can we get info if sunflower is x-server or server?
5. "Sunflower Covenant" event added. Sakura loves Fresh Sunflowers, get rewards by sending fresh sunflowers to Sakura!
Period: May 24th- May 30th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How to:
a) When you participate the in the event, the top 10 players of the cross-servers ranking can get rewards after Settlement Time, rewards will be sending to your in-game mailbox.
b) After the ranking settlement time, the event will continue to be displayed for 4 days. During these 4 days players are not possible to participate in the event anymore.
c) For every 50 ingots spent, you will get 1 Flower, by clearing Plot/Elite Instances there will be chance to get Flowers.
d) “Sending Flowers” could make you get rewards, and only the players who sent more than 200 Flowers will be in the Ranking.
It's so nice of you that no one can see how much other people are spending for the sunflower covenant, so they spend loads of money in the hope of winning to probably just find out they have been "magically" beaten by someone else. It's even better that you call this for a "bug" when clearly OASIS IS THE BUG here.
I want back my money that i spend onSunflower
Covenant event.. it mess up and unfair to us players it not our fault!
What are you talking about? It's not like you can even spend any money on sunflower covenant. It's just a bonus you get when you buy ninjas or other stuff for power with ingots. It's not like you "wasted" any money.
Edit: But yes, it's unfair that we can't see how much other has spent.
i did not know it was crossover before i spend my money!! and a lot other ppl still don't know its cross.....
Try to read desc
5. "Sunflower Covenant" event added. Sakura loves Fresh Sunflowers, get rewards by sending fresh sunflowers to Sakura!
Period: May 24th- May 30th
Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate.
How to:
a) When you participate the in the event, the top 10 players of the cross-servers ranking can get rewards after Settlement Time, rewards will be sending to your in-game mailbox.
b) After the ranking settlement time, the event will continue to be displayed for 4 days. During these 4 days players are not possible to participate in the event anymore.
c) For every 50 ingots spent, you will get 1 Flower, by clearing Plot/Elite Instances there will be chance to get Flowers.
d) “Sending Flowers” could make you get rewards, and only the players who sent more than 200 Flowers will be in the Ranking.
well this game will get more dead that is all a lot ppl are mad as hell not just me.
I know how you feel because I'm annoyed too. I fell for the same thing as you and your friends. It says that I'm first in the ranking but that won't probably mean anything now.
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