Let me re-iterate: It's not * P2W yet, that I've seen. It's showing signs of it. Although the person spending a good amount of money has literally not lost a fight with his three pains. It's a fun game; I want it to stay that way. There's a big difference between $20 and $4.
Yes, if you sign in literally every day for a month, you can get 250 coupons. Miss even once and you're down to 150. Oddly enough, that's about $1 worth if you consider 50 ingots = $1, which can be spun for anywhere to 20/30/50 coupons. Yes, you can get roughly 15 coupons from the twice a week WB.
I'll give them credit for this Hanzo attacks event and the puzzles (though the latters reward is very skimpy...). They're both fun at least. At first I was frustrated with Hanzo's difficulty on even easy, but it's do-able once you learn how to handle it's unique content. If it stays, I'll enjoy this event. It's similar to the Ninja Exam, which is what we need more of.
Suggestion: Add something similar to Ninja Exam/Hanzo where we can get daily coupons. Maybe format it after Group Instances? I'm thinking ahead to when we've hit cap and there's no more sub-plots left.