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[ Events ] I want your honest opinion


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On 2018-05-24 22:34:19Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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mission general mobilization

I just logged in, opened this page and i couldn't really believe about what i saw.

Is this for real or is a joke?

What do they expect a late gamer like me buy here?

16 fragments of a ninja that in china was given out for FREE in an event specifically dedicated to her and the other two sannins and that here appears at the 'modest' cost of 10000 coupons?

10-11 fragments of ninjas like minato and deidara i just own?

medium threads when i'm close to rank 7?

mystery gems when i have 37 sitting there after having unlocked all of the available ones?

butler outfit that i just own since 3 events?

I'm literally ashamed.

I have issues even in spending the free points, there's literally no reason for even buy 1 single extra pack.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-05-24 22:34:19.
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On 2018-05-24 22:48:34Show this Author Only

They should put in a slot there Clothing Pack (with 2 new clothings, let's say Silk and Yes Master! ), in another slot Fateful Choice Pack (2 ninjas in one slot, Jonin MInato and Masked man, alot of people are piecing them together), another slot with either Edo Deidara/Kisame/or Kakuzu[ Earth Grudge Fear] *maybe all 3 of them being in an Akatsuki pack*, another one Treasure Tool Rare Essence(we need those alot).

And for the last 2 slots I don't really know, maybe Advanced Threads instead of Medium & 10x Mood Scrolls. Maybe even Purification Runes + Purification Protection Runes in last 2 slots, can never get enough of those...

But definitely not Mystery Gems which you get for free... lol.

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On 2018-05-24 23:07:17Show this Author Only

1st slot (ninjas that cost over 10k) : Minato (jonin/4th), Masked Man, Deidara Edo, Kakuzu Grudge, Kisame Shark, Angel Konan, Shisui, etc...

2nd slot (ninjas that cost less than 10k) : Sailor Sakura, Hanzo, Anbu Itachi, Anbu Kakashi, Lee & Guy 8 gates, Danzo, Mei, Darui, Asuma Edo, Nagato Edo, etc...

3rd slot : 1 of 3 newest cloth.

4th slot : Optinal Thread Pack that work like Optional Refine Pack.

5th slot : Random power items from cave key, myoboku trial, treasure tool rare essence, unbound runepack, ability treasure scroll, tactic box, etc...

6th slot : You want to cater for new player? Instead of putting filler items that get outdated by everyone in 1 month like common thread, common clothes, common refine, common things, etc... Just put 100k coins there for 10 pts, I believe new players and even old players who freeze their level and stop doing 9 tails would love to see that.

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On 2018-05-24 23:15:51Show this Author Only
  • ZWen On 2018-05-24 23:07:17
  • 1st slot (ninjas that cost over 10k) : Minato (jonin/4th), Masked Man, Deidara Edo, Kakuzu Grudge, Kisame Shark, Angel Konan, Shisui, etc...

    2nd slot (ninjas that cost less than 10k) : Sailor Sakura, Hanzo, Anbu Itachi, Anbu Kakashi, Lee & Guy 8 gates, Danzo, Mei, Darui, Asuma Edo, Nagato Edo, etc...

    3rd slot : 1 of 3 newest cloth.

    4th slot : Optinal Thread Pack that work like Optional Refine Pack.

    5th slot : Random power items from cave key, myoboku trial, treasure tool rare essence, unbound runepack, ability treasure scroll, tactic box, etc...

    6th slot : You want to cater for new player? Instead of putting filler items that get outdated by everyone in 1 month like common thread, common clothes, common refine, common things, etc... Just put 100k coins there for 10 pts, I believe new players and even old players who freeze their level and stop doing 9 tails would love to see that.

Ye, it's all nice and fine but then it's too much rotation on the slot! They need to put ninjas that are in the same category in a pack, and you get to choose 1 of 3-4 ninjas.

Forgot about Konan [Angel of God], she could be in Akatsuki pack with Deidara [Edo Tensei], Kisame [Shark Mode] and Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear], since they're more or less the same price.

Then there could be Fateful Choice Pack and Uchiha Pack with Masked Man and Shisui for example, now since Masked Man appears in 2 packs there could be Fourth Hokage Pack with both Minato's.

And power items, I forgot about the Myoboku Trial... But still the most important ones are the essences cause they almost never appear.

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On 2018-05-24 23:31:32Show this Author Only

I picked up Tsunade and I'm thankful they put her here. Oasis does not run the CN Naruto Online, so there is no guarantee that they will do the same events as CN.

For just as many people who are disappointed by this event, there are those that are thankful that they can get 10-11 Free Edo Deidera frags or Hokage Minato frags or pick up 12 cloth armor frags.

Not all the events have to cater to the "late gamers" and this event is still the BEST event for a F2P person to spend into.

