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[ Group ] Plunder/Convoy


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-08 07:18:25Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello I am currently having a problem due to a falling out with my old group me and a few friends decided to create a new group however as I mentioned in previous posts I have made there are 2 mega groups on my server with 100ks and combined with some bad advice I recieved My group and I can't defend ourselves against these 100ks because the highest power in my group is myself with 70k do you guys possibly have any advice?

I would like to possibly see if there was a way to set the system so people can only plunder based on power for example 10k above or below and while sure people may be mad it would at least give my group members a fighting chance because like me they also got the wrong advice and to start over new on the server we are on we wouldn't be able to catch up period they are just too far ahead however we love the current server we are on

This post was last edited by SinoAcha on 2018-06-08 07:18:25.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-27 10:27:10Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2018-06-20 17:45:15
  • base on what i've read, their problem is getting plundered by those other players in 2 other groups and being helpless because of the power gap between his members and the 2 big groups ..

    Well, first of all, we players are the ones who needs to adjust because we all know that the thing you're suggesting was already suggested so many times that i couldn't count it since i played this game. Lets face the fact that the system on how this Plundering system will never be changed. I have few questions for you to answer and please be honest, what is the reason why you and your other friends decided to create a new group? is it for the packs or you're just the type of player that wants to be the leader of a group?. Because all i can suggest or advice to you to solve your problem is to merge with 1 of the big group you have in that server, since aside from that matter, is the GNW things.

    Try to evaluate the 2 big group you have in your server and choose the one who you thing that your group will be fit to join and make the server balance. If you are the Leader or your Leader must talk to that 1 group and make an arrangement about the group merge. But of course being on the lowed end of the deal will give you small options for the arrangement, just tell what you wanna get and what you wanna be on that big group and try to resolve things with its leader.

The reason myself and my friend created the new group was because it felt like our old group was not helping people anymore it was just the top players all helping each others out

Quicky Post

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