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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 7th of June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 29
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On 2018-06-06 21:49:31Show All Posts

Good events, but rabates not too fast? Oil function is nice, new clothin look good too(but dunno what stats it give :\)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 29
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On 2018-06-07 12:38:10Show All Posts
  • S214-Shinku On 2018-06-07 11:48:17
  • I think the costume's stat is following German which is +165 ATK and NIN

    CN got it free coz the stat only like +25 (I didn't understand Mandarin so don't know which stats) and I saw they use sth to upgrade the cloth to powering up.

    I think its makes sense Oasis sell it than give it, coz the stats also have a big gap.

    And I watched a lot of CN YT video, as I can see in CN a lot of paid PPL.

    CN released new ninja, a lot of them is going straight to get it (even if it's recharges event)

    This is also one of the reason Oasis chose to made a better version and just sell it.

    If u can think clearly, this game not run by itself. PPL working there and that's including professional team. They need salary right.

    A company won't just run with only a few people. It have a few department.

    Do u want working with ur stamina and time just for free?

    I am a worker too coz, so I know what's company think the best.

    I just don't mind spending a lil in this game for fun.

    I hope you guys have a nice day.

    Best regards,

+1 finally some1 who don't do sh**storm coz "china got it free"

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