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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 31st of May


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On 2018-05-31 08:38:15Show this Author Only
  • K Senko On 2018-05-30 22:20:06
  • Hello, guys, Will there be Hokage Minato on this event ?

    wanna know that it's important for me ...

I dont think so brother.I want to him like you.I saving coupons almost 25 days.And I got 73 frags today.I'm almost fp2 btw.But I didnt trust Oasis and I recharged ingot.(750) and I will recruit him.Because Oasis already give him to us a lot of events.

This post was last edited by HokageeMinatoo on 2018-05-31 08:38:51.
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On 2018-05-31 08:49:20Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2018-05-30 22:40:43
  • There were no planned updates for this month (May). Next month will be more interesting (but anything can change).

I hope we get at least 2 good updates this month, this ending month was kinda dry in that regard, there were some good events but yeah, this month you could do a big and a small update something like big update: ninja star collection feature, new shop and coins to use in this.

Small update: exams to 220, update ultimate training and things like that, but yeah please dont be stingy with updates.

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On 2018-05-31 12:01:11Show this Author Only

I hope there's not new event will appear suddenly like great plates

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On 2018-05-31 12:06:45Show this Author Only

hey peeps if you want to save keep it to yourself , stop announcing every week , don't need to show people how shrewd you are.

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On 2018-05-31 13:12:52Show this Author Only
  • selyl On 2018-05-31 12:06:45
  • hey peeps if you want to save keep it to yourself , stop announcing every week , don't need to show people how shrewd you are.

I agree you bro :D

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On 2018-05-31 14:30:05Show this Author Only
  • selyl On 2018-05-31 12:06:45
  • hey peeps if you want to save keep it to yourself , stop announcing every week , don't need to show people how shrewd you are.

well another week of saving for me.....

P.S: Just did that to annoy you, now what. LUL

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On 2018-05-31 15:04:24Show this Author Only
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On 2018-05-31 15:37:57Show this Author Only

Fukurokumaru deals please with Edo Deidara frags please oasis i need that frags left!

  • Registered: 2017-11-19
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On 2018-05-31 16:52:12Show this Author Only

Maintenance not completed yet

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On 2018-05-31 19:08:24Show this Author Only


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On 2018-05-31 21:34:11Show this Author Only
  • Revirie On 2018-05-30 22:17:19
  • Why Edo Junchiriki's ............ Edo Hiruzen is 1st than those came out -_-

    (delay Edo Hiruzen put ninjas that crappier ver. of normal Roshi, when his still way superior to Edo version(no barrier break mystery))

    (why waste coups/ingots if they will eventually release Edo Junchi Treasure in future)

    Also why Shizune in monthy always common ninjas u get zzzzzz

    i pass this event again back to saving coupons as usual Oasis broke my dream of having Edo Hiruzen Dx

You can't really say that Edo Roshi is crappier than Roshi [4 Tails Jinchuriki]

They both have different roles.

Edo Roshi buffs other Jinchuriki and has a standard attack that will generally cause Repulse, so you can combo off its auto attack with ease.

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On 2018-05-31 21:42:07Show this Author Only

This weekend event good, moumoku much coup 120 coup per day lol, reachange 300 igot per day for 50 coup and 15 key, free killer bear or guy. Easy own 350 cavekey in event. Try up power guys. Edo Hizuren will make PvP player more stronger than fvp player.

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On 2018-05-31 21:58:56Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-05-31 21:34:11
  • You can't really say that Edo Roshi is crappier than Roshi [4 Tails Jinchuriki]

    They both have different roles.

    Edo Roshi buffs other Jinchuriki and has a standard attack that will generally cause Repulse, so you can combo off its auto attack with ease.

But meta never change in china they got him already but they dont use him cause his utility is bad also why replace basic roshi to auto barrier / no ignite / no buff on hit / 80 chakra mystery version of him .... this one cant tank at all plus it dies so fast, i wont even have trouble killing him fast compared to normal roshi that takes forever to kill lol ( And fact the Edo Roshi is the worst to get in Edo Junchi Treasure)

This post was last edited by Revirie on 2018-05-31 22:18:05.
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On 2018-05-31 22:01:53Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-05-31 21:34:11
  • You can't really say that Edo Roshi is crappier than Roshi [4 Tails Jinchuriki]

    They both have different roles.

