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[ Events ] Upcoming Patch 9/1/2016


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On 2016-09-02 06:18:14Show this Author Only
we need this kind of even
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On 2016-09-02 12:18:07Show this Author Only
Let me re-iterate: It's not * P2W yet, that I've seen. It's showing signs of it. Although the person spending a good amount of money has literally not lost a fight with his three pains. It's a fun game; I want it to stay that way. There's a big difference between $20 and $4.

Yes, if you sign in literally every day for a month, you can get 250 coupons. Miss even once and you're down to 150. Oddly enough, that's about $1 worth if you consider 50 ingots = $1, which can be spun for anywhere to 20/30/50 coupons. Yes, you can get roughly 15 coupons from the twice a week WB.

I'll give them credit for this Hanzo attacks event and the puzzles (though the latters reward is very skimpy...). They're both fun at least. At first I was frustrated with Hanzo's difficulty on even easy, but it's do-able once you learn how to handle it's unique content. If it stays, I'll enjoy this event. It's similar to the Ninja Exam, which is what we need more of.

Suggestion: Add something similar to Ninja Exam/Hanzo where we can get daily coupons. Maybe format it after Group Instances? I'm thinking ahead to when we've hit cap and there's no more sub-plots left.
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On 2016-09-02 15:21:12Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2016-09-02 02:11:57
  • While this can be considered a PTW it's really not too bad. I only spent $5 for Garra who I don't even use and I'm #8 on my server in power/rank with only around 4-6 people I can't beat 100% of the time. My server has like 5 people that spent thousands on the game and that was weeks ago, they spent even more by now.

    If you spend the time doing everything you can daily even FTP players can compete with paying players.

    As for coupons we get a decent amount...We get another 20 a day from the puzzle event. I get 100 a week from ninetails, 130 a week from my lvl 6 tree, log in reward is another 250 a month we can get 10/20 from lucky wheel, when you set a record in group trial you get 25/50 AND you get coupons when you get a new ninja!

    All of the good ninja like the pains will be in the shops at some point and they are only 3* for now. A team of more common ninja at 5* have a nice advantage over them. If you did not need the low level refine runes and other stuff a FTP should be able to buy like 30 pain fragments from the event that just ended which would save time buying him from the shop when he gets added.

hahahah if you think that's enough to compete with p2w players you're crazy
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On 2016-09-02 15:22:15Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-02 04:16:10
  • Why would the company care about f2p players?
    Actually they do care about them, as potential costumers. Who maybe recharge one day.
    But before they do, why would it matter if you guys play or not? You are adding nothing to the whole game, or the company, except hundreds of complaining posts about how p2w this game is every day.
    Before you guys start to wave the "I am a player" "I am a customer" or "Cheriss me!" flags, maybe some of you should recharge a little.

    And dont say, "MAybe they not gonna complain"
    Someone will always complain. ALWAYS! No matter what you or they do, because this is the internet, and we are anonymus, and because of this people think they can do whatever they want.
    This post was last edited by 119***@facebook at 2016-9-2 04:19
you seem like an * p2w player,without f2p players there would be no game so please stop complaining
if you want to make people recharge for this game you should treat the nice or else the chances for them to do that will only get lower
This post was last edited by mon*** at 2016-9-2 15:34
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On 2016-09-02 15:36:47Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2016-09-02 02:11:57
  • While this can be considered a PTW it's really not too bad. I only spent $5 for Garra who I don't even use and I'm #8 on my server in power/rank with only around 4-6 people I can't beat 100% of the time. My server has like 5 people that spent thousands on the game and that was weeks ago, they spent even more by now.

    If you spend the time doing everything you can daily even FTP players can compete with paying players.

    As for coupons we get a decent amount...We get another 20 a day from the puzzle event. I get 100 a week from ninetails, 130 a week from my lvl 6 tree, log in reward is another 250 a month we can get 10/20 from lucky wheel, when you set a record in group trial you get 25/50 AND you get coupons when you get a new ninja!

    All of the good ninja like the pains will be in the shops at some point and they are only 3* for now. A team of more common ninja at 5* have a nice advantage over them. If you did not need the low level refine runes and other stuff a FTP should be able to buy like 30 pain fragments from the event that just ended which would save time buying him from the shop when he gets added.

