Best events:
1.Myoboku trial
60 free coupon plus keys and other stuff a day.
2. Mission Mobilization
even with 70% of the box drops being useless or of little use to veteran players, 150 points a day is still pretty good.
3.Kohona great tree
Used to be one of the worse events in the game when it came out,but with all the positive changes,it's one of the better events now.
4.Great plates
used to be an ok event,but now the drop rate of seals and ninja fragz seem to be better than it used to and the ninjas are decent.
5.Fukuramu rebate
the only event that gives you stuff for spending coupons and 50% of the times the rebates are good.
6.Cave key rebate
with gold essence being redeemable at 1050 and 2100 keys used.This is currently the best power boosting rebate since keys are easier and cheaper to obtain compared to advance refine,advance threads, and charms.Plus they don't become obsolete as fast as medium refines/threads, summon scrolls and seal scrolls.
7.lucky stars
who would have thought that the once nicknamed unlucky stars would be on this list.
but with recent changes in terms of ninja frag,summon and seal scroll drop rates. this is actually one of the better events to spend your coupons on, specially if luck is on your side.
8.lucky wheel
everything on the wheel has the equal or better value than what you spend on it.Plus, if you manage to make it to the top 10 there is some extra value in there as well.(from personal experience and observation,the chances of getting lucky with 80 ninja fragz are less than that of lucky stars)
Mediocre events:
1.lucky board
Used to be the best event for players to spend their coupons on and probably still is if you are a new player,but for veteran players, it's just a meh event unless there is a new redeemable ninja or outfit they want.
2. Seven days of welfare
Although three out of seven days are useless rebates, the other 4 days are ok in terms of rewards.
3.Sakura's festival
not much to say about's an ok event.
4. charm,refine,battle armor, summon and seal rebate.
At some point in this game, you'll have to grind for months stacking these items to be able to take full advantage of the rebates.
5.Activity lucky bag
it's a good event if you just started the game like last week,but meh otherwise.
Bad events
1.Lucky *
it's just a bad event. pretty much any event that offers you items with less value than what you're spending is bad.
2.Sakura's gift
not as bad as lucky * ,but still bad in terms of value unless you get rank one,but you can get way more off other events by spending that 20k+ ingots you spent to get rank one.(kohona great tree for example)
3. Konoha outlet
the event is between bad and mediocre.there is no discount on any of the items you purchase and scratchers just gonna get you some meh stuff unless you spend a lot which again there are better options
I'll add other events to the lists later on.
Konoha outlet event is pretty good if is together with fukurokumaru deal and if you have some high spending friends with whom you can trade cards, overall if you miss myoboku gifts and unbound runes that usually in thar event are heavy discounted in the 4k coupons packs. Last time there were also tactics packs at 225 coupons (the only way so far to get them for sure with a discount). The problem of that event is simply that is good only under those cir*stances.
In my opinion
Konoha Outlet has a really nice potential, but its mostly filled with packs, that most of the players avoid. Pretty much same as daily special. Still, with some minor tweaks this event has bright future.
Also lucky stars offer only 7 free draws, while lucky board 14, but the ammount of points from both gives pretty much same value (between 1.5-2 charm packs), BUT lb offers stuff from the board in addition, which heavily outweights lucky stars. You want to draw in both only when you are interested in the redeem section. I don't see a reason for those 2 events to not be in the same tier.
And this is the moment where we dont have enough tiers. Rebates in general should be considered top tier, because you get a lot, lot of free items from them (66 seals for doing literally nothing, count me in). That being said, with cave key rebate above them all because of that essence. Only exception I'd say is 'time limited seals', which is generally worse than the permament one, so it should be in mediocre tier instead.
No way great tree is top 3 imo, it's expensive and not really ideal for low/medium spender who can only spend 5-6k cp/ingot each time. It even give you advanced clothes at lv 3 or 4 if I'm not wrong.
And Konoha outlet is pretty good like others said, when we unlock more features there will be more things for them to sell in that event.
No way great tree is top 3 imo, it's expensive and not really ideal for low/medium spender who can only spend 5-6k cp/ingot each time. It even give you advanced clothes at lv 3 or 4 if I'm not wrong.
And Konoha outlet is pretty good like others said, when we unlock more features there will be more things for them to sell in that event.
konoha great tree wasnt goodin the past but after the change where you are guaranteed to get a coin everytime you spend a dew drop actually made the event a lot better. It's a good price when it comes to redeeming clothing. I think you can get 10 or more clothing pieces for free from the event which is good. But the prizes on the tree itself arent worth it to get like ninja frags cuz its chance and the rng usually suxs.
No way great tree is top 3 imo, it's expensive and not really ideal for low/medium spender who can only spend 5-6k cp/ingot each time. It even give you advanced clothes at lv 3 or 4 if I'm not wrong.
And Konoha outlet is pretty good like others said, when we unlock more features there will be more things for them to sell in that event.
but if you gather coupons for 3-4 months and you use all of them in a row in the tree...
No way great tree is top 3 imo, it's expensive and not really ideal for low/medium spender who can only spend 5-6k cp/ingot each time. It even give you advanced clothes at lv 3 or 4 if I'm not wrong.
And Konoha outlet is pretty good like others said, when we unlock more features there will be more things for them to sell in that event.
you dont get anything for free off konoha outlet. with tree you get a lot of free stuff. if you save up and spend around 10k coupons. you can get a lot of stuff plus a gold essense off tree.therefore tree is much better.
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