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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 7th of June


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On 2018-06-07 04:51:57Show this Author Only

why the events of rebate only last for 2-3 days?

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On 2018-06-07 04:54:06Show this Author Only
  • Tenichi On 2018-06-06 21:46:06
  • is the New Clothing free like in china?

I like your sarcasm

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On 2018-06-07 05:02:19Show this Author Only

I hope the new cloth is free, it´s free on china

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On 2018-06-07 05:24:15Show this Author Only

I really hope Angel Konan is these events somewhere. ive been waiting to buy her for over a week.

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On 2018-06-07 05:32:40Show this Author Only

That cloth gonna be on sakura i'm sure

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On 2018-06-07 05:39:06Show this Author Only

I don't want to say anything about the events just yet but they look fine. However, everyone knows how you silently skipped the cat god spending rebate. I think everyone want's this event back.

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On 2018-06-07 06:19:36Show this Author Only
  • Katsapliakos On 2018-06-07 04:37:15
  • The point is if CN has something that dont benefit the players they dont change it saying we follow what developers do in cn,if it benefits the players for Free,they change it saying that our version is different than CN and some ppl here support those tactics.

agree. Oasis just make f2p player quit. This about time oasis will crumble to piece.

When naruto online mobile version become global, this oasis browser version of game will die

and i am waiting for it

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On 2018-06-07 06:23:41Show this Author Only
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On 2018-06-07 06:27:03Show this Author Only
  • JushinUchiha On 2018-06-07 04:19:05
  • People need to lay off the mod's. I understand that people are angry but you are doing nothing but making mod's confrontational towards forum members. THEY CANNOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE GAME, all they can do is pass word along that players "don't like this, they like that" etc.

    Do I think its a bit greedy to make us pay for things cn got for free? Sure, but if you take a step back and look at it from the dev's position, if people are WILLING TO PAY FOR SOMETHING they would be dumb not to charge. Money talks ladies and gentlemen, and i think you all know the second half.

no, they can make changes to the game. Just do ur research of how they works and theirs staffs structure

you dont understand bro because u are talking based on assumtion, while i am talking based or research and my secret informant XD. Eventhough the developer power decision is far stronger, but they do have power to give suggestion to developers, atleast the main top three admins, which is Daiske, Ace, Rachell

oasis is going too far neglecting f2p players. As we p2p still able to life, but poor them f2p

Last weeks they do it with sannin era ninjas which are supposed to be given free, and this cloth. Way to go oasis, way to go

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On 2018-06-07 06:41:54Show this Author Only
  • Rick_Sanchez On 2018-06-07 05:32:40
  • That cloth gonna be on sakura i'm sure

Ohh god, please no no no no

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On 2018-06-07 06:54:45Show this Author Only

Wow cool there is a new outfit that is out by the oasgames to impress us

This post was last edited by Asy ari234 on 2018-06-07 06:55:17.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-07 07:22:43Show this Author Only

I thought Shippuden clothes set is supposed to be free. Well if you guys gonna sell it at least give it some decent stats because selling something that has 25+ ATK and 50+ INT is just lulwutz.

On the slightly brighter side, Shisui is redeemable and rebates are back..

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-06-07 07:58:56Show this Author Only

To all the people that complain about oh we should get this for free because CN did. Do us all a favor and just quit playing. Then when most of the server start dying, they'll do more merging, and we'll have less negativity. As a "P2W" I have all the clothing, and with 2 "F2P/P2P" (they have medals to make things faster but never spent anything other than that) accounts, I'm missing 2 outfits on 1 and 3 on another. It takes a lot longer, but that's what it takes when you aren't spending regularly. They run a business, you all are acting like a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled children. Fun fact, nothing is life is owed to you for free. Best you learn the reality of life sooner rather than later. (How do you think P2W people feel when they spend high amounts and don't get something, and someone that hasn't played in forever or is a new player pulls a premium ninja for almost nothing? You don't see us having temper tantrums. So grow up.) Not to mention cursing out mods constantly who have literally 0 control over what the developers do? Seriously? You should be a shamed of yourselves. Do us all a favor and just quit.