thats like playing in a server where there is only 1 pay to win user and everyone else is free yet you rank 2nd and then you comment that this game's p2w system isnt really that bad because you are rank 2 in your server and theres only 1 person you cant beat 100% of the time.
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On 2016-09-02 16:05:35Show this Author Only
How does it it help too add stuff for free2play player like coupons etc. I mean you act like ONLY the Free2play player get the free stuff but ALL the P2W guys will get them too so the gap wont get smaller. The problem is too many system where you can boost stats with $$. We had the Magatamas first than the refine and now the cloth system. The Magatams are after 1-2 month pretty balanced since you can get them fast even if a p2w guy got lvl 5 maga and you some lvl 4 and lvl 3 the gap is not that big. Than we had the refine runes which complletly destroys strategys. You basiclly have to set your combo starter as Move 1 as a p2w player and you auto win. Now they add a * system which is a mix of both. For God sake let ppl catch up first otherwise you lose half of your playerbase. If they increase lvl cap next week say goodbye too at least 30 % of the playbase.
This post was last edited by Neconis at 2016-9-2 16:07 This post was last edited by Neconis at 2016-9-2 16:07
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On 2016-09-02 17:10:42Show this Author Only
  • nkn24 On 2016-09-02 15:36:47
  • thats like playing in a server where there is only 1 pay to win user and everyone else is free yet you rank 2nd and then you comment that this game's p2w system isnt really that bad because you are rank 2 in your server and theres only 1 person you cant beat 100% of the time.
Nope, the server has 6 big PTW that all spent at least $2000 and I can beat a few of them depending on the teams we use but it's not easy. There is only 3 that I have a really hard time with and they all spent $5000+ weeks ago to get to that point.

Other then the six of them who also do everything daily on top of spending thousands the top 20 has another 10 players that spent at least $50-$100 that get crushed by myself and another two ftp players that have the power ranking 8-10 on lock down with over 18k power at level 67

If you planed things out and don't waste resources you can compete with PTW players you just need to be diligent, create proper teams and Refines! even as ftp you could have gotten all 6/5's on one character and 4's or at least 3's on the rest of them if you made use of the refine event.

Now if you guys have such a hard time as FTP and have no cash then just go to one of those sites that give you currency for doing surveys and what not, it should be easy getting 1-3$ a day just save up till you can buy w/e you need.
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On 2016-09-02 17:27:54Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2016-09-02 17:10:42
  • Nope, the server has 6 big PTW that all spent at least $2000 and I can beat a few of them depending on the teams we use but it's not easy. There is only 3 that I have a really hard time with and they all spent $5000+ weeks ago to get to that point.

    Other then the six of them who also do everything daily on top of spending thousands the top 20 has another 10 players that spent at least $50-$100 that get crushed by myself and another two ftp players that have the power ranking 8-10 on lock down with over 18k power at level 67

    If you planed things out and don't waste resources you can compete with PTW players you just need to be diligent, create proper teams and Refines! even as ftp you could have gotten all 6/5's on one character and 4's or at least 3's on the rest of them if you made use of the refine event.

    Now if you guys have such a hard time as FTP and have no cash then just go to one of those sites that give you currency for doing surveys and what not, it should be easy getting 1-3$ a day just save up till you can buy w/e you need.
yeah I can beat people that have 1235412780509213875 power with me 0.1 power too^^ This post was last edited by mon*** at 2016-9-2 18:30
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On 2016-09-02 17:53:34Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2016-09-02 17:10:42
  • Nope, the server has 6 big PTW that all spent at least $2000 and I can beat a few of them depending on the teams we use but it's not easy. There is only 3 that I have a really hard time with and they all spent $5000+ weeks ago to get to that point.

    Other then the six of them who also do everything daily on top of spending thousands the top 20 has another 10 players that spent at least $50-$100 that get crushed by myself and another two ftp players that have the power ranking 8-10 on lock down with over 18k power at level 67

    If you planed things out and don't waste resources you can compete with PTW players you just need to be diligent, create proper teams and Refines! even as ftp you could have gotten all 6/5's on one character and 4's or at least 3's on the rest of them if you made use of the refine event.

    Now if you guys have such a hard time as FTP and have no cash then just go to one of those sites that give you currency for doing surveys and what not, it should be easy getting 1-3$ a day just save up till you can buy w/e you need.
i am a free player and i can beat jonin users even 1k more power than me, i have full kage set too. basically the reason you are reaching top 10 is because there isnt much p2w players in your server, and you are basically fighting people near your power level which is obviously not much and can still be handled even as a free player.
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On 2016-09-02 18:43:51Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-02 17:53:34
  • i am a free player and i can beat jonin users even 1k more power than me, i have full kage set too. basically the reason you are reaching top 10 is because there isnt much p2w players in your server, and you are basically fighting people near your power level which is obviously not much and can still be handled even as a free player.
That's not true, my server has the normal if not above that paying players. If we don't count the people under level 60 (most people are 60+ if you where active 65-67) there seem to be more paying players then ftp on my server.

If you are on one of the first few servers they are the ones with a large amount of paying players that could make things hard for a free player but the others can be played just fine without spending anything if you have the time.

I just looked around and I would be top 10 on just about all of the NY servers rank 15 on server 3.
This post was last edited by Arawn345 at 2016-9-2 19:27
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On 2016-09-02 18:50:47Show this Author Only
Like I've said before, there are a a lot of 'dumb' p2w players, and you can exploit that even as a f2p warrior.
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On 2016-09-02 19:26:39Show this Author Only
Just F**Ck off top guys. Play for soul!
Quicky Post

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