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Sunflower Compensation unacceptable


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On 2018-05-29 22:18:10Show All Posts

This was illegal action on your part...right? So I guess it would be fair to put it local (+merged servers)

S-610 would be the only right thing to give us what we paid for..ty :D


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On 2018-05-29 22:19:34Show All Posts
  • cretude On 2018-05-29 20:35:21
  • I m not saying Oasis is out of guilt but giving everyone who got first place in their severs the top prize is unfair by a lot of points of view. The best way to compensate this mistake is giving a fair amount of coupons to those who invested in it as some problems were with this event. Like, if anyone remembers, that consumption wheel when it first showed up. There were some peoblems aswell and everyone who took part got like 4-5 coupons per try as reward.

i bet u didn't top up a single ingot

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On 2018-05-29 22:38:44Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-05-29 22:33:16
  • Like I said this event is very shady, showing rakings only from your server when it is cross-server, but that also makes it a gambling event, you don't know how much the top player spent and you pay more thinking you beat him and get the good rewards. The chances are so low, from thousands of people you to be the one in top 3.

    It clearly caused alot of frustration to all of you, spending money and getting nothing in return, so your reactions are very negative and that is normal. But as long as Oasis specified on forum it is a cross-server event, and in game it is only a visual bug, it wasn't done on purpose, you can't really blame them no matter how shady it is. The shady part isn't the event in game omitting to say it is cross server, but not showing the real rankings.

    Let this be a good lesson to you and think before you spend. ;)

"But as long as Oasis specified on the forum it is a cross-server event"

man, I read the rules for the event...not a single word said cross.. and that's it, we and all of our discussions there.

This post was last edited by Your Momm on 2018-05-29 22:39:15.
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On 2018-05-29 22:39:51Show All Posts
  • cretude On 2018-05-29 22:33:03
  • I have recharged and made mistakes in past but learned from those not to go blindly into events.

So this is not the first time they did this? LOL

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On 2018-05-29 23:04:54Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-05-29 22:53:45
  • Conclusion:
    Both the players and Oasis is at fault here.

How can this be players fault?

And please don't tell I should read the forum, because not every single player visit here, I just came when my teammates said they are posting something about this event and how I won't get rewards, rewards I paid for.

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On 2018-05-30 00:37:22Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-05-29 23:49:55
  • Lol, for me it's shocking and maybe a little funny you throw that kind of money away without knowing for sure what it is you are doing, which is a gamble. From what I recall this event was always cross-server but with a different name, and the rankings I believe were always shown like this. Because think about it, if it wasn't cross-server everyone would get top rewards with only the registration, a few ingots recharged and by stacking stamina potions. 50 x 200 sunflowers = 10000 ingots for a 20000 thousand ingot ninja and some other stuff. That isn't right, you shouldn't get a 50% discount when it's part your fault cause you didn't check, and that is also not fair for those who spent 1000 dollars on this.

    I said this event is shady, but the only thing that is different is that visual bug in game, it's not the first time this event appears. I also don't blame it all on the players, the visual bug of the in game event description is Oasis's mistake, but that's about it. But yea, I see some of you threatening to sue the company and stuff like this, all because you didn't take the time to check the forum, before recharging and spending aimlessly. How is that right? I do believe you deserve some sort of compensation, a refund maybe, but not the top prize.

U good bro? Do u even read what are u saying ?? geez

This post was last edited by Your Momm on 2018-05-30 00:38:30.
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On 2018-05-30 00:47:03Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 00:43:29
  • you said it for me, GAMBLE! which is not a certain thing to get. Meanwhile this event guarantees you tobirama unless someone cashes more than you, which is a huge settup to make players spend the most they can in case of big competition, and that's what the guys who earn it want... Dude you paid for this at your own risk, you should've gotten better informed before spending ridiculous amounts like this in one go... I can't believe so many people fell for this... unbelievable...

U and Miha, u boys good? We read god da mn rules, we saw its a good event...we went for it. Tell me I am wrong.

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On 2018-05-30 00:53:35Show All Posts
  • Genta7 On 2018-05-30 00:51:09
  • you also say for me Meanwhile, this event guarantees you tobirama bingo omg you understand realize what point whole thread about wow amazing this why here in the first place because no gambling involved it a guarantee one on top :3 because my world is a death this why I take the risk you understand where everyone gain from because KEYWORD GUARANTEE

U are 100% right

Bcs if we were wrong, then every da mn local event would have not-cross in rules, but they don't have it was a legit local event. Sry won't cut it

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On 2018-05-30 00:54:59Show All Posts
  • xxMihai On 2018-05-30 00:52:36
  • I think we are good since we didn't fall for it. And it seems you didn't read the rules good enough otherwise you would notice it was cross server when reading on the forum! But that's it, you do deserve a compensation and you will probably get one with in-game items, and at best a refund but that is unlikely from what I see.

I said it in my last post. Just read it.

