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[ PVP ] Should secondary stats impact on the game be modified?


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On 2018-06-15 21:44:00Show All PostsDescending Order
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As the title says, what do you think about them?

Do you think everything is fine as is now?

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-15 21:44:00.
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On 2018-06-10 22:15:02Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2018-06-10 16:19:45
  • what do you mean by saying nerf secondary stat? Like nerfing initiative, injury, critical, combo and control stats? Because it doesn't make any sense. The only way to "nerf" them is to remove them. And if you remove those secondary stats, the game is not itself anymore

I'm talking about critical rate, injury, combo rate, control rate.

Those are the secondary stats.

There's also initiative, of course, but what that stat do is blatant to everybody and has anyways to be a way to select who moves first, so is the only secondary stat i would not talk about, for obvious reasons.

Yes, i know there are also nin p3netrations, tai p3netrations, damage reduction and elemental weaknesses, but i would prefer to avoid talking about them because is blatant they should not be nerfed for how low they currently impact on the battle mechanics (if possible those ones should be buffed instead...)

Anyways, you are wrong about saying that the only way to nerf them is to remove them. You can easily nerf them by modifying their impact coefficient or their availability.

Currently every 100 rate of difference between the stats of ninja 1 and ninja 2 grants a +1% bonus to the effect of the stat itself, if instead of +1% they granted a quantity lower than 1% (0.8% or 0.5% for example) you would get a nerf of those stats (a nerf to the effect of those stats).

If instead of granting 665 of those stats a level 10 refinement would grant a lower quantity than 665, you would get another kind of nerf to those stats (a nerf to the available quantity of those stats at the current price).

P.S. i'll wait some more replies, now that i better explained what i meant before giving my opinion.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-10 22:29:59.
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On 2018-06-10 22:35:15Show All Posts
  • Bufaydeek On 2018-06-10 21:05:06
  • all the hardwork i put to increase those secondary stats will be wasted so please no

This is not an issue of hard work about those stats, but an issue of how easy is to actually get a goal with them and if is right or not that is actually possible to reach that goal and at what price.

For example:

Is right or not that getting 1000 more critical is better than getting 1000 more atk or nin? Or maybe should be there a lower cap that the current one to it? Or maybe should be there a way way way higher diminishing return on stacking that stat?

Is right or not that getting 1000 more injury is better than getting 1000 more def or res? Or maybe should be there an actual cap depending on how high are your primary defensive and attacking stats to it?

Is right or not that is possible to make a ninja almost immune to debuffs just by stacking 1 single stat at the current price? Or maybe should be better that at most you should get a 50%, a 30% or a 60% chance to avoid the negative effect?

That's the whole point of this thread and what i would like to talk about.

The single person hard work in collecting current stats has nothing to do with it.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-10 22:45:34.
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On 2018-06-11 22:47:05Show All Posts
  • cretude On 2018-06-11 16:49:07
  • Nerfing additional stats would impact 0 in actual PVP unless you want every fight to last 10 rounds and unbalance the game even more by making 200 k players struggling against let's say 120k. In my opinion those stats are working fine for PVP reasoning. By decreasing refine values of them the only thing you will gain is less power for matches against let's say ninja exams chars. The 100 difference in those stats will stay the same as nerf works for everyone. You will get just a bit less of them which is bad overall in game mechanics. The game is already made well by devs regarding this.

Consider a ninja like Jinpachi vs a ninja like Kushinaru.

Jinpachi passive grants him +120% bonus to defense with 3 tech points.

Do you think is right that a kushimaru with 22k atk hits him for 3 ticks of 3700 just because the enemy stacked injury even if the defending jinpachi owns 12k defense that becomes, with the passive boost, 26400?

Then what's the point of that passive if the ninjas dies the same like if he had not that passive just for 1 single secondary stat?

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On 2018-06-13 01:57:52Show All Posts
  • cretude On 2018-06-11 23:46:23
  • That's how should be. Every game online has such secondary stats and in order to reduce that damage you should stack that stat aswell. In future after all ninjas from a lineup will have let's say level 10 refines and a closer approach to their oponents those stats won t seem to work like the way You described. In this actual phase of the game a move 2 to 3-4 will be teared apart by an stacked Kushimaru. That's how it is right now. Imo those stats work good and shouldn' t be nerfed. As about differences between players (aka move 1 vs lower other part's) is another story and as long as 3 category of players exists in here like in every online game business there will be descrepancies but this is not an suficient reason to nerf the mechanics.

    In time You will see it won't be so unbalanced.

If they begin today to give advanced refinements at 2 coupons each one, would still take 1 year to get all level 10 refinements on all the ninjas.

At the current pace a f2p maybe in 10 years makes all level 10 refinements (if they spend coupons only on them).

Anyways, part of the issue is what Scarlettblue said.