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On 2018-05-24 23:55:57Show this Author Only

Hmmm .. I wanna give my honest opinion but first, i want you to understand that i don't mean to be rude or whatsoever, no offense but i'm gonna comment in every line you said .. as well as some of my suggestions for some parts of that event ..

"What do they expect a late gamer like me buy here?" - This event is not special or intended for late gamers only. This event i assume was laid out for the whole population of players, means both for old and new players of the game. Some of the players still don't have the items or ninjas in that event, due to some of the players doesn't have enough resources for them to buy a 5 figure ninja or expensive clothing. Now for the old players like you who has all the items in that event, it's now up to you if you're gonna spend or get some fragments to upgrade your ninja stars to 4 or 5 stars, if you don't need it then don't get it.

"16 fragments of a ninja that in china was given out for FREE in an event specifically dedicated to her and the other two sannins and that here appears at the 'modest' cost of 10000 coupons?" - CN Naruto Online and English Naruto Online is managed by different Company or Teams so do not expect that every things or events in CN will be the same with our servers here in English ..

"10-11 fragments of ninjas like minato and deidara i just own?" - Yeah, you already own them but how about the others who's still in the process of piecing them .. Like me for example, i'm still halfway to recruit both of them ..

"medium threads when i'm close to rank 7?" - Not all players already ranked their armor near to 7 .. So again, it's your choice if you're gonna get it ..

"mystery gems when i have 37 sitting there after having unlocked all of the available ones?" - with this one, im gonna agree with you and the others .. This item is obtainable for free by just having enough Group Points to redeem it from Group Shop .. So there is no other reason for them to be there at that slot, maybe it is better if they put the Breakthrough Stones of the other Summons like Katsuyu's or Monkey king's for us to upgrade our Summon's Mystery Skill ..

"butler outfit that i just own since 3 events?" - Not all players have good resources like you to buy such Clothing at its first or second appearance in event ..

This is the usual comments and reactions of some players, who don't want the things in the event .. Please always remember that the event's concern is not always for those players who has already have all or old player .. The event's concern and target is to cater the needs of the overall population, old and new, and being one of the old players means the option is with you .. They're only being fair to Old and New players of the game, same for the in-between of the said players ..


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On 2018-05-25 00:13:35Show this Author Only

Yea... Hokage Minato and Edo Deidara are still very useful to alot of players even old ones, also that Yes Master clothing is still brand new, it should appear in many events to come in my opinion.

Mystery Gems and Medium Threads are meh even for those who need them to be honest.

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On 2018-05-25 00:38:48Show this Author Only
  • HolotheWiseWolf On 2018-05-24 23:31:32
  • I picked up Tsunade and I'm thankful they put her here. Oasis does not run the CN Naruto Online, so there is no guarantee that they will do the same events as CN.

    For just as many people who are disappointed by this event, there are those that are thankful that they can get 10-11 Free Edo Deidera frags or Hokage Minato frags or pick up 12 cloth armor frags.

    Not all the events have to cater to the "late gamers" and this event is still the BEST event for a F2P person to spend into.

was enough to put there advanced threads for 35 points instead of medium threads for 21 points and i would have had nothing to complain (considering the purchase cost in the shop is 38 coupons and here they cost 42, is not that worth neither for f2p. better to just piece fragments of the cloth if you are f2p).

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-05-25 00:39:57.
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On 2018-05-25 00:49:31Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-24 23:55:57
  • Hmmm .. I wanna give my honest opinion but first, i want you to understand that i don't mean to be rude or whatsoever, no offense but i'm gonna comment in every line you said .. as well as some of my suggestions for some parts of that event ..

    "What do they expect a late gamer like me buy here?" - This event is not special or intended for late gamers only. This event i assume was laid out for the whole population of players, means both for old and new players of the game. Some of the players still don't have the items or ninjas in that event, due to some of the players doesn't have enough resources for them to buy a 5 figure ninja or expensive clothing. Now for the old players like you who has all the items in that event, it's now up to you if you're gonna spend or get some fragments to upgrade your ninja stars to 4 or 5 stars, if you don't need it then don't get it.

    "16 fragments of a ninja that in china was given out for FREE in an event specifically dedicated to her and the other two sannins and that here appears at the 'modest' cost of 10000 coupons?" - CN Naruto Online and English Naruto Online is managed by different Company or Teams so do not expect that every things or events in CN will be the same with our servers here in English ..

    "10-11 fragments of ninjas like minato and deidara i just own?" - Yeah, you already own them but how about the others who's still in the process of piecing them .. Like me for example, i'm still halfway to recruit both of them ..

    "medium threads when i'm close to rank 7?" - Not all players already ranked their armor near to 7 .. So again, it's your choice if you're gonna get it ..

