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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 7th of June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-29
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On 2018-06-07 09:03:38Show All Posts
  • takosabi On 2018-06-07 07:58:56
  • To all the people that complain about oh we should get this for free because CN did. Do us all a favor and just quit playing. Then when most of the server start dying, they'll do more merging, and we'll have less negativity. As a "P2W" I have all the clothing, and with 2 "F2P/P2P" (they have medals to make things faster but never spent anything other than that) accounts, I'm missing 2 outfits on 1 and 3 on another. It takes a lot longer, but that's what it takes when you aren't spending regularly. They run a business, you all are acting like a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled children. Fun fact, nothing is life is owed to you for free. Best you learn the reality of life sooner rather than later. (How do you think P2W people feel when they spend high amounts and don't get something, and someone that hasn't played in forever or is a new player pulls a premium ninja for almost nothing? You don't see us having temper tantrums. So grow up.) Not to mention cursing out mods constantly who have literally 0 control over what the developers do? Seriously? You should be a shamed of yourselves. Do us all a favor and just quit.

Please do everyone a favor (f2p and p2w) and leave the game.

People like you are actually what's wrong with this game and the reason it won't progress.

And i'm not even f2p

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