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[ Events ] Sunflower Covenant Forum Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 23
On 2018-05-31 10:21:34Show All Posts
  • McDonald's On 2018-05-31 09:27:33
  • Do you really think that they have the guts to do this if they knew they will lose a case on court? stop bluffing and accept what happened. it is what it is. I bet those spenders will still recharge after this. Only p2w people can fix this. If they won't recharge for a month it will make OASIS correct their mistakes but I bet p2w people can't control their urge especially Youtubers.

Actually, a lot of people I talked to that did this event is actually doing full refunds through paypal as far back as possible. It is going to get their account banned, but they already done with the game and just going to quit. It is flipping * on what they did. I understand RNG events that you may not win anything, but when you are promised a certain thing for a certain rank and then Oasis says "Lol, event broken, post screenshots and we'll give you coupons instead". Oasis is a big no no with this event and treating it like a thousand or two coupons will make up for people spending 300+ dollars to stay on top for a virtual ninja...

The worst part is... people are posting screenshots, there is proof that they are a certain rank. What is so hard to reward those players with their actual prize?

This post was last edited by Nozumi on 2018-05-31 10:23:24.
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