Kaiji did there? Kaiji didn’t give away any concrete details or dates – he just said he had a good feeling about it! It’s very vague, but at the same time it keeps people updated on the status of a popular character. And in case you’re curious, we don’t have Owain in the game yet. My prediction is that he’ll be added by the end of the year or during the half-year anniversary of the game.

What’s stopping you guys from following up with statements like… “I don’t think Dosu will be in for a while” or “I think you might be pleasantly surprised soon”? Vague statements like that shouldn’t be forbidden I think by your contract, or your rules. And they keep the players updated on where their feedback is going.

Anyways, back to the other person’s comments:

"next thing you'll be offended instead of taking this like a discussion about how your attitude about a lot of things seems to be entirely biased on your end.

I do NOT believe images done by artist from TENCENT GAMES to be OFFICIAL.

OFFICIAL would mean that they come from the MAIN SOURCE.

If I create a character...MY ART is the OFFICIAL ART. The character BELONGS to ME.

So if YOU are telling ME that TENCENT GAMES now OWNS "NARUTO" in all its ENTIRETY then I will accept THEIR ARTWORK to be OFFICIAL.

To me your statement feels like it could go around into LEGAL troubles.

Of course. You don't have to respond to any of this. Consider it me just talking loudly to the wall while you listen in. Ya know?

But I will say that I'm pretty sure that if they don't own Naruto as a whole...then it is NOT allowed to be called OFFICIAL artwork. Please do make note of that.

As far as I know...the GAME is OFFICIAL. As in they are allowed to use the characters and their likeness along with the storyline (which is I may add...NEEDS WORK...feels like those that wrote the scripts FAILED TO WATCH THE SERIES). This would mean that they could've just been allowed to draw art for the game but that itself doesn't make it OFFICIAL ARTWORK."

This artwork issue never got settled. Daiske just vanished, like Batman.

Also, notice how this guy too brings up the topic of the script plot being subpar? I’m not crazy or stup1d - I’m not the only one talking about this. People have brought up the topic of the plot instance being a mess before, and it was ignored.

Just as before, this case is long and needed to be split into multiple posts. Please bear with me as I get the other pages up! There's a lot of formatting to do.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-06-13 00:34:02.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-13 00:14:08Show this Author Only

I'm not the only one talking about the plot - for example, this thread. And I quote:

"I have never seen a game fail so hard at retelling a story from the source material as I have with Naruto Online.

The story jumps all over the place, there is very little explanation for what is occurring on screen and most of the time what is occurring on screen has nothing to do with what occurs immediately after. The game doesn't even get the story right despite copying the fact that they only have to copy the manga or anime or the Naruto games. The missions jump from one part of the story to the next with only the barest of material to vaguely link the story instances together, even though that is frequently missing too. Sometimes the story loops back on itself and very frequently events happen without any context or explanation.

What made the original story so good was the fact that it made the viewer become emotionally attached to the characters, to their plight, to understand their hopes and dreams, to become emotionally invested in the story. But you don't do any of that because your story is a completely disjointed, undeveloped, poorly translated mess. You don't bother trying to flesh out the characters, to understand the story, to develop a connection between the story and the player. You simply jump from one event to the next and hope that the player's memory of the anime/manga/better Naruto games are enough to carry them forward."

One guy replied that While one point I agree with is that in its current state the translation has quite some errors and issues, the team is aware of this and is working diligently to get them fixed. This thread was in 2016. It’s 2018 and there have been no changes. Now that's what I call "working diligently to get them fixed".

Several more argued that people came to this game to use their favorite ninjas in scenarios that would never occur in the real Naruto series because they already know the story. Now of course, I can’t do that because my favorite ninja ISN’T PLAYABLE YET. But that’s beside the point – as I said in my second case, this judgement that people already know the story is invalid.

A while back in 2017, a guy called NarutoUchiha came up to one of my groupmates, MasaHaru, and asked to trade accounts with him. MasaHaru decided to troll this guy a bit by asking him random Naruto trivia questions to see if he was “worthy” of owning the MasaHaru account. But the guy said he hadn’t watched Naruto and as such couldn’t answer the questions. This took me completely off guard.

And, like I said in Case 2:

"A while back, I was quite surprised to learn that only a certain percentage of people who play Naruto Online have actually watched Naruto. There are a good chunk of players who have never watched Naruto in their life, and as such are completely clueless about the storyline, characters, etc. To them, the Naruto Online plot might be the only exposure they have to the regular Naruto storyline.