    Edo Roshi buffs other Jinchuriki and has a standard attack that will generally cause Repulse, so you can combo off its auto attack with ease.

Cons compared to regular Roshi:

He has 80 chakra mystery. (look on rednubes if you don't believe me)

His mystery does only NIN damage.

He doesn't ignite opponent's units with chase.

& most importantly

He doesn't scale.

He is barrier ninja so 1 shark kisame and you lose it before you can even use it, also if you have less init, also if you meet regular Roshi r2 & a few more reasons why barrier ninjas are situational, then you are left with 4 talents instead of 5. GG.

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On 2018-05-31 22:10:22Show this Author Only
  • xxMihai On 2018-05-31 22:01:53
  • Cons compared to regular Roshi:

    He has 80 chakra mystery. (look on rednubes if you don't believe me)

    His mystery does only NIN damage.

    He doesn't ignite opponent's units with chase.

    & most importantly

    He doesn't scale.

    He is barrier ninja so 1 shark kisame and you lose it before you can even use it, also if you have less init, also if you meet regular Roshi r2 & a few more reasons why barrier ninjas are situational, then you are left with 4 talents instead of 5. GG.

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On 2018-05-31 22:53:44Show this Author Only
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What's me having 80k power got to do with what I said? At 89k pow that I have I beat a few 100-120k's by the way, so I know how to play the game.

It seems you don't like me for some reason, can you point out where exactly I misinformed anyone here? Look at his talents and compare them to regular Roshi lol.

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On 2018-05-31 23:06:16Show this Author Only
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-Edo roshi is weak

-89k pow mean that he played game for a while yeah?

-Why don't you say what is good in edo roshi instead of telling him to shut up? Arguments pls

That comment is just *

This post was last edited by UchichaRakiri on 2018-05-31 23:10:06.
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On 2018-05-31 23:32:43Show this Author Only
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Dude stop cursing, how rude and disrespectful u are and you desecrate a holy figure as avatar -_-

also most of what he said are facts not misinform and the info are right....

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On 2018-06-01 00:07:16Show this Author Only

Ill tell him to shut up and everyone of you forum "theory meisters" because i can. If you dont got the ninjas dont go talking about what it can do and what not do.
@Revirie ill curse as much as i want and if my picture bothers you dont look at it.

This post was last edited by Numbers on 2018-06-01 00:09:35.
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On 2018-06-01 00:33:09Show this Author Only

Guys, its literally apples and oranges when comparing these 2 Roshi.

Edo Roshi isn't meant to be a tank.
Edo Roshi's JOB is to support your Jinchuriki with a Barrier. Just like the job for Killer Bee 7 Sword where his job is to SUPPORT Jinchuriki through shields and buffs.
Edo Roshi can remove Buffs and Shields through his chase, which is again, more of a utility ninja.
Edo Roshi can cause Repulse on Auto Attack higher than Roshi [4 Tails] standard attack which causes low float which also chases into Low Float which can set up Han's chase. (Not that you should run Han, but the fact he is a jinchuriki he can be used for the example.)

Edo Roshi's mystery chakra cost is irrelevant, if you really want to have it ready for use in Round 2, you can go into Wind Main and gain loads of Chakra. But if you're playing Jinchuriki Ninjas anyways, they'll generally GIVE you chakra for it.

Roshi [4 Tails] is meant to break barriers.
Roshi [4 Tails] is meant to tank IF it can survive hits.
Roshi [4 Tails] is meant to nuke if you set up for that. (Referring to the 30 combo chase)

Literally apples and oranges.

Not everyone has Kisame Shark, so if no one on your server uses him, then it is irrelevant, if you never face him in arena, then it is irrelevant. Same with every other x-server pvp event.

Its like comparing, Reindhart in Overwatch to Mercy in Overwatch and saying what is better. Which you can't because they have different roles.

This post was last edited by RenjiAsuka on 2018-06-01 00:35:27.
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