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[ Lineup ] Pain Ningendo w/ Lightning Main Lineup?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-01 04:03:18Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So I drew a Pain Ningendo and I'm having trouble finding a team that synergizes well with that ninjas I have. Any help would be appreciated :D

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-16 12:28:07Show this Author Only
I use Sasuke 3* / Ningendo / Neji 2* and Main with ninja dog shiba prety good i think
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On 2017-04-07 05:33:27Show this Author Only
I have though time as well. I have two Pain's atm, Jigokudo and Ningendo, they two can work together with Giant Katsuya, and forgot who else was there, but to some extent it's quite a weak team imo, even if both Pain's buff each other with Rinnegan mystery, such as Jigokudo gives shield, buffing defense, but then again, Jigokudo is not lightning element...I kind of want to push pure lightning team, I have though time having defenses set up right...

I kind of made it okey, at least in survial mode, but not sure...
Ningendo, Lightning Main, Sai (GNW), Mabui.

You don't have these Ninja's, but such topic should be overall regarding any line-up/set-up. He is a good replacement for Hinata regarding skills, but not defense, so you must figure out defense for yourself. Since Sai is no lightning, which is sad, but he works with Mabui since she buffs him shield up as well, since Mabui's passive is to give water and lightning elements some shields, and Sai spawns some nice defense doggies as well.
This post was last edited by smaddeus at 2017-4-7 06:20
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-07 05:50:09Show this Author Only
The team I run with ningendo is ssk kimimaro and ningendo.

x - LM - X
Ssk - Nin - Kimi
X - X - X

Talents: 2 3 4 1 3 Summon: Serpent

1) Ningendo's hp is pretty low, which is why he is surrounded like that.
2) Root of warrior allows you to eat 1 mystery on turn 2 without having any status effect (along with the mirror helps being there helps) - ie if you have lower initiative just let your opponents use their mystery first before activating yours
3) The combo chases off ningendo twice - mirror effect is useless against that.
4) Overall high combo team (9 with serpent) with Ningendo playing the key role to the team. (ie try to make sure he doesn't die)

Hope my lineup helps.
*edit: realize how old this post actually was, but hopefully helps the guy on top of me xD
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-07 06:33:36Show this Author Only
hmm... I used team Darui, Choujuro, Ningendo for exam 117 n 118, but you don't have them...
Quicky Post

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