This is even more important due to the endless amounts of ads that Naruto Online has on the Internet. I can ask practically any of my friends who aren't Naruto fans about this game, and they will tell me that they have seen a Naruto Online ad somewhere. Clearly this game has HUGE coverage and a lot of people know about it. This makes it even more important for Naruto Online to be reflective of the Naruto storyline, or else you're not fully representing, or worse, even sullying, the creative work Masashi Kishimoto put into this series.

As such, it should be Naruto Online’s role to provide the best representation of the Naruto storyline that they can, to show all of the intricate thought and detail that Masashi Kishimoto put into the storyline and each of the characters."

This is the kicker. This game is a huge influence on people, and the fact that Dosu is portrayed as a bland and forgettable villain in such an influential game is really heartbreaking for me. It’s why I’ve been pushing so long for change like this, even if it may be hopeless.

And again, while it IS unfair to compare a browser game’s story to a gacha game, let me once again quote my Second Case:

"You don't necessarily need to align the game's storyline EXACTLY THE SAME as the manga. You just need to portray the same characters and the same storyline. It's fine if the actual storytelling is a bit lower quality, as long as it still points towards the same results."

I even provided an example of another game doing a good job of that in less dialogue than what you did! It wasn’t stellar, but it was still good and portrayed Dosu’s personality way better than what you guys did.

Calendars/Event Plans

I see a fair amount of games like this release something like a schedule that explains event plans and such. Or at the very least, there are games that release info on any given week’s new content a week earlier.

For those of you oldies who remember, waaaay back in the day they used to do a thing called Event Plans – which they would do monthly to outline what they planned to add within the month. There were no given dates/times, just promises of what would be added this month. They were vague, just like Kaiji Tang’s statement that I mentioned above. So they shouldn’t have been breaking anything.

What happened to the Event Plans? Is it because the plan to put Mood Scrolls back into the lucky wheel never came into reality?

I’m a N-O veteran. I started on the beginning stages of the game – S47. I remember old forum users like JeremyKohBS, BroJimin, Kouka, ProtoZero, Dym, AkashaMoka, PraiseLuka, the P2W elitist sk8erboil, the level-cap elitist Jinseoyun, the Ninja Profile guys Ywan and Yeize, and Triggs, the guy who did my old forum signature of Dosu. Even old mods like Sanamabits, Yuusuke, and Azuna-chan. Even more obscure people like Praise Jashin, Belerephon, TCOdelt, TakafumiNaito, Madafakers, and Aokawa.

Even if I barely play these days on my old server and I have no idea what the meta is these days, I’ve still watched on the forums, patiently praying for my wish to come true. I’ve been vouching for this ever since my first ever forum post, in which I proudly declared that Dosu, along with Kidomaru and Aoba, were my favorite Naruto characters.

I also think it’s funny how all the Event Plans were deleted, as far as I can tell. I tried to find them on the forum but they’re all gone. The only remnant of this is a Kongregate link here.

And I haven’t forgotten. Do you guys remember the “Polls” section? Never mind, I’m getting off topic here, that has nothing to do with Dosu or my issue.

Okay, time to wrap up a bit.

When I saw Dosu in the game, one of the first things I did was go onto an “Ask Oasis” thread and ask whether he was playable. My hope was torn asunder when I was answered with a resolute “no”; at that moment I promised myself, and my groupmates, that I wouldn’t spend a cent on this game until Dosu was added; then I’d whale my @ss out like there was no tomorrow. Sure, it was a bit of an exaggeration – I don’t have the money to whale big-time. But I’d definitely start spending as much as I could, so I could become at least a decently ranked player who still got wins with Dosu.

The lack of concrete response to my inquiries as to when he will be added – this state of being completely in the dark – is completely demoralizing. It’s really a tragic story that one of the few games who even acknowledges Dosu is so unwilling to communicate about him. I told you guys in one of the other Cases about Unlimited Ninja, a Naruto ripoff game that basically is a watered-down version of Naruto Online that probably came out around the same time as the CN version. I despise that game with all of my being since it replaced Team Dosu with an “Iron Armed Sound Ninja”, “Sound Secret Attacker”, and “Sound’s Brain”.

Naruto Online isn’t like Unlimited Ninja. This game has potential. It could be an amazing game. The concept is solid and the design is pretty good, but with some polish 1t could be made great. But this transparency issue is a huge blockade between that. Player suggestions are either forgotten or ignored. I remember way back in either spring or summer 2017, if I recall correctly, when someone suggested a Swimsuit Chikushodo to Tobei. He argued that Chikushodo needed an @lternate form since she was severely outclassed and needed usefulness, and Tobei said that it was actually a pretty cool/neat idea. Yet nothing has come of it since, even in the CN version.

