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[ Events ] New event cycle - 17th of May


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-05-17 10:07:09Show All Posts

So many negative comments about how bad events are. LOL!

I only do free events and still enjoy the game.

I don't see any "milking" if you ignore those events.

Many of you are greedily asking for more, but aint' enjoying the game thoroughly.

Keep comparing to China "this" and "that", but you don't realise that China has the game many years before us and we are moving in fast pace.

I still don't understand why there are many players on this forum connotatively asking for free ninja. Play it, save it and earn it. Isn't that how you suppose to enjoy the game?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 44
  • Posts: 1571
On 2018-05-17 19:26:25Show All Posts
  • Matilda83 On 2018-05-17 18:55:12
  • That Tsunade looks like GNW Tsunade and I am still going to call her that even though her name is Sannin era Tsunade but that is too foreign to me

It’s the 2nd GNW anyway. So you aint wrong. XD

First was Hashirama era

2nd was hers

3rd was Kakashi

4th GNW was Naruto

Quicky Post

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