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[ PVP ] Should secondary stats impact on the game be modified?


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-06-12 17:16:19Show All Posts

objectively speaking i think that something does not work right.

In the current situation what should be removed or at least very reduced in effect are control and injury stats.

Overstacking one single ninja completely forgetting about the other 3 right now pays too much and have no side effects only thanks to how those two stats impact on the game.

Reducing how control works would make an overstacked move 1 with 3 surrounding ninjas completely left untouched a very risky policy that would fail every time you face an heavy ccer team and imho would be right that if you want a double endged sword you may cut yourself.

Yes, this makes spreading a bit more valuable and so the average lengt of a pvp match would increase, and so? Where is the problem? Why you are allowed to nuke me just because you overstacked one single ninja? Pay to overstack 3-4 if you want that.

Reducing how injury works would actually avoid the common situation where you have the usual nuker with an aoe overstacked that just wipes out your move 2-3-4 because is sure to crit. You want to nuke the enemy? Fine, but why has to be injury the reason why you are reaching that goal? Logically speaking you should be able to do it if you overstacked *ions or atk and nin, not if you overstacked a stat that should come in play only as a consequence of a random effect. Or the effect gets reduced or the random effect should be way more random (in the sense that you should not be allowed to land a critical hit more tham 50% of the times if the difference in injury between you and the enemy is higher than 5k).

Give more value to atk, nin, atk pen, nin pen and less value to injury and you made the things working way more logically.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-06-12 17:24:20.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-06-13 17:26:54Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-06-12 21:43:23
  • Secondary stats are good as it is, if anything they should revisit the control stat because it seems to be bugged, control failed twice in a row vs a guy with only about 500 more control than me. (once with mystery and once with chase)

    Offtopic: What they should really look into and make changes is the delay, the unbalance in most events like matsuri/swb, revisit water main's talents and mysteries (healing tips, neurotoxin, poison tips, shark bomb and make those less prone to abuse by players), change ignite so it stacks again or does more damage because at this point 1950 damage barely does anything.

    And implement new functions/features/events to refresh the game more, but don't fill the game up with new power up functions that fill the screen. Balance.

500 more control means he owns 5% chance to let you fail in addition to the basic 5% chance to fail and to the eventual chance to fail that comes from a difference in level (every level of difference seems to give 1% chance to fail). So lets say you face somebody 8 levels higher than you with 500 more control than you then you do not have 5% chance to fail, you have a 5% higher chance than the basic one that for him, in this case, is 13%, so you have a 18% chance to fail. 1/25 to fail twice is not that impossible, is a side effect of level freezing...

That said, to go back in topic, as garv told you, the problem with shark bomb is directly linked to how big is currently the impact of a move 1 critical secondary stat vs move 2-3-4s that in the top fields have 40-50% increased chances to be critted if not higher. Considering shark bomb owns by itself an increased chance to crit(that seems to be around 15-20%) you see that that 40-50% becomes 60-70%. Beware that the same way works their taijutsu attack, just that almost no azure fang uses it because is less optimal in many situations in comparison with healing jutsu or water whip.

About ignition you are wrong. If you face an heavy healing team, that not necessarily is your usal azure fang double or triple healer one, but could even be an mb with anbu special tactics, that ignition denies that 25% healed back after an attack. So his total hps get reduced instead of increase, so you actually landed on them the damage of ignition itself + the denied healings. On some gnw situations this may be way bigger than any damage 4 stacks of poison may do and you not even need to apply it 4 times to get it, you get it by simply applying it once.

Consider this situation in gnw:

team 1: edo zabuza + azure fang + mangetsu + mifune

team 2: kushimaru + jinpachi + edo sasori + mb with anbu special tactics.

team 3: edo haku + pakura + minato hokage + mb with anbu too.

In this situation would you swap the ignition for how works now with poison with guaranteed 4 stacks?

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-06-13 17:35:09.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-06-14 16:52:16Show All Posts


Experimental ninjutsu reduces the cd of her mysteries before the first action in a round.

If she is blinded she does not reduce it in round 1.

Not her fault if you do not use hurricane jutsu, tobirama, cee, edo zabuza or any other ninja that blinds.

Moreover she does not reduce cd if she is under sleep or immobile and she loses her standard attack action and you can prevent it also by acupuncturing her or chaosing her.

An sb with oboro clone, immobile mystery and sleep standard full counters her by himself, not her fault if you prefer 4th mystery and ignition standard.

About poison... poison needs to be stacked to be effective, is almost impossible to stack 4 times it in a round and every debuff removal effect wholly removes all the stacks, if you add to that that against full immume ninjas is useless you got how limited its effect is.

The reason why poison tai let you attach poison also to evading ninja is a matter of balancement. If this did not happen would be literally impossible to attach 4 stacks of poison to an evading ninja in less than 3 rounds and considering how easy is to remove it if this happened the average damage the evading ninja would endure against azure fang teams would be lower than the average damage other lineups would be able to land on them.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-06-14 16:53:11.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-06-15 17:07:14Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2018-06-14 17:19:00
  • I don't think it would be fair for players that spent already tons of money into this game to get those secondary stats nerfed. Remember in order to get a tool from refine lv 9 to 10, it costs around 30k cp/ingot assuming you don't have advanced refine rune saved.

    Jib Edit: This was edited a little just to better reflect the forum rules. Please do contact me if you have any questions.

I am pretty sure garv would be perfectly fine with it if they granted to whoever spent a ton on them after an eventual nerf a boost to atk and nin comparable to the advantage they currently gained thanks to critical and injury. And still is not that who spent loses the advantage with the nerf, they just lose a part of it and they would still be ahead others, just that they would lose the sureness to crit or the granted immunity of their move 1.

That said we just got two nerfs to stats in the past, so is not something unheard of (two times on ninja tools).

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-06-15 18:59:28Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2018-06-15 18:07:11
  • This discussion is moot since Oasis does not have the rights to tamper with game code. They only decide the speed, order and cost of events and updates.

    Jib Edit: We are still our separate version, so changes that happen to us can be influenced by feedback. It is not just dictated by other versions.

There are a ton of ways to overcome that issue just by leaving the code untouched. One example? Make easy for everybody to get all level 10 refinements and give more features where if you spend you get ton of atk/nin/def/res and make any other way to get more injury and critical extremely more expensive.

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-06-19 17:07:59Show All Posts
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-06-19 08:14:52
  • Stats such as crit injury should not be significantly more impactful than the primary stats. Game needs to move out of stacked pos 1 meta.


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