So I won’t waste more of your time and get straight to the point. Nothing has changed in forever and it’s making me feel empty and hopeless inside. The lack of progress concerning Dosu and the sheer absurdity of many of this game’s practices is really frustrating me. I know I’m not the only one, since others – some of my friends on the forum, like Tiami – have left Naruto Online because of absurdities like this.

I know I’m not alone in this matter. There are quite a few people who want to see Team Dosu playable as well. Heck, in the survey I did a while back, 60% of the takers wanted to see Team Dosu playable. It’s not a perfect survey since there are way too many servers, but it had a decent amount of representation and it definitely can’t be ignored or written off as fully inaccurate.

Again, there's another post coming, please bear with me.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-06-13 00:34:15.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-13 00:21:14Show this Author Only

Team Dosu has not been forgotten. And seeing so many people agreeing with me... to all of you who’ve agreed with me about my Dosu argument, who’ve put up with all of my ranting – thanks. I love you guys.

...and in typical forum fashion a bunch of the images broke.

Tiami x2

I am not alone.

So I’m going to ask the mods some direct questions regarding Dosu to help clear up this fiasco. Some of them kind of overlap with each other, so please bear with me here. And I apologize beforehand if anything I say offends you – I'm trying to share my perspective on this issue here.

Question 1: What reasons do the devs have for NOT releasing Dosu?

Is it because he won’t be profitable? So what? Just release him with some P2W events! Introducing Dosu as playable won’t lower your income AT ALL! And it’s not like you have a limit to how many events you can do, right?

Is it because Tencent won’t let you? Why won’t they? Why can’t they? I learned recently that Dosu was actually playable in the Chinese alpha/beta version but was removed for unknown reasons. Why?

Why did they remove Dosu? I can’t think of any logical reason why.

I mean, it’s not an issue of resources. They have all the Dosu sprites they need. In another Tencent game that’s China exclusive and uses the same graphics as Naruto Online, Dosu is a fully playable character and has waaaaaay more sprites than Naruto Online uses.

So why make him playable in one game and not the other? It's absurd.

Question 2: Why wasn’t Dosu released at the beginning of the game?

As far as I can tell, you guys’s general pattern with releasing content is vaguely chronologically. It’s kinda like FGO, in that characters are released in a pattern that follows the story.

In N-O, first came Sage treasure, then Kage, then Edo Tensei and Lightning, et cetera et cetera. If this was the case, then Team Dosu should’ve been playable right at the start.

Why weren’t they?

Question 3: Why is Zaku the only one playable in the international versions?

I’m talking like in CN and Germany. Zaku’s the only one playable and that leaves me completely confused as to what the devs were thinking. Why release Zaku and not the other two? As I keep saying, again and again: it’s so bizarre.

Question 4: Mods, when you said that you “passed my suggestion to the developers”, did you just tell them that “a guy on the forum wants you to add Dosu as a playable character” or did you tell them my entire arguments?

You guys are moderators. It’s your job for Kami’s sake to communicate between the developer team and the players, and if you aren’t passing down everything…

Well, I don’t expect you to copy/paste the entire thirty or so pages of arguments that I’ve already written. But, at the very least, you could provide a synopsis or TL:DR of what I said, just to show that I’m taking this very seriously instead of just randomly suggesting something without thinking.

Question 5: Did you guys even pass along my suggestion to revamp the Plot Instances? Did the developers even read the suggestions I left for changing Dosu’s, Zaku’s, and Kin’s dialogue, or did you not show them that? What reasons do they have for not fixing the grammar and how characters are presented, and for brushing it off like it’s not an issue?

As I stated above, Daiske’s initial statement makes it sound like he didn’t even report my suggestion of editing the plot. I can’t help but worry that my entire argument isn’t being communicated accurately.

One more post...

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-06-13 00:22:57.
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On 2018-06-13 00:31:20Show this Author Only


I’ve been waiting patiently for a year and the complete lack of follow-up on my Team Dosu suggestion, plus many other aspects, is making me concerned and frustrated about the issue of transparency. These issues in particular are bothering me:

-The feeling that they saw me as “just another thing to be dealt with”, as if they were trying to quiet me down and make me think they were considering it.