This post was last edited by Your Momm on 2018-05-30 00:55:23.
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On 2018-05-30 00:58:38Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 00:51:40
  • oh yea awesome event lol spending 200€ for a ninja is totally worth it. I do agree the compensation they gave was insulting, but my point is that people just can't spend huge amounts like this without getting some sort of guarantee that this event is exactly what it seems to be... And all of you who actually spent for this didn't ensure that it was actually worth it. You gotta be careful when you are involving such big amounts of cash guys... But i agree that the compensation was insulting. Actually i spent nothing and i got the compensation as well LOL they should probably return the lingots spent as coupons or something

Man, it was clear as a day its local :D

cross servers have cross in their rules, u cant change it after few days and say sry, and again u cant tell me to read the forum, 60% players never visit bcs they don't need to.

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On 2018-05-30 01:02:53Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 00:56:18
  • you guys really think they would make an event like this be local? you just gotta think for a bit... Most servers are empty, with like 3 cashers on there. It would be peanuts for them to get tobirama that way lol you really think they would just hand out a ninja like this half the price to everyone on each server?? No way man. You really need to be careful with those amounts of cash... Maybe in the future he becomes like a minato kage and comes in every event but now it's too early, too big of a risk, too big of an amount to recharge. Lose Lose situation all around and you even ended up getting scammed. Not worth it and i hope you guys finally learned your lesson. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me... they have done this way too many times and you keep falling for it

Rules didn't contain word cross in, is that hard for u to understand?

it's their mistake, they should pay for it, not players.

rebate coupons seem fair, but i still think players need to get what they paid for

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On 2018-05-30 01:09:04Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 01:04:30
  • bud whenever you are about to spend that amount of money you HAVE TO MAKE SURE it's exactly as it is portrayed in the game... You already know they are waaaaaay too lazy, still so many language corrections to be made on ninja test and cat quiz... People need to think wisely before making such impactful decisions, consider everything to make sure you will get exactly what you paid for... If people don't have 5 minutes to read about the event on forum it's their problem, they should do some research when investing those amounts

Ohh, I didn't top up on the first day, I waited..

talked with few players, saw nobody is going in my server for it, didn't see names from other servers and I went for it :D

Abd u keep telling me it's my fault, like come on

Again don't include forums. Not all players read them :D

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On 2018-05-30 01:11:10Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-05-30 01:07:27
  • In the end, I hope people understand they can learn from mistakes rather than putting 100% of the blame on another entity, whether you like it or not. I mean the top 3 rewards for all servers sounds to generous and I thought you people think that Oasis is cheap? Why would you not assume cross-server because of this reason.

    Like I said earlier in the post, newer players would not have known that this event appeared before and it was cross-server. Just because it doesn't state "cross-server" does not equal merged/local servers. Always assume descriptions have translation issues because there were some in the past. Also you don't have to check the forums about the descriptions and timelines of the events when it is stated at the very end of hot topics.


sry, I was says cross in it

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On 2018-05-30 01:13:09Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-05-30 01:11:11
  • Maybe you should so you can be better informed. If you choose not to, then you lose out on the advice from players.

in-games must contain valid information, if not its not my fault :D

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On 2018-05-30 01:13:52Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 01:11:19
  • and again, it's their fault and they ended up paying dearly for it... you spoke with guys that were as clueless as you (no offense) about this issue... it says on daiske's post it's cross server... it is there.

u still talking about forum geez man, and u say I'm clueless :D

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On 2018-05-30 01:16:52Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-05-30 01:13:19
  • At this point, you are just being sarcastic and won't admit at least 1% fault of your problem....

Actually, this is not my fault at all :D

I got a point u must admit it

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On 2018-05-30 01:17:29Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 01:16:41
  • it doesn't say it's local either, you just went up and assumed it was! so it IS partially your fault.

again, does on every da mn local event says not-cross ?? come on u guys know I'm right :D

This post was last edited by Your Momm on 2018-05-30 01:20:58.
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On 2018-05-30 01:18:09Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-05-30 01:17:28
  • It doesn't say local either. You and many others assumed it because you didn't see cross-server.

again, does on every da mn local event says not-cross ?? come on u guys know I'm right :D

sry I repeat myself over and really boring am I? :D

This post was last edited by Your Momm on 2018-05-30 01:20:43.
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On 2018-05-30 01:20:06Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 01:18:50
  • i don't see anywhere on here where it says it's local servers. Nowhere. You assumed it was and invested on it at your own risk. Lack of words from oas? absolutely. Lack of logical thinking on your part? Yes

again, does on every da mn local event says not-cross ?? come on u guys know I'm right :D

did u read my last 4 post :D pls ill post it again for u. sry im clueless soo i cant help it :D

This post was last edited by Your Momm on 2018-05-30 01:20:27.
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On 2018-05-30 01:28:53Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-05-30 01:25:52
  • Idk what you're still on about. I just said there are words missing from there. That's it. And there was not logical thinking on your part as well.. Which is a fact. You got misleaded in a way and should be compensated for that but asking for oas to give all of you tobiramas is completely ridiculous. At most you should get the amount you spent returned to you as coupons as an extra reward

lol I said coupons rebate sounds fair, and then said MY OPINION, we should get what we paid for..sry but I keep track of what I'm saying :D

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