    "mystery gems when i have 37 sitting there after having unlocked all of the available ones?" - with this one, im gonna agree with you and the others .. This item is obtainable for free by just having enough Group Points to redeem it from Group Shop .. So there is no other reason for them to be there at that slot, maybe it is better if they put the Breakthrough Stones of the other Summons like Katsuyu's or Monkey king's for us to upgrade our Summon's Mystery Skill ..

    "butler outfit that i just own since 3 events?" - Not all players have good resources like you to buy such Clothing at its first or second appearance in event ..

    This is the usual comments and reactions of some players, who don't want the things in the event .. Please always remember that the event's concern is not always for those players who has already have all or old player .. The event's concern and target is to cater the needs of the overall population, old and new, and being one of the old players means the option is with you .. They're only being fair to Old and New players of the game, same for the in-between of the said players ..


Maybe you didn't understand the point here.

I have nothing to complain about the fact the event is meant both for new and old players.

I have to complain about an event that has always been both for new and old players and that this time is ONLY for new players and casual players.

If they wanted to care about them only, nothing to complain, but there was no reason to do it by FURTHERMORE ruining this specific event. They could just do it by messing up with another of the many bad events we had in the past (like the tailed beasts board).

I have to complain about the fact I am not a whale, i'm not in an ultra old server (server 302 here) and still there are NO options for me.

Literally 0.

So i'll be compelled in spending those points in an ultra ultra ultra ultra overpriced tsunade and like me almost everybody that is in a situation comparable or better than mine.

And beware that I pointed out the fact she was given out for free in china, not to complain about the fact she is not given out for free here too.

I understand they have different policies and i'm not against this specific fact.

BUT THEY KNEW WE KNEW she was given out for free in china, exactly like they knew we knew about Itachi Anbu.

So what i had to expect was a price COMPARABLE to itachi anbu, that in various events has been given out for 3-5k coupons.

10k coupons would be an acceptable price IF AND ONLY IF we didn't know about her availability for free in china and IF AND ONLY IF they gave itachi anbu for the same price. Two weights, two measures.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-05-25 00:56:26.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-25 00:53:51Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-24 23:55:57
  • Hmmm .. I wanna give my honest opinion but first, i want you to understand that i don't mean to be rude or whatsoever, no offense but i'm gonna comment in every line you said .. as well as some of my suggestions for some parts of that event ..

    "What do they expect a late gamer like me buy here?" - This event is not special or intended for late gamers only. This event i assume was laid out for the whole population of players, means both for old and new players of the game. Some of the players still don't have the items or ninjas in that event, due to some of the players doesn't have enough resources for them to buy a 5 figure ninja or expensive clothing. Now for the old players like you who has all the items in that event, it's now up to you if you're gonna spend or get some fragments to upgrade your ninja stars to 4 or 5 stars, if you don't need it then don't get it.

    "16 fragments of a ninja that in china was given out for FREE in an event specifically dedicated to her and the other two sannins and that here appears at the 'modest' cost of 10000 coupons?" - CN Naruto Online and English Naruto Online is managed by different Company or Teams so do not expect that every things or events in CN will be the same with our servers here in English ..

    "10-11 fragments of ninjas like minato and deidara i just own?" - Yeah, you already own them but how about the others who's still in the process of piecing them .. Like me for example, i'm still halfway to recruit both of them ..

    "medium threads when i'm close to rank 7?" - Not all players already ranked their armor near to 7 .. So again, it's your choice if you're gonna get it ..

    "mystery gems when i have 37 sitting there after having unlocked all of the available ones?" - with this one, im gonna agree with you and the others .. This item is obtainable for free by just having enough Group Points to redeem it from Group Shop .. So there is no other reason for them to be there at that slot, maybe it is better if they put the Breakthrough Stones of the other Summons like Katsuyu's or Monkey king's for us to upgrade our Summon's Mystery Skill ..

    "butler outfit that i just own since 3 events?" - Not all players have good resources like you to buy such Clothing at its first or second appearance in event ..

    This is the usual comments and reactions of some players, who don't want the things in the event .. Please always remember that the event's concern is not always for those players who has already have all or old player .. The event's concern and target is to cater the needs of the overall population, old and new, and being one of the old players means the option is with you .. They're only being fair to Old and New players of the game, same for the in-between of the said players ..


In name, Tencent and Oasis can be viewed as seperate entities. However, it is not unheard of that gaming companies owning (partial ownership counts) distributors/publishers so you can't really close this type of relationship if it exists.

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On 2018-05-25 00:57:02Show this Author Only

A little update in where the sanin ninjas can be given. I'm in the same merged server with Whitefang for quite some time and the server got another merge recently and guess which 1 out of the 3 ninjas I can choose to get 80 frags?

