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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-07-24 20:41:38Show All Posts
1. Should there be a weekly donation requirement? If yes, what do you think the amount should be?

2. We need active members. How long do you believe a member should be absent without notification before getting removed?

3. Should there be a level requirement to join, or should we leave the group open to any level?

4. I would like some volunteers who are willing to help members with questions and grouping up with them if they need help with a team instance. These volunteers will receive the rank of ANBU. If you are interested, please let me know. There are 5 ANBU spots available.

5. I will be removing senior rank because that will now be a position that members from the ANBU group will be voted into.

6. An other comments or ideas?

1. Yes, every1 should donate at least 60000 everyday.

2. Approximately 3 days for normal members and from 1 to 2 weeks for higher ranks.

3. LVL 20 should be required to join.

4. I'm interested, but i can only help with group events. Answering some questions could be challenging for me, coz I'm not native english speaker, and I still don't know everything about the game.

5. I don't really know what to say about that. :P

6. .... nope :D
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