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On 2018-06-07 08:00:44Show this Author Only


This post was last edited by Numbers on 2018-06-07 08:01:28.
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On 2018-06-07 08:06:07Show this Author Only
  • margonda On 2018-06-07 06:27:03
  • no, they can make changes to the game. Just do ur research of how they works and theirs staffs structure

    you dont understand bro because u are talking based on assumtion, while i am talking based or research and my secret informant XD. Eventhough the developer power decision is far stronger, but they do have power to give suggestion to developers, atleast the main top three admins, which is Daiske, Ace, Rachell

    oasis is going too far neglecting f2p players. As we p2p still able to life, but poor them f2p

    Last weeks they do it with sannin era ninjas which are supposed to be given free, and this cloth. Way to go oasis, way to go

do you know why they let people that modd loose in the game cause the ones that modds are the heavypaying customers

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On 2018-06-07 08:08:37Show this Author Only
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On 2018-06-07 08:16:42Show this Author Only
  • takosabi On 2018-06-07 07:58:56
  • To all the people that complain about oh we should get this for free because CN did. Do us all a favor and just quit playing. Then when most of the server start dying, they'll do more merging, and we'll have less negativity. As a "P2W" I have all the clothing, and with 2 "F2P/P2P" (they have medals to make things faster but never spent anything other than that) accounts, I'm missing 2 outfits on 1 and 3 on another. It takes a lot longer, but that's what it takes when you aren't spending regularly. They run a business, you all are acting like a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled children. Fun fact, nothing is life is owed to you for free. Best you learn the reality of life sooner rather than later. (How do you think P2W people feel when they spend high amounts and don't get something, and someone that hasn't played in forever or is a new player pulls a premium ninja for almost nothing? You don't see us having temper tantrums. So grow up.) Not to mention cursing out mods constantly who have literally 0 control over what the developers do? Seriously? You should be a shamed of yourselves. Do us all a favor and just quit.

u sounds just like Donald Trumps. No wonder this world turn into chaos

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On 2018-06-07 08:22:56Show this Author Only
  • takosabi On 2018-06-07 07:58:56
  • To all the people that complain about oh we should get this for free because CN did. Do us all a favor and just quit playing. Then when most of the server start dying, they'll do more merging, and we'll have less negativity. As a "P2W" I have all the clothing, and with 2 "F2P/P2P" (they have medals to make things faster but never spent anything other than that) accounts, I'm missing 2 outfits on 1 and 3 on another. It takes a lot longer, but that's what it takes when you aren't spending regularly. They run a business, you all are acting like a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled children. Fun fact, nothing is life is owed to you for free. Best you learn the reality of life sooner rather than later. (How do you think P2W people feel when they spend high amounts and don't get something, and someone that hasn't played in forever or is a new player pulls a premium ninja for almost nothing? You don't see us having temper tantrums. So grow up.) Not to mention cursing out mods constantly who have literally 0 control over what the developers do? Seriously? You should be a shamed of yourselves. Do us all a favor and just quit.

You're wrong on so many levels Daiske/Tobei

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On 2018-06-07 09:03:38Show this Author Only
  • takosabi On 2018-06-07 07:58:56
  • To all the people that complain about oh we should get this for free because CN did. Do us all a favor and just quit playing. Then when most of the server start dying, they'll do more merging, and we'll have less negativity. As a "P2W" I have all the clothing, and with 2 "F2P/P2P" (they have medals to make things faster but never spent anything other than that) accounts, I'm missing 2 outfits on 1 and 3 on another. It takes a lot longer, but that's what it takes when you aren't spending regularly. They run a business, you all are acting like a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled children. Fun fact, nothing is life is owed to you for free. Best you learn the reality of life sooner rather than later. (How do you think P2W people feel when they spend high amounts and don't get something, and someone that hasn't played in forever or is a new player pulls a premium ninja for almost nothing? You don't see us having temper tantrums. So grow up.) Not to mention cursing out mods constantly who have literally 0 control over what the developers do? Seriously? You should be a shamed of yourselves. Do us all a favor and just quit.

Please do everyone a favor (f2p and p2w) and leave the game.

People like you are actually what's wrong with this game and the reason it won't progress.

And i'm not even f2p

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On 2018-06-07 09:03:57Show this Author Only
  • margonda On 2018-06-07 06:27:03
  • no, they can make changes to the game. Just do ur research of how they works and theirs staffs structure

    you dont understand bro because u are talking based on assumtion, while i am talking based or research and my secret informant XD. Eventhough the developer power decision is far stronger, but they do have power to give suggestion to developers, atleast the main top three admins, which is Daiske, Ace, Rachell

    oasis is going too far neglecting f2p players. As we p2p still able to life, but poor them f2p

    Last weeks they do it with sannin era ninjas which are supposed to be given free, and this cloth. Way to go oasis, way to go

"Eventhough the developer power decision is far stronger, but they do have power to give suggestion to developers, atleast the main top three admins, which is Daiske, Ace, Rachel"

Read what you just said there because you contradicted yourself. How do you know what I know and don't know, you know absolutely nothing about me. They can give suggestions sure but they have NO POWER to actually make the changes. They are players just like us and all they can do is run it up the ladder. Also, you are impressing no one talking about your "secret informant"

Quicky Post

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