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On 2018-05-25 01:03:57Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-05-25 00:57:02
  • A little update in where the sanin ninjas can be given. I'm in the same merged server with Whitefang for quite some time and the server got another merge recently and guess which 1 out of the 3 ninjas I can choose to get 80 frags?

Hokage Minato i guess?

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On 2018-05-25 01:03:59Show this Author Only

I'll get those 16 tsunade frags. And stop.

This week is worthless anyway.

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On 2018-05-25 01:06:28Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-25 01:03:57
  • Hokage Minato i guess?

Not sure if your comment was serious. I said sanin ninjas so tsunade/orchimaru/jiraya sannin era and you can choose 1 out of the 3.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-05-25 01:07:33.
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On 2018-05-25 01:11:28Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-05-25 01:06:28
  • Not sure if your comment was serious. I said sanin ninjas so tsunade/orchimaru/jiraya sannin era and you can choose 1 out of the 3.

Ohmy, sorry, my bad .. i didn't notice the sannin part and only read the "guess which 1 out of the 3 ninjas I can choose to get 80 frags?" that's why i thought is the 3 ninjas that is available in the current mobilization event ..

3 Sannins, then if that is free then i would guess, i think it's either Orochimaru or Jiraiya but i have more confident with Jiraiya ..

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On 2018-05-25 01:14:25Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-25 01:11:28
  • Ohmy, sorry, my bad .. i didn't notice the sannin part and only read the "guess which 1 out of the 3 ninjas I can choose to get 80 frags?" that's why i thought is the 3 ninjas that is available in the current mobilization event ..

    3 Sannins, then if that is free then i would guess, i think it's either Orochimaru or Jiraiya but i have more confident with Jiraiya ..

It was a choice between orochimaru, jiraiya or tsunade. If you have none, tsunade is the better choice.

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On 2018-05-25 01:19:18Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2018-05-25 00:49:31
  • Maybe you didn't understand the point here.

    I have nothing to complain about the fact the event is meant both for new and old players.

    I have to complain about an event that has always been both for new and old players and that this time is ONLY for new players and casual players.

    If they wanted to care about them only, nothing to complain, but there was no reason to do it by FURTHERMORE ruining this specific event. They could just do it by messing up with another of the many bad events we had in the past (like the tailed beasts board).

    I have to complain about the fact I am not a whale, i'm not in an ultra old server (server 302 here) and still there are NO options for me.

    Literally 0.

    So i'll be compelled in spending those points in an ultra ultra ultra ultra overpriced tsunade and like me almost everybody that is in a situation comparable or better than mine.

    And beware that I pointed out the fact she was given out for free in china, not to complain about the fact she is not given out for free here too.

    I understand they have different policies and i'm not against this specific fact.

    BUT THEY KNEW WE KNEW she was given out for free in china, exactly like they knew we knew about Itachi Anbu.

    So what i had to expect was a price COMPARABLE to itachi anbu, that in various events has been given out for 3-5k coupons.

    10k coupons would be an acceptable price IF AND ONLY IF we didn't know about her availability for free in china and IF AND ONLY IF they gave itachi anbu for the same price. Two weights, two measures.

Yes bro, i got the picture of what you are pointing out .. and i just think of it, yeah, maybe they can do better with putting better things in each slot of the said event .. It is better if they will put Optional Packs instead of giving direct ninja frag or specific ninja/item frag .. Kage Optional Pack for example where it contains 2 to 3 kages, Clothing Optional Pack 1 and 2 (1 for old and 2 for new ones, in that way they can make different pricing for each pack), Exploding Heart Pack for the Akatsuki Members but they made it that way intentionally, i dunno how to explain it but you know, money and money .. But the worst of all of the items in that event is the Summon Mystery Stones, it is much better if they put Breakthrough Stones instead of that one ..

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On 2018-05-25 03:23:50Show this Author Only
  • HolotheWiseWolf On 2018-05-24 23:31:32
  • I picked up Tsunade and I'm thankful they put her here. Oasis does not run the CN Naruto Online, so there is no guarantee that they will do the same events as CN.

    For just as many people who are disappointed by this event, there are those that are thankful that they can get 10-11 Free Edo Deidera frags or Hokage Minato frags or pick up 12 cloth armor frags.

    Not all the events have to cater to the "late gamers" and this event is still the BEST event for a F2P person to spend into.

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On 2018-05-25 04:06:30Show this Author Only

Hi! Mission General Mobilization gives players the ability to earn 1050 points for free by just participating in the event for 7 days. You guys c*so choose to use coupons/ingots to obtain more points. The event is made in a way where there offers a way for everyone to earn something, just by doing your dailies.

If you do have any suggestions or feedback about events, please use the "Event Feedback Thread" found here.

Thanks so much!


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