-The sheer absurdity/bizarreness surrounding Dosu and his team. They’re very easy to add because they’re already programmed into the game as playable characters, as shown in the alpha/beta screenshots. They’re villains from very early in Naruto, so they should be playable already if we really were going in chronological order. And don’t get me started about how Zaku is playable in CN and not the other two...

-The absurdity surrounding the Plot Instance script. I’m very confused as to how a developer team can look at the translated mess of a Plot Instance script and approve of it, along with why the writers can only fix it “when they have time”. Isn’t it supposed to be their job to manage the writing?

Overall, my entire battle to get Dosu playable is just a huge example of how oddball these policies are and how flawed the transparency between players and developers is.

That's all I have today. Dosu out.

Lord Oasis... or rather, Oasis, now do you see? I'm more than a mere puppet.

Also, an attempt at reposting the broken images. Never mind, I'll just quote them. Hang on...

"I was wondering why didnt Team Dosu put it in the game as a ninja... They have the ninja in plot Instance... So i dont think it was hard to put it as playable ninja. They got no love from the developer." - Real_Himawari

"Oh man, you really spent a lot of thought on this. I guess that's how you always are though. I agree!" -Scarbucks Coffee

"Dosu is cool who knows why he is forbiden from being in the game. where is suggestions at? I will make that post no reason why oasis can't do this one." -RokkuAoi

"I was always a fan of team dosu when they came out in the anime but they got shafted in all the games :(" -Shotgunman!

"I personally wanted to see Dosu longer. His character had so much potential." -ilovetoeatpie

"Dosu was awesome." -Saskyle

"well, i don't know much about naruto since i haven't watched it in a long time now, but i have to admit – if someone like enma is playable, then why can't dosu be playable?" – Lord Akira of Heaven's Gate

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-06-13 00:38:20.
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On 2018-06-13 02:42:50Show this Author Only

Okay, this is a LOT to process. Give me a moment...





Alright. I'm good now. And I hafta say, you make some good points.

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On 2018-06-13 02:59:52Show this Author Only

What happened to the other thread? O.O

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On 2018-06-13 04:09:21Show this Author Only

Wow, you poured so much effort into making a suggestion on the team to add a new character/change his script and got not even a decent reply. I hope oasis might rethink their decision after reading this post.

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On 2018-06-13 04:17:23Show this Author Only

I don't see why they haven't put in Dosu already, over the course of several years.

They can't say he'd be too hard, Dosu here has everything, a perfect argument. He has a basic, already encoded move set, they can't say the Sound Genin are too unimportant to add, because Zaku's here, filler ninja are here, and even Sakura's in the game.

I always found Dosu to be one of the more mysterious characters when I started watching the show, he has a really odd design, and the odd design characters are usually some of the best ones. And as Dosu mentioned before, Dosu wasn't going to let himself be a puppet.

Just make Dosu's dream come true, they more then deserve after all the effort they've put into for a character they love.

This post was last edited by Resilliance on 2018-06-13 04:18:21.
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On 2018-06-13 04:43:46Show this Author Only

yes, Oasis should ask tencent to add dosu to the game. Oasis should listen to the community request. Lets make it happen

This post was last edited by margonda on 2018-06-13 04:44:12.
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On 2018-06-13 05:45:57Show this Author Only

D***, you must love him :o

Well, in my opinion I wanna see Dosu and other two ninjas from his team as well.

We also need some balance in the game cuz about everyone who are over 100K use same team or similar but still, what am I talkin' about?

I'm talkin' about Uchiha team, we need more balance cuz they are just too powerfull and want happened with the strongest clan in the Konoha? Hyuga Clan.

P.S. Why D**n word is censored and j-word, n-word and g-word NO?

This post was last edited by ⛧Akuma⛧ on 2018-06-13 05:47:19.
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On 2018-06-13 10:31:54Show this Author Only

I agree with EVERYTHING. Especially the script and dialogue of characters. They seem so OOC that it hurts me.

And you're right, they brought in Chiriku, who only really appeared in the move and in an episode where Hidan kills him. I guess Guren makes sense since she appeared in an arc...but it was filler.

This is one if the things I like about you, you're extreme dedication. I wish you lucky, Dosu

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On 2018-06-13 14:21:44Show this Author Only

Okay, i can't keep my self from responding to this thread as i for one, supports Dosu's ideas ..

I'm one of this people who also like to see Team Dosu to be playable in this game, i like Kin Tsuchi .. If what Dosu said is true that before, the Team Dosu is playable in CN server then things should be easy for the game .. All you need to do is ask the main branch or the devs to give you the codes or implement and release the codes for activating Team Dosu in the game, that's easy since Codings and Designs are already laid out ..

