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[ Updates ] Server Maintenance Updates - Sep 1st


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On 2016-09-01 02:01:57Show this Author Only
Well the last even was pretty bad.The gold fish event was terrible in my opinion. only thing good i got out of it was the meat* and that about it the Frags were to expensive to even care for and the steak EXP itaem didn't really have a place in being there seeing as i have close to 500 of them so buying them for me was just a waste of points that i could use for something else.Also have Kabuto on there for frags was kinda a slap in the face. most people already have him 3 stars already if they want to use him. Though i did enjoy the Key event it had much better drops. Though i dont care for the Refreash pain he does have his uses. This post was last edited by bcb555 at 2016-9-1 02:03
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On 2016-09-01 02:02:39Show this Author Only
lol why you keep deleting my post calling you out about you talking * on people posting??????
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On 2016-09-01 02:03:26Show this Author Only
you were the first to be disrespectful not me
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On 2016-09-01 02:04:53Show this Author Only
i even stated you were right and i was wrong about one of my post........ cant you do the same?
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On 2016-09-01 02:06:03Show this Author Only
  • smoker2012 On 2016-09-01 02:02:39
  • lol why you keep deleting my post calling you out about you talking * on people posting??????
I deleted the Posts that were clearly meant to start something with me.
I'm not here to play with you, if your goal is to get some sort of reaction from me by posting that. I can tell you i will just delete it and move on ^^.
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On 2016-09-01 02:06:44Show this Author Only
stating theres somthing wrong with someone based on a post they did. would think they would hold there mods to a higher standard
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On 2016-09-01 02:14:01Show this Author Only
Either you will stop this or I will take future actions. I feel like some of you need to chill and come back to this forum later .

I'm saying this last time. Do not compare our version to Chinese version. How old is this version ? 1 month and 11 days. We have our own schedule, we have our own system, we have our own operation team. It doesn't matter when or how Chinese or any other version got their updates and ninjas, we might get them in the same way or in totally different way. You can't do anything about it, understood ?

And you better be thankful that you have such awesome mods like us because Schnee or any other mod did way more for this community than you. So far, I haven't seen any thread with actual idea in Customer service section from you.
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On 2016-09-01 02:18:57Show this Author Only
i hope you get better some day ^^~
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On 2016-09-01 02:24:09Show this Author Only
God i love these Saucy mods in here. They are just lovely. Best mods ive seen on a forum in a long time, dont take not bull and are not afraid to get rough with the trolls of the internet. :)
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On 2016-09-01 02:27:00Show this Author Only
The problem is people want all the ninjas overnight. I plan and I know many of you plan on playing this game for a LONNNNNG TIME. These events are to help you get even the best ninjas slowly over time. And if you want to speed up that process you c*e money. Its a pretty decent system to be honest.

Also if you want you can ignore the ninjas and stack up on magatama, meat*, stamina pots all for FREE. I dont see why so many people are upset.

Also I see nothing wrong with Kaubto being in the event as it would allow almost everyone to get this ninja as he is very valuable in almost all content. And it helps people like me rush him to 5 stars.
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On 2016-09-01 02:39:19Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2016-09-01 02:14:01
  • Either you will stop this or I will take future actions. I feel like some of you need to chill and come back to this forum later .

    I'm saying this last time. Do not compare our version to Chinese version. How old is this version ? 1 month and 11 days. We have our own schedule, we have our own system, we have our own operation team. It doesn't matter when or how Chinese or any other version got their updates and ninjas, we might get them in the same way or in totally different way. You can't do anything about it, understood ?