Overstacking one single ninja currently pays back too much in comparison with not doing it (by paying the same amount of money), have 0 side effects and makes the other 3 ninjas just a cute surrounding that's there just to bring to move 1 ninja some buffs or some shields. Maybe what you says balances with all 10 refinements and all level 12 runes, but since that thing at the current pace would not be reached by anybody (not even 1000$ per month whales) before next 2 years, doesn't seem a good way to balance a game.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-13 02:05:46.
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On 2018-06-13 01:59:33Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-06-12 21:43:23
  • Secondary stats are good as it is, if anything they should revisit the control stat because it seems to be bugged, control failed twice in a row vs a guy with only about 500 more control than me. (once with mystery and once with chase)

    Offtopic: What they should really look into and make changes is the delay, the unbalance in most events like matsuri/swb, revisit water main's talents and mysteries (healing tips, neurotoxin, poison tips, shark bomb and make those less prone to abuse by players), change ignite so it stacks again or does more damage because at this point 1950 damage barely does anything.

    And implement new functions/features/events to refresh the game more, but don't fill the game up with new power up functions that fill the screen. Balance.

neurotoxin and shark bomb 'issue' is a consequence of critical secondary stat as is now.

P.S. ignition does not land 1800-1900 damage, actually lands 1800-1900 + all the denied healings (that in a case like mine means for example 6k from regenerative healing jutsu or 4k from standard attack, that is comparable to what 4 stacks of poison do). If your enemy does not heal it's a bad effect, exactly as how bad is poison if your enemy is immune to debuffs.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-13 02:07:33.
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On 2018-06-15 21:46:18Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-06-15 17:07:14
  • I am pretty sure garv would be perfectly fine with it if they granted to whoever spent a ton on them after an eventual nerf a boost to atk and nin comparable to the advantage they currently gained thanks to critical and injury. And still is not that who spent loses the advantage with the nerf, they just lose a part of it and they would still be ahead others, just that they would lose the sureness to crit or the granted immunity of their move 1.

    That said we just got two nerfs to stats in the past, so is not something unheard of (two times on ninja tools).

Yes, but up to a certain point.

There's a limit to it too.

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On 2018-06-15 21:51:36Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2018-06-15 20:10:28
  • As it works now both features are expensive when you reach lvl 7.

    Business wise it’s better to leave them both as is than to lower the cost of either one.

    Also Tencent would not agree to that as they probably have the final say on anything.

Honestly speaking, no.

If you spend a lot you should not be rewarded with things you actually spent a lot onto.

What's the outcome of getting all level 9-10 refinements in move 1 right now?

That you get top3 in swb every time.

And what is the reward for getting top3 in swb every time?

Advanced refinements.

This is not a good way to manage the things, business-wise.

Should be who does not get top3 that gets a ton of refinements so is able to catch up to the top3 without spending as much as them, that way those people, to keep their placements, are compelled to pay more in other features.

Imho, currently, top3 placements should grant ability treasure scrolls and myoboku grasps, while position 4-10 in swb should grant 12-18 advanced refinements.

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On 2018-06-17 21:25:36Show All Posts
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2018-06-16 03:57:14
  • The question to ask is NOT "should secondary stats impact on the game be modified? or nerf?"

    The RIGHT question is. Are secondary stats important enough to invest?

    The ANSWER is YES, secondary stats are Skill Effectiveness stats. Very Important. primary stats are baseline Standard Stats. Also Important.


    Don't get confuse and think secondary stats should automatically be less important than primary stats. Just because they named it secondary.

    Don't forget you go to primary school. Then when your done. Its secondary school that matters XD.

    I was lucky, I'm new to the maths, I invested all over the place, i did not stack at first, but a veteran quickly pick me up and corrected me. it works so far.

    A point on critical. Hit my right hand and I might lost my arm, hit the head or the heart and I could be dead.

    A point on injury. Break the neck in one quick swoop. KO.

    A point on stacking. In the anime. 1 Hokage level is truly skilled and experience enough to beat 10 average Joinin level, and.. we really want to think so XD.

Here the problem is that if you overstack 1 single ninja you beat a person that spent twice as much as you but that spreaded the secondary stats on 2-3-4 ninjas.

This makes no sense as much as does not make any sense that spending that 'few' money grants you that kind of advantage.

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On 2018-06-17 21:36:15Show All Posts
  • JushinUchiha On 2018-06-16 12:44:06
  • I don't think secondary stats should change. I think the game is just fine the way it is in that regard. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on the game to get good stats, in fact I have spent well under $1000 since the launch of the game and I am a top 10 power on my server. Its all about smart spending.

I'm exactly like you.

Currently 5th in my server and 35th in my spacetime backet.

Never spent more than 25$ per month in this game.

Still i do not understand why the side effects of overstacking secondary stats on 1 sinle ninja vs spreading them is so low.

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On 2018-06-17 21:42:01Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-06-16 12:14:55
  • Before Tencent's stance on the pen stats providing very little power or usefulness in battle compared to the primary ones but they recently reversed their opinion:

Tencent does not even know the script they make?


Anyways p3netrations, and has always been so, were and are extremely useful if your enemy is full stacked in damage reduction and extremely useless if your enemy have close to no damage reduction.

What those stats do is to damp the bonus granted by damage reduction to defense (tai pen) and to resistance (nin pen).

It's just that people in early times had no way to reach decent levels of damage reduction (2500+) so p3netrations effect were close to 0 since the effect of damage reduction stacking is exponential, but i'm astonished by the fact Tencent that scripted it to be this way was not aware of this LOL.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-06-17 21:44:18.
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