If the reason is about the profit, then you can still earn even a little bit for releasing Team Dosu, put them on RNG wheels or Fukurokumaru Deals where people needs to spend to get them, just like what Bro Dosu said, he's willing to drop some bucks to get them and people who has a "collectors" thingy will also get them so the profit is still there .. If the reason why they are not being released is the profit then why are the meme ninjas released in our server, ya know the Cats and the kids ..

P.S : Moderators and Staff, please consider Dosu's statement and review it, for real and not just read and forget .. Also, please consider Dosu's effort in typing and making this thread, this is not a simple random user's rant who types and types .. He made it with his emotions and dedication with his favorite Naruto character .. Just remember the Golden Rule .. If you find Dosu's and other people's comment is somehow inciting dilemma and issues, then lock the thread but do not delete .. Or delete my reply ..

Peace out ..


This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2018-06-13 14:26:28.
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On 2018-06-13 16:40:54Show this Author Only

I work for customer service for a huge game company and you guys seriously underestimate how little these kind of company cares about you, your feedback or your feelings. They do their own thing and only when it becomes a PR nightmare on twitter or the like will they change their decision.

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On 2018-06-14 00:04:15Show this Author Only
  • Dosu On 2018-06-13 00:21:14
  • Team Dosu has not been forgotten. And seeing so many people agreeing with me... to all of you who’ve agreed with me about my Dosu argument, who’ve put up with all of my ranting – thanks. I love you guys.

    ...and in typical forum fashion a bunch of the images broke.

    Tiami x2

    I am not alone.

    So I’m going to ask the mods some direct questions regarding Dosu to help clear up this fiasco. Some of them kind of overlap with each other, so please bear with me here. And I apologize beforehand if anything I say offends you – I'm trying to share my perspective on this issue here.

    Question 1: What reasons do the devs have for NOT releasing Dosu?

    Is it because he won’t be profitable? So what? Just release him with some P2W events! Introducing Dosu as playable won’t lower your income AT ALL! And it’s not like you have a limit to how many events you can do, right?

    Is it because Tencent won’t let you? Why won’t they? Why can’t they? I learned recently that Dosu was actually playable in the Chinese alpha/beta version but was removed for unknown reasons. Why?

    Why did they remove Dosu? I can’t think of any logical reason why.

    I mean, it’s not an issue of resources. They have all the Dosu sprites they need. In another Tencent game that’s China exclusive and uses the same graphics as Naruto Online, Dosu is a fully playable character and has waaaaaay more sprites than Naruto Online uses.

    So why make him playable in one game and not the other? It's absurd.

    Question 2: Why wasn’t Dosu released at the beginning of the game?

    As far as I can tell, you guys’s general pattern with releasing content is vaguely chronologically. It’s kinda like FGO, in that characters are released in a pattern that follows the story.

    In N-O, first came Sage treasure, then Kage, then Edo Tensei and Lightning, et cetera et cetera. If this was the case, then Team Dosu should’ve been playable right at the start.

    Why weren’t they?

    Question 3: Why is Zaku the only one playable in the international versions?

    I’m talking like in CN and Germany. Zaku’s the only one playable and that leaves me completely confused as to what the devs were thinking. Why release Zaku and not the other two? As I keep saying, again and again: it’s so bizarre.

    Question 4: Mods, when you said that you “passed my suggestion to the developers”, did you just tell them that “a guy on the forum wants you to add Dosu as a playable character” or did you tell them my entire arguments?

    You guys are moderators. It’s your job for Kami’s sake to communicate between the developer team and the players, and if you aren’t passing down everything…

    Well, I don’t expect you to copy/paste the entire thirty or so pages of arguments that I’ve already written. But, at the very least, you could provide a synopsis or TL:DR of what I said, just to show that I’m taking this very seriously instead of just randomly suggesting something without thinking.

    Question 5: Did you guys even pass along my suggestion to revamp the Plot Instances? Did the developers even read the suggestions I left for changing Dosu’s, Zaku’s, and Kin’s dialogue, or did you not show them that? What reasons do they have for not fixing the grammar and how characters are presented, and for brushing it off like it’s not an issue?

    As I stated above, Daiske’s initial statement makes it sound like he didn’t even report my suggestion of editing the plot. I can’t help but worry that my entire argument isn’t being communicated accurately.

    One more post...

Most of your stuff make sense but...

