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[ Events ] I want your honest opinion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-24 22:48:34Show All Posts

They should put in a slot there Clothing Pack (with 2 new clothings, let's say Silk and Yes Master! ), in another slot Fateful Choice Pack (2 ninjas in one slot, Jonin MInato and Masked man, alot of people are piecing them together), another slot with either Edo Deidara/Kisame/or Kakuzu[ Earth Grudge Fear] *maybe all 3 of them being in an Akatsuki pack*, another one Treasure Tool Rare Essence(we need those alot).

And for the last 2 slots I don't really know, maybe Advanced Threads instead of Medium & 10x Mood Scrolls. Maybe even Purification Runes + Purification Protection Runes in last 2 slots, can never get enough of those...

But definitely not Mystery Gems which you get for free... lol.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-24 23:15:51Show All Posts
  • ZWen On 2018-05-24 23:07:17
  • 1st slot (ninjas that cost over 10k) : Minato (jonin/4th), Masked Man, Deidara Edo, Kakuzu Grudge, Kisame Shark, Angel Konan, Shisui, etc...

    2nd slot (ninjas that cost less than 10k) : Sailor Sakura, Hanzo, Anbu Itachi, Anbu Kakashi, Lee & Guy 8 gates, Danzo, Mei, Darui, Asuma Edo, Nagato Edo, etc...

    3rd slot : 1 of 3 newest cloth.

    4th slot : Optinal Thread Pack that work like Optional Refine Pack.

    5th slot : Random power items from cave key, myoboku trial, treasure tool rare essence, unbound runepack, ability treasure scroll, tactic box, etc...

    6th slot : You want to cater for new player? Instead of putting filler items that get outdated by everyone in 1 month like common thread, common clothes, common refine, common things, etc... Just put 100k coins there for 10 pts, I believe new players and even old players who freeze their level and stop doing 9 tails would love to see that.

Ye, it's all nice and fine but then it's too much rotation on the slot! They need to put ninjas that are in the same category in a pack, and you get to choose 1 of 3-4 ninjas.

Forgot about Konan [Angel of God], she could be in Akatsuki pack with Deidara [Edo Tensei], Kisame [Shark Mode] and Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear], since they're more or less the same price.

Then there could be Fateful Choice Pack and Uchiha Pack with Masked Man and Shisui for example, now since Masked Man appears in 2 packs there could be Fourth Hokage Pack with both Minato's.

And power items, I forgot about the Myoboku Trial... But still the most important ones are the essences cause they almost never appear.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-25 00:13:35Show All Posts

Yea... Hokage Minato and Edo Deidara are still very useful to alot of players even old ones, also that Yes Master clothing is still brand new, it should appear in many events to come in my opinion.

Mystery Gems and Medium Threads are meh even for those who need them to be honest.

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