    And you better be thankful that you have such awesome mods like us because Schnee or any other mod did way more for this community than you. So far, I haven't seen any thread with actual idea in Customer service section from you.
Guys, i want to say i agree with the moderators here,
many of you guys are acting immaturely,
this whole attitude of "i'm a customer so i get to * talk and complain while you have to listen and respond in good manner" is just wrong,
probably this is would be a good lesson for those young members of this community,
please learnt to treat other with respect and decency, moderators are humans too
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On 2016-09-01 02:44:00Show this Author Only
We should be lucky we even get events Cause most games don't
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On 2016-09-01 02:49:44Show this Author Only
  • ChromaticD On 2016-09-01 02:39:19
  • Guys, i want to say i agree with the moderators here,
    many of you guys are acting immaturely,
    this whole attitude of "i'm a customer so i get to * talk and complain while you have to listen and respond in good manner" is just wrong,
    probably this is would be a good lesson for those young members of this community,
    please learnt to treat other with respect and decency, moderators are humans too
U deserve a like my friend.
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On 2016-09-01 02:49:50Show this Author Only
Things are being taken out of proportion. Games like this aren't a sprint to the finish line, but more like a race where you take your time to ac*ulate everything you want. Or, you can just blindly throw money at stuff until you get bored and stop playing.
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On 2016-09-01 02:56:13Show this Author Only
  • bcb555 On 2016-09-01 02:24:09
  • God i love these Saucy mods in here. They are just lovely. Best mods ive seen on a forum in a long time, dont take not bull and are not afraid to get rough with the trolls of the internet. :)
if getting your daddy to come and make threats is saucy i guess. in the words of Schnee i hope you get better some day ^^~
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On 2016-09-01 02:58:55Show this Author Only
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-09-01 02:44:00
  • We should be lucky we even get events Cause most games don't
... Most games don't? Really? What a ridiculous statement.

I just don't understand why people are acting so entitled. Aren't businesses supposed to make money? People want them to just give things away, but how do you expect them to keep the game up and running efficiently when they're bringing in less and less income? On top of that, they're TRYING to please everyone as well. We're getting events that aren't as taxing on f2p players, but also making it so that you won't suddenly be as great as someone who is spending their own money. If you could get everything so easily then what would be the point in even purchasing anything?

I've spent $5 total on this game for recharging Gaara and yes, it does * how far ahead of me the people who are willing to break the bank are, but without them we more than likely wouldn't be able to play at all. If a game doesn't seem profitable then do you really believe they'd keep it running? I am grateful for the events we are getting because it demonstrates that they're trying to improve the f2p's quality of life as well. The game has only been out a month and like I said, they're demonstrating progress. How about helping them out by leaving actual constructive feedback rather than throwing a childish tantrum?

Also, why are we attacking the moderators again? What happened to not shooting the messengers?
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On 2016-09-01 03:04:02Show this Author Only
It's just that most p2w are anxious to get the goodies that the CN server has :)
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On 2016-09-01 03:16:40Show this Author Only
  • Reignal On 2016-09-01 02:58:55
  • ... Most games don't? Really? What a ridiculous statement.

    I just don't understand why people are acting so entitled. Aren't businesses supposed to make money? People want them to just give things away, but how do you expect them to keep the game up and running efficiently when they're bringing in less and less income? On top of that, they're TRYING to please everyone as well. We're getting events that aren't as taxing on f2p players, but also making it so that you won't suddenly be as great as someone who is spending their own money. If you could get everything so easily then what would be the point in even purchasing anything?

    I've spent $5 total on this game for recharging Gaara and yes, it does * how far ahead of me the people who are willing to break the bank are, but without them we more than likely wouldn't be able to play at all. If a game doesn't seem profitable then do you really believe they'd keep it running? I am grateful for the events we are getting because it demonstrates that they're trying to improve the f2p's quality of life as well. The game has only been out a month and like I said, they're demonstrating progress. How about helping them out by leaving actual constructive feedback rather than throwing a childish tantrum?

    Also, why are we attacking the moderators again? What happened to not shooting the messengers?
I mean other games
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On 2016-09-01 03:54:13Show this Author Only
I love everyone. Even those who don't want it.
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On 2016-09-01 03:58:23Show this Author Only
  • TheAwesomeOne On 2016-09-01 03:04:02
  • It's just that most p2w are anxious to get the goodies that the CN server has :)
On the contrary, most of the people I see complaining with no real attempt at solution are entirely F2P players. I've put in a decent amount of money, nothing insane but enough to make most people call me P2W. However, the big difference I see between most of us paying players are that we actually did so because we plan to play for a while and enjoy the game in its entirety. Of course I want cool new content and more stuff to do throughout the day but I made the conscious decision to invest in a game during its early phases of this version. I, and most other players, are completely content with having one update a week so long as it adds even a little bit to the game. Did you ever play UN or Bleach when those games first came to the United States? Cause I can sure as hell tell you they had nowhere near as much going for them as this game.

Most of the people that come in here complaining are exactly the types that the mods have reason to be agitated with, the kind that FG3000 pointed out as well; people who feel they are entitled to rare ninjas for free overnight. That is just unfair and unrealistic to, both, other players and the company. That's why a large majority of the complaints are about not being able to get entire ninjas in events.
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