"If I create a character...MY ART is the OFFICIAL ART. The character BELONGS to ME.

So if YOU are telling ME that TENCENT GAMES now OWNS "NARUTO" in all its ENTIRETY then I will accept THEIR ARTWORK to be OFFICIAL.

To me your statement feels like it could go around into LEGAL troubles.

Of course. You don't have to respond to any of this. Consider it me just talking loudly to the wall while you listen in. Ya know?

But I will say that I'm pretty sure that if they don't own Naruto as a whole...then it is NOT allowed to be called OFFICIAL artwork. Please do make note of that.

As far as I know...the GAME is OFFICIAL. As in they are allowed to use the characters and their likeness along with the storyline (which is I may add...NEEDS WORK...feels like those that wrote the scripts FAILED TO WATCH THE SERIES). This would mean that they could've just been allowed to draw art for the game but that itself doesn't make it OFFICIAL ARTWORK."

What you said about official is very very wrong. The reason is, as what you stated the game is official, the creator of naruto and bandai copuright in bottom is the proof, and since they are official, everything they make is official artwork. What you looking for is they need to create a better official artwork, but called it not official is false. Being official doesn't mean they own it completely as the creator, but it's still official.

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On 2018-06-14 10:11:22Show this Author Only

okay so when you came up to me and told me that adldiclpno was gonna be rushed cause you were working on something else

and i said "ok dude you better have a good excuse"

i didnt expect this to be your excuse. bravo bravo. 12/12

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On 2018-06-14 10:22:04Show this Author Only
  • Makaijin On 2018-06-14 00:04:15
  • Most of your stuff make sense but...

    "If I create a character...MY ART is the OFFICIAL ART. The character BELONGS to ME.

    So if YOU are telling ME that TENCENT GAMES now OWNS "NARUTO" in all its ENTIRETY then I will accept THEIR ARTWORK to be OFFICIAL.

    To me your statement feels like it could go around into LEGAL troubles.

    Of course. You don't have to respond to any of this. Consider it me just talking loudly to the wall while you listen in. Ya know?

    But I will say that I'm pretty sure that if they don't own Naruto as a whole...then it is NOT allowed to be called OFFICIAL artwork. Please do make note of that.

    As far as I know...the GAME is OFFICIAL. As in they are allowed to use the characters and their likeness along with the storyline (which is I may add...NEEDS WORK...feels like those that wrote the scripts FAILED TO WATCH THE SERIES). This would mean that they could've just been allowed to draw art for the game but that itself doesn't make it OFFICIAL ARTWORK."

    What you said about official is very very wrong. The reason is, as what you stated the game is official, the creator of naruto and bandai copuright in bottom is the proof, and since they are official, everything they make is official artwork. What you looking for is they need to create a better official artwork, but called it not official is false. Being official doesn't mean they own it completely as the creator, but it's still official.

Perhaps I didn't make it clear – that part wasn't written by me, it was something that someone else said that was never acknowledged. I tried to ask about it and it did not get answered, which is an example of the transparency issue I'm trying to point out to the mods here.

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On 2018-06-14 10:27:25Show this Author Only
  • Castnicke On 2018-06-13 16:40:54
  • I work for customer service for a huge game company and you guys seriously underestimate how little these kind of company cares about you, your feedback or your feelings. They do their own thing and only when it becomes a PR nightmare on twitter or the like will they change their decision.

I consulted some people before putting this up and they basically told me the same thing. So what's the solution then?

At the very least, can't Oasis/Tencent provide an explanation or reasoning behind all of these bizarre broken patterns and whatnot? As I said over and over and over, it makes no sense.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2018-06-14 10:27:36.
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On 2018-06-15 04:13:54Show this Author Only

agreed moderators always try to block people like you that get curious in my point of view they only want to here whats positive about how well there doing they have no respect for you nor me we should collab i agree dosu should have been in the game but was alway confused why he wasn't which was strange is it some law or policy thing that tencent gave to oasis before sighing it off to them? face it oasis only good game they got is naruto online and there just messing it up

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On 2018-06-15 16:10:17Show this Author Only

holy sh*t, this is a long *ss post! anyway you sure bring some good points and all that sh*ts, I'm really amazed by this to be honest. hopefully they add Dosu back into the game (he was in the beta version, as Dosu stated in his post) and maybe Kin as well. best of luck

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On 2018-06-16 05:51:00Show this Author Only

Thank you for hitting me with that truckload of text. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to pick up my face off of the ground.

It kinda *s, all we can do is hope for the best really.

Quicky Post

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