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[ Updates ] Server Maintenance Updates - Sep 1st


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-01 02:58:55Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-09-01 02:44:00
  • We should be lucky we even get events Cause most games don't
... Most games don't? Really? What a ridiculous statement.

I just don't understand why people are acting so entitled. Aren't businesses supposed to make money? People want them to just give things away, but how do you expect them to keep the game up and running efficiently when they're bringing in less and less income? On top of that, they're TRYING to please everyone as well. We're getting events that aren't as taxing on f2p players, but also making it so that you won't suddenly be as great as someone who is spending their own money. If you could get everything so easily then what would be the point in even purchasing anything?

I've spent $5 total on this game for recharging Gaara and yes, it does * how far ahead of me the people who are willing to break the bank are, but without them we more than likely wouldn't be able to play at all. If a game doesn't seem profitable then do you really believe they'd keep it running? I am grateful for the events we are getting because it demonstrates that they're trying to improve the f2p's quality of life as well. The game has only been out a month and like I said, they're demonstrating progress. How about helping them out by leaving actual constructive feedback rather than throwing a childish tantrum?

Also, why are we attacking the moderators again? What happened to not shooting the messengers?
Quicky Post

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