Yes. You are right. I have confirmed it 100% that only develovers who can threaten game account of someone like a ban. Admins have no authority to do it AT ALL.
If Daiske had ever done it to you that means, he clearly only want to make u afraid to raise your voice. Its only bluffing
If any admins ever threaten you account again, just contact the developers. U can even pm "NarutoSupport" (it is an account name) for that issue.
I would say, we need to take class action againts this scamming attempt. This is truly a rip off. I am sure 99% that they will lose in a court. This is a FR@UD attempt. File a lawsuit againts this company will make them learn their lesson and also this issue will go viral in mass media. Only that way others will aware about this scandal.
When they hear the first question regarding this event is cross server or not, or when they realize there is a bug display, they should do an emergency maintenance as soon as possbile in the first place to avoid further loss to other players. This is clearly just show that they are not professional enough to run this company especially the admins and the developers
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