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[ Events ] Sunflower Covenant Forum Event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-30 23:07:11Show All Posts

I dunnow if i heard this correct but i'm pretty sure Daisuke said evry1 per server would get their tobi frags. The coupons are just an extra bonus for the bug in the event. Yall are over reacting. And like the post b4 this one pointed out it was a spending rebate. if u spent just for the tobi frags then ur a friggin idiot. We still got 2 recharge events with substantial coupon rewards. Plus u all got wutever u spent those ingots on. Is it a dissapointment? Yes. Is it bad that peeps might not get wut they spent for? Yes. But is it their fault that u wales were too stoopid to pass up an event? If u say yes to that then pls leave the game.

Quicky Post

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